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Chapter 2 Hearing the sound of drums

Tokyo Sky Street, which leads directly to the Imperial City, is like a huge piece of silk, spread flat on the ground, powerfully dividing the entire capital. On the road, dust is inevitably flying, and when cars and horses pass by, there is always smoke.

On Tianjie Street in front of the Imperial City Square, several municipal staff affiliated with Kaifeng Mansion were working hard to clean under the bright sun. Nowadays, whether in Xijing or Tokyo, the government is paying more and more attention to the health of the city.

After the newly built capital, there was a period of time when sewage flowed across the city and the stench was high. Emperor Liu noticed this during his tour and expressed his dissatisfaction. So the Kaifeng Prefecture quickly issued new health management regulations and carried out a city cleaning campaign. sports.

The effect was immediate, and since then, Kaifeng's sanitary conditions have become increasingly good, and even if it's not dirt-free, it's still refreshing.

As a super city with a population of over one million, sanitation is naturally a big problem, especially as the city develops rapidly and people's lives become increasingly affluent. The various types of garbage and pollution generated every day are a huge burden for the capital.

Of course, most of it is domestic waste. Although it is cumbersome, it is easy to solve. It only requires some manpower and financial resources. In this regard, Kaifeng Prefecture also invests a fixed amount every year.

Tianjie and Imperial City Square, which are the facades of the capital, naturally have higher hygiene requirements, and the cleaning staff arranged by the Kaifeng Prefecture are even more "elite soldiers and strong generals."

The weeping willows beside the road were lazy, and the shadows of the trees swayed freely in the breeze under the sunlight. Stepping under the shadow of the trees, a figure walked slowly and steadily, and quickly attracted the attention of the workers.

He didn't ride in a car or ride a horse. He was all alone in white clothes, but his purpose was very obvious, heading straight to the imperial city on the north side of the square. This young man didn't look very strong in stature. He should be a scholar, with a firm gaze and a very expressive expression. serious.

All the way to the foot of the Imperial City, more than ten feet away, I stopped and looked up at the majestic and towering Imperial City. A trace of hesitation finally flashed in my awe-inspiring eyes, but it soon turned into determination again. I took a deep breath and started to move forward.

His suspicious appearance naturally attracted attention, especially the guards of the Imperial City, the Xuandemen guard officer, carrying a saber, quickly walked out of the blockade, his eyes were wary, and his tone was full of oppression: "Who are you? How dare you trespass into the Imperial Palace?" Forbidden city!"

Obviously, the man in front of him had a neat white body. It could be seen at a glance that he was neither an official nor a noble. Facing the officer's question, the young man suppressed his uneasiness and bowed solemnly: "Student Xu Shilian is a scholar of Jinke, and he has a hidden secret." , I sincerely request an audience with His Majesty to face my grievances!"

Hearing the purpose of his visit, the officer was a little surprised. When he was surprised, he couldn't help but sneered: "Where did the scholar come from? It's really fantastic. Do you want to see His Majesty whenever you want? As a scholar, if you have any grievances, go to the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Personnel, or Kaifeng Go to the palace, the Forbidden Palace is not the place you should be, retreat quickly, I won’t care!"

"Students must meet His Majesty today!" Hearing this, the young man named Xu Shilian took a deep breath and said stubbornly.

Seeing this, the officer also showed an angry look on his face. He felt that this person was uninterested and said in a cold voice: "I have tried to persuade you. If you don't know what to do, and you are struggling here, I will ask you to go to jail. I will stop you from provoking provocations in the forbidden palace." crime!"

Hearing this, Xu Shilian did not get entangled with Qiu Ba. He moved to pass the officer. In response, the officer reacted very quickly, and the anger on his face turned into evil spirit. With a "Cang" sound, a dazzling light flashed across

, the steel knife in the hand of the palace guard officer was directly placed on Xu Shilian's neck.

"Bold scholar, you dare to break into the palace gate without permission. If you dare to take a step forward again, I will be executed immediately!"

The officer didn't mean what he said. In fact, the scholar had already felt the sharp edge on his neck. If he hadn't stopped in time, his throat would have been cut.

Sweat broke out on his forehead and his body tensed. When Xu Shilian saw this murderous officer, he was afraid that if he really chopped him off, it would be even more unfair.

After swallowing, Xu Shilian raised his hand and pointed to the officer's side and back, and said with a slight trembling: "Students don't dare to break into the palace, they just want to go there!"

The officer turned around and looked in the direction of Xu Shilian's finger, but there was a pavilion outside Xuande Gate. Inside the pavilion, there was a huge cowhide drum, which was the Dengwen Drum.

In this way, the officer finally reacted, looked at Xu Shilian, checked his eyes, relaxed his guard a little, withdrew the knife, and said in a deep voice: "You want to go to court!"

"Exactly!" Xu Shilian calmed down, nodded repeatedly, and gave an affirmative answer.

As he spoke, Xu Shilian stepped forward. This time, the officer did not stop him. However, when Xu Shilian was trotting up to the pavilion, he stopped him from behind and said in a comforting tone: "Scholar, please think about it."

! It’s easy to beat this drum, but hard to end it! I would like to advise you, if there is no serious grievance, it is better not to get into trouble!"

Xu Shilian paused for a moment, probably feeling that there was no malice in the officer's tone. He turned around, cupped his hands again, and said with a determined expression: "Thank you for your advice! However, this student is not here for his own grievances, and has suffered more for everyone in Jinke."

Unjust students. This drum must be beaten!"

Seeing that his will was firm, the officer stopped speaking to stop him and stepped aside, but still stared at Xu Shilian with a little curiosity in his eyes.

This drum has been set up outside the imperial city since the founding of the country, but over the years, it has not been sounded very often. When Emperor Liu first succeeded to the throne, many ordinary people or sages in the field came here to hear the news.

, to see the emperor.

Of course, attending an audience is not without price. Even if you don’t have to bear the imperial rod or the rolling nail board, if there is not a convincing enough reason or a serious enough matter, you will eventually be held accountable and punished. This is not provoking a palace ban.

, and it is suspected of deceiving the emperor.

Xu Shilian, on the other hand, continued his actions, stood in front of the Dengwen drum, took the hammer off the drum stand, pondered for a while, gathered all his strength, and hit the drum head higher than his head heavily.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When the first drum sounded, the officer knew that there was going to be a disturbance in the court. The officer under the imperial city was not an ordinary Qiu Ba. He had some experience. He was a scholar of Jinke. Listening to his brief description,

The grievances involved are definitely not ordinary grievances.

The sound of the drums ranged from weak to strong, from slow to rapid, not to mention shaking the entire city of Tokyo, but at least a quarter of it was heard. The penetrating power of the drum sound was also very strong, and perhaps only the Chongzheng Hall where Emperor Liu lived was the only one left.

Let’s give a little final sound, but from the first sound of the hammer, there is no way out.

The deafening sound of drums attracted the attention of everyone in the imperial city. People who were busy in the square couldn't help but stop and watch. Lu Duoxun, who had just landed from his car and was about to enter the palace to meet the saint, was also attracted. The palace

The guards still stood firm at their posts, but their eyes couldn't help but glance towards Denwen Pavilion.

"What's going on?" A veteran with a strong build and a sharp face came out and asked with a frown.

This is Li Jian, the Bo of Anding, who was the deputy commander of Suwei at that time. He heard the agitation and was patrolling the imperial city. This man is also a military commander with rich experience. Although he has gone to battle to kill the enemy, he has no famous achievements, but he is also

Among the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty, he was the only one who was awarded the title of Emperor Liu's guard. He had been in the guard for almost twenty-seven years.

When the officer saw this, he hurried forward to salute, and introduced the situation quickly and concisely. After hearing this, Li Jian's face did not show much emotion, he just looked at the drum beating side with a little curiosity, and did not forget to cry out for injustice.

Xu Shilian directly ordered: "Send someone immediately to report this matter to Your Majesty! In addition, take this person to the palace gate to wait for the edict!"


After receiving the order, the guards immediately carried it out efficiently. After beating the drum, Xu Shilian seemed even more calm and obeyed the arrangements obediently. He then walked through the palace gate and headed towards the palace city.

"General Li!" Lu Duoxun's voice came, stopping Li Jian who was about to turn around.

Naturally, Lu Duoxun was familiar with the general stationed in the palace. However, Li Jian was not very familiar with Lu Duoxun, but he knew this person after all.

He responded politely, but Li Jian seemed distant, and he indeed never made friends with foreign ministers. Lu Duoxun didn't take it seriously either, and asked with a smile: "What happened when I heard the drum sound?"

"When you hear the sound of drums, you will be free to be wronged!" Li Jian said coldly.

Regarding his attitude, Lu Duoxun's eyes flashed with a little dissatisfaction, but his smile did not diminish and he took the initiative to ask: "The general is about to enter the palace, and I am about to enter the palace to meet the saint. Can you and I go hand in hand?"

Li Jian turned around and walked towards the palace. Seeing this, Lu Duoxun followed closely behind him. He suddenly felt that entering the palace this time became more interesting, at least there was excitement to watch.

This chapter has been completed!
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