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Chapter 31 Farewell

The autumn wind caresses the earth gently, and the trees along the Tokyo Expressway are a little more desolate, with their branches and leaves swaying slightly. But what is desolate is never the trees and green plants that lack spirituality, but the mood of people.

Although it is autumn, the wind is clear and the clouds are calm, but the autumn tiger is still raging. Mostly, only the locust trees on the roadside are quietly stained with a layer of yellow leaves, proving that autumn has indeed arrived.

On the side of the road, a large team was waiting quietly. There was not much noise around, making the sounds of horses and livestock very clear.

There were hundreds of chariots and horses, and in addition to the servants, there were more than four teams of fully equipped guards. Several dragon flags were flying high, clearly showing the noble status of the master.

There was a large carriage in the middle of the procession. Through the side window, a pair of smart and lovely eyes looked at the pavilion on the left side of the road. This was Liu Wenyuan, the eldest grandson of the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, Liu Wenyuan hit his chin on the window sill, a little bored, and seemed to be waiting to leave. The grandson of the emperor, who lived in a noble house and visited the inner courtyard of the palace, was always curious about the outside world and wanted to see more.

What a different scenery.

King Liu Xu of Qin was ordered to guard the northeastern border, and his family was allowed to go with him. After all, it was hard to predict how long it would take to return.

The pavilion seemed a bit empty, with guards and subordinates standing around silently. There were only two people in the pavilion, Prince Liu Yang and King Qin Liu Xu, accompanied by a pot of wine and two glasses.

Liu Xu is the eldest son of the emperor, and as the prince, Liu Yang came to see him off, which is what he should do. However, as the two brothers chatted and drank cups of warm wine, behind the cordiality and harmony, whether Liu Yang or

Liu Xu's eyes inevitably revealed a little unfamiliarity that he couldn't hide no matter how hard he tried.

"The turmoil in the Northeast has been going on for several years, which has caused great hidden dangers to the stability of Liaodong and the defense of the Han Dynasty in the north. In recent years, my father has been worried about it. My eldest brother must also know this.

As a son-in-law, I feel deeply guilty that I cannot share my father's worries. If I have the opportunity, I would like to go there myself to help the court solve the scourge in the Northeast and restore peace to the Northeast..." Liu Yang took a sip.

Wine, whispered softly.

Liu Xu's expression looked very calm. He drank with him and said: "The prince is the king. He has the heavy responsibility of supervising the country. He needs to be in a high place and take into account all aspects. How can he invest too much energy in the capital because of the affairs in a corner of the northeast?

Looking at the big picture is what you should do."

Hearing this, the corner of Liu Yang's mouth twitched slightly, he took another sip of wine, and said with emotion: "Back then, I also stayed in Liaodong camp, and I also have some understanding of the local situation.

Although the Khitan rule collapsed, the Han Dynasty also regained the entire territory of Liaodong, and the king's army reached Huanglong Mansion, what was left behind was a mess.

Up to now, the Khitan's remaining forces, Shiwei, Jurchen tribes, countries, and local indigenous tribes are scattered among all kinds of people. The forces are numerous and the situation is complicated, and they have reached the point where they have to be eliminated.

The imperial court has discussed the Northeast policy many times, and now I have come to a conclusion. Taking advantage of the enemy's internal strife and weakening strength, I will look for opportunities to invade, clear up public order, and eliminate unruly ministers.

However, this is not an easy task, and it cannot be completed overnight. Now that my brother is gone, he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders!"

"I'm so grateful that my father can entrust me with such an important task. I can only do my best and be loyal to my duties. I don't care for fame, but just to live up to my trust!" The faint aroma of the wine stimulated his taste buds. Liu Xu's eyes were clear and his tone was clear.

The calm remains.

Obviously, Emperor Liu arranged for the princes to guard the border and placed the three princes Liu Xu, Liu Xi, and Liu Fang, who had long been experienced, on the three northern sides. This was not for the purpose of tempering them, but for political purposes.

Each of them has an important responsibility: to carry out thorough purges and reforms in response to the current security and stability issues in the Han Dynasty's borders, spread the royal doctrine, promote Hanization, and consolidate the Han's rule over the borders.

The situations of the three sides may be different, and the situations they face may have similarities and differences, but the basic principles and directions are the same. Liu Xi and Liu Fang are responsible for the naturalization of various ethnic groups in Mobei, Shanyang, Yulin, and Hexi.

, with the dignity of a prince, sit in charge of the local area, assist local military and political officials, and continue to advance.

In comparison, the situation in the Northeast is more complicated and primitive. After all, in the Central and Northwest Daozhou, after these years, no matter how slow the progress is, the initial rule established by the imperial court has achieved basic influence.

In the Northeast, even in the eleventh year since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Han army's defense was limited to Huanglong Mansion. As for the rule outside Huanglong Mansion, it is not even considered Ji Sui. A rebellious Shiwei tribe has already

It can explain the problem.

Therefore, it is unpredictable and quite difficult to complete Liu Xu's mission to the Northeast and to what extent it will be completed!

"Brother is so loyal and loyal, I would like to thank you here!" In the pavilion, Liu Yang held a cup in both hands and saluted.

In this regard, Liu Xu also solemnly said: "This is all for the great Han Dynasty and the country, and for the long-term peace and stability of the country!"

"That's well said!" Liu Yang said, "I deeply admire you!"

After drinking another glass of wine, Liu Yang picked up the wine flask and hung his hand steadily in the air. The sound of pouring wine filled his ears until it disappeared into the air.

Seeing that the wine in the pot was gone, Liu Yang was stunned for a moment, then quickly showed a smile, put down the wine pot, raised his glass again, and said to Liu Xu: "Now that the wine is gone, I would like to take this cup to support my elder brother. This is

It’s a long way to Guanshan, so take it very seriously!”

Liu Xu also picked up the half-full wine glass, looked at each other seriously, and drank a full drink. The breeze that was not cool enough blew slightly, trying hard to dispel the early autumn heat that filled the pavilion. During this farewell, the two brothers looked at each other for the first time.

When they truly meet, time seems to have stopped at this moment.

After a long time, Liu Xu stood up and bowed: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is busy with state affairs. Please return to the palace. I would like to say goodbye!"

"Cherish it!" Liu Yang raised his sleeves and returned the gift.

As Liu Xu boarded the king's carriage, the team slowly started moving along the auxiliary road and turned onto the flat official road, gradually going further and further away. Under the sunlight of autumn, the high-flying dragon flags also shone brightly.

Liu Yang stood in the pavilion for a long time, his eyes still calm, but his expression gradually showed a little complexity. After a while, Murong Defeng and Ma Huaiyu, the two generals beside him, walked in and saluted together.

"Your Highness!" Murong Defeng called softly.

"They're all gone..." Liu Yang sighed.

Liu Xu was the last person he saw off in person, Liu Fang, and Liu Xi had already left Beijing for their respective destinations. The contents of the conversations between the three brothers were different, but they were mostly based on words of encouragement and some scene words. host.

However, even when talking with the most healthy and upright Zhao Wang Liu Fang, it is difficult to find the harmony and harmony between the brothers. Everyone seems to have begun to hide themselves, and there seems to be another one under everyone's face. The faces of all the kings and brothers are like this, so why not Liu Yang himself?

The biggest threat to Liu Yang's status as crown prince is undoubtedly the three brothers who were granted the title of king. Emperor Liu asked them to go to various places to guard the borders. There is no doubt that it is very beneficial to Liu Yang. There will definitely be no one in Beijing. Then there are those conditions and qualifications, which will challenge and impact his position as prince.

As the three kings have been away from the capital for a long time, the reputation and influence they have accumulated over the years will become thinner with the passage of time. As for the threat to the three kings to establish achievements in various places, cultivate power, and then return to the capital to seize the throne, this threat and scruples, to Liu Yang, they were nothing.

For the unified Han Empire, as the legitimate prince, when he grasped the central government's will, he had already established an absolute advantage. What's more, guarding the border is not enfeoffment. With the highly centralized political ecology of the Han Dynasty, the central authority had penetrated into the local areas. In terms of military affairs, especially the strong guarding and control of the army, the three kings can't really pose much of a threat when they go to various places.

Under such circumstances, it stands to reason that Liu Fang should be happy about this, but he couldn't laugh at all. It's not that Liu Yang is pedantic and kind-hearted and easily sad, but he is also mentally tired.

The matter of the prince guarding the border was not an impromptu idea of ​​Emperor Liu. News had spread as early as after the Kaibao Northern Expedition. However, in the past few years, Emperor Liu had never formally proposed it. He even gave the three kings real power and allowed them to stay. Putting it into important use in the department seems to have given up the idea.

However, when the rumors suddenly became reality, Liu Yang, as the biggest beneficiary, couldn't help but wonder why Emperor Liu suddenly put this decision into practice.

Because the princes were wasting their enjoyment and fearing that they would become corrupt and temper themselves by guarding the border, Liu Yang obviously did not believe this reason, at least he thought it was more than that. Inevitably, Liu Yang thought of the scene where he heard the drums three months ago Troubles.

Later, Liu Yang also figured out that even he could detect the undercurrent behind it. With Emperor Liu's wisdom and many eyes and ears, how could he not be aware of it. In fact, the specific situation behind it may have been investigated clearly. .

And if it was for this reason that Emperor Liu made up his mind, then Liu Yang couldn't help but feel a heavy pressure on Emperor Liu's concern.

Moreover, judging from the three kings dispatched, the original turmoil was secretly promoted by three people. As for who it was, Liu Yang at this time had completely lost the desire to continue to explore... .

This chapter has been completed!
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