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Chapter 89 Conversation

Compared with others, the King of Qin Liu Xu and his family arrived in Beijing much later, and did not return to Kaifeng until mid-February of the 18th year of Kaibao.

Not only was the journey long and the transportation inconvenient, but also because of the late departure time. After the New Year, Liu Xu also held a condolence talk with the servants of the Han Dynasty to appease their hearts and expressed his gratitude to the Anton Governor's Mansion.

After making detailed and thorough arrangements for the affairs, he hurriedly returned south.

In order to speed up, they abandoned the slow and tiring land journey and basically chose to take a boat. After arriving in Liaodong, they changed to sea boats and crossed the sea to Henan. Then they changed to Bian boats and took Jishui, along the Wuzhang River to Kaifeng.

Time was bought back.

By the time Liu Xu returned to Kaifeng, the entire city of Tokyo was already immersed in an atmosphere of harmony and joy, with lights and lights everywhere. It seemed that the people of Tokyo wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate and release their inhibitions.

emotions for several months.

Wang Yuchen's remonstrance still had some impact on Emperor Liu. The preparations for the Jiaqing Festival celebrations took a long time, and everyone and everything were well arranged. It was impossible to change them easily. It would be a waste of resources, and it was not in line with Emperor Liu's wishes.


Therefore, Emperor Liu thought of saving more and restraining himself during the New Year and the Lantern Festival of the 18th year. In the past, the court would organize two conferences every New Year.

First, at the beginning of the New Year, a Zhengdan court meeting was held. Emperor Liu delivered a New Year's message, summarized and discussed the military and political situation and construction results of the past year, and then discussed the prospects for the national economy and people's livelihood and policy adjustments in the new year.

The real New Year celebration will be held on the Lantern Festival. A royal banquet will be held in the palace, where the emperor and his ministers will have fun together, and outside the palace, the whole world will celebrate and enjoy the people together.

However, in the spring of the eighteenth year of Kaibao, both the Zhengdan court meeting and the Lantern Festival night banquet were strictly simple. Even after entering the Kaibao year, it was not so shabby. Under the will of Emperor Liu, everyone put the new year's

The enthusiasm is suppressed, waiting for the arrival of Jiaqing Festival.

The imperial court was like this, and the people of Tokyo were naturally greatly affected. Therefore, unlike previous years, the common people had a dull New Year. Although there were loud firecrackers, there was always a lack of atmosphere.

Until the Jiaqing Festival is approaching, the whole of Tokyo, from top to bottom, has become joyful, and the people have become active. No one dares to be unhappy about the universal celebration.

Facts have proved that activities such as festivals and celebrations are still very necessary. Even if the people in Guizhou are struggling to make a living, they still need a reason to be happy and an opportunity to vent their emotions.

For the people in the capital, there is probably no year in the past where they look forward to the Jiaqing Festival as much as in the 18th year of Kaibao. It is a bit unintentional, and the impression of the Jiaqing Festival in the minds of the people has been deepened.

Liu Xu's itinerary after returning to Beijing was similar to that of Liu Fang and Liu Xi. Before arriving in Beijing, Prince Liu Yang sent someone out of the city to greet him. After that, he brought his family to the palace to see Emperor Liu first, and then to see Queen Fu.

Chatting with some brothers.

However, what was special about Liu Xu was that on the night he arrived in Beijing, Emperor Liu specially summoned Liu Xu.


It was mid-spring, and unlike the warm days during the day, the spring nights were still obviously a bit chillier, and Emperor Liu, who was in plain clothes, couldn't help but put on a robe.

Summoning Liu Xu, Emperor Liu only prepared a thin cup of tea as a treat. When Liu Xu arrived at Chongzheng Hall, Emperor Liu was boiling water to make tea himself.

"Dad!" Liu Xu approached the tea tree directly and bowed respectfully. Antonshi's strength and vigor seemed to have completely melted away in front of Emperor Liu.

"Sit!" Emperor Liu glanced at him, slowly put on new water, and said softly: "Sit!"

"Yes!" Liu Xu didn't talk nonsense. He lifted his robe and sat down with a very upright posture.

Regarding Emperor Liu's solo interview, Liu Xu was not uneasy. For many years abroad, there was little communication between father and son, and it was inevitable that they would become unfamiliar. But Emperor Liu was something he had to face. After all, even in Anton After seven or eight years of operation, everything and his future are still in the hands of Emperor Liu.

Although there are certain sources of information, it is impossible to find out the changes of Emperor Liu over the years, his current status, and his views on him. We can only guess through some side effects.

As for Liu Xu, he also has too many ideas and suggestions to express to Emperor Liu, hoping to gain his approval and support. But these all depend on Emperor Liu's attitude, and this is where Liu Xu is currently most unsure.

Of course, no matter how many thoughts he had in his heart or thoughts in his head, Liu Xu still seemed very calm and calm when facing Emperor Liu. After hearing about the drums that year, Liu Xu's mood became more and more profound.

Emperor Liu poured the tea attentively, pushed it gently in front of Liu Xu, raised his head and looked at him with a gentle look in his eyes, and said: "You did a good job in Anton and made great contributions to the court. , you should be rewarded. However, the title is already that of a prince, and there should be no shortage of money. I can’t think of how to reward you for the time being, so let’s express my condolences with this tea!”

Emperor Liu's casual words made Liu Xu extremely vigilant. What did it mean? It almost implied that there was no seal for him. To any minister, he was a Danger signal.

Of course, Liu Xu was different after all. There was a difference between closeness and distance. He was the eldest son of the emperor, so he had fewer concerns from ministers. Furthermore, he was just a small official in Andong, so in terms of merit, he was far from high.

Therefore, after a brief thought, Liu Xu responded: "Thank you dad! However, I really don't dare to accept it. Anton is still uneasy, so how can I talk about receiving a reward? I just hope that I will not let down my father's expectations!"

Hearing what he said, Emperor Liu smiled faintly: "You also started to speak in an official tone for me? It seems that you have really practiced it!"

Emperor Liu still looked at Liu Xu calmly and said with emotion: "As for expectations, your actions in Anton over the years have far exceeded my expectations.

The development of the Northeast is a national policy that I have personally set. However, many people in the court know that the ministers have already reached a consensus that the development of the Northeast will be mainly in Liaodong!

As for Anton, a place where barbarians live, a barren land, and a place of restraint, not many people in the imperial court really value it. In recent years, the imperial court’s main support for the Northeast has also been in Liaodong. How can the poor and poor Anton be what it is today? There is no doubt that you should take the lead!

I know this very well!"

Emperor Liu's words were full of recognition, and Liu Xu was a little surprised, but the more he was like this, the more cautious he felt in his heart. He cupped his hands and said modestly: "My son is still in charge of politics in Anton, and there are still many shortcomings. I have been too hasty.

, please forgive me for being overbearing and overstepping my bounds!"

"Anton!" Emperor Liu smiled: "Special places naturally require special governance. There has never been a set of policies that can be smooth across the country. If you want to implement them, you need to adapt to local conditions!

The practices and policies you implemented in Anton may have been a bit radical and caused a lot of controversy, but without these, how could Anton, a remote and poor place, develop?

You don’t need to be burdened with this!”

"Thank you for your understanding, dad!" Liu Xu's expression finally moved and he said seriously: "With dad's support, I will definitely go all out. One day, Anton will be brought into power, the barbarians will surrender, and Anton will become

Conquer the land within the Han Dynasty!"

Emperor Liu nodded and pointed: "Drink tea!"


The fragrance of tea overflows, the steam is steaming from the tea cup, and the birds are rising and hanging in the air, making the atmosphere of the conversation between father and son more harmonious.

However, after a cup of tea, Emperor Liu said seriously: "However, although I have given you certain privileges, Anton is special, but Anton is under the rule of the imperial court at all times!"

After speaking, Emperor Liu glanced at Liu Xu and said leisurely: "Although you are in Anton, you must not know anything about some of the public opinions in the court! Some people in the court have already called you King Anton.

, I would like to ask you, do you want to be the King of Qin or the King of Anton?"

This chapter has been completed!
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