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Chapter 168 Obsession



It was a deep cold night, and the back hall of the Yang Mansion was brightly lit with candles. Yang Fang was wandering around the hall with his hands behind his back, his expression solemn and sighing. The candlelight swaying in the cool breeze seemed to reflect his mood at the moment.

Judging from the decoration of the hall, it is plain and simple, without any hint of luxury. It is said that among the ministers of the Han Dynasty today, in terms of simplicity and frugality, no one can compare with Yang Fan.

"Father, why are you so worried?" His eldest son Yang Tingkan couldn't help but ask.

As mentioned earlier, none of the courtiers of the Han Dynasty were really clean. Su Fengji was fond of amassing money, taking bribes and corruption. In his previous administration, he dared to sell his official position and win titles unscrupulously. Although he has restrained himself a lot, his corrupt behavior has never been punished.


Although Yang Bin was not good at buying property, he was also selfish. Of his three sons, the eldest son Tingkan was in charge of the Ministry of Personnel and had a job in the merit examination department; the second son Tingwei was the direct commander of the inner palace; the third son Tingkan

He relied on Dali Temple to work as a prison officer.

He didn't hold back much when seeking positions for his three sons. This was considered "human nature". Even if others criticized it, it was not a big deal. Everyone worked hard to protect their descendants. However, Yang Fan

There were more than three sons placed in the imperial court. Their relatives, friends, old friends, and hometown people were either working in Beijing or serving as state and county officials. The power of the "Yang family", at least on the surface, was very large.

Someone has counted that in less than a year after the founding of the Han Dynasty, there were more than 30 relatives of the Yang family who were personally promoted by Yang Bingshou... Such behavior, no matter how capable they are, will not be successful.

How could Liu Chengyou not be jealous and disgusted by his achievements? Of course, it is undeniable that Yang Bin stood opposite Liu Chengyou, which was what Liu Chengyou hated most about him.

Yang Bin was obviously in a depressed mood. When he listened to the eldest son's question, he only glanced sideways at him, put on a disgusting face, snorted coldly, and did not answer.

Yang Bin's tutoring was very strict, and his sons were very afraid of him. Seeing his father's cold face, Yang Tingkan couldn't help but shrink his neck, shut up for a while, and still couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Are you worried about the official's health?"


Hearing this, Yang Bin's face turned a little ugly, but he didn't answer.

Since the beginning of the new year, Liu Zhiyuan has not shown up to govern the country for several days. He only issued edicts from the inner court from time to time and occasionally met with the prime minister. With the prince supervising the country and then Yang Bin's life, it may be a bit difficult to describe it.

He had passed, but in the end it was not going well. Liu Chengyou felt that many of the decisions he had made in government affairs were inappropriate. As time went by, the conflicts deepened. To this day, in front of several ministers, Yang Fan angrily said to Liu Chengyou: "

National affairs are handled by your own ministers, so Your Highness does not need to say anything!"

Liu Chengyou was so angry that he immediately turned the table over after the meeting.

"I'm still worried about His Royal Highness..." Yang Tingkan's voice became even softer.

This time, Yang Bin's reaction was a little louder. He slapped the table and vented his resentment coldly: "I have only been in charge of the country for a few days, but I have already issued orders and don't pay attention to me and other ministers. This is just a prince."

, if he becomes the emperor, will my Yang family still have a way to survive?"

Yang Tingkan's words obviously startled Yang Tingkan. He subconsciously looked around with vigilance. Thinking that this was his own inner hall, he relaxed a little. But when he saw Yang Tingkan's angry expression, he said cautiously: "Don't think this is the case.

Right. Is father too nervous?"

"My father is the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. He is responsible for military affairs and is a minister of the country. He has worked hard and made great achievements. His Royal Highness will only rely on him more."

Almost pointing at the eldest son's nose, Yang Bin cursed: "Stupid! If you follow your ignorant ideas, my Yang family will be wiped out one day, and it won't be unjust!"

"Father, calm down." Probably because he was used to it, Yang Tingkan didn't dare to show any displeasure on his face. He stepped forward to help Yang Bin sit down and said, "Although His Royal Highness is serious, he is not an unreasonable person. Be respectful.

Filial piety is also praised by the government and the public..."

"Humph." Hearing his words, Yang Bin snorted, and a hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of his mouth: "Before Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty came to the throne, he was not pretentious and pretentious, trying to gain a false reputation. You don't know, but I know that this prince is a man of nature.

You cold man! Just wait, if he becomes the emperor in the future, let alone us foreign ministers, even his relatives, brothers, uncles, uncles, look at how many of them will die a good death!"

Glancing at Yang Bin, Yang Tingkan hesitated to speak. He always felt that his father was a bit extreme. After thinking about it, he reminded: "Now, there are rumors even in the community that His Royal Highness has the style of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. The Battle of Luancheng——"

Before Yang Tingkan could finish speaking, Yang Bin interrupted him impatiently and scolded: "How did Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty ascend to the throne? Kill his brothers and force his father! The prince has his own vicious methods, but I believe it! As for Luan

In the battle of the city, if Zhang Yanwei and other generals did not fight with their lives, how could he have such luck and become famous all over the world?"

Yang Tingkan shut up, unable to convince him at all. At the same time, a sense of fear spread throughout his body. If Yang Fan's thoughts and attitude were followed, the Yang family would really be in danger of annihilation.

"It's a pity that the sky has no eyes, so His Royal Highness the King of Wei died young. The King of Wei was kind. If he were still here, I would risk my life to help him ascend the throne. How could I let the King of Zhou get the throne in vain!" Yang Tingkan was worried.

Suddenly, Yang Bin let out a long sigh, his tone full of unwillingness and anger.

From the bottom of his heart, does Yang Ping really hate Liu Chengyou and like Liu Chengxun? That’s not the case. Liu Chengyou is strong, has ideas, and is thoughtful, and is obviously difficult to control. On the contrary, Liu Chengxun is kind and has a gentle temperament, which is better for powerful bosses like them.

For me, that is the most suitable monarch, and because the two are familiar with each other...

Seeing Yang Bin's stubborn look, Yang Tingkan was completely frightened. It can be described as being shocked and took two steps back.

There was a heavy look of worry on his pale face. The weather was still cold that night, but it was not as cold as his heart. After a moment of surprise, Yang Tingkan seemed to understand something and suddenly asked: "Isn't it that my father is worried that he supported King Wei before and is afraid of what happened to the prince in the past?"

Are you suspicious?"

Yang Bin did not answer this question.

Seeing this, Yang Tingkan followed up with a suggestion: "If this is the case, why don't father have a frank discussion with His Highness the Crown Prince to eliminate the misunderstanding? With His Highness's judgment, would you still care about you, Father?"

"Are you asking me to bow my head in submission?" It was better not to say anything. After finishing his words, Yang Bin turned around and spoke harshly.

"If my father cannot clear his face, I am willing to go on his behalf!"

Yang Tingkan couldn't help but laugh at Yang Tingkan's naivety: "You think too highly of yourself. Are you going to bring shame to the Yang family?"

But seeing Yang Bin's stubbornness, Yang Tingkan became anxious for the first time and advised: "Father, now that the status of monarch and minister has been determined, His Highness the Crown Prince must not be lightly insulted. Since ancient times, how many ministers have resisted the emperor and have a good ending?"

If in normal times, his son dared to speak to him like this, Yang Bin would have slapped him away. But now, seeing the worry on Yang Tingkan's expression, Yang Bin couldn't help but sigh and waved his hand: "As a father, you have your own worries, you don't have to worry about it.

It’s getting late, you should go down and rest first.”

After Yang Tingkan stepped back, Yang Bin was alone in the hall, with an even more bitter look on his face. In fact, he was also very uneasy in his heart. If he really had the confidence, why would he lament here late at night.

"The official family is already paving the way for the prince, and I'm afraid time is running out!" After pondering for a long time, Yang Bin murmured: "I have to make preparations early!"

In the past few days, Liu Zhiyuan's most important edicts are to adjust the imperial army again. In addition to Shi Hongzhao who is still the commander of the Ma Bu Army and Tong Ping Zhang Shi, Liu Xin is promoted to the deputy commander of the Ma Bu Army.

, and Li Hongxin was appointed as the commander of the infantry army, Li Hongwei was the commander of the horse army, Li Hongjian was the commander of the inner capital, his adopted son Liu Chengyun was the commander of the Zuoxiang capital, and the consort Song Yanwo was patrolling the capital.

Let’s not mention the abilities of the following people, but they are either members of the clan or the royal family, and they seem to be escorting Liu Chengyou’s succession. In fact, Liu Zhiyuan even deliberately arranged for Murong Yanchao to come to Beijing and serve as a senior general in the bodyguard department...


Of course, from Liu Chengyou's point of view, Liu Zhiyuan's arrangement is not very "stable", mainly because his uncles and uncles are really not people who can be entrusted with funeral affairs. They either lack ability or have limited personalities. According to Liu Chengyou

It means that Yang Bin and Shi Hongzhao, especially Shi Hongzhao, need only be dismissed from their posts. They don’t even need to be dismissed from their posts, but they can be sent to the town and transferred away from Tokyo. (Shi Hongzhao was still handed over to the German Army’s Military Envoy,

Tongping Zhangshi)

However, Liu Chengyou also understood Liu Zhiyuan's kindness. Feeling that the storm was coming, Liu Chengyou arranged everything step by step, very calmly, and secretly. Although he was distracted by national affairs during this period, he never relaxed about the army.

He has a clear mind. No matter how fierce the fight in the court, it is not as real as military power.

In the Tokyo Forbidden Army, Liu Chengyou's influence is not small. He also has Ma Quanyi, Xiang Xun, Han Tong and other close generals to promote and support him. The veteran generals will not oppose him normally, and there is also the support of some generals represented by Guo Wei.

The only unstable factor was Shi Hongzhao, but this man really had no military morale. Although his followers controlled a group of forbidden troops, Liu Chengyou had no confidence in him whether he could start a rebellion.

It can be said that even if Liu Zhiyuan died suddenly, as long as the situation develops normally and there are no accidents, Liu Chengyou will successfully succeed to the throne as the prince, and there will basically be no problems.

However, Yang Bin obviously didn't think so. After thinking for a long time, Yang Bin could not help but show some hesitation on his face: "Do I have to find that bastard to work with me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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