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Chapter 1693 King Anxi

"As for Liu Min's request, what specific support will be provided by the Zhengshitang?" Emperor Liu looked at Liu Yang and asked directly.

Liu Yang pondered for a moment and calmly reported: "Seeds, farm tools, and official dispatch are all not difficult. The former can be allocated and transferred by the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the latter can be implemented according to the official appointment and promotion system in the border area. There is no shortage of Han Dynasty now.

Talented officials.

However, the situation in the Western Region is complicated, and a large area of ​​land has been newly occupied. If we want to consolidate and develop it well, we need to send more officials who are familiar with the affairs of the border people, preferably from the neighboring northwest Daozhou.

During the rectification of the northwest in recent months, there were still a group of officials who had committed relatively minor crimes and had not been dealt with. I thought that they could all be sent to the Western Regions to enrich the local area and give them the opportunity to perform meritorious service.

In addition, there are also a group of people who are stranded among the Imperial Government’s Guanzheng bachelors. They have not yet decided where to go, so they can also go to Anxi to practice!"

Listening to Liu Yang's hierarchical measures, Emperor Liu was obviously very satisfied. He nodded and said: "When you govern a country, you should first govern the officials. If you have a thorough understanding of how to employ people, there will be no problem that cannot be solved!"

"That's what dad said!" Liu Yang agreed, saying: "The only difficulty is the population. In this regard, the court can't come up with any effective method for the time being.

After all, the Western Region is too remote and the place is not yet stable. There may not be many people from the Han Dynasty who are willing to immigrate. In the early years, it was possible to recruit people from poor people, but in recent years, this method has been less effective.

Even if there are people who are willing to go out and explore, they are not willing to go to such a remote place, or they would rather go to the sea."

"These are indeed problems, we must take some measures!" Emperor Liu said calmly.

Liu Yang glanced at Emperor Liu, cupped his hands and said: "Xiang Zhao made a suggestion. The root cause of the chaos in Yulin lies in the Dangxiang people. If the Dangxiang people can be moved to the Western Regions, it will not only solve the chaos in Yulin, but also help Anxi."

The effect. Prime Minister Song raised objections, believing that this move would only aggravate the turmoil in the party. Prime Minister Wang and Prime Minister Lu also had doubts, so the proposal was shelved for the time being!"

In this regard, Emperor Liu did not ask Liu Yang for his opinion as usual, but directly blamed him: "Is this Zhao Pu an old fool? Fortunately, he can think of it!

The party is difficult to tame, and Yulin is still stubborn and unyielding under Guanzhong's nose. What's the point of causing such turmoil and moving them to Anxi? This strategy is tantamount to letting a tiger cause trouble. When the sky is high and the emperor is far away, how can the court do it?

Control it.

The current situation in the Western Region is already complicated, and it is difficult to consolidate it. If the Dangxiang people and the Black Khan people are allowed to collude again, what kind of disaster will it cause, can't Zhao Pu see what kind of disaster it will cause?"

Faced with Emperor Liu's rebuke of Zhao Pu's suggestion, and the criticism of Zhao Pu as an individual, Liu Yang was surprised and frightened. Although he did not attack in person, he really did not care about Zhao Pu's face.

After hesitating for a moment, maybe it was because of his personality, or maybe he had always had a good relationship with Zhao Pu, Liu Yang still said something for Zhao Pu: "It has been nearly a year since the Yulin riots. Zhao Xiang wants to be so worried and distracted, and his thoughts are a little careless.


Hearing this, Emperor Liu was stunned for a moment, noticed Liu Yang's calm expression, smiled, walked out of the state of teeth and claws, and said softly: "Tell me about possible solutions!"

In this regard, Liu Yang obviously still had some considerations. After hearing the inquiry, he continued: "Jing'er discussed with the ministers and could only adopt a policy of inducement with benefits. The ministers believed that we could follow Anton's example and formulate a policy

Immigration policy is allocated by the imperial court to recruit people from the mainland.

The sixth brother mentioned in the memorial that although the Western Region is remote and full of wind and sand, there is no shortage of arable land, pastures, and water sources. In some places, the fertile soil and fertile fields are no worse than the rich fields in the Central Plains, or even worse.

In addition, the Western Region is the hub of the Silk Road, driven by east-west business travel, and has the foundation for development and prosperity. The development of the Hexi Corridor in recent years has proven this.

With the bitter cold in Anton, hundreds of thousands of people can immigrate, let alone the Western Regions?"

After Liu Yang finished speaking, Emperor Liu nodded slightly, but glanced at him and said pointedly: "I remember that when Liu Xu implemented this strategy, the court was full of gossip and gossip. Why has the attitude changed this time?"

After hearing what Emperor Liu said, Liu Yang was silent for a moment. Emperor Liu pointed out that many of those who were arrogant and arrogant about Anton's government back then were supporters of him, the crown prince.

Facing Emperor Liu's gaze, Liu Yang lowered his head slightly and responded: "My eldest brother's governance in Anton has been very effective. The mountains and rivers in the Northeast are gradually becoming more consolidated, and the population is becoming more and more popular, all of which are due to his contribution. To be fair, the governance among them is commendable.

You should learn from it!”

After a slight pause, Liu Yang continued: "If the sixth brother can be effective in the administration of the elder brother, and Anxi can be like Anton, then the Han Dynasty's frontiers, which are thousands of miles away from east to west, will be safe and secure!"

Regardless of whether Liu Yang's words were sincere or not, Emperor Liu was still very pleased to hear them at this time. Probably because he had been sitting for a long time, he moved his buttocks and instructed: "The imperial court can issue an announcement to call on the government and the opposition.

Officials, businessmen and people will go to the Western Regions to develop Anxi. In addition, on the Silk Road, tax concessions can be given to cities along the way to encourage business travel and boost popularity!"

"Yes!" Liu Yang's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "Back then, my father issued an edict to honor his subjects. Hundreds of thousands of people went to Andong. I want to come here to tell you. Those who go to Anxi in the west will definitely be more prosperous!"

"Although the Western Region is far away, it is indeed a treasure land, otherwise the prosperity of the countries in the Western Region would not have been passed down for thousands of years. Although it was lost to foreigners for a long time, the Han Dynasty had its own territory. Now that it is back, it is natural to make good use of it and develop it to make it permanent in China.

!" Emperor Liu said some high-sounding words, but they were indeed somewhat sincere.

At this stage of his life, compared to the past, he has become much less hypocritical, speaks and acts freely, and has taken off many disguises. However, the more he is like this, the more his ministers are afraid of him, and the more they feel that he is unfathomable.

"Also, in addition to organizing the farmers and herdsmen in Anxi to resume production, Sixth Brother also arranged for the Western Expedition Army to colonize the area. A large number of acres of land that have been reclaimed will be harvested this autumn to fill military needs. Let's see what Sixth Brother means.

It means placing the Western Expedition army on the spot." Liu Yang mentioned another matter.

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, Emperor Liu's eyes flashed with suspicion and he asked, "What do you think?"

"If this can be done, and the families of the soldiers and soldiers of the Western Expedition are relocated westward, hundreds of thousands of people can be established, and the Western Region will be safe!" Liu Yang seemed to have not considered other things, and was seeking truth from facts.

"Having said that, how can the morale of the army be at ease?" Emperor Liu thought for a moment and then said: "Tens of thousands of soldiers left their hometowns and went to the Western Regions to fight for the country and make contributions. It is still bearable. If they are kept in the local area, how can we do it?

Are you willing?"

Although he saw the benefits, Emperor Liu still maintained a cautious attitude in this regard. No matter what, the army must not be chaotic and the morale of the army must not be unstable. Even the garrison in Anton is rotated regularly to appease the soldiers and avoid long-term border guarding.

The process creates complaints.

However, after Emperor Liu considered it, he still gave instructions: "This method is feasible! But you must obey the wishes of the soldiers and do not force it! Isn't there a large amount of fertile land and pastures in the Western Regions, which can be distributed to the soldiers, with land and property, and there is a possibility that they are willing to stay.


It must be noted that it cannot be forced. There are too many policies in the central government, which will change as soon as they reach the local level. Some of them are tolerable, but if something goes wrong in this matter, your head will be lost!"

"Yes!" Liu Yang looked serious: "I will explain it later, and we will also strengthen supervision!"

"Yeah!" Emperor Liu responded.

After discussing for so long, Emperor Liu seemed a little tired. He raised his hand and said, "Let's deal with matters in the Western Regions as discussed! In addition, we will change Anxi Road to Anxi Governor's Palace, follow the example of Anton, and follow the example of Anxi.

Liu Min is the governor of Anxi!"

When Emperor Liu gave this instruction, there was not much strangeness on Liu Yang's face. Obviously, he had expected it. However, what he could imagine was that as soon as this edict came out, there would be another turmoil in the court.

, now that there is a "King Andong", we need to add another "King Anxi"?

This chapter has been completed!
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