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Chapter 1792 Anxis request

There was another silence, and Liu Yang once again motioned Murong Defeng to sit down, pondered for a while, and said: "Last winter, the regulations submitted by my sixth brother were still being discussed by the court and have not been finalized. What do you think?"

Murong Defeng suddenly heard this and was stunned for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he finally realized what Liu Yang was referring to. A bright light flashed in his eyes. It was obvious that His Highness the Crown Prince was well aware of all matters. From this point of view,

, the concerns of these people seem to be unfounded and superfluous.

Last year, after Liu Min's second Western Expedition ended and he recovered Broken Leaves, after many struggles, he finally suppressed his will to fight and chose to stop his troops and rest, focusing his main energy on recuperating his soldiers and dealing with the aftermath.

In this process, Anxi also had too many places where it was necessary to ask for help from the imperial court. When faced with difficulties, Liu Min did not hesitate to ask for help from the imperial court, just like when he had just recovered the south of the Tianshan Mountains.

This time, Liu Min's request was still the same as before: soldiers, people, food, pay, and weapons. But what was different from the past was that he requested a large number of management talents, especially grassroots officials.

Although Anxi is a vast territory and sparsely populated, there is a huge talent gap in the grassroots public security management officials needed to take care of such a large territory. In the past few years, the Anxi Governor's Office has been, to put it bluntly, a military government, marching to fight and attack difficulties.

Overcoming difficulties is enough to support it, but when it comes to governing politics, ensuring people's safety, and maintaining rule, it has extremely obvious shortcomings.

Compared with Anton, these are completely two different situations. Of course, the environment and situation are different, and the development brought about is also different. Anxi has long been different from what it used to be. It is no longer the small corner of Gaochang Uighur, but encompasses most of the Uighurs in Gaochang.

A vast area from the north to the south of the Tianshan Mountains. If we only rely on military conquest, although we have not reached the limit, it will not last long if we do not make timely changes and adjustments.

Therefore, this time, Liu Min once again asked the imperial court to send officials to Anxi to assist in governance, establish a formal and complete social management system, and completely bring it under the rule of the Han Dynasty. But the people Liu Min wanted were really unnecessary.

Young Master, Liu Min wanted more than 700 officials at all levels from the governor's office down.

This is really embarrassing for the court. Even if there is an overflow of officials in the Han Dynasty, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs is even worried about the arrangements for the departure and retention of some personnel, it is not easy to spend so many people at once to fill the hole in Anxi.


When it comes to selecting and appointing officials, after all, it’s just a matter of handing out the people. Whether they are suitable, what their talents are, what their moral character is, whether they meet the requirements of the Anxi Governor’s Office, and what their wishes are. These are all within the scope of consideration.

The most important thing is whether to agree to Anxi's request and give such great support. In this regard, the court still has a two-sided attitude, and the dispute is fierce.

Those who support it believe that the early stage of the Western Expedition was a huge investment, and such a high price was paid. They did not relax even during the Yulin Rebellion. Now that the results have finally been achieved, it is natural to consolidate them to avoid gaining and losing, and making the bloody achievements of the soldiers go to waste.

At the same time, Anxi's request was not excessive, and the imperial court was not unable to fulfill it. Moreover, King Wei's request had a long-term perspective. It was to reduce the burden on the imperial court and improve Anxi's self-blood production ability, rather than just asking for things from the imperial court.

Those who opposed also considered the huge price paid for the Western Expedition before and believed that it was not worth the blood transfusion, and the difficulties of the court itself were also reality. Now that the Western Expedition has begun and the aftermath has been dealt with, Anxi is eager to spread the word.

The big stall seemed too fussy and needed to be more stable.

Of course, these are all nonsense. The fundamental reason is that some courtiers are reluctant to invest in Anxi, which is thousands of miles away, thinking that the gains outweigh the losses. In addition, the continuous blood supply to Anxi is dragging down the court and fattening Anxi, which is not conducive to the court's influence on Anxi.

Control, etc. It's just that these need to be expressed in a more obscure and smart way, and that's the general idea.

Another thing that made the courtiers more sensitive was that in addition to recruiting officials, soldiers, and civilians to fill Anxi and consolidate his rule, Liu Min also hoped to move all the family members of the Western Expedition soldiers to Anxi to reunite them.

The soldiers who marched westward settled down on the spot.

It has to be said that this is a relatively trouble-free approach, and it can also allow Anxi to gain a large number of reliable people in a short period of time, lay a solid foundation, and consolidate its rule. Such a request had been made by Liu Min before, but the court did not agree, even though

Emperor Liu showed a little support, but in the end he just obeyed the wishes of the soldiers in the Western Expedition, adhered to the basic principle of keeping those who wished, and was supervised by the Privy Council.

On the basis of the principle of voluntariness, the effect is not good. Even if the Dudufu offers a lot of land, pastures and even women to tempt, there are still not many people settling down. Due to the continuous war, the Anxi Dudufu is not like

Anton can have enough time and financial resources to attract people.

The Han people's love for their native land is very serious. It is almost engraved in their blood and marrow. It is not a big problem for them to leave their hometown and go to Anxi to fight, or even bury their bones in the mountains and return to a foreign land.

Most people are unwilling to do so. They would rather return to their hometown with fame, fortune, and wealth.

Of course, for many courtiers, and even Emperor Liu, their real concern was the issue of the court's control. This was not about whether the prince would rule the border. Emperor Liu did not need to worry about this issue.

The crux is that in the past, the imperial court implemented a series of strict centralization policies to reduce vassal status and consolidate military power. If Liu Min's instructions were followed, it would fundamentally undermine the foundation of the imperial military system for decades.

In the past, what the imperial court relied on to control the army was, first, the control of military supplies, logistics, food and pay, and second, the garrison method, supplemented by ideological control methods such as loyalty to the emperor and patriotic education, but the first two were the most fundamental.

The Ministry of War has always directly controlled the distribution of officers' pay, uniforms, weapons, and rewards, and there are dedicated corresponding ministries and departments responsible for it, with detailed powers and clear responsibilities. This is the most basic and important manifestation of the court's control over the army.

As for the rotational garrison method, it is a fundamental policy in the national defense construction of the Han Dynasty. In recent years, no matter how the army has changed, the rotational garrison method has always been adhered to, and has even been refined and improved.

For foreign armies, whether it was the original frontier army or today's regiment training, in the process of implementing the rotation garrison method, the imperial court always insisted on serving in other places. The core of it is to use the hometown and family to control the soldiers. As long as people have cares

If you don't, you will have worries when doing things and don't dare to act without fear.

Through this method, supplemented by relatively generous treatment, the imperial court has always maintained a high level of control over the internal and external armies. For decades, civil unrest and rebellions have occurred from time to time, but the army has always been as stable as Mount Tai, and orders and prohibitions are enforced. Of course, such

The situation was formed by many factors, but the court's control of the army was the most fundamental factor.

Even in remote areas such as Andong and Anxi, the garrison rotation policy is implemented as usual. No matter how much power the two governors have, their subordinate garrison generals and soldiers are always rotated according to a certain rhythm.

Of course, in the past two years, due to the war, the Anxi court has been supplemented, but this does not affect the essence of the rotation, and it is even more thorough.

If Liu Min is invited, not to mention the personal wishes of the tens of thousands of soldiers on the Western Expedition, the impact will be significant, even fatal. It means that the worries and burdens of the border soldiers have been eliminated, and the Governor's Mansion

Being able to control those soldiers more effectively and directly, on the contrary, the court's ability to restrain them will only decline with the passage of time. This is a practice that nourishes the warlords in feudal towns.

Emperor Liu was particularly sensitive to this point. Regardless of the principled issue of who should be the governor, he was still very clear-headed. Therefore, they did not express their position and allowed the courtiers to discuss it.

It can also be seen that Emperor Liu himself was a complex and contradictory person. On the one hand, he had the idea of ​​enfeoffment and would not hesitate to give him small gifts; on the other hand, he strongly maintained the authority of the court and insisted on the bottom line on sensitive issues.

The imperial court has its concerns, and Anxi also has Anxi's considerations. At least some of the policies that the imperial court currently adheres to are relatively expensive. It is impossible to fully delegate power, which will inevitably increase the cost. If it is relaxed, it will not be conducive to the overall situation and create other hidden dangers. Among them

It is indeed not easy to make a trade-off, which is why no conclusion has been reached on the future governance and positioning of Anxi until now.

At this time, the prince suddenly brought up the matter and asked about it. Murong Defeng thought for a while and said firmly: "Your Highness, in my opinion, if His Highness the King of Wei wants officials, food and salary, or immigrants, he can make appropriate adjustments.

Only the settlement of soldiers and the relocation of their families must never be allowed. The military system is the guarantee for the security of the Han Dynasty and must not be shaken or changed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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