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Chapter 323 Fighting

While thinking about it, Pan You couldn't help but look at Li Shouyuan coldly. However, Li Shouyuan still looked calm and calm, not at all embarrassed.

The atmosphere in the government hall gradually became tense. The first head-to-head confrontation between the envoys and the deputy envoys was so fierce that all the subordinate officials felt the tension of the situation and lowered their heads again, not daring to show any expressions of gloating, lest they cause harm to Chi Yu.

After Pan You pondered for a while, he suddenly showed a smile. Under Li Shouyuan's surprised gaze, he said in a relaxed tone: "I am not unwilling to listen to what others say. As long as what is said is reasonable and meaningful, it is not unacceptable.

Deputy Envoy Li said so much in the hall today, and he has many objections to my envoy's governance, but it is really meaningless to just stop at blaming the envoy!

Today, while all my colleagues are here, I would like to ask Deputy Ambassador Li to share your views. In your opinion, what strategies should be adopted to promote the reform and complete the important task of tax reform assigned by the imperial court?

If the envoy's measures are not advisable, then please ask Deputy Envoy Li to come up with a new set of methods and new measures for all the officials to discuss. If they are advisable, then it is not impossible to try?"

Seeing Pan You say such words calmly, Li Shouyuan couldn't help but frown. He thought to himself that although Pan You acted carefully, he was not reckless and just hit hard. This is another example.

He kicked the ball back to Li Shouyuan, and it hit the target. He really asked Li Shouyuan to come up with a new set of measures. It was not that he couldn't come up with it, but he didn't dare to guarantee that he would complete the tasks assigned by the court. What's more, Li Shouyuan this time

The goal of the revolt in the hall was not to accomplish anything.

Facing Pan You's scrutinizing gaze, Li Shouyuan pondered briefly and responded: "In short, you should not act recklessly in politics!"

"That's right!" Pan You nodded, then made a serious look and said: "Then please ask Deputy Ambassador Li to come up with a moderate policy approach. The lobby of this office is open and aboveboard, and you can speak freely.

, this means there will be no obstruction.

The envoy can’t wait to hear Deputy Envoy Li’s insights. Please tell me quickly, I will definitely listen attentively..."

At this time, Li Shouyuan fell silent, frowning and looking slightly embarrassed. He was about to speak, but Pan You saw the opportunity and interrupted him. His expression and tone were cold, and he stared straight at Li Shouyuan and said:

"If we are unable to come up with a set of practical and effective new policy measures, then I have to wonder about Deputy Ambassador Li's intentions in criticizing my administration today!

The words spoken in the hall today are nonsense, and the so-called impartiality, in my opinion, is useless, how is it any different from bullshit?"

Pan You's words were both heartbreaking and a slap in the face to Li Shouyuan. How could Li Shouyuan, who had always been well-behaved, endure such humiliation? Of course, he might have wanted to change the subject to relieve his own embarrassment.

Therefore, Li Shouyuan's eyes widened with anger, he stood up, pointed at Pan You, and said angrily: "Pan Shijun, you are a scholar. Why would you say such vulgar words in the lobby during the discussion of government affairs? It is unofficial and disrespectful to use such harsh words to humiliate colleagues.


"Haha!" Seeing Li Shouyuan's embarrassment and anger, Pan You sneered twice and said calmly: "Now that I am dealing with common affairs and dealing with common affairs every day, what is wrong with saying a few vulgar words? Like Deputy Ambassador Li is doing this

If his words are refined and gentle, if it helps to promote reform and relieve the worries of the officials and the people, then I am willing to be a gentleman and write moral articles all day long..."

The ridicule on Pan You's ugly face was completely undisguised, while Li Shouyuan's elegant face was flushed with anger, and the resentment in his eyes almost turned into substance. Pan You acted like a "rogue", and he couldn't do anything good for the moment.

The solution, of course, was that in front of so many Gyeonggi Province bureaucrats, he, Deputy Commander Li, was extremely embarrassed and angry.

Seeing that he was angry, Pan You became even more calm. He glanced around and said calmly: "His Majesty has said more than once that it is not necessary to talk eloquently. To govern the people, one must be down-to-earth and need people with practical skills.

If Deputy Ambassador Li can't come up with his own measures for a while, then he should go home and think about it. When he has thought about it, he can come to see me again. The door of my residence is open to you and I am always here to listen. Before that, don't do anything.

Come out to confuse people's hearts and influence the envoy's administration!"

"Quit!" After saying this, Pan You walked away, leaving behind a group of Gyeonggi Province bureaucrats with different expressions. Among them, the most embarrassing one was undoubtedly Li Shouyuan, the deputy chief minister.

It rubbed against the soles of my feet.

A meeting in the hall ended somewhat anticlimactically. Li Shouyuan made some remarks, but still interrupted Pan You's rhythm. After this incident, he wanted to proceed with the work according to his previous plan, but he might not be satisfied. After Li Shouyuan, I still don't know.

What action is waiting for him?

At the same time, Pan You also realized that if this reform work was to be completed successfully, struggle was unavoidable, and he had to start from the personnel aspect. In the past few months of taking office, he had made considerable adjustments and established authority, but it was obvious that

As if he hadn't done enough, what happened in the hall today made him deeply aware of the targeting and resistance hidden in the Gyeonggi Province government.

In the back hall of the Si Yamen, Pan You sat upright on the official eucalyptus, holding a document in his hand and flipping through it slowly, but his attention was obviously not on it. His face was gloomy, almost dripping with water, and there was a lot of difficulty between his eyebrows.

To hide his sadness, it was obvious that although Li Shouyuan was forced to suppress it, his heart was not as relaxed as it seemed.

As a reform leader, he is under tremendous pressure from all aspects, especially in a core area like Gyeonggi-do, which is a mixed bag of good and bad, with many right and wrongs. He must not only face the pressure of political tasks from above, but also ensure that no chaos occurs under his governance, otherwise it will be difficult to move up and down.

Let’s face it, one careless move may result in the loss of one’s reputation.

He was worried and thinking, but there was no sign of weakness on Pan You's face, and the many obstacles did not make him flinch. Instead, he was thinking about how to do things well and complete the task.

"Envoy!" While he was deep in thought, a dignified staff member came in, saluted, and said softly: "Deputy Envoy Li's behavior in the hall today is really unusual. You need to be more vigilant!"

Hearing this, Pan You raised his head, his facial expression instantly calmed down, his negative emotions dissipated, he glanced at his staff and chuckled: "How could I have ever let down my guard?"

As he said that, Pan You said coldly: "What happened today will only strengthen my opinion! Some people can't sit still. This just shows that our measures are effective and have touched their sensitive areas. Li Shouyuan

It was obvious that he couldn't hold back anymore after he had been trying to make ends meet with me for so long.

It's a pity that he is a bit cunning. However, he is still smart after all. With His Majesty's wisdom and Prime Minister Zhao's insight, how could he be deceived by his words and clever words.

Reform is the general trend and the tide is huge. How can these people stop it? If they want to be like a mantis, they will only bring disaster to themselves..."

Seeing that the benefactor was so confident, as a staff member, he naturally became more settled. After thinking about it, he still couldn't help but said: "What you said is reasonable, but what you should do next is how to act. At present, although the states and counties are forced by your authority,

, had to implement the new policies, but they were unwilling to do so, and their dissatisfaction grew. My subordinates were worried that sooner or later something would go wrong!"

"There is already a problem!" Pan You frowned when he heard this and said, "Although Li Shouyuan criticized the envoy's government today, what he said is not completely unreasonable. At least, as he said, using force to force others,

Even if the prefectures and counties below complete their assigned tasks, I'm afraid they may not be accurate. I'm afraid the land registers submitted to the Yamen may not be accurate either!"

"Since your Majesty understands, why?"

Pan You said calmly: "If we don't force them, I'm afraid we won't even see these books. Since your Majesty issued the edict on the tax reform and new system, from planning to customization, from promulgation to implementation, it took more than half a year, but there has been no progress.

, isn’t it just a lack of encouragement? Pan is self-aware, and this is the intention of His Majesty and Prime Minister Zhao in placing the envoy here! As Li Shouyuan said, the autumn harvest is busy and there are insufficient manpower. It is difficult here and there, especially tax reform.

Difficult, if based on the considerations of these people, then this tax reform cannot be accomplished."

"As for what's next!" Pan You thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Perhaps it's time to slow down a bit, and not push them too hard! However, this slowness is not about slowness or indolence, nor is it about retreating and compromising. It's about showing off.

Slow down the internal tension and continue to push forward. Those registers must be carefully checked by the bureau, and the provisions and measures must be re-formulated. Before this winter, and next spring at the latest, the land under the jurisdiction of the capital must be cleared and completed!"

"Yes!" the staff responded: "I wonder where it is in Zhengzhou?"

"Li Hang..." Pan You lowered his head slightly and murmured in a cold tone.

Seeing this, the staff couldn't help but remind them: "Your Majesty, this Li Zhizhou has been appointed by the Prince's Palace to implement the new system in Zhengzhou!"

Pan You frowned slightly, and said with a serious face: "Send a message asking Li Hang to come to Yingchang. I would like to hear his explanation!"

This chapter has been completed!
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