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Chapter 328 Reform deepens

The dispute in Gyeonggi Province finally came to an end with the visit of Prime Minister Zhao Kuangyi to Yingchang City. After some mediation, the dispute between the two envoys finally came to an end. In the lobby of the Gyeonggi Province Office, Zhao Kuangyi made a speech on behalf of the court and personally addressed the Gyeonggi Province.

Bureaucrats conveyed the court's will, explained the significance of tax reform, and demonstrated the court's firm determination.

After Zhao Kuangyi’s speech, a series of overt and covert fights in Gyeonggi’s officialdom surrounding the tax reform were forcibly put to rest. The next focus of work was to focus on the implementation of the new tax system. Zhao Kuangyi expressed it very well


Regarding Pan and Li, who had previously caused a political dispute, Zhao Kuangyi gave him fifty points each and reprimanded him on behalf of the court. However, at the end of his speech, the chief envoy Pan You had a clear smile on his lips, which made some

He looked even more disgusting, but Pan You naturally didn't care. In this dispute, he was obviously the winner.

As for the bias in Zhao Kuangyi's words and some vague warnings, Pan You didn't care even more. He was not a political faction, and he couldn't pee in a pot at all.

Although Zhao Kuangyi was good at power and strategy, he was very scholarly in nature and liked the kind of refined and virtuous ministers. Although Pan You was a civil servant, he had no literary character and was withdrawn. Coupled with his ugly face, Zhao Kuangyi did not like it.


However, Zhao Kuangyi's likes and dislikes are of no concern to Pan You. Although you are a noble queen, a prime minister, and high in the political hall, you still don't have much control over Pan You.

The biggest role of Zhao Kuangyi and Yingchang and his entourage was to achieve a short-term unity in the reform ideas of the upper echelons of Gyeonggi Province. No matter how different their thoughts were, they did enough to save face. Moreover, a red line was drawn for them, that is, influence

The imperial court did not allow the struggle in the reform process. Anyone who violated it would be punished by the imperial court.

Of course, it is difficult to tell the truth from what is presented on the surface. But in private, Zhao Kuangyi called Li Shouyuan and gave him a good warning. The relationship between the Zhao and Li families was so great that Zhao Kuangyi was not polite to Li Shouyuan at all, and

It's about telling the truth.

The princes of the imperial court were well aware of the little tricks and clever tricks you did in Gyeonggi Province, and they did not punish you harshly because they did not go too far.

However, if you don't know how to restrain yourself and insist on going your own way, the court will never tolerate it. When it comes to tax reform, the court will ignore the cause and the heart. As long as it causes substantial obstacles to the reform, it will be a sin.

Therefore, continuing to confront Pan You in Gyeonggi Province will never end well and is not worth it. Zhao Kuangyi's stern reprimand was like a bucket of cold water poured on Li Shouyuan's head, and it also completely shattered the hidden hope in his heart.

Even though I was disappointed, I had to sincerely admit my mistake and show that I could learn from it.

In the final analysis, the most fundamental conflict between Pan You and Li Shouyuan is the struggle for power. After all, Li Shouyuan once regarded himself as the next chief official of Gyeonggi Province. He chose to use tax reform as a weapon in the political struggle to make a fuss about it.

It is even suspected of intensifying conflicts, which is naturally difficult for the higher-ups to tolerate.

As for the impact of the tax reform on the existing rentier class, there is of course some impact, but for noble families like Zhao and Li, it is not as big as imagined. After all, the sources of profits for the nobles of the Han Dynasty are now

Numerous, land output is important, but there are many other industries as supplements.

The imperial court's tax reform is just to increase taxes. It does not deprive land ownership and does not touch the root cause, so there is room for compromise. What's more, most nobles have their own "tax-free" quota. This is the imperial court's tax reform.

The rewards are not deprived, even if there is a loss, it is an excess of land. These are additional benefits in themselves.

Therefore, those who reacted most violently to the tax reform of the Han Dynasty were by no means the upper-class dignitaries, but the middle- and lower-class landlords. They were the main targets of the court, and the distribution and balancing function of the new tax system was also targeted at these people.

Of course, even among the upper-class dignitaries, not everyone has a clear mind and an accurate understanding of tax reform. Harming their interests is like cutting off their flesh, and they will not do anything stupid or stupid.

It's surprising. But at least the princely families like Zhao and Li are obviously not as obsessed with the land interests as ordinary people.

After a thorough discussion, Zhao Kuangyi gave Li Shouyuan two choices. One was to put away all small thoughts, stay in Gyeonggi Province, actively cooperate with Pan You in his administration, and complete the tax reform tasks assigned by the court. The second was simple, transfer away from Gyeonggi Province.

He said, take a job elsewhere. Of course, there is a third way, which is to continue the current practice. The result will not be what Li Shouyuan can bear.

Li Shouyuan did not hesitate much and chose the first path with all his heart. After all, the losses in the second and third paths were too great. As for the first path, he needed to overcome a psychological difficulty, because it was tantamount to

Surrendering to Pan You and admitting defeat would have a certain impact on Li Shouyuan's personal prestige.

However, a real man should know how to advance and retreat, and be able to bend and stretch. For noble elites like Li Shouyuan, it is not difficult to make such a choice. In addition, Zhao Kuangyi must not be offended too. This is a member of their political group today.

The core character.

As for his decision, Zhao Kuangyi was quite satisfied. If this person was stubborn and unresponsive, he really didn't have much effective way to deal with him at the moment. In addition, Gyeonggi Province was an important place and still needed its own people.

In the end, Zhao Kuangyi revealed some secrets to Li Shouyuan, asking them to take a longer-term view and look forward. He even bluntly said that Pan You, the chief envoy, is a knife used to remove obstacles to reform. Before the tax reform is completed,

, whoever touches its edge will only end up with a broken head and bloodshed.

And once the tax reform is over, no matter whether it is a success or a failure, he will definitely not stay in his position for a long time. When the time comes, the opportunity will naturally come, and there is no need to get entangled with him at such a sensitive time that attracts everyone's attention.

With Zhao Kuangyi's teachings, Li Shouyuan felt relieved. He even surrendered so thoroughly that he went to Pan You in person and apologized to him against his will. After Zhao Kuangyi's speech, he stated that he would strengthen his belief and never lose his ambition.

The new system was implemented in different places and lived up to the entrustment of the imperial court. Anyone who dared not do his best in the reform or even violated it would be an enemy of Deputy Envoy Li... The flexibility of this change of position is really amazing.

After Zhao Kuangyi Yingchang and his party, Gyeonggi Province's tax reform work has made a breakthrough and the process has been greatly accelerated. After all, the representative of the largest force in the upper class of the Province has adopted a compromise choice to temporarily avoid the edge.

Against this background, in the autumn and winter of the 24th year of Kaibao, the entire Gyeonggi Province government at all levels carried out a general mobilization under the order of Pan You, and all the top and bottom were invested in the study and education of the new system, as well as the core land clearing work.


At the end of the busy autumn this year, while ensuring the smooth work of collecting old taxes, Daosi mobilized a large number of manpower and devoted themselves to clearing the land under its jurisdiction. From north to south, one after another "good news" continued to spread to Yingchang.

The results of this land inventory are much more complete than the previous unification before the Mid-Autumn Festival. After all, there is more time and greater pressure.

And this result also made Pan You realize again the ability of his bureaucrats to fool their superiors. You must know that the number of newly reported land registers has doubled compared to the one before the Mid-Autumn Festival.


By the end of winter in the 24th year of Kaibao's reign, most of the land clearing in the states under Gyeonggi Province had been completed. But the tail left behind was still a hard nut for Pan You.

Over there, the land situation of the powerful people under their control has never been a focus in the previous work. With the tacit approval of the Taoist officials, officials at all levels also consciously avoided it and adopted the strategy of making things easy first and then making things difficult.

However, after the land owned by small and medium-sized landowners was registered, Pan You had to turn his attention to those wealthy families. This difficulty was inevitable.

When Pan You officially ordered the clearing of the rich and powerful's land, it also meant that Gyeonggi Province's tax system reform entered a deeper level.

This chapter has been completed!
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