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Chapter 338 Dispute

The wicker branches along the street have just sprouted new leaves and cannot provide shade. They still look a bit desolate. Yi drove through the long street and slowly stopped in front of the Chu State Duke's Mansion. Liu Xi drove off and looked up at the tall man.

Hang the plaque, and then go straight up the stairs.

The guards bowed their heads and saluted, and the gatekeeper stepped forward to greet him, with a flattering smile on his face: "Welcome your Majesty!"

"Is Mr. Chu at home?" Liu Xi asked blankly.

"Yes! I will arrange for someone to report immediately!" the gate officer replied, and then he diligently led Liu Xi inside.

The Duke's Mansion of Chu is naturally a high-walled compound with deep courtyards and numerous buildings. If no one guides the way, Liu Xi, who doesn't come often, will definitely get lost. After passing through many courtyards and reaching the atrium, Liu Shu has already received the news.

Waiting in front of the hall.

Liu Shu still had a little anger on his face, but when he saw Liu Xi, he tried his best to smile and said, "Third brother is here, I didn't come far enough to greet you, please forgive me!"

"No need!" Liu Xi raised his hand, observed the situation in front of the hall, and said, "I came to visit unexpectedly, so I didn't bother you!"

"How is that possible? Third brother can come to my mansion whenever he wants and is waiting for you at any time!" Liu Shu said with a smile.

In front of the hall, there is a child kneeling, about seven or eight years old. He is Liu Shu's son, Liu Wenyan. Liu Shu is already thirty years old, and Liu Wenyan is his only son. He has always cherished this child.

It is still very rare to be punished by kneeling.

Looking at Liu Wenyan who secretly looked back at him, Liu Xi's serious expression softened and he asked curiously: "What's going on?"

"This evil beast is too naughty. I asked him to study hard, but he sneaked into the garden to dig for earthworms..." At the mention of this, Liu Shu got angry and pointed at Liu Wenyan.

Said: "This kid is too in need of discipline and needs some training!"

"What are you doing while kneeling? Why don't you show respect to your third uncle when you see him?"

Hearing this, Liu Wenyan showed secret joy, as if he had seen a savior. He turned around and bowed respectfully to Liu Xi. Seeing this, Liu Xi asked: "Wenyan, why do you want to dig up earthworms?"

When asked, Liu Wenyan raised his head and replied: "The master taught me a story about lying on the ice to beg for carps the day before yesterday. I can't be like Wang Xiang, so I plan to dig some earthworms as bait and catch some fish for my parents.

Drink the soup..."

Hearing his explanation, Liu Xi smiled, while Liu Shu puffed his beard and glared: "You dare to quibble! I don't know you, you are just playing around!"

"Hey!" Liu Xi stretched out his hand to stop Liu Shu and said, "Even though it is childish and playful, this innocent filial piety should still be recognized!"

Hearing what Liu Xi said, Liu Shu's mouth still showed a smile that he couldn't hide, but he pretended to be stern and said to Liu Wenyan: "Your third uncle has already spoken. For his sake, this punishment is

Make a note of it first, and if there is a next time, clean it up together! Go, your third uncle and I have something serious to discuss!"

Liu Wenyan was immediately overjoyed. He smiled, bowed to the two of them again, and left happily. Liu Xi was standing by, watching Liu Shu switch back and forth between a loving father and a strict father, and he couldn't help but feel some emotion in his heart. Thirty

Now Liu Shu is more mature.

"I remember that when we were in the Wenhua Hall, the ninth brother seemed to hate studying the most. Now, he has pinned his thoughts on Wen Yan!" The two brothers entered the hall and took their seats, and Liu Xi showed a look of recollection on his face.

Liu Shu laughed when he heard this and said calmly: "Third brother, you are exposing my shortcomings! However, you are wrong about one thing. I am not tired of studying, I just can't get into it. I am such a son now, so naturally I want to

Put some thought into it, otherwise, if Liu Shu appears again in the future, wouldn’t it be a joke?”

Hearing the self-deprecation in Liu Shu's words, Liu Xi looked at this brother with some surprise. Seeing his calm expression, he thought for a while and said: "Ninth brother, you have always been smart and can see many things clearly.

Why can't students discipline themselves? How can we educate our children well if we don't set an example?"

"Three brother's words are a bit harsh!" Liu Shu raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Picking up the tea served by the maid and taking a sip, Liu Shu looked at Liu Xi and said, "I can't compare to the third brother. Among the brothers in Beijing, apart from the second brother, only the third brother is the most relied upon by my father."


Third brother is currently attending the political hall. He is very busy with official duties and rarely has time to spare. Please tell me directly what the purpose of your visit is!"

"Don't you know, Ninth Brother?" Liu Xi asked back.

Liu Shu was silent for a moment and asked, "What about Yangzhai?"

"What do you think?" Liu Xi continued to ask.

Liu Shu lost his previous indifference and sarcastically said: "That Pan Chou'er has such great official authority and power, but he doesn't take us princes seriously at all. He didn't even say hello and just settled the matter.

, Third brother asked me what I think now? I want to take people to Yingchang to overthrow the Gyeonggi Province government office, how about that?"

"Ninth brother, don't do this nonsense!" Liu Xi immediately said sternly with a straight face when Liu Shu opened his mouth and said something stupid.

Liu Xi was really not sure about this brother's temperament. Although he was not that bad, he might really dare to do it, and he had to kill his thoughts in advance.

Seeing this, Liu Shu spread his hands and said, "Since it's not allowed, what's the point of Third Brother coming to ask me what I think?"

Liu Xi was a little annoyed at Liu Shu's uncooperative attitude, but he still had the patience to say solemnly: "Ninth brother, this matter is extraordinary, don't take it lightly!"

"Of course it's unusual! Someone has blatantly bullied the prince, treating the majesty of the Tian family as if it were nothing. What a bad behavior this is!" Liu Shu and Liu Xi looked at each other and said coldly.

Hearing this, Liu Xi also knitted his brows together, emphasizing the word "tangled". Seeing this, Liu Shu smiled slightly: "Third brother, please tell me directly, what do you want me to do?"

After hearing the question, Liu Xi stopped talking in circles, pondered for a moment, and then said: "The political affairs hall has discussed this matter!"

"What's the result?" Liu Shu asked nonchalantly, looking like he didn't care much, but his erratic eyes still betrayed his inner concern.

Liu Xi said in a deep voice: "There is no conclusion, everything is left to dad's decision!"

Liu Shu did have a shrewd side. He felt an unusual meaning from Liu Xi's words. He looked directly at him and said: "How dad decides is one thing, but you central ministers always come up with something after discussing it."


Facing Liu Shu's gaze, Liu Xi paused for a moment, and then said slowly: "I sent a memorial to my father alone. The content is that the land of the royal family's descendants should be brought under the imperial taxation management like the people of the world. According to the regulations,

Pay taxes!”

After saying this, Liu Shu finally couldn't sit still anymore, stood up directly, and said angrily: "Third brother, what you did is too much! You want to estrange yourself from your brothers and sisters, and you want to stand beside Pan Chou'er.

On the side of foreign ministers, how do you deal with your own blood relatives?"

Seeing that Liu Shuyan was always on the line and increasing the scope of his attack, Liu Xi couldn't stand it any longer, and his tone was raised a few levels, and he said solemnly: "I stand for justice and for the country's great plan!"

"Haha!" Liu Shu suddenly sneered and said with some contempt: "Bullshit justice and justice, this is what you have the final say, Third Brother? When did a bastard like me, Liu Shu, actually affect the country's plans?"

"This matter may be small, but its impact is far-reaching. It is being watched by everyone from top to bottom! Those whose interests have been harmed during the tax reform process are all watching this matter. If it is not handled properly, it will definitely cause an uproar and cause dissatisfaction both internally and externally!"

Liu Xiyu analyzed Liu Shu carefully.

However, the one who can listen to this is not Liu Shu. Seeing the solemn look on Liu Xi's face, he directly retorted: "I don't interfere in the affairs of the court. I just close the door and live my own life."

, these troubles were brought on your own initiative. Since you think it has such a big impact, why did you let Pan You go? Let's get to the bottom of it. It's still you who hired someone inappropriately.

Now that the problem has arisen, you want me to take the initiative to give in and risk the interests of the entire royal family. How can it be so unreasonable! I don’t know what dad’s attitude is, but I will never agree with the third brother’s proposal!”

When Liu Shu said this, Liu Xi also became angry. He stood up, waved his hands, and said loudly: "Where did the honors and honors you enjoy come from? It was given by your majesty and supported by the imperial court! My father said more than once that we enjoy the heaven

The honor of a family must also bear corresponding responsibilities. As a prince, you should set an example and win people's hearts!"

"Dad also said that this country is the foundation of my Liu family. According to your plan, will the world still be that of my Liu family?" Liu Shu refused to give in and said aggressively: "You are going to knock us people down from the mortal world.

, just like those Guizhou leaders, you are trying to dig up the roots of my Liu family's foundation!"

"The foundation of the Liu family is for us, our descendants, to protect, not for you to take whatever you want!" Liu Xi said angrily: "The national law is more important than the mountains, no one can go beyond it, and the prince is no exception!"


The two brothers argued in court, and their words became more and more fierce, but Liu Shu never let up, and Liu Xi finally left in despair. Immediately afterwards, Liu Shu ordered the ministers in charge of Chu Gong's property to inspect the land as they pleased.

However, he will never pay taxes. At the same time, he will contact other brothers and sisters to fight against Liu Xi, the "traitor of the Liu family".

Of course, no matter what kind of debate follows, in the end, it all depends on Emperor Liu's attitude. One sentence of his is worth thousands of honest speeches.

This chapter has been completed!
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