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Chapter 345 Exploiters

In the bedroom, Emperor Liu was still lying on the couch with the same half-dead look, but his energy seemed to have recovered a lot. He tilted his head and his eyes were slightly dull, but the straight look in his eyes made Liu Gui's heart tremble.


After only a few breaths of inspection, Emperor Liu spoke, speaking slowly and slowly, making it impossible to feel the slightest emotion: "Now that the young master is managing the imperial estate, how much land is left?"

Liu Gui has always been sensitive to these data, and he can almost keep them at home. What's more, he has prepared them in advance, so he answered without any hesitation: "I report to the official family, the land under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu, and the various types of cultivated land in the country, there are about twelve

There are about 300,000 hectares of pastures in Shanyang, Yanshan North Road, and Hexi, and there are also mountain orchards, which are almost innumerable and are still being cleared..."

Liu Gui's answer showed a capable air. Emperor Liu nodded slightly, thought for a while, and said: "I'm afraid it will not be easy to count these things clearly one by one!"

Hearing this, Liu Gui was very calm and responded with his hands raised: "Where there is a will, there is a way. Clearing the land, although it is arduous and trivial, is just a step-by-step matter after all. All you need to do is to push forward steadily...


What Liu Gui said is true. After all, this is the private property of the royal family. Even though there are some indiscriminate things, the power is suppressed from top to bottom. The so-called obstacles are not much stronger than tofu and will break when touched, so they are investigated.

, there is no absolute difficulty, it just depends on the determination above.

What Emperor Liu admired was probably Liu Gui's attitude towards doing things. He had a spirit of spirit, which suited him very well. He twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and asked again: "How many farmers and herdsmen are there working for the royal family?"

"After a new round of inventory, the subordinates from all over the country reported to the Shaofu, and it was summarized that there are about 384,500 farmers and 28,340 herdsmen in the country!" Liu Gui replied: "However, these reports have yet to be further verified. However, Xiao

Even if there is a discrepancy, the error will not be too big..."

A few simple data reveal some of the current aspects of the royal family industry, even if it is only part of it, it is shocking enough.

Not to mention anything else, the scale of the two traditional real estates of agriculture and animal husbandry is measured in tens of thousands of hectares, and more importantly, in order to ensure the effective use of these lands and pastures, a large number of laborers either actively or passively

Press on it.

With these two items alone, there are more than 400,000 Han people serving the royal family. Based on the current average population of each household in the Han Dynasty, that means at least 2.5 million people. If other industries under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu are included,

The number of people serving the royal family probably exceeds three million. This accounts for almost one-twentieth of the current registered population of the Han Dynasty. This scale is extremely large.

The key thing is that the common people who serve the royal industry, especially the farmers and herdsmen, naturally do not have to pay official taxes to the court. Otherwise, if the emperor scrapes one layer and the court scrapes another, big problems will easily arise.


Emperor Liu has always deeply hated and extremely hated those powerful people who steal national wealth, evade taxes, and break bones to suck blood. However, from the analysis of the situation of the royal family's industry, it is the royal family that sucks the most blood from the big men. The real thief of the country is him, Emperor Liu.


Of course, the whole world is the land of the king. Emperor Liu deeply believed in this, and it was also the universal value of the Han officials and people. It was natural for Emperor Liu to enjoy certain privileges and operate certain industries, and Emperor Liu could take the initiative

It is extremely rare for emperors in the past to distinguish between internal funds and the treasury, and persist for decades, never taking funds from the treasury to satisfy selfish desires.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the royal family has enough say and the young government has sufficient finances to meet all the expenses and needs of the royal family. Otherwise, the monarchy and the country are integrated, and there will be no hesitation when it comes time to use it.

Similarly, if someone uses this kind of reason to say that he should not compete with the people for profit, then Emperor Liu will definitely fight back. It is not that there were no such "loyal ministers" in the past, but the results of direct remonstrance in this regard were not very good.

It's beautiful, but the fate of those people is also miserable.

If you just criticize the current affairs and make certain comments and suggestions on Emperor Liu's political gains and losses, even if you offend Emperor Liu, most of them will be demoted, and no more than exiled to the border.

However, if you want to have evil thoughts about the internal funds, the finance of the young government, and the private property of the royal family, you will face a direct and severe blow from Emperor Liu, which is almost retaliatory, both physically and psychologically.

Emperor Liu always saw the difference between name and reality very clearly. The royal family must have independent finances and sufficient monetary reserves.

Not only to distinguish it from the treasury and manage it separately to avoid the confusion of public and private use, but also because this is one of the most important signs of the stability of imperial power.

Not to mention anything else, when the imperial government needs to borrow money from the royal family several times to tide over difficulties, who takes the initiative and the stability and health of the imperial power are self-evident. Therefore, who wants to steal from Emperor Liu's bowl?

Food, anyone who wants to touch the private property of the royal family, even if it is just some tendency, will be ruthlessly punished by Emperor Liu, and the reason is often a word that Emperor Liu often talks about: his heart is worthy of death.

Emperor Liu maintained this similar mentality for a long time, and formed an elusive style in the affairs of the Shaofu. On the one hand, he strictly protected the interests of the Shaofu, on the other hand, he felt cruel to such behavior. At the same time, he treated some

Basic issues are also subconsciously ignored.

At this time, after listening to Liu Gui's answer and pondering for a long time, Emperor Liu finally asked the question that he had deliberately avoided before: "How much do these farmers produce each year, how much grain do they pay to the young government, and how much remuneration does each household receive?"

, and how much is it?”

After hearing the question, Liu Gui showed a rare hesitation on his face, glanced at Emperor Liu carefully, and replied: "Back to the official family, according to the statistics of the Shaofu's income from cultivated land in the past ten years, each household's cultivated land is between 30-50%.

Mu varies, and the yield of various types of grains per mu ranges from 1.5 to 2 shi. The annual grain yield per mu is about 3.8 shi, of which 70% is turned over to the Shaofu and 30% is used by farmers for their own use. In addition, there are mulberry, hemp, cotton, sorghum and other crops, among which

Eighty percent of it will be collected by the Shaofu..."

Liu Gui spit out data one by one, while Emperor Liu silently calculated in his heart. After a long time, he frowned and asked: "With such a high burden, how can the people live their lives without any complaints?"

The hesitation on Liu Gui's face became heavier, but facing Emperor Liu's somewhat gloomy gaze, he did not dare to do anything. He thought about it and responded carefully: "There is some resentment, but I can It is their good fortune to work for His Majesty, and the farmers are also very honored. Furthermore, farming for the royal family is safe, and at least they will not be bullied by others..."

Hearing what Liu Gui said, Emperor Liu opened his eyes a little wider, stared at Liu Gui for a while, and then said coldly: "Your ability to tell lies with your eyes open is really getting better! Who did you learn it from? Yan Yan Take off?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Gui's legs went weak, and he knelt down and said quickly, "Don't you dare?"

Yantuo, who was listening outside, was also shocked when Emperor Liu mentioned him. Fortunately, he was mentally strong enough and did not make any noise.

Emperor Liu had an expression of shame and anger on his face and reprimanded: "Throughout the year, after hard work, 70% to 80% of the harvest is handed over to the royal family. Are you telling me that this is a blessing to those farmers? Should it be me instead?" , I’m just afraid that I will curse the blood-sucking emperor to death!”

Faced with Emperor Liu's reprimand, Liu Gui tightened his neck and hurriedly apologized: "Your Majesty has taught me a lesson, it was just a small lie!"

Emperor Liu didn't think Liu Gui's apology was sincere, and he was just pretending to show it to himself.

Of course, Emperor Liu did not dwell too much on this. After pondering for a while, he made up his mind and ordered: "Change! Must change, big change!"

"Please tell me from the officials!" Liu Gui cupped his hands and said.

"Farmers working for the royal family should turn in money and grain every year in line with the new tax system of the imperial court!" Emperor Liu thought as he ordered: "For each mu of land, the annual tax collection should not exceed 75 wen!"

In this regard, Liu Gui obviously hesitated for a moment, but still bowed in response. However, he still couldn't help but remind Emperor Liu: "If the official family charges according to this standard, then the annual income of the young master from the land in the future will be decrease very much......."

Calculated based on the current price of grain and meat, the Shaofu's annual income from agricultural income alone is around 10 million yuan. Even if some costs of circulation and transactions are excluded, what is left is still a huge sum of money, but the high income is based on The cruel exploitation of farmers.

Once Emperor Liu's ideas are followed, even if the royal land is fertile land, the benefits collected from it in the future will be sharply reduced, doubled and reduced.

"As little as possible!" Regarding Liu Gui's reminder, Emperor Liu looked very indifferent: "You can't let people say that the emperor of the Han Dynasty treats his subjects worse than some local tyrants and squires treat their tenants... ..”

This chapter has been completed!
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