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Chapter 348 The Old Emperor

In the spring of March, the twenty-fifth year of Kaibao's reign, former Deputy Financial Envoy Shen Yilun died at the age of seventy-nine. According to custom, Emperor Liu issued an edict to abolish the court for three days and presented it to Marquis Kangping.

This year's climate is a little weird. It wasn't until May that there were some signs of heat. The light was obviously insufficient. It had little impact on people's sensory experience. It was even a bit comfortable. But for crops,

The impact is serious.

After receiving warnings from the Qintian Supervisor and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Prince Liu Yang expressed serious concern and listened to the report personally. Needless to say, the Qintian Supervisory Academy was created by Emperor Liu and has been established for ten years.

For three years, he specialized in researching agricultural technology and management issues, guiding farmers in farming, disaster prevention, etc.

Agriculture depends on the weather, and climate change is naturally a key focus of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. After a meeting with the two government agencies, Liu Yang personally went on a tour and went to the countryside to check the growth of crops around Luoyang. He traveled hundreds of miles.

It has been spread all over the country, covering more than ten counties and towns, and the results obtained are not optimistic.

As the temperature is significantly lower than in previous years and there is insufficient sunshine, the crops in most fields are not growing well. This season's grain production is destined to be reduced and the harvest will be poor. If it continues, it will even affect summer planting and autumn harvest. And once a large-scale grain epidemic occurs

If production is reduced, food prices will inevitably rise with fluctuations, which will inevitably greatly affect the national economy and people's livelihood, and even famine will break out.

After the plan was compiled at the beginning of the year, the imperial court officially ordered that the scope of tax reform would be further expanded, with Hedong, Hebei, and Guannai as the focus, and Lianghu and Lianghuai as the next batch. Against this background, the imperial court needed a stable political

, Social environment, stability is the first priority to ensure the smooth progress of reform.

If a famine disaster occurred, the impact was estimated. Therefore, after returning to the court, Liu Yang convened a meeting with ministers to discuss climate abnormalities and reduced food production to prepare for possible disasters.

The imperial court has rich experience in these matters, it just depends on whether to do it and how to do it. Again, the Han Dynasty has accumulated some wealth over the years, which is enough to withstand most risks and withstand any

The test of wind and rain, especially when you are prepared.

In order to cope with the possible food crisis, the imperial court has made preparations to mobilize grain reserves from various places, and at the same time increased the import of grain from Nanyang. The vast Nanyang is really a good place...

After learning about Prince Liu Yang's behavior before and after this incident, Emperor Liu didn't say much, but issued an edict shortly after. From the date of the edict, except for conquests, sacrifices, and the appointment and dismissal of officials above the third rank, all matters

It is up to the prince to decide, and there is no need to retaliate to Emperor Liu.

This is the first time in decades that Emperor Liu has delegated power in the form of a clear edict. The impact of this edict is far-reaching. First of all, the status of the prince has once again been consolidated. A young and powerful man

The emperor is a huge threat to the prince, and can even decide his fate and take away his status with one word, but an aging and slumbering emperor will naturally have his deterrence greatly reduced.

Of course, no matter how old the tiger is, it can still eat people. No one dared to test whether the old emperor's teeth were sharp. However, although Emperor Liu loved to toss, at this point, it was not easy to take them anymore.

The safety of Jiangshan Sheji was used as a bargaining chip, not to mention that Emperor Liu had always been dissatisfied with Prince Liu Yang, but he was always satisfied with the important events...

All in all, Emperor Liu was a little immobile. And the clear edict delegating power was an explanation to the Han subjects to reassure them.

However, Emperor Liu could not control the extent of the effect and the specific aspects of the effect.

At least, many people can't help but pay attention to the old emperor's physical condition, and how is he recovering from his fall at the beginning of the year?

Regarding Emperor Liu's physical condition, it is naturally top secret, and everyone involved dare not reveal it easily. Because there is always a knife hanging over the head. If one person leaks the secret, everyone will be killed. It is simple, crude, and cruel.

However, for many things, the more you hide them and the more you want to keep them unknown, the easier it is to attract attention and speculation from others. Even though it is difficult to obtain the specific situation of Emperor Liu, it cannot prevent some speculations.

Therefore, of course, when rumors about Emperor Liu's health appeared inside and outside the palace, those who served Emperor Liu suffered the most, fearing that they would be beheaded for "leaking secrets."

Naturally, those rumors and speculations could not escape Emperor Liu's ears and eyes. When he learned about these situations, one can imagine Emperor Liu's complicated mood.

From those speculations and suspicions, Emperor Liu saw the doubts that people in the world had about him. From those seemingly loyal concerns, Emperor Liu saw an ulterior motive. Some people thought that he was old, sick, and that his days were short.

He is no longer as awe-inspiring as he was in the past, and it is definitely not excluded that there are people who are looking forward to his early death.

Whenever he thought of these things, the tiger in Emperor Liu's heart couldn't help roaring and filial piety. He wanted to vent his anger and resentment, but he looked around, inside and outside the palace, in the government and the public, but could not find a clear target.

You can't just kill people indiscriminately to vent your selfish desires regardless of the reason. After all, Emperor Liu was not so comatose. The old Emperor Liu obviously had some mental illness. He had to guess for his forty years of heroism.

He is violent and violent, but he still has an instinctive sobriety and rationality in some critical matters.

On the one hand, Emperor Liu wanted to ensure his authority and prove that he was still the powerful leader who suppressed the empire, but many of his performances were contrary to this.

When he was recuperating in the palace, Emperor Liu had poor sleep and often had nightmares. He often woke up from his sleep. His low roar often made the palace attendants tremble.

Although he has never told anyone about his nightmares, Emperor Liu's state is indeed worrying, as well as his heart.

Perhaps in order to vent his anger, Emperor Liu personally organized a scandal. Li Yi, the horse supervisor of Qinzhou, had a fortune and hundreds of servants.

Feng Kang, the local official in charge of the state, petitioned for impeachment several times, but Li Yi bribed officials to hide the petitions. In order to retaliate, Li Yi hired people to kidnap Feng Kang's wife and daughter and humiliate them...

This matter was just a local corrupt official who bullied officials and harmed the people. After the incident, it was left to the investigation and adjudication. But Emperor Liu personally intervened and sentenced Li Yi to death. At the same time, he heavily implicated Li Yi.

, Digging deeper into the background, in Emperor Liu's view, where does a small horse prison have the energy to do such evil and run amok for a long time, there must be someone to protect it.

As a result, the local bureaucrats Li Yi had befriended were picked out one after another, and the number gradually expanded. More than half of the local officials in Qinzhou were punished, and many people in Longyou Daosi were implicated in this and were dismissed from office and questioned.

At the same time, Emperor Liu brought up old matters again. How could such a person be allowed to flourish for so long? How could the previous official movement allow such a fish to slip through the net? So some officials who had been investigated in Longxi in the past were also punished.

A crime of dereliction of duty...

Li Yiyu, except for the main criminal Li Yi, who had a more miserable fate and a more cruel death method, he did not kill too many people, but another incident was even more involved.

A story that sounds ridiculous is that Li Feixiong, the son of the judge Li Ruoyu of Shaanxi Province, was a young scoundrel who traveled westward from the capital. After passing through Chang'an, he stole officials' horses and pretended to be the special envoy of the King of Jin. He was ordered to patrol the border and traveled westward.

All the counties and towns he passed bowed their heads and obeyed orders. More than ten county officials from Qinlong were ordered to accompany him, and they crossed the border in a swagger. When they arrived in Hexi, Li Feixiong took hundreds of officials and soldiers with him.

After crossing the river, Li Feixiong had another "sudden" idea. He believed that Hexi was a place of great physical beauty and that he could become a king by taking advantage of it. So he led his people to Liangzhou, intending to seize Liangzhou for great things.

As a result, Wang Ming, the governor of Hexi Province, who learned that the "angel" had arrived, personally greeted him. However, who Wang Ming was, he immediately noticed something was wrong with Li Feixiong. After a simple test, he falsified his identity and sent him to prison.

After taking it down, a "rebellion" was eliminated.

The incident involving Li Feixiong was absurd and ridiculous, but it exposed a lot of serious things. A scoundrel drove hundreds of people to travel to the northwest, relying on nothing more than a lie and a "secret edict" that could not withstand inspection.

This is certainly a manifestation of the authority of the central government, which prevents local officials from offending. However, the imperial court has formulated so many complete and detailed rules and has many measures for identity verification, but in the face of "fake imperial envoys", none of them work. If it were not for the machine

I don't know how big the impact will be.

In fact, the matter was bad enough. Emperor Liu was furious when he learned of the situation. He intervened in the case again, without the need for a judicial review, and directly issued disposal opinions.

Naturally, Li Feixiong's family could not escape their bad luck, and they were all sentenced to death. The hundreds of officials and soldiers who were coerced by Li Feixiong's lies to march westward were all executed. Senior officials in Guannai, Longyou, and Hexi were also punished. If it weren't for Wang Ming

If you discover problems and deal with them promptly, you may not be able to avoid criticism.

Although everything happens for a reason, killing seems to have become a way for the old emperor to show his presence. It is the most direct and effective, and the lowest cost...

This chapter has been completed!
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