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Chapter 14 Relatives

The content of the letter was concise and sensational, which really frightened Da Fu. It was written to Zhang Qianzhao, the envoy who was camped in the north of Hou Shu to recruit and pacify, and the sender was none other than Li Shouzhen, the envoy of the Han Dynasty. The harsh government harmed the people, and the Liu family was immoral and could not enjoy the country. They wanted to raise an army in Puzhou, and asked Zhang Qianzhao to attack Guanzhong, meet at Jingzhao, and then march eastward to destroy the Han Dynasty...

The date of sending the letter was the twenty-eighth day of the first lunar month, which was the day after Liu Zhiyuan's death. It is estimated that Zhang Qianzhao led his army out of Sanguan again and fought with Wang Jun, which also had the effect of Li Shouzhen's letter, but he did not expect Wang Jun The Han army was so strong that Li Shouzhen was defeated before he could make any move.

When Wang Jun received this letter, he felt deeply that the matter was of great importance, so he wrote it in a secret form and attached a letter with a detailed explanation and submitted it to Liu Chengyou.

The chamberlain serving in front of the emperor has been dismissed.

"The official issued the edict today, rewarded him for his kindness, and shielded his son. He had already harbored treason! On the day of national mourning, he issued this rebellious article. How dare he do this? He is really the heart of a jackal and fox!" The queen of the Han Dynasty, Da Fu's butt was of course sitting on Liu Chengyou's side, and she angrily expressed her strong condemnation of Li Shouzhen from the beginning.

"I knew Li Shouzhen had different intentions, but I didn't expect him to be so uncontrollable." Liu Chengyou seemed very calm.

In his memory, the rest of this period of history may be vague, but he still knows some fragments of Li Shouzhen's rebellion. Moreover, it was precisely because of the three rebellions led by Li Shouzhen that the Later Han Dynasty risked its life to annihilate it. , but enriched Guo Wei.

Feeling Liu Chengyou's silent tone, Da Fu frowned. While observing Liu Chengyou's face, there was a hint of fear in his expression. You know, she almost became Li Shouzhen's daughter-in-law not long ago. How could Da Fu be related to this? She couldn't tell. She had been married to Liu Chengyou for less than a month. Liu Chengyou loved her very much, but Da Fu didn't think that she really meant much in Liu Chengyou's heart.

At this moment, she was worried that Liu Chengyou might have misunderstood her and the Fu family because of their "previous affairs". It was difficult to predict the king's heart, and he was familiar with Dafu in literature and history, so he naturally understood the reason behind it.

"The late Emperor conquered the Khitan and settled the country, and the ownership of the world was determined. Although the official succeeded to the throne for the first time, he was talented, intelligent and wise, and was supported by the officials. The imperial court had powerful troops and dominated the Central Plains. Li Shouzhen only had a corner of the country, so how dare he Betrayal?" Taking a deep breath, Dafu said in a deep voice, with a little doubt in his tone.

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou turned his head and looked at her, and said in an unexpectedly joking tone: "Didn't I take away his favorite daughter-in-law?"

Liu Chengyou said it easily, but Da Fu's expression changed after listening to his words, and he reacted greatly. He stood up and walked to the imperial court. Under Liu Chengyou's surprised eyes, he bent down and bowed prostrate.

"Why is this Queen?" Liu Chengyou asked.

"Your Majesty!" The titles were all changed. Da Fu looked at Liu Chengyou boldly and said seriously: "I have not been married to Your Majesty for a long time. However, I know my wife's virtues, abide by my duty, and am devoted to Your Majesty. If Your Majesty had previously If there is any doubt, please forgive me and have no complaints!"

Seeing Fu's reaction so fiercely, Liu Chengyou quickly stood up and reached over the table to help her up with his own hands: "The queen's words are serious. I didn't mean anything else. I was just joking. If I had any doubts, how could I tell you? I have no sense. So small."

You can also listen to Liu Chengyou's words in reverse. If there is no doubt, how can you believe it? Of course, Liu Chengyou is really just expressing emotion. As for what Empress Fu will think, he cannot control it.

After listening to his explanation, Da Fu stood up under the pressure, still frowning: "As the king of a country, your Majesty should avoid such jokes!"

Liu Chengyou spread his hands, looked at the big talisman and said, "I was wrong about this matter. I am the emperor, and the emperor does not admit my mistakes easily!"

Seeing this, Da Fu Yurong calmed down and looked at Liu Chengyou. She couldn't help but lower her head gently. It seemed that she was a little uneasy. This was the first time that she showed her fierceness in front of Liu Chengyou, and Liu Chengyou was quite satisfied with this. Feeling novel.

"You are not allowed to remember this passage!" Liu Chengyou tilted his head and said sternly to the old man who was recording behind the curtain.

"Yes!" The man agreed, writing furiously in his hand.

The person who lives in the living room is named Jia Wei. He is a bad old man. He was a scholar in the later Jin Dynasty. He was diligent in writing, good at taking notes, and had great historical talent. He participated in the compilation of "Old Tang Book". This man has a strong character and a very powerful mouth. Liu Chengyou, the former living man, was not satisfied, so Feng Dao recommended this Jia Wei. After experience, this man can be called "Tai Shi Gong". However, every word and deed of this kind of man is ignored by others. The feeling of recording is really unpleasant.

"You still write?"

"I have been ordered to stop writing." Jia Wei finally put down his pen, but looking at him, it was clear that he had finished recording.

Seeing the conversation between Liu Chengyou and Jia Wei, Da Fu couldn't help but feel happy and smiled.

The atmosphere returned to its original state and he sat down again. A little unable to hold it back, Da Fu asked: "The fierce beast has a different intention. How do the officials plan to deal with this?"

"Now the Han Dynasty needs to kill its troops and the people need to rest and recuperate!" This sentence expresses Liu Chengyou's attitude.

Mrs. Fu nodded, but obediently did not ask any further questions. Liu Chengyou turned to her and said seriously: "I need to deal with this matter carefully and not let it out."

"Please rest assured, officials." Da Fu replied softly, but his tone was convincing.

Of course, Liu Chengyou couldn't let go of Li Shouzhen, but he had to endure it for a while. Liu Zhiyuan killed Du Chongwei's chicken, so everything in the world was at peace. Liu Chengyou also needed a chicken, but the chicken jumped out on his own initiative. , to give him a handle. The battle against Shu was not considered as it was not completely marked with his Liu Chengyou imprint.

It doesn't take much time, just wait until the summer grain is mature and the grain shortage in the Han Dynasty is alleviated.

On the other hand, Liu Chengyou did not want to fall into someone else's trap. According to Wang Jun's report, the secret letter was found in the commander's tent of Zhang Qianzhao, the commander-in-chief of the Shu army, and it was placed on his commander's case, as if he was deliberately letting people find it. Wang Jun analyzed that Zhang Qianzhao wanted to use this letter to lead the imperial court to attack Hezhong, so as to relieve the pressure on Shu after the defeat of Fengxiang.

Liu Chengyou thought about it, and it was very possible.

"By the way, your eldest brother Zhaoxin hasn't retired yet." Suddenly, Liu Chengyou asked.

Da Fu was stunned for a moment, but soon realized what he was talking about, and replied: "The eldest brother is still at home, supporting his parents."

After hearing the answer, Liu Chengyou said directly: "It is the time for the imperial court to employ people. I would like to call him to the capital to serve the country, whether as an official or a general."

"Selecting talents and promoting talents is a matter for officials and court officials. As a woman, I can't interfere. Just teach that there are no rumors of 'employing people for personal gain'..." Da Fu replied calmly. , but Liu Chengyou could feel a little pleasure from his tone.

Not to mention how close the relationship between the brother and sister is, just the fact that Liu Chengyou took the initiative to mention this matter is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the Fu family.

Of course, a small part of the reason why Liu Chengyou did this was indeed because of the big talisman, but only a small part. More importantly, Liu Chengyou needed to introduce a new force of relatives to balance the forces. It may be a bit difficult to say which force to balance. Unfilial piety - maternal power.

Except for the seven younger brothers of the Empress Dowager Li who died early, the rest are all high-ranking officials in Tokyo and hold great power. Uncle Li Hongxin is the commander of the infantry capital, Shi Hongzhao, who is under Liu Xin; uncle Li Hongjian is With the deployment of the inner capital, Liu Chengyou took control of He, the inner palace was straight, and the scattered members of the Three Forbidden Army were placed under his subordinates; his uncle Li Hongwei was the commander of the guard and horse army; even his uncle Li Ye, who was the most incompetent, was also the envoy of martial virtue and controlled Some palace affairs...

Counting it down, Shi Hongzhao and Liu Xin may have some weight, but compared with the Li family, they seem to be nothing. Of course, a few uncles are of average ability and don't seem to have any ambitions. Liu Chengyou is relatively safe, but it is impossible for Liu Chengyou not to take the necessary precautions.

Liu Chengyou plans to solve the problem of the Li family's uncles occupying high positions in the Forbidden Army together with the reform of the Forbidden Army. But before that, Liu Chengyou plans to introduce the power of the Fu family to Tokyo. After all, there are still many talents in the general family. .

In addition, Liu Chengyou also plans to summon another brother-in-law to Tokyo. Fu Zhaoxin may not be famous in history, but Gao Huaide is famous. With Gao's connections, there is no reason not to summon him to Tokyo and entrust him with important tasks. .

In February of the first year of Qianyou's reign, Liu Chengyou issued another edict, saying: With my humble body, I am entrusted to the princes. I am afraid of virtue and kind, and I care about others. How can I transform myself into a person and support myself? The ancients did not know about moderation. Instead of spending money to work people, it is better to be frugal and restrain oneself. From now on, all the necessities of the palace and the emperor will be reduced; the precious and delicate tributes will be paid and the rest will be stopped. In response to the state of the world It is advisable to eliminate and eliminate the delicacies and delicacies of old tributes in the mansion. (Excerpt from this paragraph)

This is almost a follow-up to the "Crystal Sauce" presented by the Queen last night.

This chapter has been completed!
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