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Chapter 450 The End

The effect of the dialogue between Emperor Liu and the Crown Prince was obvious. It was like injecting a clear water into the boiling situation in the court. The old emperor was pulled back from the edge of crazy killing, and those with feverish minds gradually "awakened".

It was inevitable that he would have long nights and many dreams. The first thing Liu Yang did when he returned to the political hall to manage politics was to deal with the twenty-eight ministers Zhang Xun and Lu Mengzheng.

The competitive space in the officialdom of the Han Dynasty is getting smaller and smaller. Every carrot is a pit, and there are fewer and fewer vacant positions. Each one will face fierce battles. It is obviously not that easy to arrange twenty-eight ministers at one time, or they are still officials in the capital.


But at the same time, the officialdom of the Han Dynasty is very large, not to mention 28 people, but 280 people. Arrangements are made, it just depends on how determined they are to get rid of them.

In the court, the prince Liu Yang had no say in personnel matters, and he kept his word. Moreover, the old emperor acquiesced and was assisted by Lu Duan. Therefore, it only took half a day for Zhang Xun and Lu Mengzheng to do what they did.

The destination of the people has been determined. The arrangement of the twenty-eight people has been clearly arranged, and even the writing of the book has been drawn up.

According to Emperor Liu's wishes, the arrangements were decentralized, including Gaochang, Monan, Yunnan, and Guangxi, all over the country. Of course, the most people were in Helong, where there was the greatest shortage of people.

There have been big changes recently in Helong. First of all, Wang Ming, who had been the chief envoy for a long time, was transferred. Now he is still on his way back to Beijing. When things start happening in Longyou, Hexi will move first. This is also the tradition of Helong and Hexi.

At the same time, this also means the beginning of a new round of rectification by the imperial court in Helong, and it means that the Western Expedition policy has really begun to waver. At least, Wang Ming is a supporter of the Western Expedition.

Wang Ming is also a veteran cadre, Yun Wen and Wu. During the Unification War, in addition to leading troops in combat, he was also responsible for the logistics and supply of the army many times. There is no problem in terms of ability and qualifications, but because of

In this way, in order to feed the army of the Western Expedition, almost all the land in Hexi was scraped clean.

Of course, the results of Zhang, Lu and others did not mean that the matter was completely over and the story could be turned over. Soon Emperor Liu issued another edict announcing his attitude.

The content of the imperial edict highly affirmed the function and role of the Imperial City Division, praised the Imperial City Division's historical achievements, and finally added a grace decree to formally establish the Imperial City Battalion, and at the same time granted it the power to arrest and interrogate officials of sixth grade and below.

Like Wude Si's "Wude Camp", having its own independent semi-military force is what Wang Jien has been pursuing for the past few decades, but he has always been suppressed by Emperor Liu. He never thought that he would accidentally


The power of approving arrests and interrogating has patched up most of the previous violations of regulations by the Imperial City Division, and has since become "legal". It can be said that this authority was not given by the Wude Division's explicit edict.

Of course, the Imperial City Department was not without losses. At least Zhang Jinjie, the Detective Superintendent of the Imperial City Department and a group of his subordinates who had committed serious crimes were sentenced to death.

However, for the Imperial City Secretary, sacrificing the lives of Zhang Jinjie and others in exchange for these two powers is a profit. Such a result is difficult for most people to accept. If they know that they are risking major political

Fighting against risks has actually expanded the authority of the Imperial City Department, so why bother?

And this is obviously the attitude of Emperor Liu. No one can force him to do anything, and his style has become more and more extreme. He even did not hesitate to loosen the reins of the evil beast of the Imperial City Division, just like he had loosened the reins of the Wude Division. .

For a long time, due to the different scope of authority and development direction, the Imperial City Division had a greater deterrent effect on nobles and bureaucrats than the Wude Division. With the issuance of Emperor Liu's edict, the whole court began to exert more influence on the Imperial City Division. We really have to be afraid of it like a tiger. In the past, we were more afraid of it, but in the future, I'm afraid we will be more afraid.

Of course, the premise for all this must be during the reign of Emperor Liu. After all, the power of the Imperial City Division was given by the emperor. It is still unknown what will happen when the prince comes to power.

But right now, many Han aristocrats and bureaucrats, whether they are involved in this incident or not, can't help but feel a chill coming over them. What's more, they are full of resentment towards Zhang, Lu and others, and it's hard to live a peaceful life. Well, why do you want to deal with Wang Jien, target the Imperial City Division, and provoke the emperor!

By this time, many people had forgotten the turbulent public sentiment and awe-inspiring righteousness when they petitioned for mercy.

The expansion of the power of the Imperial City Secretary still had a great impact on the imperial court. The nobles and bureaucrats felt that the constraints on them were tightened, while the Wude Secretary, as a competitor, had no choice but to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

Although Wude Si acted very low-key and restrained during the whole process, no one would believe it if he said that Wude Si behaved himself and did not move at all. In Emperor Liu's mind, perhaps starting from Xue Che, There are already Takeshi's hands and feet.

Nowadays, there is more smoke inside and outside the court, and the fog is also denser. It is so thick that the old emperor can't see clearly. This forces him to take some more active and effective measures to clear his eyes and ears and see through. that mist

Emperor Liu actually had times when he was afraid. He was afraid of rebellion among the people, and of collusion between internal and external ministers to deceive him. Of course, what he was most afraid of was that he could not see loyalty, traitor, good and evil.

And if we say the most disappointing thing, there is no doubt that Zhang, Lu and other ministers who worked hard to "overthrow the king" not only almost lost their lives, but the result was so unsatisfactory. He lost his official position and his position was demoted, but Wang Jien, the old eunuch, still Staying peacefully in the imperial city envoy's position

Why bother?

The fog is heavy and the spring breeze is rustling. It is clearly the warm spring season, but the Luoyang suburbs give people a desolate and solemn atmosphere. Of course, the desolation may not be in the spring scenery, but in the people's hearts.

Yanxi Post, as the second largest post station in the suburbs of Luoyang, is the only way to Beijing from the west. It is naturally built on the "Luochang Straight Road", and its atmosphere is naturally warm. There are no shortage of people and many animals. The scenery of Yanxi Post is also It can be called a microcosm of the prosperous and prosperous style of Gyeonggi Province.

The spring breeze blows in the willows, greening both sides of the valley and the river, and we bid farewell to the long pavilion. The green branches are so delicate that people can't bear to break them. Beside the willow pavilion outside Yong'an Post, among the green grass, a few carriages are parked on the side of the road, a few coachmen comfort the horses, and a few figures After standing there for a long time, they looked up to the east. Luoyang, which was dozens of miles away, was far out of sight, but it did not hinder their nostalgia for the imperial capital.

Lü Mengzheng, a total of eight people, wearing ordinary clothes, as exiles, will soon go to Guanshan, Helong, and Gaochang to serve. They were unlucky. They were knocked down from heaven, but they were lucky enough to save their lives. He retained his official position, did not fall into the mortal world, and also earned a lot of fame.

However, if given a chance to come back, I am afraid most people would regret it, including Lu Mengzheng.

For Lu Mengzheng, Prince Liu Yang still values ​​​​more, and this time he was specifically placed in Hexi, Zhiganzhou. From Jingyin to Zhiganzhou, the gap is much larger than what appears in terms of grade.

What kind of place is Ganzhou? Although it belongs to the core area of ​​Hexi, it is really not ranked among the entire Han Dynasty. Its political status is extremely different from Luoyang. Obviously, for Lu Mengzheng, this is a matter of official career.

a major setback.

Among the bureaucrats of the common people, Zhang Qixian and Li Hang were the most famous among the same generation and seniority as Lu Mengzheng. The three of them were collectively known as the "Three Heroes", and they were recognized as having a bright future, and they were most likely to become the prime minister in the future. From then on

When Luoyang Mansion started, Lu Mengzheng was completely ahead of the other two.

However, after this setback, the originally bright future suddenly became gloomy. No one knew how long he would stay in Ganzhou, maybe for a lifetime. Therefore, he felt sad at this time, not only because of leaving Beijing, but also because of himself.

The future seemed bleak and unclear.

In contrast, Zhang Qixian worked hard in the six prefectures of Yulin and made great achievements. After several years of hard work, the local area has finally recovered some vitality from the extremity. It is reported that the population of the six prefectures has exceeded 300,000 again. It is true to achieve something under difficult conditions.

Talent, if you can earn some tax revenue and earn some reputation in an economically developed area, it is not considered your ability.

Thanks to his outstanding work in the restoration and development of Yulin, Zhang Qixian also received high recognition from the imperial court and was promoted to Guannai Dao. Emperor Liu admired those officials who had made achievements in difficult areas. Zhang Qixian had been in the emperor's heart for a long time, and he had served as an official for many years.

Hard work, the next step is to be a leader.

And Li Hang is also making steady progress. When Zhengzhou took office, he did an excellent job in tax reform, with both speed and efficiency, and it has not caused too much turmoil. His ability to appease the people and coordinate work is evident. Now, it is

The deputy chief envoy of Gyeonggi Province is responsible for the promotion of tax reform in Gyeonggi Province. Even after reaching a higher position, he still does a good job and is very effective.

When compared with Zhang Qixian and Li Hang, the impact of Lu Mengzheng's relegation on him is even more prominent. Of course, thinking in a positive direction, if he can achieve some results during his term in Ganzhou, it will be a great success for Lu Mengzheng.

, is also a kind of compensation for shortcomings. After all, what Lu Meng lacked before was experience in local state affairs. He has been a capital official since he became an official.

However, no matter what, the premise is that Ganzhou can be left. After this incident, during the reign of Emperor Liu, it was probably very difficult. It was difficult and extremely risky to remove a thorn in the heart of the old emperor.

Of course, it is not that there is nothing worth comforting. Xu Shilian is standing next to Lu Mengzheng at this time. He is wearing a light blue brocade robe and a gauze bun on his head. His eyes are calm and his expression is indifferent. Even his mustache

It seems very personal.

Pointing to the westbound road, Xu Shilian said to Lu Mengzheng: "Lv Zhizhou, if we go further, we will leave Yong'an County. I'll forgive you and say goodbye. It's a long way to Guanshan, so take care of it!"

"Xu Shuzi is so kind. I can't thank you enough. Please stay." Lu Mengzheng nodded and bowed solemnly to Xu Shilian.

After saying that, he took the lead in boarding the carriage, looked back at Luoyang again, glanced at Xu Shilian, nodded slightly to him, and ducked into the carriage.

Lu Mengzheng and Xu Shilian had never even communicated with each other in the past, let alone made a confession. However, Xu Shilian traveled tens of miles to Luoyang to see each other off, and Lu Mengzheng accepted it calmly, while maintaining a certain degree of respect.

The reason is self-evident. This is the only place where Lu Mengzheng can find comfort in his heart. Now Lu Mengzheng is full of blessings for the prince, wishing him all the best and that he can successfully inherit the throne in the future.

Compared with the "large numbers of people" on Lu Mengzheng's side, Zhang Xun's side was much deserted. He went to Linhuang Mansion alone. The only people who came to see him off were the family members sent by his "sworn brother" Yu Guogong Wei Xianxin.

In addition, there are also people from the Prince sect, who are also not very talkative. But compared to Lu Mengzheng, Zhang Xun is much more confident.

As Zhang, Lu and others left the capital, it was officially announced that Luoyang's struggle, which was aimed at the Imperial City Division on the surface but actually restricted the imperial power, had completely failed. It was really vulnerable to the powerful monarchy.

Some people walked through the border in panic, but naturally some people were laughing and joking. The Imperial City Secretary, starting from Wang Jien, was overjoyed, as if he had won a great victory. Emperor Liu's edict to strengthen the power of the Imperial City Secretary was reportedly regarded by Wang Jien as

It's like a treasure, put it under your pillow and sleep on it.

In the next ten days or so, Wang Jien's life was extremely comfortable. Under his auspices, the Imperial City Camp quickly entered the preparatory stage. After obtaining Emperor Liu's consent, he went to the Wude Camp to select a few people.

Martial virtue made Wang Xuanzhen a capable general, and then he was transferred to the Imperial City Camp as a groom.

The voices criticizing him and the Imperial City Secretary, both inside and outside the imperial court, suddenly disappeared. No matter whether they were high-ranking officials or subordinates, they all respected him. Facts have proved that he is still the powerful Imperial City Envoy, Wang Daguan.

Of course, the most gratifying thing was Emperor Liu. It was as if after going through twists and turns, the master and servant had regained their former closeness. Emperor Liu seemed to have put aside his grudge and took the initiative to summon him many times to listen to his reports.

Knowing the progress of his work, and even asking for help made Wang Jien very happy.

At the end of February, spring flowers were blooming and the sun was shining brightly. This day was Wang Jien's sixtieth birthday. Probably to offset the bad luck from the previous turmoil, a grand birthday banquet was held at the palace in the north city of Luoyang.

There were more than a thousand guests. In addition to the high-minded subordinates of the Imperial City Department, there were also some courtiers, subordinates and merchants who were ingratiating themselves. Even Emperor Liu specially ordered someone to send a handwritten inscription to express his congratulations. From

His Majesty the Emperor's gift was undoubtedly the most precious gift present, and it also brought the atmosphere to its climax, with the festive hustle and bustle continuing until midnight.

Probably because of happiness, Wang Jien drank a lot of wine and even got drunk. Although Wang Jien was not young, he did not have the same physical problems as Emperor Liu. As for his drinking capacity, to be honest, one or two kilograms was not enough.


However, when he woke up from a hangover the next day, the scene in front of his bed made Wang Jien feel very frightened. Zhang Bin, deputy envoy of the Imperial City Department, led four subordinates to stand in the room, as if "taking care of" them, but that

The silent gaze is heart-stopping.

"Why are you in my room?" Already vaguely aware that something was wrong, Wang Jien pretended to be unhappy and asked in a cold voice, assuming the aura of an envoy from the imperial city.

"Since the Secretary is awake, please move on!" Normally, Zhang Bin was extremely respectful to Wang Jien, but at this moment, he made a gesture of invitation in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"Go, where are you going?" The imperial envoy who had been strong for decades could not help but feel his tongue tremble at this moment.

"According to the official order, I am going to jail!" Zhang Bin cupped his hands in the direction of the imperial city and said calmly: "Secretary, for the sake of your dignity, please take the initiative to move and don't make things difficult for us!"

When he heard this sentence, Wang Jien's old face turned even paler. His eyes were blank at first, then suddenly. Then he got up anxiously, fell to the ground, and said to Zhang Bin: "I want to see the official!"

"My mission is to jail the commander!" Zhang Bin's tone was still calm, but he obviously didn't want to give Wang Jien the slightest chance.

"Who are you, who dares to stop me from seeing an official?" Seeing this, Wang Jien couldn't help but scolded him sternly.

Zhang Bin chuckled and said to the subordinates beside him: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Are you still not carrying out the official decree?"

There was no possibility of resistance at all. For Wang Jien, the world was turned upside down when he woke up. But for the court, even if Wang Jien was arrested secretly, it would cause trouble again. No one expected that the contrast overnight could be so big...

But in the eyes of some old foxes, this is an expected thing. Someone as smart as Zhao Kuangyi would have sentenced Wang Jien to death long ago!

This chapter has been completed!
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