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Chapter 504 The Last Journey 4

After intense and rapid thinking, Fan Zhigu figured out a way to deal with it, put it into action, and used his actions to express his attitude to the court and the old emperor. He immediately sent someone to contact the Dusi Department and the Second Department of Press and Investigation, led by Fan Zhigu.

The main officials of the three yamen and Jiangling Prefecture rushed to Xingzai and kowtowed to pray for sin.

Fan Zhigu understood very clearly that in this situation, the old emperor had already taken such decisive and swift measures. The seriousness of the matter was self-evident, and there was no room for evasion. Only a correct attitude would be enough.

Help solve the problem.

There are hundreds of bureaucrats, half of whom are high-ranking officials in Jinghu North Road. They are all big figures who were once only mentioned in the mouths of the people. They hold great power and even control life and death. This is how these high-ranking people, masters, face people from all over the world.

When the power is stronger, the attitude of surrender is not much different from that of the untouchables in Jiangling City who are immersed in making a living.

Due to the "smuggling case", the high-level officials of Jinghu North Road were shaken, and the entire Hubei officialdom trembled. However, Jiangling City was in an uproar, and the response among the soldiers and the people was enthusiastic.

Rumors spread quickly because of the large-scale manhunt and speculation. However, there was no tension in the market, only curiosity, even excitement, and encouragement.

After all, those who were arrested were either officers and soldiers or bureaucrats, and they did not disturb the people. Isn't it just what we like to see when something happens to the powerful? And the actions of the high-ranking officials in Jinghu North Road spread quickly throughout Jiangling like the wind.

Therefore, before noon, the scene outside became even more lively. In addition to the large number of Hubei bureaucrats who knelt down, there were also Jiangling people who came after hearing the news.

Scholars and civilians flocked in, which brought a lot of challenges to the maintenance of order. The imperial city, Wude, and Ouchi had to strengthen control. However, even if they were excluded and could only wait and see from a distance, they could not be extinguished.

The enthusiasm of the onlookers, on the contrary, became even higher.

As for those in high positions, they feel awkward when they are in such a noisy environment and are looked at by a bunch of bastards with such strange eyes. Even at this point, even if they are kneeling in the sun, many people still can't let go of bureaucrats at all.

Some are sad, some are angry, some are ashamed, and of course some lower their heads and close their eyes as if they don't exist.

Outside, there was a commotion. In fact, just because the people of Jiangling reacted like this to this matter, one can imagine what the public sentiment is like in Jiangling Mansion. At least it can be confirmed that it is not like the situation when they entered the city the day before yesterday.

Give the old emperor that kind of political leadership and people-friendly attitude.

When things have reached this point, the mood has completely risen, and there is no way to lower it easily. The scholars and people in Jiangling are looking forward to how it will end, and the officials in Hubei are also concerned, while the bureaucrats who are kneeling in front of them are feeling sinking.

, not a good ending.

At this time, a group of people realized it later and followed Fan Zhigu. This decision seems to be very inappropriate! Their intentions are to be punished! After all, they are outsiders, how can they really think about them, the virtuous people of Hubei?

But the old emperor, who had been restrained, or rather prepared, saw that the time was almost up, and took further action as noon was approaching.

He did not pay attention to the Hubei bureaucrats, and did not even issue an order. There were four people who came forward according to the order, Liu Wenhuan and Liu Wenji, the two emperor's grandsons, and the two spy chiefs Wang Xuanzhen and Zhang Bin. The four people had different expressions, but their eyes were

They all showed similar emotions, it was a feeling of accepting the same order.

Immediately afterwards, another "big move" by the old emperor, a group of people, about forty or so, were escorted forward, with their hands tied and their heads downcast. They had no time to change their prison uniforms. Everyone was still wearing military uniforms and looked at the military rank signs.

He is a low-level officer, of some rank in the team, and is obviously an officer and soldier of the Hubei Navy who was arrested yesterday.

This way of appearing attracted the attention of almost everyone. Not only the bureaucrats of Hubei Province, but also the people of Jiangling who were watching gradually became quiet, because behind everyone, there was an axe-hand holding a bright knife in his hand.

beheading knife.

Almost everyone present had some anticipation of what might happen next, and it was quickly verified.

Zhang Zhibai, the imperial censor, walked out slowly, followed by two guards, each holding a tray with a row of rolls on it. Zhang Zhibai picked up the first tray and looked around, with a serious look on his face.

He shouted: "Control!"

Almost all the kneeling bureaucrats knelt down. At this moment, it was as if a huge boulder was pressing down on their backs. As Zhang Zhibai read out the order, a huge boulder had sunk into their hearts.

The first order was not complicated. It mainly reported the crimes committed by the more than 40 grassroots naval officers, with each person's name and the result of the punishment. There was no sloppiness at all, behead!

With almost no time for anyone to react, dozens of sword lights flashed by, dozens of heads fell off, and blood spilled on the floor. The scene was in an uproar. Everyone, including officials and citizens, was shocked, and the scene was silent for a moment.

It’s not that the officials and people in Hubei are ignorant. In this world, there are no undead people, and dead people are a common thing. From time to time, floating corpses can be recovered from the Yangtze River. As for those ditches and wilderness, picking up corpses is even more common.

The scary thing is not the dead people, but the sight of people's heads falling to the ground, dripping with blood. In the past, prisoners on death row were taken to the capital, and after being reviewed by Dali Temple, they were executed in the capital.

Therefore, a scene like today's Xingqianqian has probably not happened in Jiangling for decades. The world has been peaceful and the system has been established for as long as it lasts!

Moreover, this kind of collective beheading kills not just ordinary people, not to mention naval officers, even ordinary sailors, whose lives are much more valuable than ordinary civilians. Now, in front of the steel knife and the national law, those necks are fragile

It's just like tofu.

Before everyone had time to react, another group of people were escorted up. This time, the number was smaller, less than twenty. They were still officers, but their ranks were higher, having already been promoted to the battalion level.

Zhang Zhibai picked up the second book-making process, read it out, cut the knife, and his head fell to the ground. The same process, the same result, and the blood in front of him continued to spread along the ground.

Following them are the auxiliary units of the Navy, including logistics, training, and military discipline, a total of eleven people. By now, the Hubei Navy has killed more than seventy middle- and lower-level officers.

But the matter obviously did not end. The killings continued, and the arrested officials were the ones who were pulled up. Compared with Navy officers and soldiers who violated military law, the investigation of bureaucrats and the determination of crimes are of course more complicated.

, plus so many people, but first there was the heavy evidence of Wude Si, and then the old emperor's severity and speed, so he was urgently convicted, and after the verdict was read out, he was executed!

Severe punishments and sudden killings will of course easily lead to unjust, false and wrongful convictions. Moreover, such an approach once again undermines the judicial system of the Han Dynasty, and even tramples on the legal system established and maintained by the old emperor himself.

However, at this time and that time, the old emperor did this kind of thing not once or twice. However, it often happened in the capital in the past, but now in the local area, Jiangling officials and people really felt the power of centralized power.

How powerful and cannot be bullied.

Navy officers and soldiers are classified according to their rank, and when it comes to officials, they are classified according to their departments. Of course, the number of officials who were killed was smaller, less than fifty in total. Of course, there were more than so many people arrested. These were just emergency sentences.

Those who died, the rest need to be investigated slowly and carefully.

Just like that, more than a hundred heads fell to the ground. In terms of scale, it was comparable to any collective anti-corruption execution that had ever happened in Gyeonggi Province, but the level was much lower.

The flowing blood almost dyed people's eyes red, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell. The human heads were rolling, and they were hideous and terrifying. More than a hundred corpses were separated and piled together before they could be cleaned up. It was really shocking.

The stench was unavoidable. Not only one or two people were frightened by this scene, including senior officials in Hubei, some were shivering, some fainted and were dragged away for treatment, and many of the onlookers dispersed.

Not everyone can bear such an impact, and the rest have no energy to cheer.

It can be said that the whole of Jiangling spread to the whole of Hubei, and the officials and the people were shocked. However, the matter was not over yet, and the last two criminals were also pulled out. The "treatment" was more special, with their hands and feet shackled.

, staggering step by step.

Seeing the crowds of people in front of them, the older people's faces turned pale, but they could still hold their own. As for the younger ones, their legs were a little weak, and they were crying and howling in front of them, hoping that the old emperor would survive.


Wei Zhong and Fu Zhaoshou.

These two were the biggest criminals in this case and the most eye-catching ones. Everyone's hearts were in their throats, including the senior officials whose faces turned pale with fright. They also cheered up and opened their eyes wide.

No way! Uncle Guo!

The two imperial grandsons, whose expressions were already a little numb, also had some mood swings. Wei Zhong and the others didn't care, but Fu Zhaoshou was their uncle. Zhang Zhibai, who was already thirsty, could not help but tremble in his voice when he read the last step of book making.

When the conclusion of beheading clearly appeared in everyone's ears, the uproar reappeared, and Fan Zhigu couldn't bear it anymore. He even spared people under the knife, and then kowtowed and shouted to see him, heartbreaking.

I shouted at the top of my lungs, hoping that the old emperor could hear me.

To be honest, Fan Zhigu was also frightened by the old emperor's cruel measures. He made many deductions in his mind and thought of countless possibilities. He just didn't expect that the old emperor would come to such a massacre in Jiangling. He didn't expect it.

Wrong, it’s massacre!

It shouldn't be, it really shouldn't be! In the past two years, the old emperor's anger has become much less violent. What exactly stimulated him!

But no matter what, as the highest officer of Jinghu North Road, Fan Zhigu must express his feelings. He can't really let His Majesty kill his brother-in-law...


This chapter has been completed!
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