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Chapter 35 Returning East

Hezhong Prefecture, the prefectural government is called Hedong City.

During Liu Chengyou's western tour, the whole city seemed very tense. Soldiers were patrolling without stopping. Since Li Shouzhen had different ambitions, she naturally paid close attention to the direction of the imperial court. She even doubted the purpose of Liu Chengyou's western tour. , especially when he refused to go east to Luoyang for an audience.

In fact, with a guilty conscience, Li Shouzhen was already ready to raise troops. Of course, the preparation here refers to the psychological preparation. Liu Chengyou set up the Tong'an Army in Tongguan, which made it a frightened bird, but he was also afraid of the rat.

In the smoky and luxuriously decorated palace hall, a monk wearing cassocks was closing his eyes tightly and muttering something in his mouth, as if he was "exerting power". Looking at his face, he looked solemn and solemn, giving him the temperament of a senior monk. After a long time, he slowly opened his bright eyes glowing with wisdom.

This monk, nicknamed "Zong Lun", was good at divination. He came in and out of Commander Jiedu's mansion and was treated as an honored guest. He fooled Li Shouzhen into a daze.

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"Master, how are you?" Seeing this, Li Shouzhen, who was waiting by the side, hurried forward and asked.

After some contemplation with great grace, Zong Lun stroked his beard, smiled kindly at Li Shouzhen and said, "Don't worry, there is no danger!"

Hearing this, Li Shouzhen's expression relaxed, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

It must have been a coincidence that a close confidant came to report in a hurry: "A letter from Luoyang, Commander-in-Chief!"

Slightly surprised, Li Shouzhen quickly opened it and read it. Soon, he burst out laughing, very happily.

On the side, Zong Lun, who was instructing his disciples to pack up their magical weapons, stepped forward, performed a Buddhist salute, and said, "It seems that good news has come from Luoyang."

Li Shouzhen held up the letter in his hand, with some pride on his face: "The little emperor left Luoyang and went to Kaifeng. I didn't come to see you according to the imperial edict. Not only did he not punish me, he didn't even dare to issue an order. Instead, he wanted to give me He was promoted to an official position, and he sent Prime Minister Feng Dao to come to the river in person to declare the edict. This is because he is afraid that he will completely force me to rebel, and he wants to stabilize me! The imperial court is weak. It can be seen from this that the world will know it and will despise it. How can we hold on to our country?"

"The imperial court must be frightened by the power of Pu's army and afraid of the power of the emperor." Zong Lun agreed from the side.

"As the master said, destiny is still with me!" Li Shouzhen said with a smile, and said with a hint of meaning: "He wants to stabilize me, and I am trying to confuse him. When I contact my allies, I will definitely help the little emperor and A lesson for the imperial court."

"You can expect great things from me."

"Borrow the Master's auspicious words."

"Jie Shuai, Zhao Tuiguan wants to see you."

"Xiuji, what do you want from me?" Li Shouzhen asked carelessly when he saw Zhao Xiuji coming to pay him a visit.

Zhao Xiuji's lips turned white, his expression was gloomy, he coughed several times, raised his hands and said to Li Shouzhen in a weak voice: "Commander, I am seriously ill, and I have come to ask for my resignation."

"Wasn't it fine last time?" Li Shouzhen was stunned, and then noticed Zhao Xiuji's face.

"The illness came suddenly, and the unexpected disaster was beyond the expectations of my subordinates." Zhao Xiuji said bitterly.

"Then there's no need to resign." Li Shouzhen waved his hand and said, "You can temporarily put down your government affairs and recuperate in the mansion. I will ask a good doctor to treat you."

"Your Majesty! The doctor said that the disease I contracted is a serious disease..." Zhao Xiuji coughed heavily a few more times and said sadly: "There is no cure, and I am afraid that time is running out. The leaves have fallen back to their roots, and I just want to

Hold on to your illness and return to your hometown."

The word "illness" was pronounced with a strong accent. Looking at Zhao Xiuji's appearance, Li Shouzhen thought of something. His expression changed slightly and he waved his hands a little impatiently: "In that case, I can't stand in my way. Later, I will order someone to hand over the money."

The silk will be used as road supplies to support your previous efforts."

Zhao Xiuji coughed heavily again and thanked Li Shouzhen with trembling hands: "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief. I will take my leave."

After Zhao Xiuji withdrew, Li Shouzhen immediately left the room in disgust with a look of bad luck on his face. While ordering people to clean the room, he hurriedly went to take a bath.

On Zhao Xiuji's side, after getting Li Shouzhen's permission, he took his family south that night and walked in a hurry. They didn't slow down until they reached Fenglingjintou.

"Why are the officials in such a hurry?" His wife asked anxiously, sitting in the carriage with her children in her arms.

It was already dawn, the sky was dark, and the sound of the Yellow River could be faintly heard. At this time, Zhao Xiuji showed no sign of illness in front of Li Shouzhen. Seeing his wife's worry, he comforted her by saying, "I am trying to avoid trouble in advance!"

"Commander Jie has many suspicions about the imperial court, and his rebellious intentions are already strong, and he cannot be dissuaded. However, his desire to use a corner of the river to fight against the greatness of the world is tantamount to throwing an egg against a stone and bringing about his own destruction. Disaster is not far away!"

Zhao's wife didn't understand this and could only nod along: "Then where are we going now?"

"Go back to your hometown first!" Zhao Xiuji said. He is still from Kaifeng.

While walking, he couldn't help but look back. Zhao Xiuji stroked his beard and sighed: "Since the Tianfu period, I have followed Li Shouzhen and traveled to several towns. I never imagined that this would be the result. After several years of work, I can't recognize people well."


With Li Shouzhen's warrant, the guards on the north bank of Fenglingjin simply let him go. At this time, after crossing south, he was directly detained by the Tong'an army for questioning. Yang Ye learned the news and invited him. He couldn't go back to his hometown.

In desperation, Zhao Xiuji had to temporarily stay under Yang Ye's tent in Tongguan.


No matter how arrogant Li Shouzhen was, Liu Chengyou's journey back east was smooth.

The purpose of this western tour is to punish corrupt officials, punish evil officials, attack old tyrants and right-wingers, rectify bad habits, free up land, increase registered households, encourage production, and calm people's hearts. We call for peace and control, and arrange prevention and control measures in the river. Details

After all, I have done a lot.

In addition, Su Fengji was imprisoned, Feng Dao envoyed Hezhong, and Shi Hongzhao guarded Xijing. None of the three accompanying ministers (Shi Hongzhao had the title of Tongping Zhangshi) were able to follow him back to the capital intact.

It seems that being accompanied by Liu Chengyou on a tour is not a favor, but rather a bit unlucky. I wonder if Liu Chengyou will be trembling in heart if Liu Chengyou goes on tour again in the future.

The situation among the people in Gyeonggi Province has obviously improved after Liu Chengyou cleaned up the situation. Although it is far from a great improvement, it has at least stabilized. What Liu Chengyou wants is stability so that the people can cultivate the land for him.

When passing through Sishui County, he saw the famous pass through the ages. Liu Chengyou felt something. He sent an order to the Privy Council to discuss the matter and sent the generals to guard the elite imperial army. This could be regarded as a kind of check and balance for Shi Hongzhao to guard Xijing. Although Shi Hongzhao may not appear there. What a big problem, after all, local rebellions in this era are really not very reasonable, but it is better to be prepared, and the temple counts, after all, it must be considered carefully.

Passed through Zhengzhou again, rested for a night, and sent someone to inspect it. I was very happy.

The new defense envoy Jing Fan has already taken office, taking over the military and political affairs, handling general affairs, and is on the right track. Previously, Liu Chengyou had met Jing Fan in Luoyang and inspected it personally. As others have described, this is a man who is strong and trustworthy. As a person, he has passed through many years, and the ups and downs of officialdom in a special era have slightly worn away his edges, but his speech and behavior still reveal some restrained strength.

The emperor asked the right question, which was very appropriate and showed his ability. Liu Chengyou consulted him on the policy of Zhengzhou. He was well prepared and recounted it without thinking. He summarized it in five phrases: encourage farming and mulberry planting, promote farming and weaving, and clarify laws and disciplines. , establish prestige and stabilize people's hearts. This is obviously a manifestation of knowing the current situation and being aware of the situation.

Although a not particularly in-depth exchange did not make Liu Chengyou appreciate Jing Fan too much, he still had a good impression. After meeting the emperor, he sent him east to Zhengzhou to take over the office. At the beginning of taking office, he will rule all the people under his control. I walked around the county to understand the situation.

As far as the current situation is concerned, his political ability is outstanding. He governs according to the law and is reasonable, distinguishes loyalties and detects traitors, and handles all affairs in such a way that the officials and the people will be convinced, and there will be no complaints. In fact, with his tough style, whether there are any complaints, there is no point. That's clear, at least that's what it seems on the surface.

On the basis of Liu Shen's work on farming, Jing Fan continued to encourage farmers to manage farming, went to the fields several times, inspected the countryside, and inquired about the farmers. His personal performance made his official reputation spread throughout Zhengzhou in a short period of time.

Nowadays, Grain Rain has arrived, and spring plowing in Zhengzhou has basically ended. Due to the siltation of the ditches, Jing Fanzheng has organized a small number of people to dredge several main canals in the state for irrigation in the past two days. In this regard, some officials in the state objected, because the construction project would not only consume manpower, but also money and food, and the treasury would be empty. Jingfan tried his best to defy all opinions and use all the treasury to benefit farmers.

After learning about Jingfan's governance, he issued an edict to state the details. Liu Chengyou was very relieved and encouraged him. He also expressed emotion in front of the accompanying civil and military personnel: "Ruling the country in memorials and official documents will inevitably lead to omissions. If you want to make the government smooth, the people To achieve stability, one needs to take personal care of things. Officials in the world should follow Jing Fan as an example!"

Such a favorable review was surprising. Even Jing Fan himself was very moved. For the first time, he felt respect for the young emperor. There is a saying that statesmen treat him with respect and he will repay him with some respect. taste.

Of course, there may be suspicions of excessive praise for Jing Fan. But Liu Chengyou may not have no intention of using this to show his attitude in employing officials. If something is good at the top, it will be worse at the bottom. In this regard, Liu Chengyou hopes Officials all over the world can emulate his ideas. Of course, they also know that it is just a beautiful extravagant hope.

Furthermore, if all the officials in the world are like Jing Fan, it may not be a good thing for the emperor and the country.

After passing Zhengzhou, there was no longer any stop.

On Renwu in April (the third day of the lunar month), Liu Chengyou returned to Kaifeng, and ordered civil and military generals and officials to perform their duties, and there was no need to welcome him.

Summer will begin.

This chapter has been completed!
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