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Chapter 10 Kangzong Chapter 12 Hunting the Emperor

In the summer of the sixth year of Pingkang Dynasty, in the Xiyuan of Luoyang, in the royal garden with lush vegetation, more than two thousand forbidden horses swept past, causing birds to fly and animals to fly away in great joy.

The Imperial Cavalrymen are all good at riding and shooting, and they are also experts in hunting. Under the leadership of each commander, they form an orderly formation and drive the surrounding prey into the paddock with familiarity and smooth coordination.

In the position where the stars are holding the moon, it is the emperor Liu Wenpeng. Even if he does not look at his identity, his coquettish outfit and bright gold armor are eye-catching.

This pair of golden armors has quite an origin. Liu Gui, the Shaofu, summoned famous official and private clothing designers to design and draw the plans. He compared and eliminated them one by one from hundreds of plans, and selected them from the Shaofu, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ordnance Supervisor.

The most skilled craftsmen, with the most dexterous hands and the most careful patience, spent more than half a year to build it.

There is no doubt that this is the most luxurious armor since the founding of the Han Empire. The gleaming blades are all made of pure gold, and the other accessories are non-trivial. In order to facilitate the emperor's inspection and hunting, it was specially made into a set of willow-leaf light armor.

A, practical.

At the same time, the patterns, lines, shapes and other styles on the outside and inside of the armor, which encompass the world and the four corners of the world, and include many special connotations of the country, the country, and the country, are both beautiful, or artistic, truly expensive, and priceless artistry.

After trying it on, Liu Wenpeng was very satisfied with the finished product and believed that it suited his identity.

Such a huge and elaborate golden armor was originally made. Ten pairs were made, but the actual labor and material consumption was ten times that. In the end, under Liu Wenpeng's instruction, eight pairs were destroyed, and the remaining two were used as the emperor's.

Royal armor, one set for regular use and one set for backup.

With this, Shaofu Liu Gui won the favor of Liu Wenpeng and rewarded Liu Gui with all the remaining gold, gems, gold wires, beads, necklaces and other "waste materials" in the process of making the imperial armor. This was extremely generous.

All ministers who deserve merit will be generously rewarded

However, no matter how rich the gold and silver wealth is, it is nothing to Liu Gui. It would have been just thirty years ago. Today, Liu Gui is already over sixty years old and is an eunuch. He really regards money as dirt.


What's more, as a slave of his hometown who has been in charge of the Shaofu for more than thirty years, it can be said that Liu Gui has enjoyed power and glory as long as he has been in office.

It can even be said that he has enjoyed many of the emperor's material comforts, and he has also tried things that the emperor did not have or was unwilling to enjoy. Up to now, it is difficult to arouse Liu Gui's interest in ordinary yellow and white things.

What can make the old eunuch attracted is not only the power and status represented by the Shaofu itself, but also the reputation that was impossible to obtain during the reign of Emperor Taizong.

Therefore, in the face of the emperor's generous reward, Liu Gui looked very reserved, innocent and indifferent. Liu Wenpeng saw that his expression was "complex" and naturally asked him why.

When the emperor asked the question, Liu Gu just expressed regretfully to Liu Wenpeng that although he had served Emperor Taizong in the palace for fifty years, was entrusted with the post of Shaofu, and had managed internal funds for more than thirty years, he could not compare with him after all.

Those heroes and nobles of the dynasty are now dying. They can only look forward to being "perfect people" in the next life and continue to serve the Han royal family loyally.

No matter how much criticism there is about Liu Wenpeng, it is undeniable that he is actually a smart person, but his smartness is rarely used on political issues and in the direction that people expect.

But when he used his brain, Liu Wenpeng was still shrewd. For example, when Liu Gui made that "appreciation" to him, after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that this old eunuch actually wanted a title.

Liu Wenpeng asked him directly, but the old guy Liu Gui still kept his attitude, neither admitting nor denying, and pretending to be dazed and telling Liu Wenpeng some past events.

And Liu Wenpeng was not the one who heard others nagging him, so he interrupted him cheerfully and said: "With your loyalty and merits, it is difficult to make a prince, and a count is more than enough. I am not afraid of the criticism and opposition of the courtiers, but, the big man

The nobility system was established by the ancestors, with appropriate rewards and orderly inheritance.

You are a eunuch with no roots and no descendants. It is of no use to get a title. However, since you have said this, it is not easy to miss you as an old slave, so I will give you a favor.

After a hundred years of waiting for you, I will definitely give you a posthumous title."

God knows what Liu Gui, an old eunuch, thought after hearing the emperor's reply. But at least on the surface, he was frightened and grateful. From this incident, in fact, it can be seen that although Emperor Liu Wenpeng is a good man,

Playful and absurd, but his absurdity also has a bottom line

Back to the issue of "imperial armor", there were constant criticisms in the court. After all, behind the two pairs of precious armors, there was a waste of a lot of human resources, especially hard currencies such as hundreds of kilograms of gold.

Consumption. In terms of value, the cost of building such two pairs of armors for Liu Wenpeng is enough to completely renovate several damaged roads leading to the suburbs of Beijing.

The ministers and bureaucrats of the empire were very satisfied with the emperor's "rule from the top". As long as they did not trouble the court or the powerful, you could make trouble in the palace as much as you wanted.

However, as the emperor gradually let himself go, some knowledgeable people and loyal ministers became increasingly disgusted with it, especially the increasing extravagance and waste within the palace. Some Yongxi veterans were even more saddened, and Taizong's legacy was destroyed in this way.

, betrayed or even trampled upon, how could the emperor tolerate it?

So, taking advantage of the "imperial armor" incident, Lu Zongdao, the deputy censor of the capital, stood up. He had long been disgusted with the emperor's ridiculous playfulness and slackness in government affairs. He had remonstrated before, but there was no response. Pingkang

In the autumn of the fifth year, at Li Hang's suggestion, Lu Zongdao was asked to go to the southeast to inspect the official affairs.

When he returned to Beijing half a year later, he encountered the emperor wearing his arrogant armor and wandering around hunting. After understanding the cause and effect, Lu Zongdao could no longer bear it and "killed" him directly to Chui Gong Hall and recited it loudly outside the hall.

"The Imperial Han Ancestor System".

Liu Wenpeng, who rarely rested in the middle of the night, was so disturbed by Lu Zongdao. Naturally, Long Yan was furious and furious. Of course, this "anger" also contained a layer of irritation and anger.

However, Lu Zongdao's upright and even reckless approach would not have any more beneficial effect besides angering the emperor. Liu Wenpeng ordered the guards to take him down on the spot and gave him twenty imperial staffs. If the guards were not infected by Lu Zongdao's integrity,

, if my subordinates show any mercy, I'm afraid they will be defeated.

It has to be said that the beating of Lu Zongdao was actually the first time that Liu Wenpeng had physically tortured an important court official since he succeeded to the throne. This seems to be another situation that goes against people's "common sense".

Of course Liu Wenpeng had reasons to be angry. Not a penny of the money spent to build Baojia came from the national treasury. It was all funded by internal funds and was his private property. At most, he recruited some famous craftsmen and craftsmen from various government offices and private citizens. It doesn't cost the common people, and it doesn't harm the country's wealth. Why should the ministers interfere?

He also brought out the "Emperor and Han Ancestor System". Doesn't he, the emperor, have no face? At the same time, this is also the reason why Liu Wenpeng must fight back and punish him severely despite the public outcry.

After all, if there is one, there is another. If the arrogance of ministers like Lu Zongdao is not suppressed this time, then, wouldn’t those ministers be able to imitate him and see if he has any dissatisfaction? Sacrifice "ancestral system" to restrain him?

Obviously, Lu Zongdao chose the wrong time and used the wrong method. The ancestral law is not omnipotent, and it cannot be abused. At least, when it does not involve the fundamental system and does not infringe on the vested interests of the ruling elite, relying on this alone It is useless, especially for a "bloody" emperor like Liu Wenpeng.

How could Lu Zongdao, a civil servant, endure such suffering? When he was carried home, he almost lost half his life. His family members urgently sought medical advice before they rescued him.

And this matter obviously has further consequences. Before the public opinion could ferment, Emperor Liu Wenpeng's back-up came, took away his position, deposed him as a commoner, and sent him to Hexi to raise horses. If he was not allowed to raise 10,000 Hexi horses, Don't ever think about returning the favor.

This is obviously imitating the story of Su Fengji, the prime minister who was dismissed by Shizu during the Shizu Dynasty. But how many people face the situation like Su Fengji, can have such perseverance, perseverance, and have the luck to come back? Looking at it from a normal perspective, almost It can be declared that Lu Zongdao's political career is over.

The impact of the "Shocking of the Palace Incident" was obviously not just as simple as Lu Zongdao being exiled and demoted. At least a loyal and upright man like Lu Zongdao, who valued integrity, was greatly frustrated and "unaccepted of loyal advice" to the emperor. , the behavior of persecuting the virtuous was disappointing. Since this incident, there have been fewer and fewer people in the court who dare to offend Yan Zhijian.

Liu Wenpeng didn't care at all about the emotions and reactions of his ministers. His anger had not dissipated, but he became unwilling to let go. He delegated power to the political affairs hall, and he did not allow those ministers to interfere in his private affairs.

After delegating power, he did not interfere with the operation of the national treasury. This inexplicable Lu Zongdao actually caused trouble and managed internal funds for just two imperial armors. This is not bullying the emperor, but also exceeding the rules. How can we tolerate this? We must fight back and teach him a lesson .

So, from then on, Liu Wenpeng temporarily stopped his happy life and began to interrogate the affairs of the treasury. He would come to Li Hang every now and then to ask about financial matters. He even sent people to check the accounts openly and secretly. If the emperor wanted to find fault, how could that be done? I can't find any fault, but it's the Financial Secretary, an agency that is in charge of the entire country's finances, which is naturally full of right and wrong and mistakes.

It was inevitable that Li Hang, the strategist, would be disgraced. If he were not afraid of being involved too much, Liu Wenpeng would have had the urge to replace Li Hang.

However, after Liu Wenpeng's troubles, the effect was immediately obvious. At least many powerful people realized one thing. It was easy for the emperor to torment them, but it was even more difficult for them to persuade the emperor, and there was a risk of being dismissed from office.

and even the risk of imprisonment.

It does not seem difficult to make the emperor "calm down", as long as you don't disturb his private life. Although the emperor's various activities are not so wise, and are not in line with the character of a wise king, they cannot always be done.

Let’s demand every emperor like Shizu and Taizong.

As for Emperor Liu Wenpeng's various unpopular deeds, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not a big deal, as long as it does not harm the country and the people. The family wealth left by the ancestors and Taizong is strong enough to support it.

After Lu Zongdao's incident, Liu Wenpeng did not restrain himself, but became more indulgent. He often wore golden armor, went in and out of the palace, and hunted on horseback. In the past, it was a big hunt all year round, but now it is a big hunt in January, and he often has thousands of forbidden horses accompanying him.

At this time, the two thousand forbidden knights in the hunting team were all loyal soldiers of the empire, and they were all brave men carefully selected from the armies inside and outside the empire under Liu Wenpeng's order for the past two years. The selection criteria were based on age, height,

There are restrictions on origin and even appearance.

After being transferred to the capital, Liu Wenpeng was regarded as both a companion and a playmate. For this reason, the Ministry of War and the Ordnance Supervisor built two thousand willow leaf silver armors.

Iron hooves criss-crossed and silver armor galloped, how could one be so gorgeous and majestic. Among them, Liu Wenpeng was naturally high-spirited and heroic. After seeing the paddock begin, he rode up to more than 20 people in costume, and his momentum was different from ordinary "

The young knight of the "Silver Armor Army" said loudly: "Listen, today's hunting, the rules have changed, let's do something new!

In the paddock, I ordered someone to release a marked prey, which is today's prize. Whoever catches it will be today's winner. Not only will I reward him generously, but I will also let him drink with me!

Do you understand everything?"

"Yes!" A group of people shouted in unison.

The dozens of people participating in the hunting competition all have extraordinary origins. They are all from the lowest family backgrounds after the imperial nobles. They are all from the marquis family. To be sent to the emperor to accompany them, they are all valued by the family and have high skills.

To cultivate value.

There are also family successors, such as Murong Yonglin, the direct grandson of Wuchang Hou Murong Chengde, and Guo Guang, the direct grandson of Bowang Hou Guo Jin.

As soon as Emperor Liu Wenpeng, the referee, gave the order, a group of distinguished disciples immediately rushed out and ran towards the beasts that had been driven into the enclosure. Some of them were impatient and started to raise their bows from a distance.

In the back, looking at the hunting scene, Liu Wenpeng looked excited, but at the same time, a dull emotion could not help but appear deep in his eyes.

Over the past few years, I have been hunting in Xiyuan, as far as Ruzhou in the south and Huaizhou in the north. Liu Wenpeng has long become a little numb in such repeated days. After all, he is a

People who need a sense of surprise to stimulate them.

At the same time, high-frequency and high-intensity hunting has caused increasingly serious damage to the ecology of Luoyang Xiyuan, especially the loss of animals. A large part of the prey hunted this time was captured by Liu Wenpeng from other places.


The idea of ​​going to a farther place, a place more suitable for hunting, once again emerged in Liu Wenpeng's mind. Both Shizu and Taizong had traveled and inspected the world. As their successors, it is also necessary to imitate the late emperor, inspect the administration of officials, and understand the sentiments of the people.


That night, Liu Wenpeng held another bonfire dinner in Xiyuan. With the imperial wine in charge, he and his noble attendants enjoyed the day's hunt to the fullest.

Liu Wenpeng also fulfilled his promise and awarded Murong Yonglin, who "won the first prize", the rank of fourth-grade Zhongwu general, and let him sit at the banquet. At least on this summer night in Xiyuan, Luoyang, in the imperial camp, the twenty-three-year-old Murong Yonglin

Yonglin is in an enviable position.

There are two major Murong families in the Han Empire, one is naturally the family of Duke Murong Yanzhao of Wei, and the other is the family of Murong Yanchao, Duke of Luan, the emperor's uncle, and Murong Yonglin is his great-grandson, the grandson of Murong Chengtai, Marquis of Wuchang.

Although Murong Chengtai was not the eldest son of Murong Yanchao, due to his military exploits during the Shizu period and his strong identity background (he had a close relationship with Yong Wang Liu Chengxun, married Xiao Fu at the same time, and was the brother-in-law of Emperor Shizu), he was granted the title of

Waiting for the Marquis.

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