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Chapter 13 King Sejong Chapter 13 Storms in Central Asia (Part 2)

Chapter 2138 Sejong Chapter 13 The Storm in Central Asia (Part 2)

When the coalition forces were formed in the world of ysl, preparing for the Eastern Expedition for revenge, expelling the Han people, and retaking the Hezhong area, unexpectedly, within the Anxi Three Kingdoms, there was an irrepressible voice to continue the Western Expedition.

A large number of commanders, camp commanders, and captains under the Anxi system constantly requested orders from the King of Anxi, hoping to reorganize the army and continue to fight west and south, march to the Persian region, drink from the two horse rivers, and go to the core of the YSL world.

Destroy and conquer those disobedient thieves and rebels.

Obviously, once the pace of expansion starts, it is difficult to stop. Anxi's people are eager to fight, eager to expand, and have a arrogant and impetuous mentality that almost everyone's brains are burning.

To be honest, when the Hezhong area has not yet been consolidated, the public security is turbulent, and there are endless riots. When the rule is still in a preliminary stage and a low level, it is really not a wise choice to start a war again.

There is a word to describe this kind of behavior in Han culture, which is called militarism. In the royal court of Anxi, there are many civil servants and talented people from the mother country who have been deeply influenced by Han culture. Even if they conquer the entire river, they are thousands of miles away.

They also instinctively chose to adopt traditional Han methods and rules to rule.

And blind war, reckless war, is obviously contrary to this concept. Of course, in the distant rivers and even the Persian region further away, it is no longer the traditional sphere of influence of the Han family, and then wishful thinking in accordance with the Han's

Traditional methods are also difficult to sustain for a long time.

As for this, King Liu Min of Anxi understood this as early as the late Kaibao period, and some appropriate changes must be made. This was also the fundamental reason why he chose to implement the "camp system" reform in the Anxi Dudu Mansion. The traditional Han system could

It firmly rules Kyushu China and radiates to the surrounding areas, but it is absolutely impossible to establish an unbreakable rule in the vast area west of the Western Region.

However, many of the Han's excellent governance policies and ideas on controlling the people are still worth learning from and promoting, and some unbreakable principles of governance are useful in any country.

Therefore, no matter how loud the warlike voices below are, there is also a strong voice in the upper echelons of the Anxi Kingdom, which strongly insists on recuperating, resuming production, implementing the Han system, and consolidating rule before making progress.

This voice mainly comes from the upper-class ruling class in Anxi. It belongs to the will of the state to a certain extent and has the support of Liu Min, the king of Anxi. After being a real king for twenty years, Liu Min also deeply realized that in military conquest

In addition, political conquest, cultural assimilation and economic control are more difficult and complex things to do.

It is true that among the core ruling groups of the Three Kingdoms of Anxi, there are many low-level gangsters and untouchables from the original Han motherland. The people with innocent family backgrounds in the capital of Guizhou belong to a rare class, and more are businessmen, criminals, prisoners, young people, and barbarians.

people, and even rebels.

The core ruling elites of the Three Kingdoms were either born into the soldiers of the Western Expedition, or were relatives of the royal family, nobles who migrated westward, or they were part of the official system supported by the imperial court in the early years.

These groups are the executors, defenders and beneficiaries of the "camp system", the core ruling system of the Three Kingdoms in Anxi. Among them, even those criminals who were demoted because of their crimes in the Han Dynasty, they are still in Anxi.

Among the "elite" class, there are definitely people with outstanding knowledge and talents.

It can be safely said that there are very few stupid people, because truly stupid people cannot live long in the river area that is full of turmoil and violence, bloodshed and death. This has nothing to do with their origin.

But among this group, there are many who support the continuation of the war. In this vast area outside the empire's direct jurisdiction, there seems to be a magic power. It injects a barbaric and wild nature into the gentle and moderate Han civilization.

The Han people who stepped into this land seemed to have evolved from docile sheep to powerful lions. The ferocity and greed that were restrained by the Han family's moral culture were greatly released.

The upper-class core rulers of the Three Kingdoms, under the moral constraints of "loyalty, filial piety, integrity, etiquette, justice and shame" at home, still did many evil things of the exploiting class, let alone outside the territories where restrictions were relaxed?

The ruling classes of many dynasties in Chinese history have proven how cruel and callous they are when they exploit and exploit regardless of the bottom line. When their instinctive evil is completely unleashed, how brutal and crazy they are.

, may not be lighter than those fanatical MSL believers encountered along the way west.

The upper-class dignitaries of the Three Kingdoms, except for a small number of former Han soldiers who were left behind because of their participation in the Western Expedition, are more frustrated or even lost in the power field within the empire. Some people simply cannot make it in the country.

After going down, I just followed the great flow of people abroad and made a living. This was just in line with the policy of the Three Kingdoms to open the country wide and expand their reach.

When everyone comes to the foreign land of the northwest, of course there is a part of the idea of ​​making a contribution, but the core motivation is to get promoted and make a fortune. Here, you can gain power, status, fame and wealth that you cannot enjoy at home. If life is not as good as at home, then why bother?


The Han Dynasty has a population of tens of millions, and most of them are for the private interests of one family. There are not many people with lofty ideals. Even if there are, there is a small chance that they will appear in such a barbaric land as the Three Kingdoms of Anxi.

Under the "camp" system of the Three Kingdoms of Anxi, especially the camp as the basic unit, these farming and animal husbandry combat units organized by military methods, their heads and heads are all thinking about how to increase wealth and expand land.

,increase the population.

The upper-class dignitaries also want greater power and more social resources, including territory, wealth, population, slaves, etc., in order to satisfy themselves and their clans and arrange a wealthy and comfortable life.

In fact, these goals can be achieved by restoring production and continuing to exploit the native peoples in the lower reaches of the river. But how can it be as satisfying as plundering from abroad? Where is the most elite and richest place in a country with great food? In Persia! In Baghdad


On the other hand, during the "de-YSL" transformation of the Hezhong area over the past few years, the damage to the local area has been too serious, with casualties and serious losses of population, land deserted, production stagnant, and economic regression. I want to slowly recover.

Development takes a long time, and for many military leaders, large and small, who are eager for quick success, they cannot afford to wait.

For the upper-class dignitaries, they also need a wider area to obtain resources. Through wealth exploitation and plunder, they can go east to the motherland of the Han Dynasty in exchange for enough resources to provide them with experience and enjoyment, such as silk, porcelain, tea, polished rice, fine salt and various other resources.

Military resources. As early as the Yongxi era, these things had to be replaced at a price.

The problems within the rule are internal causes, but the "expansionists" who insist on continuing the war also have extremely important external factors. That is the "international environment" in which the Anxi Three Kingdoms are located. The core ruling classes of the three kingdoms are all Han Chinese

As well as the affiliated tribes that are deeply Chinese, they are all outsiders in the river and even in the original Black Khanate.

They are politically, economically, culturally, linguistically, and historically incompatible with local forces, and conflicts are fierce, especially religious conflicts, which are irreconcilable.

Even if the Great Eclipse countries are full of conflicts and constant attacks, they at least have a strong unity in their beliefs. However, the core rule of the Three Kingdoms is very limited in number.

If we count from the time Liu Min conquered the Black Khanate, in the past twenty years, through military dispatches from the imperial court, local policy immigration, etc., the number of Han immigrants who moved westward was only about 500,000.

Around the 11th year of Yongxi's reign, the core ruling group of the Three Kingdoms of Anxi, even if the old Central Asian nobles and lower-class barbarians who were newly naturalized in the conquered areas were added together, there were less than 700,000 people.

These 700,000 people have to rule a vast territory of millions of square kilometers, as well as several or even ten times their original population, tribes, and constant wars. Even in the first year of Jianlong, they can be regarded as the basis of rule.

Yes, about a million or so.

As for the enemies that the Three Kingdoms need to face, in the vast Dashi area, those large and small dynasties, countries, warlords, and tribes have tens of millions of people under their jurisdiction. There may be many conflicts between them, one after another.

When there is no external pressure, it is normal to attack each other, but the existence of the YSL faith allows them to at least be consistent in dealing with the outside world when facing threats from outsiders.

To the Great Food Kingdoms and the YSL world, the Three Kingdoms of Anxi are just three evil dragons that destroy nations, slay gods, and destroy religions. They are powerful enemies worthy of putting aside their prejudices and fighting together.

When entering the Yongxi era, the central mother country's support for the feudal states was only based on "moral family ties". For the Anxi Three Kingdoms, it was equivalent to losing the most important source of "external" expansion power.

A "rich second generation" who had no worries about food and clothing gradually evolved into a "rich generation" who worked hard.

As a result, the situation of the Anxi Three Kingdoms in the Hezhong area became "fighting alone". Even through trade and asking for aid, they could still get some support from the Han motherland, but in the end it was no better than before. What the Three Kingdoms faced was the entire ysl

The world is a region with an ancient civilization and a population of over 30 million.

To be honest, the Anxi Three Kingdoms, which did not have the blood transfusion support from the Han Empire, were completely at a disadvantage when facing the YSL world in terms of overall strength.

In terms of war equipment, although the armies of the Three Kingdoms have used gunpowder on a large scale, and even artillery, the king of war, has mature methods and application scenarios, its power is far from sweeping everything. And the cannibal is also

Not only are they ignorant barbarians, they also think about the methods of defense and at the same time learn and imitate them.

In the long war, with the passage of time, the Western Expedition Iron Cavalry, which swept through the Western Regions in the early years, slaughtered the Black Khan, and displayed the majesty of the Han Dynasty, has long since withdrawn from history.


Instead, there are several armies that are still elite, but their combat quality and combat effectiveness have undeniably declined. Although they are still strong and worked together to destroy the former overlord of the river, the Samanid Dynasty, the degenerative changes that have occurred among them are also real.

Here I am.

Being small and powerful, outnumbering the many, is a situation that the Three Kingdoms of Anxi need to face for a long time. Under such circumstances, relying solely on production and development will never be able to conquer the ysl world. On the contrary, they will rely on the huge

population, material advantages, anti-consumption, and anti-assimilation.

Recuperating and recuperating is certainly reasonable, but this is only to relieve the fatigue of soldiers and civilians and reorganize the power of war. The only way is to continuously expand outward and plunder. While improving one's own wealth, it also weakens the hostile ysl world forces and kills their teachers.

people, destroy their production, and naturalize their population.

If we follow the traditional Han family's way of governing and developing the country, it is absolutely impossible to gain a foothold surrounded by a completely different and conflicting civilization. Looking at the Black Khan from a distance, looking at the river up close, and the Anxi Three Kingdoms, it is all like this

The national policy of "expansion and plunder" is the foundation of a country and the way to survive.

In order to achieve a long-lasting rule like that of the Han Dynasty, we must first spread the glory of Han civilization to this land. At least, the "naturalized" population must have a sufficient number.

This point is also feasible. At least the experience of the past thirty years has fully demonstrated that those MSL believers are not made of steel. Arrows can penetrate their bodies, and their heads will fall off if cut off with steel knives.

There are always those who, under the threat of force and the shock of death, are willing to be obedient subjects and slaves of the Han masters. If they are given some welfare benefits, they can even become supporters of the new country and the new monarch.

At the time when the Anxi Three Kingdoms were arguing over whether to conquer and expand, Baghdad's harsh declaration of Eastern Expedition, the ySL world's noisy voice of revenge, and the large-scale troop deployment of the Ghaznavid dynasty from the southwest, which was clearly rising,

Layers of sounds and various actions came one after another, and when they spread throughout the Three Kingdoms of Anxi, the whole Three Kingdoms were equally excited.

In the more than thirty years since the Western Expedition, Anxi's view of the YSL world is no longer as vague as it was in the early years. Many detailed operations have been arranged along the Caspian Sea coast, the Persian Plateau, Baghdad and even more distant places. Intelligence and information cannot be said to be developed, but

At least it has basic functions. Small trends cannot be grasped, but big storms can always be detected.

Therefore, the Great Eater once again recruited believers to unite with the East to attack our Han family's Tianwei. Such a big news cannot be hidden from others. After learning about this, the upper echelons of the Three Kingdoms were naturally angered. They are still

How can we tolerate an argument over "whether to fight or not" and yet the enemy wants to take the initiative to provoke and rub the tiger's beard?

All disputes can be stopped. Internal conflicts and development issues can be discussed later. Recruiting troops, organizing armed forces, and making military preparations to counter those rebellious Western barbarians have become the first issues to be solved by the Anxi Three Kingdoms.

Even after entering the Yongxi era, there were certain differences among the three countries on issues of interest, but they were still unanimous on the issue of dealing with MSL.

Therefore, in the eleventh year of Yongxi's reign, as the military orders of the three kings of Anxi were issued step by step, the war machines of the three feudal states that dominated the river started to move at high speed again. Compared with the time when the Samanid Dynasty was destroyed, the three kingdoms gathered their troops this time.

One hundred and thirty thousand, of which 60,000 are the elite Han armed forces of the kingdom.

The enemy they faced was a coalition of more than 200,000 YSL troops personally commanded by Sultan Mahmud of the Ghaznavid Dynasty. In the autumn of the 11th year of Yongxi's reign, they gathered in the city of Amol. A battle of this scale was unprecedented throughout Persia.

It is rare in history. A bloody collision like thunder and fire also unfolded in the vast area on the south coast of the Caspian Sea...


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