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Chapter 53 The History of the Peninsula Princess Anping

Chapter 2178 History of the Peninsula·Princess Anping

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty was not only the monarch of the Han Dynasty, but also the co-owner of many feudal states under the Han Empire system. This point remained unwavering during the Jianlong era. Even if he was as powerful as Anxi and as deep as Anton, he had to admit it.

at this point.

Therefore, the death of the emperor was not only a major event that changed the Central Empire. It was also a major event that shocked the government and the public in various feudal states at home and abroad. Blood is thicker than water, and it also involves various complex interest relationships, as well as the impact on the population, culture, and technology of the Central Empire.

The dependence on the empire caused most of the feudal states to pay close attention to important changes in the empire, especially those involving the policy relationship between suzerains and vassals. In this regard, the Nanyang states were the most active.

As Emperor Sejong who single-handedly promoted and completely established the current imperial sect-vassal structure, his death also meant the passing of the old era and the arrival of a new era for the major feudal states.

It is still unknown what the attitude of the new emperor and the new court towards the feudal country will be, whether the policy will change, and whether the interests will be affected. Everything is unknown, and we still need to wait and see.

But one thing is certain, without Emperor Sejong Liu Wenji, the deterrence and influence of the imperial center on feudal countries will inevitably decline. This is a historical law and scientific development.

From the death of Emperor Shizong to the ascension of the emperor's grandson Liu Weizhen to the throne, during this period, in addition to the imperial ministers and ministers who were very busy, the princes and descendants of the Liu family were also active and active, aiming to improve the old and new empire.

At this time of transition, to gain some benefits for the country, at least keep the food on the plate.

In addition to the Chongyi envoys who are permanently stationed in the imperial capital, all the countries have also dispatched envoys from important ministers to go to Xijing in person. Among these envoys, the most famous one is undoubtedly the Annan envoy, especially because she is a

Woman, Princess Liu Ying of Anping.

Princess Liu Ying of Anping is the daughter of Annan's late king Liu Wenhuan and the regent Queen Mother Liu E. She is thirty-one years old. She is not an ordinary woman, let alone a well-dressed royal princess. She is also a political figure.

The Annan court could call the winds and rain, and she was regarded as the strange woman of Annan's "peace".

Of course, Liu Ying's wonder mainly comes from Liu E's favor. She is also Liu E's most important political heir. Liu E has no children. As his only daughter, Liu E is naturally extremely favored, and Liu Ying does not have any.

Buried in doting.

She has been smart since she was a child, and often has her own thinking when things happen. She doesn't follow what others say, and often comes up with surprising opinions. After the age of thirteen, Liu Ying, who has been with Liu E all year round, has been able to judge the affairs of Annan.


When she discovered that her beloved daughter had a strong interest and outstanding talent in politics, even though Liu E was busy dealing with national affairs and confronting political opponents all year round, she still devoted a lot of energy to giving special attention and careful cultivation.

With outstanding talents and Liu E's many years of words and deeds, it is no wonder that Liu Ying, who is the true successor of Liu E, evolved into a strange woman after she grew up. At the same time, during the period when Liu Ying grew up rapidly, she also

It was not long after Liu E took office as regent that he faced extremely difficult challenges.

It can be said that Liu Ying personally experienced the extremely complicated and chaotic political period of Annan's "Queen Mother Regency", and she also observed and learned her mother's wisdom and methods. She watched Liu E control Jiaozhi and even the entire Annan Kingdom, and conquered the country.

The opponents were cut off, suppressed and subdued one by one.

In the fourteenth year of Jianlong (1031), when Liu Ying was twenty years old, in order to please Liu E, who had completely controlled the affairs of the Annan Dynasty, Annan King Liu Jidan named Liu Ying Princess Anping and made the entire Anping County his fief.

Anping County is located in the Red River Plain and is rich in products. It is a large county with 5,000 households.

Although she was given generous treatment, Liu Ying was not tempted. She firmly believed that "who said women are inferior to men", so she did not go to the fief, but only sent her family to run the business. At the same time, she also asked Liu Jidan for an official position, expressing her willingness to serve

National effectiveness.

Annan King Liu Jidan was not happy with his sister's whimsical request, and even sneered at it. He originally planned to refuse, but a close minister reminded him whether he should ask the Queen Mother for her opinion.

Then, without asking Empress Dowager Liu for her opinion, Liu Jidan directly appointed his 20-year-old sister as Shangshu. She had no specific duties, but allowed her to be a counselor in military affairs. However, Liu Jidan thought that the person in charge of Annan State was also a woman.

, even if that woman is already old.

However, such is the power of Queen Mother Liu E in the Annan Kingdom, and the prestige accumulated over more than ten years as regent, that even the Annan King Liu Jidan, who has grown up for a long time and has begun to take charge personally, does not dare to easily disobey the challenge.

Since then, the subjects of Annan Kingdom have gradually become familiar and accustomed to the fact that there is Queen Mother Liu at the top, Liu Shangshu at the bottom, and King Annan in the middle. However, this pattern did not last long.

Although Queen Mother Liu E was strong and a woman, she forcibly created a "feminist era" in Annan Kingdom, but time is fair to everyone. As she gets older, her body gradually becomes weak, and she is finally building

In the 19th year of Emperor Long's reign (1036), he passed away in the palace of Jiaozhi.

Of course, before Liu E's death, he also gave full consideration and explanation of his funeral affairs. To sum up, there are actually two aspects, one is to return power to Liu Jidan, and the other is to explain to Liu Ying.

And Liu Jidan only really started his career as a pro-government when he was thirty years old. It is aggrieved to say that as a king, an indomitable king, his whole life has been influenced and suppressed by women.

If Queen Mother Liu E had no choice but to have the late king's decree and the Central Government's book, she also had the support, upbringing, and guidance for her, then the rise of Anping Princess Liu Ying to power made Liu Jidan extremely depressed.

Of course, such a result was caused by the historical legacy of the Empress Dowager Liu's era, and Liu Jidan's own problems were also huge. When Liu E just passed away, Liu Ying followed her mother's instructions and chose to keep a low profile, reduce her interference in government affairs, and give up power to


Empress Dowager Liu's explanation was very clear, and she clearly pointed out that during the more than ten years of her regency, the country's development has gradually improved and the political order has become more stable. However, under this peace and tranquility, there are also many contradictions hidden, and the sharp contradictions are exactly the source of

for her regency.

After her death, it was inevitable that the resentment that had been suppressed for more than ten years would eventually break out. Based on this, Liu Ying chose to retreat and wait and see. The development and change of the situation in Annan did not exceed Empress Dowager Liu's expectations.

After Liu E's death, Liu Jidan took charge. For many Annan dignitaries, this was a revival of royal power and a good opportunity to bring order to the chaos. So, after only three months of peace, the Annan court launched a liquidation movement against Queen Mother Liu.

Of course, it is impossible to target the Queen Mother herself, but the policies she implements and the talents she promotes are all targets of attack and adjustment. There is an unbreakable truth that once the emperor has one minister, but if it is done too much, it will often

there is a problem.

With the political counterattack and calculation, the Annan court inevitably fell into a period of chaos. When the attack area expanded uncontrollably, counterattacks from vested interests also followed.

Liu E has been in charge of the country for more than ten years. While fighting against enemies and consolidating his authority, he also promoted and cultivated a large number of talents and forces. Among them, there were dignitaries, soldiers, scholars, and landowners, and they were backed by the Queen Mother.

It has accumulated a strong voice in Annan.

The final choice of these people is to unite under the banner of Anping Princess Liu Ying and ask him to lead everyone to get rid of the traitors, bring order to the chaos, and restore public order. However, Liu Jidan lacks wisdom in employing people and lacks skill in grasping the situation.

The chaos in the government was completely different from what he expected, and he also had a headache.

But when Liu Ying, as the spokesperson, came with great momentum, he actually felt ashamed to see others. Therefore, without too much fierce confrontation, Liu Jidan invited Liu Jidan to recruit the "villains" who gathered around him.

, dismissed all of them, and at the same time, appointed Liu Ying as the Minister of Records to assist him in handling state affairs. This started Liu Ying's career as a "female prime minister".

It has been more than 20 years now, and the operation of Annan Kingdom is still on the track of "cannot do without women".

Of course, Liu Ying's rise to power was not as legitimate as his mother's, and the dignitaries of Annan State, even those "confidants of the rear party", may not really be willing to be in the shadow of a woman anymore.

Therefore, the situation Liu Ying faced was more complicated, and the challenges and pressure she endured were also greater. That is to say, Liu Jidan was the king and could accommodate her, and she also paid attention to "respect" for the king's brother.

At the same time, Liu Ying, who was the true successor of Liu E, also did a very good job in coordinating relationships and winning people's hearts. One of the iconic things was that she kicked her husband Liu Kai and had an affair with Zhao Defang.

Sun Zhao married Congzhi to bridge the relationship with the Zhao family.

Over the years, no matter how much the Zhao family has been suppressed by Liu E, the Zhao family has always been one of the top dignitaries in the Annan Kingdom. This is determined by the status of the Zhao family in the empire. And even the Zhao family can compromise, and the rest are nothing

Big problem.

What needs to be mentioned is that Liu Kai is the grand-nephew of Liu Kai, the famous minister of Kaibao. He is also a famous talent in Annan. Even though he was kicked by Liu Ying, he still loved him deeply and still firmly supported him within the Annan court.

With ex-wife

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