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Chapter 55: Forty Years of Peninsula History Annan

Chapter 2180 History of the Peninsula·Forty Years of Annan

Annan Kingdom was enfeoffed by Emperor Taizong in the 13th year of Yongxi reign, to the 14th year when Liu Wenhuan arrived in Jiaozhi and formally established the Annan court, and to the second year of Zhengtong reign, 37 years have passed.

Thirty-seven years are enough time for two generations to grow up. Under the management of the Annan royal family, Annan has experienced unprecedented development, especially in the Red River Delta area. It has abundant resources and abundant food and rice, which greatly supports the Annan court. 's rule.

Behind this rapid development, we must first affirm the political, economic, cultural, and population foundations laid during the period of direct imperial rule. There was Zhao Kuangyi early and Kou Zhun later. These talented officials of the empire all achieved great results during the Annan Road period. Remarkable and famous.

Of course, the Queen Mother Liu E, who had been the regent of Annan for twenty years, during her reign, although there were many conflicts and fierce struggles within the Annan court, the series of policies to recuperate and encourage production, supported by Liu E, had a great impact on Annan's further development. Development has also played a huge role in promoting development.

At the same time, 37 years was also another leap forward in Annan's sinicization process. By the second year of Zhengtong, the population of Annan's Han people (also called Chinese by the local indigenous barbarians) had already exceeded two million, ranking it the highest among all countries. Hanjia College, Schools have been opened all over the states and counties, and the official status of the Chinese language has been completely confirmed. Local languages, histories, customs, etc. have also become fragmented under the impact of Chinese culture.

When Annan has such a population and cultural foundation, coupled with a political system that is highly overlapping with the empire, it can be said that Annan's sinicization is truly successful. Under this premise, no matter what the future historical direction is, Annan will be the core of Han civilization. development area.

It took almost seventy years to achieve this step with the strong support of the early Central Empire and the hard work of countless Han officials, soldiers, merchants, and people.

This is evident from the difficulty of pioneering.

Although the results are largely based on the work of predecessors, Liu E's contribution to the development and sinicization of Annan cannot be denied. This has also led to a large number of political opponents being resentful and slandering her. Thanks to a large number of supporters.

Moreover, with the passage of time and the further development and enlightenment of historical civilization, Liu E's evaluation became higher and higher. In the later period, in the history of Annan, she was even more glorified as a heroine who "created the world and met her once in the ages".

However, during the years when Liu E was in power, while Annan's economy, culture, and people's livelihood foundation developed rapidly, there were also some problems that could not be concealed. For example, frequent and fierce political struggles. In the early days, Liu E relied on Wang Ting's righteousness and outstanding achievements. With his political wisdom and skills, he will deal with the Annan dignitaries headed by Zhao one by one.

Later, spy politics was vigorously promoted, which made it difficult for the atmosphere of the Annan court to get rid of depression, tension and even terror. This inertia of political struggle and party struggle continued until Liu Jidan took office, and it was still unavoidable. The Princess Party took over and the Queen Party continued to fight, that is, The most obvious sign, and this is obviously not good for the stability and unity within the Annan court, and will cause endless harm.

On the other hand, after decades of development, a large number of Han people poured in and became the main core ruling class of the Annan Dynasty, occupying a large amount of social resources in the Annan Kingdom, which greatly infringed on the interests of the local indigenous people.

Among the indigenous people, those who are smart, active, and active in naturalization can still get a share of the pie even if they are dissatisfied. However, those who insist on the old traditions, are stubborn, and oppose the change of customs will have increasingly difficult living space and living conditions.

The narrower and more difficult it is, the harder it is to survive.

As a result, they either entered the mountains and became bandits, or became slaves, or simply raised the flag of rebellion. When Chenla brazenly invaded Annan, it was able to trigger the response of many indigenous people in Annan Province. This is the main reason.

And as decades passed, this problem became more serious. Therefore, during Liu E's period, the class contradictions in Annan (mainly conflicts between Han and barbarians) became increasingly serious, and several riots and even rebellions broke out every year.

Although they were all put down by the army, the problems and conflicts were not fundamentally resolved. This was also one of the long-standing bleeding points in Annan Kingdom.

There is another bleeding point, which lies in the long-term instability in the northern region, especially in the border areas with the empire. There, the barbarian forces that have long occupied Annan and the western region of Guangnan West Road nominally submit to Han rule, but their independence

It is very strong, especially after the founding of Annan, it became more active, and it especially loves to suck blood from the land transportation lines between the empire and Annan.

In the middle of Jianlong period, Yunnan and Guizhou rebelled, and after the imperial court put down the rebellion, the rebellious Yunnan barbarians moved to the Annan border, which further aggravated the chaos on the northern border of Annan, and even gradually developed into a cancer at the junction of Annan, Yunnan, and Guangnan roads.

, which greatly affected the land exchanges between Annan and the empire.

In view of this, when Liu E was still in regency, Annan State began a military campaign to clean up the barbaric chaos in the north. The results were effective, but it was difficult to solve the root cause because it was impossible to eradicate the barbarian bandits.

Later, in view of the barbarian rebellion and repeated suppression of barbarians on the Guangnan border, Emperor Sejong issued an order to arrange and coordinate the joint suppression of bandit security operations between Daozhou and Annan on the border from the central level of the empire.

With mutual cooperation, the effect was naturally much better than the previous independent actions. Many powerful barbarians who were rampant for a while were killed by the army. After several years of bloody suppression, the arrogance of the barbarians was finally wiped out.

The border also enjoyed a rare period of relative stability.

However, such results are based on the huge pressure on the center of the empire, and the two roads and one country consume a huge amount of manpower, and this intensity is obviously impossible to maintain for a long time.

The complex geography, people's sentiments, and customs in the northern border area of ​​Annan make it difficult to stabilize easily. Coupled with some local tyrants with ulterior motives and evil intentions, they add fuel to the flames and stir up trouble. It has become the source of trouble for one country and two roads.

No wonder.

With the death of Liu E, Annan Kingdom entered the era of "co-governance by the imperial court". The intensification of internal struggles within the imperial court also led to the resurgence of barbarian bandits in the north and separatist forces in border areas.

The barbaric chaos in the northern border has once again become a cancer in Annan Kingdom. However, as far as the Jiaozhi court is concerned, no matter how ferocious the barbarians are, they are just bandits. They can disturb public order, but they are unlikely to become a big problem.

It is even more difficult to shake the rule of Annan Kingdom.

In contrast, the two brothers Liu Jiyuan and Liu Jichu, who were granted the title of Southwest Wenhuan and Wan Erzhou by the late king Liu Wenhuan, were really regarded as a nuisance by the Jiaozhi court. In terms of the attitude towards the two princes, the Jiaozhi court did not care about which faction they were.

, the attitude is basically the same, especially as the threat from the two states grows stronger.

By the second year of Zhengtong, the two brothers Liu Jiyuan and Liu Jichu had occupied Erzhou for thirty-five-six years. After more than thirty years of Spring and Autumn Period, the two young men with miserable life experiences had reached middle age. Especially Liu Jiyuan, he had already realized his fate.


However, the long period of time did not eliminate the dissatisfaction and resentment, but instead deepened it. In these more than thirty years, the Second Marquis has always faced the prevention and suppression of the Jiaozhi court, especially after Liu E settled his opponents within the court.

The two brothers Liu Jiyuan basically fought tit-for-tat, recruiting soldiers and soldiers to strengthen their power. However, during Liu E's regency career, although he once planned to use forceful means to deal with the two princes, they did not take actual action in the end.

On the one hand, he was worried about internal instability, and on the other hand, the gaze from the imperial capital made Liu E avoid the enemy. Therefore, for a long time, he could only divide and disintegrate Wen and Wan Erzhou through political and economic means.

By the same token, the Liu Jiyuan brothers also had many concerns. The agreement between Empress Dowager Liu and the vassals was like two mountains firmly suppressing their ambitions. When Liu E passed away, she thought about it and finally restrained it. When King Shizong

After the death of the emperor and the transition from old to new in the Central Empire, especially after the "Prince's Coup" occurred in Jiaozhi in the first year of orthodoxy, the two brothers Liu Jiyuan and Liu Jichu finally made up their minds to give it a go.

The two brothers jointly mobilized troops, under the banner of "Killing the traitors and supporting the royal family", and collected articles. More than 30,000 troops from Wan Erzhou came out in full force and marched towards Jiaozhi. Forty-five years have passed since the Chenla Rebellion.

, once again set off a major rebellion that almost affected the entire Annan.

When the two princes raised their troops, it was not just the Annan Kingdom that was shocked. The chain reaction even affected the entire peninsula. After receiving the news, the empire center couldn't help but turn its attention to it. There is no doubt about its attitude. It firmly supports the Annan Kingdom in countering the rebellion.

However, due to Liu Weizhen's initial accession to the throne, this support was limited to verbal and written criticism.

Liu Jiyuan and Liu Jichu had trained soldiers for thirty years and suddenly went east. Their combat power was still guaranteed, and they caused great losses and shock to Annan in the early stage.

However, the strength of the army but the decline of virtue cannot last long, and it is just a temporary show of strength. The rebels captured the city and territory in southern Annan and were invincible. When Huanzhou Prefecture was in charge of Yi'an, they were finally blocked by the city.

As Annan's main thoroughfare connecting the north and the south, the rebels would not dare to march north unless the city was captured, and the guarding general was none other than Zheng Quan, who had made great contributions to Anping Princess Liu Ying in the "Prince's Coup".

In Nghe An, Zheng Quan once again made great achievements. He led the defenders in a bloody battle to keep the rebels at bay, and bought a lot of time for the Cochin court to form a counter-rebellion army.

In the future, updates will have to be geared toward new books, and the postscript of this book will depend on the situation.

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