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Chapter 60 The Queens Advice

Liu Chengyou walked slowly and returned to the Chui Gong Hall. Although his expression was calm, his mood was obviously bad. Under the service of the chamberlain, his movements of taking off his crown clothes were a little irritable.

Since Liu Chengyou came to the throne, the personal servants who serve him have changed several times, but none of them are to his liking. Now he has transferred a eunuch from the Empress Dowager Li's Palace, named Zhang Dejun. Although he is young, he is also smart, otherwise he would not be able to do anything. Will be sent over. Seeing that Liu Chengyou was in a bad mood, he wisely stepped back and did not dare to disturb Liu Chengyou's "deep thinking".

Thinking about the previous situation in the Guangzheng Hall, Liu Chengyou could not suppress the raging anger in his heart. He brushed the stack of memorials on the imperial desk vigorously and scattered them all over the floor. He was not at all restrained as usual. After venting his anger, Liu Chengyou After taking several deep breaths, my mind slowly calmed down. I couldn't help but sneer at the corner of my mouth and murmured: "Why do you have to challenge my patience again and again?"

Liu Chengyou doesn't have a live-in person around him at this time. He can't pretend about this anymore. Every word and deed is recorded. It's really unbearable. It's not that it's abandoned, but it depends on the situation and the occasion. When it's time to quit, just quit. As for Jia Wei, Liu Chengyou asked him to compile "Records of Emperor Gaozu" and compile the history of the country. For this, the old historian was quite happy.

A little later, the queen came. Basically, after every court, Dafu would come to say hello, bring Liu Chengyou some food, chat with him, and relieve his physical and mental fatigue.

"Who made the officials angry again?" Seeing the memorials still scattered in front of the imperial court, Da Fu asked softly while picking them up and sorting them out.

The people who were serving were all screened out, so as not to disturb the emperor and empress from talking or doing some private things. What Dafu brought was a bowl of noodles, made by farmers, and it tasted good. Hearing this, he took a sip with a hiss and licked his lips. , with enough food to eat, Liu Chengyou's mentality has completely returned to peace, and all anger has been suppressed.

Seeing Da Fu's gentle and virtuous behavior, Liu Chengyou did not deliberately avoid it, and said directly: "The prime minister underestimates me. I think I have tolerated him enough, but he still doesn't know how to restrain himself. He is too proud of his achievements. , do your own thing!”

From Liu Chengyou's words, you can still hear a little resentment. The surprise in Da Fu's heart is even heavier. This is the first time that Liu Chengyou expresses his dissatisfaction with the prime minister so directly. His eyebrows are bent into a proper arc, Da Fu There was a hint of probing in Fu's tone: "Is it Mr. Yang?"

Liu Chengyou's life has become boring and depressing recently. Looking at his situation, Liu Chengyou felt an urge to confide in his heart. He gently held Dafu's jade hand and asked him to sit next to him. He calmly talked to Yang Bin in the Guangzheng Palace. The dispute was discussed once.

After digesting what Liu Chengyou said for a while, Da Fu thought about it secretly, smiled gently, and said to Liu Chengyou: "Although I live in a deep palace, I have also heard about the suppression of bandits in the world."

The conversation aroused Liu Chengyou's interest. He looked at her and motioned for her to continue expressing her opinion.

Feeling Liu Chengyou's promise and encouragement, Da Fu cheered up and continued: "After the officials and ministers have rectified and adjusted the situation, the banditry in the world has gradually stopped, and the people have returned to order. The world has been in chaos for decades, and countless people have been killed. Even though the people have no choice but to As for those who are bandits, the officials are kind, care about the suffering of the people, and do not want to cause more killings. To this day, those who are still gathering in the mountains and forests to become bandits are all villains who truly disobey the king. However, for these bandits, want to come to the official The family must also have the intention of getting rid of it..."

Liu Chengyou nodded.

"That Ye Renlu may have mistakenly believed that he was a thief, but his methods were vicious, but he was also targeting the thieves. Even if His Majesty feels that his methods are cruel, he cannot tolerate his viciousness. He can kill living beings as a crime, but he cannot punish thieves as a crime. Otherwise, spread the word Come on, the world will think that Your Majesty is weak and conniving at banditry will bring disaster!"

After all, not all thieves are forced to commit suicide.

After listening to his narration, Liu Chengyou sighed, his face softened, and his emotional tone was filled with praise: "The queen is smart and has such a vision. She is really a strange woman!"

Dafu meant that he was very happy. At this time, Liu Chengyou praised him, and his face changed slightly. He immediately stood up and bowed, and said a little awkwardly: "I was too talkative for a moment. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Liu Chengyou looked gentle at this time, waved his hand, stood up, held up the big talisman, sat down with him, and said: "What is the crime? What you mentioned, I have already realized this problem after thinking about it deeply. Before that, I was blinded by a leaf. Otherwise, in the Guangzheng Palace, we will definitely not let him go!"

"But I'm just being smart. I wonder if I can't figure out the truth with my wisdom and discernment as an official." Da Fu felt relieved and couldn't help but praise Liu Chengyou in a small way.

This woman, Da Fu, is really smart, visionary, insightful, knowledgeable, and most importantly, has little arrogance. This is what makes Liu Chengyou most comfortable.

However, looking at the problem, the most critical point is still not mentioned. Is Liu Chengyou's anger limited to banditry? Of course not, more importantly, it is Yang Bin's domineering self-respect, who even contradicted him in court and challenged him His majesty.

He has been the emperor for more than five months, and he has worked hard to establish and maintain his authority and eliminate the "negative influence" of the young master. But Yang Fan still doesn't know how his behavior will make other people think. In this way, how can he, the emperor, sit firmly?

Although Da Fu is smart, it is difficult to see through the twists and turns when it comes to power struggles between kings and ministers and court disputes. Of course, if Da Fu can see through even these, then this woman is too smart. .....

On Liu Chengyou's side, he had gained some Sacred Heart, and Dafu was naturally more cheerful, but he didn't know that the man beside him had "complicated" thoughts and gone astray.

She gently leaned against Liu Chengyou, her big beautiful eyes quietly looked at his side cheeks, blinked, and called out gently: "Guanjia."

"Speak out if you have something to say." Liu Chengyou tilted his head and looked at her.

Seeming to hesitate a little, Da Fu whispered: "Brother He is really cute, I really like him in my heart. Now that Concubine Geng is gone, the prince is not motherless. I hope I can adopt him personally and I will treat him as my own son."

The name of Liu Chengyou's eldest son has been decided. He will be named Xu, nicknamed Brother Brother. Liu Chengyou chose Brother Brother himself.

Hearing Da Fu suddenly mention this matter, Liu Chengyou straightened up subconsciously and glanced at her, already smelling a strong sense of confrontation in the harem.

Turning sideways and looking at the big talisman with expectation in his eyes, Liu Chengyou didn't say anything for a while. He seemed to think about it for a while and then said: "I am busy with national affairs and rarely serve under the Queen Mother's knees. Brother Meng should be raised by her personally." To relieve his loneliness..."

"That's good." After hearing this reply, Da Fu did not show disappointment on his face, but nodded in approval.

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After thinking for a while, Liu Chengyou said again: "If you want a child, we can have one."

After saying this, Liu Chengyou picked up the queen by her waist and went to bed.

Da Fu exclaimed, his cheeks turning red: "Now?"

Although the setting sun is setting hard, it is not yet dark...

This chapter has been completed!
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