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Chapter 101 Reorganize the Army

After asking about money and food, Liu Chengyou's eyes fell directly on Shang Hongqian and Guo Wei.

The two people looked at each other, and Shang Hongqian was the first to step out, a bit preemptive to speak, and bowed to Liu Chengyou: "Your Majesty, the triumphant imperial army has returned to its camp to commiserate with the soldiers. The Guards Department has begun to arrange the distribution of the soldiers. Authorized to return home on leave. Regarding the merits and demerits of the soldiers in this battle, as well as the promotion and demotion of military positions, the officials will also approve and issue regulations..."

His eyes wandered around Shang Hongqian and Guo Wei twice. According to what he heard, during the period when he left Beijing, there were frequent disputes over the handling of military affairs in Huainan, and they even went to the Queen Mother. It was only through his intervention that he was appeased.

Even Shang Hongqian, who has always been known for his "low-key and modest" attitude, will inevitably undergo some changes after serving as the Imperial Guard Commander for a long time.

"Your Majesty, the military exploits of the generals and military officers have been reported to the Privy Council!" Guo Wei also came out of the queue at the right time to report.

At this time, as the head of the Privy Council, when it is time to fight for it, you must not fall behind.

"I am very pleased that the second minister is loyal to his duties!" Liu Chengyou said in a friendly tone. His shrewd eyes wandered around for a few times, then fell on Wang Jun who had returned to the court, and said: "Wang Qing returned to the army with me, and is counselor to the aircraft maintenance department. He is also familiar with military affairs. When he returns to the court for the first time, let him take the lead in promoting military affairs!"

"As ordered!" Wang Jun stepped forward directly, looking like he was brave enough to do his job.

In an understatement, he resolved the dispute between the two ministers and spoke up for Wang Jun. At the same time, Wang Jun was now the Deputy Privy Council envoy. Strengthening the authority of the Privy Council was something Liu Chengyou had been doing for a long time, and he had several times involved the Privy Council in the affairs of the Imperial Guard. However, the effect is still not satisfactory to Liu Chengyou. Compared with the Guards Department, which directly coordinates all affairs, it is still much weaker.

Especially when Shang Hongqian, the forbidden commander, began to become stronger... Although he was not surprised by Shang Hongqian's changes, after all, from the beginning, he did not completely underestimate this mediocre person and always maintained his Be a little wary.

Of course, no matter who is in the position of commander-in-chief, Liu Chengyou will be wary. To be an emperor in this era, this is the most basic quality. Otherwise, just wait for problems. Facts have proved that the military leaders of this era are absolutely There is no such thing as a "sheep". After Shang Hongqian secured his position, he was unwilling to be lonely.

At this time, after listening to Liu Chengyou's judgment and treatment, Shang Hongqian's honest face became slightly clouded, he blinked his eyes, and soon he showed no emotion and lowered his head slightly.

Guo Wei was thoughtful, and quickly regained his composure, bowed and said yes.

After sitting for a long time, Liu Chengyou stood up and walked up to the ministers. After some activity, he raised his hands and said in a solemn voice: "Although the suppression of the rebellion went smoothly during the Western Expedition, Li Ni was defeated, but from what I can see, In the counter-insurgency operations, the Forbidden Army exposed too many problems."

"Among the armies, the soldiers are of varying quality, their combat capabilities are uneven, their military appearance is uneven, their generals and officers are not very capable, and military discipline still needs to be strengthened..."

Liu Chengyou brought each issue to the palace to discuss. This was the first time that he publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with military issues. As he spoke, the atmosphere in the palace became obviously more serious. It was surprisingly quiet. Underneath, Shang Hongqian's face It finally became ugly. There are so many problems with the Forbidden Army. Doesn’t it mean that he, the commander of the Forbidden Army, did not lead his troops well?

"At the beginning of the founding of the country, although the late emperor issued an edict to reorganize the country, the Forbidden Army was first established at that time. Due to the national situation, the Hedong Army, the Forbidden Army of the previous dynasty, the rebel army, and the state and town soldiers were combined into an army. There was no Dali. The long-standing shortcomings have not been corrected and have been delayed to this day. It has had a serious impact on the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army! If the army is not in order, how can I defend the country and resist foreign invaders!"

"The Tokyo Forbidden Army, which holds the most important position in the country, has reached the point where it has to be vigorously rectified."

At this point, Liu Chengyou walked back to the throne, sat down with his sleeves fluttered, and said decisively: "In order to strengthen the army and the country, I have decided that in addition to the Guards Department, there will be another Palace Front Department to oversee the imperial army, the prefectures and towns, and the people to select the strongest. In order to fill up the situation, all the guard troops also started to reorganize, re-establish military numbers, reorganize the military system, select the best and strong, and eliminate the old and weak..."

As Liu Chengyou finished speaking, everyone in the palace, both civil and military, changed their expressions. The Emperor's words contained a lot of confidence. This was not only about reorganizing the army, but also about remaking the entire Imperial Army.

Su Yugui, Feng Dao, Zhao Ying and other civil servants were not so excited, but they still showed a somewhat conservative attitude towards the emperor's big move. After all, just listening to their brief description, it was clear that the involvement was huge.

Shang Hongqian and other military ministers, as well as civil servants like Guo Wei and Wang Jun who were military ministers, all looked thoughtful. Their brains were spinning crazily in the shortest possible time, calculating the pros and cons.

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The Guards Department has been reorganized and a new Palace Front Department has been established. The desire to decentralize powers and checks and balances is too obvious...

The space in the Chui Gong Hall is not very large. With so many people gathered together for such a long time, the atmosphere becomes more and more depressing and the air is obviously turbid. Liu Chengyou ordered the servants to open the doors and windows to let the cold autumn wind blow in and give the ministers a breather. Wake up...

Stirred by the cool breeze, Shang Hongqian, who frowned, couldn't help but take a deep breath, cupped his hands and said to Liu Chengyou in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, all the soldiers in the army have been accustomed to the current training situation. If you make such a big change rashly, I'm afraid the morale of the army will be shaken. Your Majesty, if If you want to rectify the forbidden army, you can do it slowly. If you are so eager to achieve success, it will not be beautiful if chaos occurs! This matter should be discussed again and be cautious! "

Shang Hongqian's words were full of twists and turns, which meant he did not agree. Liu Chengyou was not shy at all about this, but looked open-minded.

"Shang Qing's words make sense!" Liu Chengyou said calmly: "If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be general, and if you are general, you will be long-lasting. Since ancient times, there is no system that remains unchanged and can last for a long time. I know that I should do the organization and training of the Forbidden Army. I am prudent and cannot be impatient, so I summon all the ministers to discuss a specific regulation."

Liu Chengyou's attitude is also very clear. What is being discussed is specific rectification measures, not whether to rectify or not.

"Guo Qing, what do you think?" Liu Chengyou looked at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei was sitting upright, thinking hard. When he heard the question, he raised his eyes and met Liu Chengyou's eyes. There was nothing to look at on that honest face. His movements when he got up seemed very slow. He thought about it for a while, and then said: " Improving the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Forces is beneficial to the country and should be implemented naturally. However, this matter cannot be urgent. It needs to be carefully considered and given enough time. The specific handling needs to be done carefully... For example, the elimination of old and weak soldiers , they need to be properly placed to avoid hurting the morale of the military!"

Here, Guo Wei has directly gone into the details of specific measures, and his attitude can be known from this.

"Guo Qing is really a responsible person!" Hearing what he said, he was particularly satisfied with Guo Wei's success. Liu Chengyou immediately praised him and said with a little excitement: "In this case, the Privy Council will coordinate with the Guards Department on this matter. Let’s jointly agree on the charter, and I will assign additional generals and schools at all levels to assist in preparation for consultation!”

Seeing the monarch and his subjects singing in harmony, Shang Hongqian opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, Wang Jun spoke first: "If the army is not strong, how can we strengthen the country? We must do our best to reorganize it. However, the court has to Prepare money and food."

"I don't know how to structure the front office that Your Majesty mentioned?"

This chapter has been completed!
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