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Chapter 113 The Beginning of Military Reform

Whether Nie Wenjin can change, there is still a question mark on Liu Chengyou's side, but I can only hope that after his intimidation and shock, he can really restrain himself, otherwise, if he can kill a Guo Yunming, he will not be short of a Nie Wenjin.

The same Yuan Congxun nobles, the same law-enforcement, and more people impeached Nie Wenjin, but Liu Chengyou's attitude was very different. Although Nie Wenjin was demoted, he still had the right to know the affairs of the state and became the first person in the Han Dynasty to try out the prefecture system. officials, which can barely be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

The reason why the results are so different lies in the different nature of the two crimes. Guo Yunming can be regarded as a personal servant of the emperor, but his unrestrained behavior shows contempt for the monarch's authority and disregard for his authority.

Now, at the time when Liu Chengyou is establishing a majestic tree and strengthening the power of the monarch, in Liu Chengyou's case, the crime of deceiving the emperor is more serious than anything else for the time being.

What Nie Wenjin committed was also a common problem in civil and military affairs at that time. Relatively speaking, it was not that "serious" in nature. Before that, Liu Zhiyuan condoned it, but after Liu Chengyou came to the throne, he tolerated it.

Up to now, Liu Chengyou has begun to rectify the unhealthy tendencies in the court. Guo Yunming was killed and Nie Wenjin was demoted, which was the beginning.

The emperor used ruthless measures to kill Guo and Nie, and the effect was remarkable. For a time, everyone in the inner and outer courts was in awe. Judging from the status and power of the two, it was just right. They all had a very intuitive understanding of the powerful people. Shocking effect.

And within the palace, those ministers of the emperor, such as the treasury envoys, the flying dragon envoys, the pavilion envoys, and the lu book envoys, all restrained their actions with visible changes. Guo Yunming's death had the greatest impact on them. Since the time of Emperor Gaozu, who among the court officials has been more favored than Guo?

In the next three or two days, the outer court successively punished more than ten officials who had committed crimes or committed crimes and dereliction of duty. Many of them were stripped of their posts and demoted. If the circumstances were serious, they were beheaded. This was the first time since Liu Chengyou succeeded to the throne that officials of the Han Dynasty were punished. Take a stab at the system.

In the Renming Hall, Liu Chengyou greeted Mrs. Li every day and personally helped Mrs. Li walk among the gardens. The surroundings were desolate. The snow in the past two days was really just an accident. After the snow melted, the weather became increasingly cold.

"Although there are not many people in the palace, the palace has seemed too deserted recently..." Looking at the scene of autumn mourning, Mrs. Li sighed to Liu Chengyou with some meaning.

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou had a calm expression on his face and softly echoed: "Autumn has been so lonely since ancient times. Mom, you are so sentimental."

"I'm getting old!" Li's tone became even more emotional.

Seeing this, after taking a few steps, Liu Chengyou asked directly: "What makes my mother so sentimental?"

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Feng glanced at Liu Chengyou sideways, turned her head, thought for a while, sighed, and Li said: "Yesterday, I summoned Guo Yunming and his wife into the palace. They burst into tears. I heard that it was quite sad, and I couldn't help but cry!"

Hearing what Li said, Liu Chengyou frowned subconsciously, thinking about the Queen Mother's intentions. Guo Yunming had killed everyone, so Li must have considered it if he said this again.

Seeing Liu Chengyou's expression, Li continued: "Guo Yunming has been serving the people since the time of the late Emperor Long Qian. He has served for a long time and can be regarded as sincere. Now he has been punished by the national law, leaving orphans and widows with nothing to rely on and old age. It’s inevitable to feel some compassion.”

The Queen Mother looked sentimental. As a filial son, Liu Chengyou certainly felt distressed. Without thinking too much, he immediately said: "Guo Yunming violated the national law, which I cannot tolerate. However, I remember that he worked hard to serve the late emperor. Well... .I will support his wife by myself, and reward her with money and food from my own funds. When her son grows up, I will serve as an official!"

Facing Liu Chengyou's statement, Mrs. Li was finally satisfied. She quickly revealed the matter and discussed Liu Chengxun's affairs with Liu Chengyou. The Queen Mother was also hesitant about whether to let the third child leave the palace and open a mansion.

With Liu Chengyou's reward for Guo Yunming's wife and children, although this minor political turmoil has not completely ended, people's hearts have gradually stabilized.

Liu Chengyou also realized the Queen Mother's intention belatedly. This mother was always so wise and kind, always thinking about him.

This time to rectify the atmosphere at home and abroad, although Liu Chengyou acted in the name of national discipline and law and severely punished Guo, Nie and others, he could not avoid the reputation of treating his old ministers harshly, even if they deserved to be killed or punished. This is the trend of this era.

But the subsequent kindness to his wife and children can more or less eliminate the invisible resentment in the court. After all, being able to do this is already a "kindness" of the emperor.

Empress Dowager Li apparently noticed that Liu Chengyou had become more and more impatient in his recent political affairs. The reform of the Forbidden Army had just begun, and he couldn't wait to adjust the political style.


The atmosphere in the Privy Council became more and more solemn. Nie Wenjin was as arrogant as Nie Wenjin, who was already on his way to Tongzhou in the west. And as Wang Jun entered the government to take charge, his subordinates and subordinates were even more suppressed and did not dare to breathe.

Since Liu Chengyou returned to the capital, all the rooms in the Privy Council have only been engaged in one thing besides daily affairs: mobilizing the army.

The Council of Ministers Guo Wei took the lead and met with the senior generals headed by Shang Hongqian from the Guards Department for several rounds of discussions. Through constant disputes and compromises, a draft for troop reorganization was finally completed.

In the hall, Liu Chengyou personally inspected and held the second imperial meeting regarding the reorganization of the army. The meaning of placing the location here as a platform for the Privy Council is obvious.

The Privy Council is dominated by Guo Wei, Wang Jun, and Wei Renpu, and there are many people in the Guards Department, such as Shang Hongqian, Guojiu Sanli (Li Hongxin, Li Hongwei, and Li Hongjian), as well as Sun Li, Ma Quanyi, Han Tong, Wang Quanbin, Du Hanhui, etc. Senior general.

In front of Liu Chengyou, there was an album of army formation, which he was studying. Underneath, Wang Jun stood, high-spirited and high-spirited. The plan for the army was clearly spoken from his mouth. It seemed that he was explaining it to Liu Chengyou, but in fact it was It was told to the generals of the imperial army who were present at the meeting. Before this imperial meeting, the army reorganization proposals presented by the Privy Council were all completed under the guidance of Liu Chengyou, and the emperor had many personal items.

"In front of the palace, there are two armies of horse and infantry. The horse army uses the iron cavalry as its bugle, and the infantry uses the crane as its bugle. The cavalry army has ten thousand cavalry under its command, and is divided into ten armies and twenty commanders on the left and right sides. The elite cavalry of the forbidden army are selected. To replenish it; under the Control Crane Army, set up the Inner Palace, Longqi, and Xiaodi armies, eliminate the old and weak, and select the strong and strong to replenish them. The number of troops is 25,000..."

"Under the Guards Department, the horse army uses Long Jie as the military trumpet, and the infantry army uses Hu Jie as the military trumpet. The Long Jie Army is under the jurisdiction of the cavalry army. Under the Hu Jie Army, martial arts festivals are set up to promote Jie, protect the saints, and serve the country. The Fourth Army and all other military numbers will be abolished and the number of troops will be 40,000..."

Wang Jun introduced the general situation, and the generals who heard about it for the first time could not help but change their expressions. Although the details had not been reported yet, it was clear from the description that the intensity of the army reorganization this time was huge.

Previously, the Han Dynasty's Tokyo Forbidden Army, including the various armies, totaled about 140,000 people. Among them, almost 20,000 soldiers were stationed in Huazhou, Chanzhou and Yedu of Daming Prefecture for a long time.

In addition, there are more than 10,000 troops in Xijing, Sishui, Zhengzhou and other important places in the capital. There are only a little over 100,000 actually stationed in Tokyo. This reorganization focuses on the Tokyo Forbidden Army. According to Wang Jun's report, counting Selecting elites from other states to come to Beijing will require laying off at least 20,000 soldiers, and I'm afraid it will be more than that.

The newly established Palace Front Division is somewhat powerful. The original Crane Control Army and the Inner Palace were directly under it, and then Xiaodi and Longqi, the two most powerful armies under the Guard Division, were assigned to it. Attribute, if the result is successful, the influence of the bodyguard army will plummet.

Liu Chengyou had no reaction and was still staring at the album. Upon seeing this, Wang Jun continued to report on the specific steps of army reorganization, starting with the establishment of the structure of the Dianqian Division, and first of all, the reorganization of the original inner Dianzhi and the Hekong Army. .....

This chapter has been completed!
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