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Chapter 143 Xuzhous generals were wiped out

"A great responsibility? A great achievement? A great trouble!" Guo Wei stood at the gate, stroking his beard and reciting silently. He looked back at the person who was shining with gold and exuding treasure, and sighed. His face with clear outlines was tense. Wrinkled together, there is a condensation in them that cannot be concealed.

Guo Wei's mind was very clear. What was there to try about Liu Xin's matter? The matter was clear and unscrupulous to his level, so what was the difficulty in verifying it? The real difficulty was how to deal with the punishment.

The Han clan is not rich in blood, and Liu Xin is already a close relative, and at the beginning of the founding of the country, it has been extremely rare for three generations to promote and interrogate matters with such great fanfare. It even went so far as to set up a case in court and interrogate one party. Jiedu, are all "curiosities".

In fact, regardless of Liu Xin's status as the emperor's uncle or the vassal town, if the emperor killed and punished him, there would be no real resistance. In these troubled times, there is no shortage of foolish emperors and tyrants. However, Liu Chengyou was so solemn that he wanted to Guo Wei actually had some suspicions about what he was worried about when following the "procedure".

What we want is an honest and upright person. This is to be done for the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, for the officials and people of Xuzhou, and more importantly for the world. Look, Liu Xin, the emperor's uncle in the important town of the Central Plains, was all Got it, where are the others?

By turning this case into a case, we can follow the example in the future. As for whether it will arouse suspicion or suspicion from others, that is inevitable. Of course, the more important thing is to shock. The court still has the confidence now.

Moreover, if things are done justly and at the highest level of morality, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages. In troubled times, justice is really worthless, but when it comes to use, it is worth thousands of gold.

Recalling the incident around today's Liu Xin case, Guo Wei felt confident that the emperor had long wanted to deal with his uncle, and Zhao Li had just triggered it. However, as he sat in meditation for the next hour, he felt that something was wrong. considering.

"Where is Liu Xin being detained?" Guo Wei asked as he quickly figured out a clue in his mind.

"Return to the Prime Minister and be temporarily detained in the Yamen of Jiedu Mansion!" Zhao Yanjin, who was temporarily transferred to Guo Wei's subordinates, replied.

"Keep a close watch! Well... don't humiliate him lightly!" Guo Wei ordered.

Since Guo Wei was appointed as the chief judge, Liu Chengyou assigned him some assistants, including the censor headed by Zhao Li and the detective from Wude Division.

Returning to the lower place, Guo Wei said to the group led by Zhao Li vigorously and resolutely: "You must have made a lot of preparations before. All the incriminating evidence documents have been submitted. I want to check them!"


People like Zhao Li were not verbose, or they acted very capable after Liu Chengyou's instructions.

It didn't take long before several layers of documents were put on Guo Wei's case. Looking at the accumulated evidence, Guo Wei knew that he would have to work hard all night.

Only after reading through it again did Guo Wei know from the details how evil Liu Xin was and how well prepared Liu Chengyou had been in secret.

When Liu Chengyou asked the ministers to sit in meditation with him, it was certainly not without purpose. In just over an hour, the situation inside and outside Changshe City changed drastically.

The city was under martial law, and the Fengchen Army of the brigade set out. Under the leadership of the spies under the Wude Division, they followed the map to capture the associates of the emperor's uncle Liu Xin and the officials of the state government. From the Jiedu magistrate down, almost all of them were rounded up. Those who were summoned Several county magistrates and chiefs were also captured in half.

As for the Jiedu Ya soldiers, they were directly surrounded by Ma Quanyi's troops, controlled and disarmed, and his generals were concentrated and imprisoned.

Liu Chengyou's move was thunderous.

"Are you all under control?" In the inner hall, Liu Chengyou put one hand behind his waist, standing in front of the window in a slightly pretentious posture, staring at the night scene outside, and asked casually.

Behind the scenes, Li Shaoyou, Xiang Xun and Ma Quanyi were waiting.

After hearing the question, Li Shaoyou took the initiative to answer: "The official family, Xuzhou officials, and the guilty suspects have been captured by the ministers and General Xiang. Counting the county officials, there are a total of thirty-two people. They are all imprisoned at the moment. State Prison!”

Liu Chengyou sighed slightly: "This is to wipe out all the official circles in Xuzhou! It didn't cause turmoil!"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!" Xiang Xun answered steadily: "In advance, the general has sent troops to enforce martial law throughout the city!"

"Where are Xuzhou Yabing?"

As soon as Ma Quanyi opened his mouth, he gave Liu Chengyou a feeling of reassurance and said: "The Ya soldiers in Zhouzhi, a total of more than 2,300 soldiers, have been controlled. We will capture them all as soon as they are commanded by the general. Yang Yuhou has led the cavalry army. , rush to the subordinate armies and counties, capture the generals and gather the soldiers!"

"You have done a good job!" Liu Chengyou thought for a moment and said, "I still say what I said, we must ensure stability inside and outside the city!"


"The officials are impartial and selfless, and their relatives are killed for justice. As long as the news of the public trial of the emperor's uncle is spread, the people's hearts will be stabilized. The people of Xuzhou will be happy and forget their worries, and praise the officials for their wisdom!"

Only Li Shaoyou dared to say such words.

"Quit your job!" Liu Chengyou raised his hand.

"Yes!" The three people responded in unison.


"I'm here."

Liu Chengyou ordered: "You should also go and help Councilor Guo! He is holding court to try the case, and you are also there. Listen and take a look for me!"

As if roots had grown on his feet, Liu Chengyou stood in front of the window, not even blinking, admiring the night view in the courtyard. The moonlight was very pale, the light was very yellow, and the vision was not clear enough, but the shadows of the trees were vaguely visible under the breeze.

I originally thought that with Liu Xin's temperament, he might react excessively to the threat, but Liu Chengyou was fully prepared to deal with it. However, it seems that he did not turn the narrow road into a dead end after all. .


The Queen Mother stayed in her bed, and Liu Chengyou came to see her at night.

Mrs. Li seemed to expect that Liu Chengyou would come, and prepared some food for him, and asked: "I heard that you detained Liu Xin?"

Liu Chengyou replied: "To be honest with the Queen Mother, the imperial censor Zhao Li impeached the emperor's uncle to me in front of all the civil and military ministers. I had to investigate impartially and improve people's hearts! Mr. Guo has always been fair in dealing with things and will definitely not unjustly accuse the emperor." uncle!"

"In front of me, officials don't have to say these crowning words." Seeing Liu Chengyou's serious look, Li Shifeng said with a serious face, directly breaking the topic: "I have also heard about Zhao Li in the inner court, although he dares to speak He is famous for his direct remonstrances, but how dare he accuse Liu Xin on such an occasion?"

Liu Chengyou paused his hand, put the missing piece of cake back on the plate, picked up a handkerchief and wiped his hands. He met the Queen Mother's gaze with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, you can't hide it from the Queen Mother's eyes, and you can't hide it from that person either. It can’t be hidden from the eyes of courtiers, or even the eyes of the emperor’s uncle!”

Li said: "If an official wants to do what is right and proper, why should he 'conceal' his words?"

"In today's world, it's not easy to do things legitimately. Especially such extremely difficult things!" Liu Chengyou's tone was filled with emotion.

Mrs. Li looked at Liu Chengyou: "I won't ask you anything else, how do you plan to deal with the emperor's uncle?"

With his brows slightly furrowed, Liu Chengyou took a breath and looked to his left: "The crimes committed by the emperor's uncle mentioned by Zhao Li have caused deep resentment among the people."

"What do you plan to do with the emperor's uncle?" Li asked again.

Feeling the coercion in his mother's mouth, Liu Chengyou paused and replied calmly: "I have entrusted Guo Qing with full authority. We still need to see the results of his interrogation and deal with it in accordance with the law!"

Hearing his answer, Mrs. Li sighed and said nothing more.

This chapter has been completed!
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