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Chapter 148 Return to Beijing

On Wuyin day of the second lunar month (the fourth day of the lunar month), the emperor and empress drove their carriages from Changshe and returned to the capital under the worship of the people of Changshe.

I stayed for an extra day to see the reaction of the people in Xuzhou to the punishment of Liu Xin's case. The feedback was good. Under the edict, the first culprit was severely punished and the culprits were severely punished. Liu Chengyou also wrote an edict to the guilty with sincere feelings and sincere attitude. , making the people happy.

The most important thing is that the aftermath measures ordered by Liu Chengyou have brought benefits to the people of Xuzhou. Punishing evil and venting anger, eliminating corruption and reducing taxes and making profits. Under such circumstances, Liu Xin's life and death are not of concern to the people at the bottom. . In addition, Liu Chengyou's handling of him also showed his sincerity.

After all, the scholars and common people in this era are used to suffering and being exploited, so their expectations are not too high. Compared with the turmoil and precariousness during the war, Liu Xin's evil dragon has not forced them to the point where they can no longer survive. Of course, if it continues for another year and a half, it won't necessarily be the case.

In order to show off, a young censor who was accompanying him proposed that Liu Chengyou return the money, silk, and goods possessed by Liu Xin and his gang to the people, but Liu Chengyou ignored it.

Liu Chengyou can see many things clearly. For ordinary people, if they are robbed by strong force, there will probably not be much turmoil for a while. The culprits should be dealt with and returned to their place, instead of hoping and resenting them. It will be eliminated.

If the money that cannot be carefully examined is released, it is conceivable that the chaos caused will be more serious than robbing them. On the one hand, it is difficult to ensure safety because of the lack of people's hearts. On the other hand, it is impossible to compensate and collect goods from house to house according to the looted property. Returning it to the treasury is the most appropriate, effective and less troublesome approach.

During the trip to Xuzhou, Liu Chengyou gained a lot. The basic goal was achieved. Not to mention other hidden gains, the most intuitive things he got from checking Liu Xin’s property were money, silk, silk, porcelain, gold, and silver. , jade... worth more than 170,000 yuan. According to Liu Xin's method of amassing money, it is not unusual to have such a huge sum of money.

Compared with when I came, I did not go back the same way I came. I changed my route and chose to patrol east from Changshe, walk through Yanling, cross Fugou, cross the Huishui River, and then return north to Tokyo along the old Caishui River road. Since Houliang, Kaifeng The jurisdiction of the prefecture continued to expand. Two hundred miles south of Tokyo City, the three counties of Yanling, Fugou, and Xiangyi, which originally belonged to the three states of Xu, Chen, and Song, were all assigned to Kaifeng Prefecture.

Therefore, the imperial driver left Xuzhou and went to Kaifeng. He traveled slowly all the way to observe the people's livelihood and customs. Of course, with a large team accompanying him, it is impossible to say how detailed Liu Chengyou's observation was. However, he often summoned county and town officials as he passed by. Just asking.

Even so, something has been achieved. At least on the surface, the quality of the officials at the county and town levels under Kaifeng Prefecture is passable after a year of replacement. If time had not allowed it, Liu Chengyou would have had the intention to go south. Take a walk east.

The imperial team stretched for several miles in front and back. There was no dust, and the sound of people, animals, carriages, flags, and wind was mixed with it. However, the entire marching team showed an orderly order that Liu Chengyou was very happy about.

Queen Fu was standing by, chatting casually with Liu Chengyou. Probably, when he encountered an "extraordinary thing" before, Liu Chengyou went to see Concubine Gao and had a "confidence", and then somehow inadvertently revealed to the Queen This was the situation there and on the way back to Beijing.

The situation in the car was like this. Liu Chengyou rested his head on Da Fu's legs, feeling the soft buttocks and smelling the fragrance emanating from his body. Da Fu's waist was slightly bent, and when he opened his eyes, he could see that he was almost The beauty on his forehead...

"This trip to Xuzhou has solved a problem for me!" Liu Chengyou closed his eyes and squeezed his head into Da Fu's arms, as if he wanted to drill into the deep depths, and muttered in his mouth.

The queen seemed to have been touched by him on a sensitive spot, and her pretty face turned red. She just casually hugged Liu Chengyou more firmly.

Listening to what he said, Dafu didn't shy away from it. Anyway, it was Liu Chengyou who took the initiative to bring it up. After thinking about it for a while, he asked: "Erlang is still thinking about the emperor's uncle?"

On the way back to Beijing, Dafu slowly changed his address to Liu Chengyou, becoming friendly and natural. Liu Chengyou also responded calmly.

"How do you think people in the world will view me?"

Dafu thought for a moment, and then said it in a nicer way: "Your Majesty is impartial, impartial, and upright..."

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou immediately smiled.

"Why is Erlang laughing?"

The hand holding the big talisman was different from Concubine Gao's, delicate and soft. Liu Chengyou said quietly: "How can I care about the opinions of the people in the world if I only benefit the country?"

Liu Chengyou's words were a little untrue and a little crazy. But in Da Fu's ears, they sounded heroic.

"In the official family, Wang Shu often asks for an audience!" Zhang Dejun reported from outside.

The car continued to move forward, Liu Chengyou opened the curtain and looked around: "What's the matter?"

Wang Pu held an envelope in his hand and reported to Liu Chengyou: "Your Majesty, a special memorial from Taiyuan has come to Beijing. The letter will be forwarded to Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou's expression suddenly disappeared, his back straightened, and he stretched out his hand: "Bring it up!"

Feeling Liu Chengyou's tone, Zhang Dejun hurriedly made the submission, much faster than usual.

Liu Chong simply flipped through the envelope. There was no sign of opening it, so he opened it and read it. The letter was only two pages long. Liu Chengyou read it quickly, and a reserved smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth. rise.

"What's wrong?" With Da Fu's intelligence, he certainly noticed something was wrong and asked warmly.

"It's nothing. It's just that the emperor's uncle has been in Jinyang for a long time. He missed the Queen Mother and me a little, so he wrote me a letter home!" Liu Chengyou's raised corners of his mouth slowly reset, and he spoke simply and easily, but he was very serious in his hands. The letter was folded and placed on a small table in the car.

It was just there, Dafu only took a few glances at it, but didn't take another look at it. Of course she knew in her heart that things were not that simple.

Although Liu Chong's letter contains some words of condolences, the core meaning is clearly expressed. After hearing about the changes in Xuzhou, he asked Liu Chengyou to forgive Liu Xin, otherwise...

Liu Chengyou said it was a letter from the family, which was correct. If Liu Chengyou agreed to it, it would be a letter to the family. If Liu Chengyou did not agree, it would be a threat!

Unhappiness, of course, grew in Liu Chengyou's heart. No monarch could bear the threats from his subordinates. However, he felt a little relieved. Fortunately, Liu Xin was still alive, even if he was barely alive.

Liu Chengyou also knew about Liu Xin's letter to Jinyang, so he was not too surprised when he received Liu Chong's memorial.

As for how to reply to Liu Chongzhi's letter, and how to deal with it, Liu Chengyou didn't have much choice. The harm to an emperor's uncle in the south that had just been solved was impossible to turn around and attack the emperor's uncle in the north, causing a disaster. Liu Chong, that was He is a direct relative of the emperor's uncle and guards Hedong. He is not someone Xuzhou can compare with.

"Where are you? How far is it from Tokyo?" Liu Chengyou asked after calming down.

"Back to the official house, we have arrived in Chenliu territory, still nearly a hundred miles away from Tokyo!"

"Send the order, speed up, and arrive in Beijing tomorrow!"

This chapter has been completed!
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