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Chapter 167 Earthquake first, then locusts

Here in Tokyo, Emperor Liu Chengyou of the Han Dynasty is quarreling with the princes in the court. The reason is very simple: God is not good at it.

Another disaster occurred in Hebei, an earthquake. This earthquake affected a wide range. You, Ding, Cang, Bei, Shen, and Hebei were the main disaster areas. Hengqing and Xingming were also affected. Although not many officials and people in various states died, But the property damage is not counted.

There seems to be a proverb that a severe drought must be followed by a severe earthquake, but for the Han people, the frequency of such disasters is indeed quite frequent. Droughts, locust plagues, and earthquakes are basically concentrated in Hebei...

Since the founding of the country, only a few Hebei states have been able to be self-sufficient, and only barely.

Like Cang, Bei, deep, people like Ji who have recovered in two years can still shed tears and lick their wounds, but in places like Youzhou and Dingzhou, life will be difficult.

Dingzhou, where the Yiwu Army was stationed, was a borderland of the Han Dynasty. Although it was surrounded by important places such as Hengzhou and Youzhou, it was also a border fortress. Externally, it could rely on the dangers of Taihang to fight against the Khitan, and internally, it could strangle Chengde and Lulong's throat.

Such an important place, like Jinzhou (today's Ankang, Shaanxi Province) on the west coast of Shannan Province, is almost like an abandoned place. It is usually ignored and allowed to be tortured by Sun Fangjian, who is full of banditry. However, the number of households in the land is not more than 10,000. The local people were tired and suffered from the earthquake, so they couldn't help but take the initiative to appeal to the court with a very low profile, asking for the allocation of money and food.

Needless to say, Youzhou has never been at peace due to constant military disasters. Production under the rule has never returned to normal levels. The internal conflicts between the military, government and people are sharp, and the population is constantly losing. Compared with two years ago, Youzhou's The Han population in the area has been less than half of the original number. Under such circumstances, it is still necessary to raise nearly 20,000 infantry and cavalry to defend the Khitans and be ready for contingency at all times.

Although Zhao Kuangzan, the king of Yan, did not have the prestige of his father Zhao Yanshou in Youzhou, he was still a very capable person. He implemented many policies to calm the people, coordinated and governed conflicts, and barely maintained his position as "the co-leader of Youzhou". Status. It can be said that the situation Zhao Kuangzan faced in Youzhou was not much better than when Liu Chengyou first succeeded to the throne.

No, after the earthquake, Zhao Kuangzan habitually "reported" to the court, asking for money and grain, and he asked for fifty thousand shi each of wheat and millet, which the court flatly refused. After deliberation, he endured the bloodshed. To deal with the pain, we are reducing the amount of money and food allocated from Tokyo to the north for support. As for the reduction, the quota is reduced by half.

Asking for money and food, refusing, negotiating, cutting delivery... This is probably the way of communication between Youzhou Direction and the imperial court for more than a year.

As for Dingzhou, the imperial court was not so generous. It issued an edict that if the people of Dingzhou's homes were destroyed and their crops destroyed, they could go south to Hengzhou for food.

As for other states and counties, the imperial court had only strict orders to urge the states to rescue their own disasters and provide safety to their people.

The impact of the earthquake is still there and is far from gone. Yanzhou, Yunzhou, and Qizhou reported one after another that there were locusts in the states. Although drought was not reported in the states, the climate was quite dry, and the locust plague came again.

Not long after, Ye Du Gaoxing Weekly reported that locusts were seen in Bozhou for miles, and overnight they turned into butterflies and flew away. The imperial court quickly issued an order, ordering all the states to prepare for locust extermination. The winter wheat was already ripe, and it was time to At the time of summer harvest, grain production cannot be reduced too much like last year. Liu Chengyou wanted to transfer Gao Xingzhou from Yedu back to Tokyo. He had been thinking about it for half a year, but gave up.

The early Han Dynasty was really full of disasters.

No matter how difficult the national situation was, Liu Chengyou quickly turned his attention away from the disaster and turned his attention to the situation in the Southern Tang Dynasty that he had in mind when he learned that Tao Gu and Wang Pu, who were envoys to the Tang Dynasty, had returned.

To show his concern, Liu Chengyou ordered his uncle Xuanhui envoy Li Ye to go out of the city to greet him in person. At the same time, after he returned to the court, he convened an imperial meeting in the Chongzheng Palace.

"This mission to the Tang Dynasty lasted nearly two months, thank you for your hard work!" Liu Chengyou first met with Tao and Wang, gave them tea and seats, and consoled them.

"It is an honor for me to be loyal to His Majesty and serve the great Han Dynasty. How can I dare to say it is hard?" In front of Liu Chengyou, Tao Gu regained his obedience and respect, and showed off his merits.

After hearing this, Wang Pu couldn't help but glance at Tao Gu and saw the humble look on his face. It was so different, so natural, so surprising, as if he could change his face and couldn't even pretend to be. come out.

"This time we sent the Tang Dynasty to rely on your majesty's majesty and the strength of the Han Dynasty. We were able to live up to your majesty's instructions and successfully negotiated peace with the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. In addition, we received 30,000 shi of food and 20,000 coins from the Southern Tang Dynasty... "Tao Gu looked at Liu Chengyou with a wide smile and eager eyes, as if offering a treasure.

The general situation has been reported to Tokyo in advance by both parties.

"But it's not a lot!" However, when Liu Chengyou opened his mouth, his poor character was immediately revealed. His face was like a flower bone, he spread out slightly and raised his hand:

"There was a big earthquake in the Youding provinces, and I am short of money and food. I am suffering from a headache. This money and food can be exported to the north. Then Zhao Kuangzan really can't do anything except ask the court for money and food..."

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Liu Chengyou complained casually, but his tone was more like ridicule.

"Hebei earthquake?" Wang Pu asked with a serious expression.

"Yes! Last year there was a drought, and the locust disaster broke out again. This summer, there is another earthquake disaster. In Yanyun and other places, the locusts are up again!" Liu Chengyou said with an expression of joy in suffering, "God doesn't want to give in to this." The big man and I have a good time to relax for a while. After the earthquake, Tokyo finally had some spare money, but it was spent again..."

"Your Majesty only regards this as God's test for the great man. Your Majesty once said that the sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. This is probably the case." Tao Gu comforted Liu Chengyou, and also used Liu Chengyou's "famous sayings" as an example.

Liu Chengyou's reaction was not embarrassing at all. He said very grandly: "Man-made disasters have always been greater than natural disasters. How can a mere earthquake shake my resolve?"

"Your Majesty is full of lofty sentiments, and I truly admire you!" Tao Gu bowed.

Waving his hand, Liu Chengyou was basically immune to Tao Gu's compliment, but the corner of his mouth still twitched slightly.

"How do you feel about Jinling's group?" Liu Chengyou asked.

"I am the envoy of a big country in the Central Plains. How dare you be rude to that country when it is based in a separate area. The Lord of the Tang Dynasty personally hosted a banquet for the ministers and summoned the ministers of the Southern Tang Dynasty to accompany them. During the conversation, they showed great respect for our dynasty..." Tao Gu replied.

Liu Chengyou couldn't help but look at Tao Gu, feeling suspicious in his heart, and felt that what he said was exaggerated.

With a calm expression on his face, Liu Chengyou turned to Wang Pu and asked: "What about Li Jing, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty?"

Faced with Liu Chengyou's question, Wang Pu said without hesitation: "The Lord of the Tang Dynasty has a good appearance, a Confucian and gentle man, quite elegant, fond of poetry and poetry, and has great literary talent. He is extraordinary and can be called a great master!"

"Good! It's really extraordinary to be praised like this by Wang Qing!" Liu Chengyou was happy when he heard this: "On this road, I'm afraid I can't even catch up with you!"

Tao Gu obviously understood what Liu Chengyou was enjoying. He bowed and said flatteringly: "Poems and articles are ultimately trivial. In the way of governing the country and commanding troops, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty is not as good as your Majesty. In this era of great strife, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty is so weak in literature. It is not a blessing to the subjects of his country!"

"But for a big man, this is indeed the best gospel!" Wang Pu also bowed and agreed.

"It seems that Erqing Jinling and his party have indeed gained something!" Liu Chengyou's smile faded and his tone returned to a calm tone.

"The officials and ministers are all here!" Zhang Dejun, the chamberlain, reported.

"Let's go!" Liu Chengyou stood up first and walked towards the main hall of Chongzheng Hall, saying: "Share what you saw and felt with the princes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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