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Chapter 4 Kunming Hall-Chongzheng Hall

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the forests are all dyed, giving it a late autumn scene.

Tokyo, Imperial City, Harem, Kunming Hall.

The air is filled with the fragrance of osmanthus. The smell is rich, not greasy, pleasant, and refreshing. It is early in the morning, the sky has already brightened, and Emperor Liu Chengyou is still lying on the couch, holding the beauty in his arms. The excitement of getting up in the morning has been relieved, and his hands are very clean. , just caressing the queen's delicate waist under the brocade quilt.

"Officials, it's getting late, it's time to get up!" Da Fu leaned beside Liu Chengyou, gave him a gentle push, and said. His jade face was soft, his cheeks were scarlet, and he was deeply nourished by the emperor's dew.

Liu Chengyou still had his eyes closed, and his voice sounded lazy: "It's rare to hide away and enjoy the gentle countryside, but you want to push me out!"

The increasingly plump body pressed close to Liu Chengyou, and while rubbing his ears and temples, Dafu smiled lightly and said softly: "This is not like the usual official family. The king can't afford it. If the official family stays in Kunming Hall for a long time, they will be afraid of speaking to other officials." We have another criticism. Although Da Fu occupies a lower position, she is actually a woman and cannot bear the criticism. I hope the officials will understand..."

The Queen was virtuous and sensible, and she always gained something from talking with her on weekdays. Liu Chengyou also liked the harmonious music between husband and wife, but it was this secret advice and encouragement from time to time that made her feel charming.

"The way I see it! With a queen like you, even if the Han subjects don't love her enough, how can you dare to criticize her?" He opened his eyes and took a sip on the queen's exposed shoulder. As he spoke, Liu Chengyou sat up.

Seeing this, Dafu immediately shouted out: "Come here, wait for the officials to get up!"

The curtain slowly opened, and the beautiful maid Jiao'e came in with a cup and a basin. Amidst the temptations in front of him, Liu Chengyou once again experienced the tenderness that could soften his bones and weaken his will.

A bowl of corn porridge with a few slices of osmanthus cake is Liu Chengyou's breakfast. The food tastes very good. The only drawback is that the fragrant aroma in the house is mixed with a faint smell, that is, the smell of shit... .

On the left side of the case, the culprit was held by Da Fu. After changing his diaper and cleaning most of the discomfort, he felt very comfortable and stopped crying. Instead, he kept smiling at Liu Chengyou.

"You still have the nerve to smile, but this early in the morning, people are in a hurry!" Liu Chengyou said to the infant prince after taking two hard breaths and feeling the fading smell.

As if he understood Liu Chengyou's words, the smile on the child's tender cheeks faded, and he coughed twice, but he choked on his saliva.

Seeing this scene, Dafu couldn't help but give Liu Chengyou an angry look, and gently caressed the prince's back: "Younger Wuji, do the officials still want to argue with Erlang?"

Last winter, Liu Chengyou had two new sons. The son of the empress Fu was named Yang, nicknamed Brother Mu; the son of the noble concubine Gao was named Xi, nicknamed brother Liang.

In addition, Xian Fei Zheshi has been pregnant for ten months and is about to give birth. If nothing unexpected happens, the Tian family will have another son.

When the child regained his heartless laughter again, Liu Chengyou felt something in his heart. With his beloved wife by his side and a son in his arms, if he were an ordinary family, he would be considered happy and peaceful.

"I'm going back to Chongzheng Hall first. Winter is about to enter and the weather will be very cold. You, mother and son, should be careful. I can't go to the Queen Mother for the time being, so you can go and say hello for me..." After eating, wipe After wiping his mouth, Liu Chengyou gave instructions to Dafu.

The Empress Dowager Li was very angry because of the extermination of the Buddha. For a while, she ignored Liu Chengyou. However, she was so angry that she never said much about the imperial court's move to exterminate the Buddha. As the Queen Mother, she Interfering and causing trouble for Liu Chengyou.

In the harem, when it comes to understanding the righteousness, the Queen Mother is the first to take the lead. The longer time passes, the more Liu Chengyou respects this mother from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes! I understand!" The queen looked very understanding and stood up to salute: "Send it to the official family!"

Liu Chengyou, who returned to the Chongzheng Hall, quickly recovered and entered his role. The gradual concentration of monarchical power was accompanied by the concentration of government affairs. Too many affairs required his personal review, decision-making, and approval.

The increased burden made Liu Chengyou occasionally feel overwhelmed, but this was a necessary price for the centralization of power by a monarch. How can it be such a good thing if you want to be relaxed and calm when you have the power in hand.

There were two people performing things in the palace, Prime Minister Feng Dao, and Deputy Envoy Xue Juzheng of the Third Department. Compared with the time when the Han Dynasty was prosperous, the ministers in the court had basically changed. Although Wang Zhang still had the title of prime minister, Basically, he has retreated behind the scenes and is recuperating at home. The person in charge of the three departments now is Xue Juzheng.

Xue Juzheng was in his prime. He was fond of reading and quick at writing. He was tolerant and simple in nature and had the demeanor of a gentleman. He couldn't help but admire him. Compared with Wang Zhang, Xue Juzheng seemed to be more respectful to Liu Chengyou, the emperor.

"Your Majesty, after calculation and deliberation by the officials of the three divisions, the state and county magistrates have drafted the salary accounts for officials and assistants. Your Majesty, please review it for your review!" With a meticulous gesture, he submitted the memorial in his hand.

Measuring the salary of Dingzhou and county officials was a task given by Liu Chengyou a few days ago. In Liu Chengyou's opinion, the efficiency of the three departments was still a bit slow. After browsing for a while, it was basically based on the number of household registrations. The county had 3,000 households. For households above 2,000, the monthly order is 10,000, and the master register is 8,000; for households above 2,000, the monthly order is 8,000, and the master register is 5,000; for households below 2,000, the monthly order is 6,000, and the master register is 4,000...

After all the ministers discussed and agreed upon, there were basically no loopholes to be found, and it passed smoothly from Liu Chengyou: "Yes! I have no objections, and we will implement it as it is!"

Before Xue Juzheng could respond, he heard Liu Chengyou add another sentence: "However, the number of registered Ding households in the prefectures and counties in the world needs to be re-investigated and verified. This time to rectify Buddhism and reorganize the households of monks who have returned to lay life, we can take the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive Ding population Oral investigation!”

The "census" had already been carried out in Liu Chengyou's reign. However, due to the limited energy of the imperial court and the lack of local control, it had been carried out intermittently without any major breakthroughs. The emperor's will at this time was to be fully implemented. .

Thinking about how to complete the political tasks assigned by the emperor, Xue Juzheng did not say anything, but simply said: "Yes!"

"Is there any new progress in the renovation of Buddhist temples?" Liu Chengyou turned to Feng Dao.

The growth of age does not seem to have left any obvious changes on Old Fox Feng's face. He maintains a good attitude. Feng Dao is still the same, with a green beard and a bright head. Today, Feng Dao has become the nominal leader of political affairs. auxiliary.

"I'm about to report to Your Majesty!" He stood up first, and after paying his respects, he sat down and said to Liu Chengyou: "According to reports from various states, as of September 20, there were 22,620 abandoned temples in the Han Kingdom. , 159,300 monks and nuns returned to secular life, 3,763 criminals who violated the law were detained, and about 5.2 million acres of land were confiscated..."

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A series of data, with remarkable results, also represents the difficulty of Buddhism and the collapse of heaven and earth.

"What a harvest!" Liu Chengyou said in a relaxed tone and nodded in response.

Seeing this, Feng Dao couldn't help but persuade: "Your Majesty, the scale of this rectification of Buddhism and the ferocity of the methods have reached an extreme level. There is quite a lot of criticism among the people. The head of Guizhou does not understand your majesty's grand strategy and does not understand the righteousness of the court. Recently, There are many living people in various states who pity the Buddha and gather together to cause chaos. In the opinion of my veteran ministers, the rectification of Buddhist temples should be stopped at the right time in order to ease people's sentiments and vent their anger. Otherwise, I am afraid it will cause greater turmoil!"

"Feng Qing has made plans for the country!" Seeing the worried expression on Feng Dao's face, Liu Chengyou said directly: "Buddhism claims to teach the Dharma and encourage good deeds, and is only a man of Qing Dynasty. But now it uses deception to coerce the people to resist the imperial court. This must be caused by selfish desires. It can be seen from this that the rectification work cannot be completed yet. The matter has come to this point and cannot be abandoned halfway, otherwise there may be more troubles left behind!"

Liu Chengyou's words are really unreasonable. Since ancient times, people's money has been taken away from them, such as killing their parents and the court exterminating Buddhism. For Buddhist temples, it is no longer as simple as taking money. With the worry of destroying the Tao, how can we expect other people to not do it? Moving like a mountain, accept it calmly?

Feng Dao heard this and was helpless, but he did not dare and had no need to disobey the emperor's wishes.

There has been a rebound at the local level, but it is still within the acceptable range of Liu Chengyou. According to previous surveys, there are approximately 35,000 monasteries in Daozhou in the Han Dynasty. However, the ones that have been abandoned are still nearly 10,000 short of the original goal. .

This chapter has been completed!
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