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Chapter 10 Veteran takes action

The climax of joy never lasts long. When the tide ebbs, the atmosphere in Saihua Palace also drops. Although they are all relatives, looking at the emperor's unhappy face, I can't help but murmur in my heart. .

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"It is inconvenient for Concubine Xian, mother and son to disturb you, so we have dispersed here. Later, we will go to Jiying Hall to attend the family banquet!" Liu Chengyou waved his robe and gave instructions to everyone.


"Your period has just passed, and Shiro is still a baby after all. It's inconvenient to show up more often, so you can take good care of yourself..." Liu Chengyou said warmly, holding the little lady's hand.

The young lady smiled and nodded: "Thank you, officials!"

Subconsciously, she swaddled the prince tightly to prevent him from catching cold. His beautiful eyes were full of maternal light.

He raised his head to look at Liu Chengyou, pointed to the numerous gifts in the palace, and said softly: "These gold, jade, and treasures are of no use even if they are placed in the palace. It is better to donate money to the country for national use."

Full of sincerity, Liu Chengyou can be sure that this is not an act of flattery from the young lady. He sighed in his heart, but still said softly: "It's all the wishes of relatives and elders, accept it."

Only then did Miss Zhe nod her head and scanned the jewel-like artifacts. She already had the idea of ​​​​finding a treasure box and putting it away in the cabinet. She knew that Liu Chengyou actually didn't like those extravagant things.

I glanced in the direction of the side room. Queen Mother Li was talking to several uncles there, especially Li Hongxin, who had been dismissed and seized power. The atmosphere seemed to be very harmonious. I leaned inside and listened carefully, but it was not very clear. , but the vague content still made Liu Chengyou feel relaxed.

Mrs. Li is comforting his uncles for him, letting them put aside their worries...

After giving Zhe Congruan a look, the old minister understood and followed Liu Chengyou out of the palace. He walked in the corridors of the palace, with the palace maids guarding him in front and behind, shielding him from the wind and snow.

Everyone with Fu, Gao Erzhang has grace. Of course, Liu Chengyou will not forget Zhe Congruan. Compared with Fu, Gao, Liu Chengyou actually feels closer to Zhe Gong. Because, taking into account all aspects, Zhe Gong and Fu, Gao Ergong are in love with each other. Compared with each other, both are far inferior to each other. Without the huge influence of the two major general families, it would be easier for Zhe Congruan to gain Liu Chengyou's trust.

Then, Zhe Congruan was transferred from Fuzhou to the Central Plains and took over as Yanzhou Jiedushi. At least on the surface, it was a great favor to his father-in-law. After all, he was transferred from a barren border area to a large state in the Central Plains. Moreover, in Under the governance of Fu Yanqing, Yanzhou can be said to have good governance and good people, and its development has recovered to a very healthy level. Following Ruan Lai's rule, Yanzhou basically enjoys retirement and happiness.

It's just that he was transferred from his hometown...

Of course, Liu Chengyou did not do it too obviously. After Zhe Congruan resigned, he directly succeeded his father-in-law Zhe Dequ, whom he had not met yet, and continued to maintain Zhe's rule and influence over Fuzhou. The people of the world showed their trust and respect for Zhe.

It's not that there were no other small moves. Liu Chengyou used the principle of "it is inconvenient for a son to surpass his father" and demoted the prefecture to a defensive state and the Jiedushi to a defensive envoy, but still retained the Yong'an army. Although it was not changed, he only changed his name. But in terms of status, he was already exerting influence from the imperial court.

"It is said that Concubine Xian is the crown prince's jewel. I came to Beijing for a visit. Don't you rest assured that I have not bullied Lady Zhe?" Liu Chengyou said warmly while walking while looking at the old-looking Cong Ruan Zhe.

"Your Majesty's words are serious!" Zhe Congruan shook his head and Lao Huai stroked his beard in relief: "My granddaughter grew up in the countryside. Although she knows etiquette, she does not stick to trivial matters. I was afraid that she would not tolerate the strict confinement of the palace and offend Your Majesty."

"Then Mr. Zhe underestimates the lady!" Liu Chengyou said: "I also love her valiant and heroic appearance, regardless of style!"

Hearing this, Zhe Cong turned to Ruan and cupped his hands: "In this way, I am indeed relieved!"

"Sir, please relax!" He gestured with a finger in front of his chest. Liu Chengyou swung his robe sleeves and put his hands behind his back. He was concerned about Qi Zhe Cong Ruan's current situation: "Have you ever gotten used to working in Yanzhou?"

Zhe Congruan responded with emotion: "King Wei managed the army very well and was very popular among the people. The old ministers just followed the old policy and did what Xiao had followed Cao Sui, without any effort. In just a few months, his body has already grown fat."

Liu Chengyou nodded: "Young Master is a soldier, he is definitely not a person who is greedy for comfort!"

Zhe followed Ruan Que and said, "We have gone through all the fighting, but we still feel at peace. It's just that in today's world, peace is rare!"

After saying that, he looked at Liu Chengyou who nodded slightly, followed Ruan and asked: "Your Majesty saw me alone, and I don't know what your instructions are. If you are asked to go, even though I am old, I am willing to go."

Obviously, this man noticed something.

After walking a few steps, Liu Chengyou said slowly: "Zhang Yanchao was saved in Jinzhou, but his horse fell while hunting. His old illness recurred and he died. The imperial court intended to move the town to change defenses. It was proposed that Wang Yan of Pizhou should be restored to Jinzhou, and that Yang Chengxin could be saved in Anzhou and moved to Pi There are few people in Anzhou, so I would like to go to Anzhou with my official duties!"

Liu Chengyou also explained the situation: "At the moment, the situation in the south is uneasy. The old and new changes in Jingnan are still unstable. Over in Hunan, the Ma brothers are feuding and fighting each other. The pseudo-Tang Dynasty and the pseudo-Liu Dynasty are watching from the outside. Anzhou is the key to the southern gate of the Han Dynasty. , it is necessary for the commander-in-chief to remain calm in order to prevent unexpected events."

Instead of agreeing directly, Zhe Congruan showed hesitation. Seeing this, Liu Chengyou said directly: "You seem to have concerns, but please speak out!"

Zhe Congruan said directly: "I don't know the situation in the southern country very well, so I can't speak nonsense. I just start from my own perspective. I am a northerner and not accustomed to the soil and water of the south. I am skilled in riding and shooting. The water network in the south is dense. If anything happens, I will I'm afraid it's not the place where I can use my force. Moreover, there is An Shenqi in Xiangzhou. The veteran is in the northern border and has heard of his reputation. With him here, Anzhou only needs to send one brave general."

"This minister's humble opinion means that if His Majesty really can't decide on a candidate, I'm willing to accept my fate and go south!"

Zhe Congruan’s words are really beautiful!

Liu Chengyou thought about it seriously, but he had to admit that this man's consideration was reasonable: "I didn't think carefully!"

"Let me choose someone else. The Han Dynasty has thousands of generals and it is not difficult to lose just one brave general!" Liu Chengyou said.

"The south is not suitable. I wonder if you would like to go northwest?"

Hearing this, Zhe Cong Ruan became more energetic and slightly curious: "What is your Majesty's mission?"

"Guo Yanqin, the governor of Qingzhou, was greedy and wanted to harass the miscellaneous people in the state for bribes. He forced the pheasants in the territory to rebel, plundered the merchants, and caused chaos in our western border. I have issued an edict to arrest Guo Yanqin and bring him back to Beijing for questioning. The rebellion has not ended. It is reported that the Pheasant Clan has shown signs of colluding with the Ningzhou Niu Killing Clan to cause rebellion." Liu Chengyou briefly reported the situation.

"Of course Guo Yanqin should be killed, but these Hexi bastards are disobedient to the king's authority, despise the court, and are indecisive. Although they are suffering from scabies, they cannot be left alone. Otherwise, the newly opened Hexi trade route will be blocked again!" Liu Chengyou! He continued: "In the northwest, Shi Kuangyi of the Changyi Army is close to him. However, I heard that he was infected, so I can't help him. The rest of the people are mostly restricted, but I want to choose someone who is familiar with the border affairs, good at horse warfare, and has the ability to lead. , after thinking about it, a male is more suitable!"

"Old minister, I am willing to obey my order!" Zhe Congruan replied very simply.

Nodding with satisfaction, Liu Chengyou suddenly and solemnly told Zhe Congruan: "Wei, Qing, Ning, and the original states are home to miscellaneous beards. However, it is unrealistic and costly to eradicate them. We are going to attack them now." , If you can soothe, you can do so, and you should be given official positions. Those who persist in their evil will should be struck with thunderous means. The public has been in Fufu Prefecture for many years, so you should be careful about the rules here!"

"Old minister understands!"

"In addition, it is said that these Hexi tribesmen have many cattle and horses, and the big men are scarce..."

This chapter has been completed!
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