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Chapter 24 Personnel Adjustments

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The twelfth lunar month is coming to an end, and the coldness between heaven and earth is gradually fading away. In the Chongzheng Hall, several important officials from the Zhongshu Men and the Privy Council are waiting respectfully. This time, the Emperor has not arrived yet, so they are all standing.

Feng Dao, Li Tao, Zhao Ying, Fan Zhi, and Wei Renpu all had expressionless faces. They all knew that the emperor was in a bad mood due to the death of Liu Shenjiao. In the past few days, veterans in the court have "been appointed" one after another. Others How could these high-ranking officials fail to see the "sinister" intentions behind the emperor's sympathy for his veterans?

Li Tao, Fan Zhi, and Wei Renpu were all fine, they were at the right age, and they were mostly relied on by Liu Chengyou. Among these people, the most nervous one was Feng Dao. He was the oldest among those present. Even though the emperor had been I have been very kind to him and willing to delegate power to him, but I don't know when I will be "sympathetic" to him.

Feng Dao had no interest in being the prime minister of the subjugated emperor of a dynasty in troubled times, but now that the fortunes of the Han Dynasty are getting better and better, Old Fox Feng is still willing to stay in the court for a few more years and give full play to his remaining enthusiasm...

Accompanied by the chamberlain's singing, Liu Chengyou's steps were filled with wind, and he crossed the palace door and headed straight towards the royal case.

"No need!" He waved his crown robe, with short and powerful movements, and ordered to several saluting ministers.

After a few people sat down, Liu Chengyou put down the volume in his hand and said straight to the point: "I have summoned all the ministers here to arrange personnel for several important positions at home and abroad! Luoyang, Ruzhou, Yunzhou, Yanzhou, An All states are important places in the country, and officials must be selected with caution!"

After saying that, he looked at Fan Zhi: "I have asked you to discuss the matter of Duke Zheng's transfer. Including the three days of abolishing the imperial court, five or six days have passed, and there is still no result?"

From the emperor's attitude, he clearly felt a trace of dissatisfaction. Fan Zhi could not maintain his usual solemn image, and he did not dare to show his usual impatience. He quickly stood up and reported: "Back to your majesty, the ministers and other ministers have discussed it. The army of Duke Zheng A brave general is capable of running the army but not managing the government. If he is placed in the position of herdsmen in the state towns, the harm will outweigh the benefits. If not used to guard the border, he can not only solve the bad governance of Luoyang, but also bring full play to his abilities!"

Fan Zhi and others were not so much discussing it as trying to guess the emperor's thoughts.

"Such consideration, yes!" Sure enough, after hearing this, Liu Chengyou only thought about it for a moment, then nodded in approval and asked: "Are there any target states and counties in the frontier fortress?"

Fan Zhi hurriedly said: "The land of Shuofang is isolated in the northwest. Although it belongs to the Han Dynasty, it does not have good governance. As a result, the barbarians are rampant and wreaking havoc on the Han land. It is not worthy of its name. At present, the governor of the country is leading troops in the northwest to conquer pheasants and kill cattle. Now that the two tribes have restored Ningzhou, it is expected that the coming spring will be the time to send troops. Duke Zheng is here to help in the battle!"

After the report was finished, Fan Zhi paid attention to the emperor's reaction, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that Liu Chengyou agreed directly without any hesitation: "That's very good! According to this, move Shi Hongzhao to Shuofang Jiedushi and let him Let’s go to Lingzhou.”


"Since Mr. Zheng has resigned, who will be appointed to stay in Xijing? Luoyang is the heart of the world, and the Han Dynasty will accompany the capital. It is the most important thing!" Liu Chengyou asked again without any pause.

"Jing Fan, the defense envoy of Zhengzhou, has been in office for three years and has made outstanding achievements. He should be promoted. I think he can defend Xijing!" Feng Daocao reported carefully in an old voice.

"Jingfan has political talent and the ability to manage the world. He can govern Luoyang very much to my liking, and the court will be safe! That's it!" Liu Chengyou agreed directly.

Two consecutive personnel proposals were approved by Liu Chengyou, and the atmosphere in the palace became much more relaxed. Feng Dao and Fan Zhi also subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now that Jingfan is gone, who can succeed Zhengzhou?" Liu Chengyou asked.

Feng Dao said: "Taichang Qing Zhang Zhao is smart and experienced, and he is a veteran of the court. He can govern Zhengzhou!"

Zhang Zhao's appearance rate on Liu Chengyou's side is not low, especially at the beginning of his succession, he made some contributions to the structure of the court's rituals and ceremonies.

Ying: "Yes, you can know Zhengzhou from it!"

"Who can succeed you in Ruzhou?"

Fan Zhidao: "Zhongshushe Renyu Chongliang..."

Before he could finish speaking, Liu Chengyou interrupted him directly: "Yu Qing is in the Zhongshu position, and he is responsible for writing and edicts. He is responsible for handling and dispatching. If it is in my opinion, I won't send him a place! Choose someone else!"

"Yes!" Fan Zhi paused for a moment and then said: "Situ Xu, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, has a good reputation, is an honest official, understands the classics and understands the meaning, and has served in various places. He can be appointed to Ruzhou!"

Liu Chengyou didn't say anything. He seemed to be recalling the information about this person. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Then let Situ Xu know Ruzhou!"

"Where is Yanzhou?" Liu Chengyou's expression gradually became indifferent.

The person who stood up this time was Feng Dao: "Prince Zhan Shima Yisun..."

As soon as the name was spoken, Liu Chengyou refuted it: "Ma Qing is a pure Confucian, and the military and political affairs of the state, town, and town are complicated and complicated, which is beyond his ability. It is better to keep him in the court, studying and writing in the three halls!"

The emperor's attitude shocked Feng Dao, and he subconsciously looked up.

Fang saw Liu Chengyou's expressionless face and spoke more cautiously: "Yan Qu, the Minister of Household Affairs, is straightforward and filial. He is famous for his political achievements and has rich political experience. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

His cold eyes glanced at Feng Dao twice, making the old fox feel a little uncomfortable. Liu Chengyou just responded calmly: "Design Yanzhou as a defensive state, and use Yan Qu as the defensive envoy!"

"Yes!" For no reason, Feng Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about this response, the person he recommended, and then paying attention to the emperor's cold face that kept strangers away, Feng Old Fox suddenly realized that if he were not worried about the disrespect for the emperor, he would really want to pluck out a few of his gray beards. .....

Therefore, when Liu Chengyou asked again who should be responsible for the appointment of Yunzhou, Feng Dao began to look at his nose, his nose and his heart, and let others speak.

At this time, Prime Minister Li Tao found an opportunity and spoke first: "Your Majesty——"

However, Liu Chengyou had no intention of speaking, and abruptly interrupted his minister's speech again, and laughed: "Ms. Li also has talents in his heart that he can recommend? It seems that all the gentlemen have already chosen candidates and have considered them for me, so there is no need. I have to put so much thought into it..."

As soon as Liu Chengyou said these sarcastic words, Feng Dao, Li Tao, Fan Zhi and others quickly stood up and worshiped: "Your Majesty said something serious, I don't dare!"

At this point, no one can feel the dissatisfaction in the emperor's heart. Liu Chengyou came here for them to discuss, not for the ministers to arrange it for him!

"However, I still want to arrange one or two people!" Liu Chengyou glanced at the several prime ministers, his words were like a knife, sharp and sharp.

Several old ministers trembled at the same time and lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the emperor's sharp gaze.

"Over Yunzhou, the emperor's uncle has long had no intention of joining the town, and all military and political affairs have been handled by his assistant in the past two years. I think that Yunzhou is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, with no interference from foreign invaders, and no need for restraint and observation. The defense team has been trained, and after that, the town will be abolished and turned into a state. As for the candidate for governance, I prefer Shi Dejun, the son of Zheng Guogong. I have been observing him for a long time. He is an upright man. Let him know the affairs of Yunzhou!"

"Your Majesty has a keen eye for knowing people!" At this time, no one dared to object. Feng Daoru praised him as usual and wanted to get close to the emperor.

"As for Anzhou..."

"Your Majesty, please give me your order!" Feng Dao asked smartly this time.

Liu Chengyou couldn't praise this old fox for his good sense. As he was considering the candidate, Prime Minister Zhao Ying, who had been silent for a long time, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have a candidate for you."

"Huh?" He frowned subconsciously and turned his head to stare at this person. In his impression, this old man from the former Jin Dynasty was not an ignorant person.


"The old minister is old and faint. He feels that his energy is low, and he feels that he has lost his strength. He occupies the position of prime minister and asks to know Anzhou..."

What Zhao Ying invited was beyond Liu Chengyou's expectation.

This chapter has been completed!
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