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Chapter 34 Shocking Valley

The hustle and bustle of early spring can be seen everywhere. The Bian River runs across the capital, peach blossoms are blooming on the banks, catkins are flying, people are silhouetted among the pavilions and pavilions, and the sound of hustle and bustle can be heard in the city.

There are many official ships and military ships docked at the southeast pier. This area is specially used for berthing of official ships and is very tightly guarded. Compared with the private port, there are fewer tax collectors.

After nearly ten days of travel, including changing ships out of the country and transferring goods, the group that accompanied Tao Gu on his mission to the Southern Tang Dynasty returned to Tokyo.

"I'm finally back!" Tao Gu felt a little sad once again standing on the land of Tokyo and looking at the familiar city.

I don't know whether it was due to the fatigue of traveling or some other reasons, but Tao Gu's face was a little pale and his complexion was not good. In addition, his steps were a little sloppy.

After making some arrangements for the envoys and subordinates, and asking the guarding sergeants to return to the Yamen and return to their posts, Tao Gu then gave orders to his entourage.

"We will bring back damask, brocade, porcelain, tea and other specialties from the south. We will bring them all to the city and sell them!" Tao Gu whispered to the servants: "Move quickly and do not show off when doing things! When leaving the port,

If anyone asks, just say it is my property!"


Four or five boxes, large and small, were being carried off the ship one after another, just waiting to be loaded into trucks and taken away. Some of these goods were purchased in Jiangdong, and some were gifts received. It is normal to go on a mission to seek some benefits. However, it has been

It was suspected of smuggling, so I had to find a name to cover it up.

"Others, please go back to your home and settle down first!" Tao Gu's eyes specifically paused on the two beauties, and then he said seriously: "I want to enter the palace to meet the emperor!"

"My lord, where is the gift from Mr. Feng?" asked the servant as seven or eight more boxes were loaded onto the ship.

In addition to gold and silver, the gifts given by Feng Yansi were all fine Runzhou silk, which was even more valuable in Tokyo. Tao Gu was jealous, but he resisted his greed and said: "Look for two

Car, come with me to the imperial city!"

Although there was some pain in his heart, Tao Gu still had a string of tension in his heart, guarding a bottom line. It was against the law to bring goods for personal gain, so he really shouldn't be too greedy, especially if the money given by Feng Yansi involved foreign affairs.

Arrive at the palace gate, go to the palace, and wait for the imperial edict.

"Tao Sheren, Your Majesty has summoned you!" Zhang Dejun came out personally to announce the summons.

"Here's a great official!" Tao Gu didn't dare to look down on the little eunuch, so he returned the gift and noticed his upgraded clothes. With a smile on his face, he quietly took out a piece of white jade from his arms and said, "Congratulations to the eunuch yet."

When an official rises to a high level, he expresses his feelings through small things..."

If it were in the past, Zhang Dejun would have given up, but at this time, he didn't seem to notice Tao Gu's little move. He just looked at it and said calmly: "Tao Sheren, your majesty is still waiting for you!"

Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and you will receive cash and coins!

Feeling slightly surprised, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, this was in front of the Chongzheng Palace, so there was no way he would dare to make too big a move, so Tao Gu took back the gift consciously.

He took a step forward and asked tentatively: "May I ask, sir, how is your majesty feeling today?"

Zhang Dejun stopped and looked sideways at Tao Gu. There was a faint smile on that young face, but what he said made Tao Gu tremble: "Tao Sheren, as soon as I returned,

Go to court and ask about the situation of the officials, what is your intention?"

"I don't dare! I'm embarrassed!" Tao Gu denied it repeatedly.

Zhang Dejun left first, and Tao Gu followed behind. Looking at his back, he murmured in his heart: "What happened to this eunuch? When did he become so inhumane?"

Zhang Dejun's reaction cast a shadow over Tao Gu's heart.

After entering the main hall, he bowed and bowed, and looked up to see that the Emperor of Han Dynasty was still sitting at the imperial desk as usual. He was writing about the world with a red pen in his hand. He was still so calm and composed, as if nothing had changed.

"Sit down!" When Tao Gu returned, Liu Chengyou seemed very happy and asked the waiter to hand him a bowl of tea with a friendly attitude: "This is the tea brewed by the imperial concubine, have a try!"

Tao Gu was a little flattered. He took a few sips of the tea foam and naturally praised it.

"Thank you for the hard work of traveling back and forth to Jinling this time!" Liu Chengyou consoled him in a formal way.

"How dare you talk about the hardships of serving your country?" Tao Gu himself knew how carefree life was in Jinling. He hurriedly spoke, wanting to change the subject: "I have returned this time and am about to report my duties to His Majesty!"

Liu Chengyou nodded and signaled to him that upon seeing this, Tao Gu would immediately make a detailed report on Tang's situation.

Although he kept saying that he didn't care how the emperors and ministers of the Southern Tang Dynasty reacted or made decisions, Liu Chengyou's heart was still full of emotions when the matter was finally done.

No matter how much energy, troops, and financial resources the Southern Tang Dynasty invested in Hunan, the resistance faced by the Han army in the future attack on Jiangbei would be correspondingly reduced. Liu Chengyou still had a very clear understanding of this.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Liu Chengyou's affinity seemed to have increased by another 10%, and he said to Tao Gu: "Tao Qing said about the achievements of the Tang Dynasty, and I have written it down for you. This can be regarded as a good start for the Huainan attack!"

"However, from what you said, we cannot be too optimistic about the puppet Tang monarchs. Before they formally mobilize their troops, this strategic deception cannot be considered a success! We cannot be happy too early!" Liu Chengyou said again.

Hearing this, Tao Gu of course nodded in agreement: "What your Majesty said is true. Your Majesty is so discerning and wise that I admire you."

"However, it is not so easy for a fish that has been hooked to get rid of the bait! I just need to wait for it to change!" Liu Chengyou looked calm and calm, and smiled faintly: "Besides, didn't the Pseudo-Tang still have Feng Yansi? What a clever minister! With him here, I won't be disappointed!"

"Feng Yansi is nothing but superficial!" Tao Gu said, expressing his disdain for him.

Liu Chengyou had already received a report on the outcome that Tang Tang had agreed upon. Liu Chengyou didn't attach much importance to that "agreement". After listening to Tao Gu's dictation, he knew better.

There was no words for a moment, and the hall became quiet, but Liu Chengyou put down his posture of sitting upright, turned his body slightly, and asked Tao Gu in a relaxed tone: "Tao Qing, I am a little curious, 'Xichuan dog, common people's eyes, Ma Bao'er, imperial chef rice. ', what do these four phrases actually mean?"

As soon as Tao Gu said these words, his body tensed up, his cheeks became hot, and cold sweat began to seep out from his forehead. He stood up in a panic and knelt down on the ground: "I... I am extremely ashamed. Please punish me!"

Seeing his huge reaction, Liu Chengyou looked very surprised: "Why is Tao Qing like this?"

"Chen...Chen..." Tao Gu was obviously very embarrassed, as if he wanted to bury his head on the floor.

"Get up first, I'll show you something!" Liu Chengyou said to Tao Gu.

Standing up with anxiety on his face, Liu Chengyou asked Zhang Dejun to show him a memorial and said: "This is the imperial censor's impeachment against you, saying that you, a native of Tao She, as an angel of the great country, caused wrongdoing during the Tang Dynasty." , lingering in the Qingguan is against the national etiquette of the dynasty. Moreover, he had a close relationship with Feng Yansi, the puppet prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, and accepted bribes..."

Liu Chengyou spoke softly, but Tao Gu panicked when he heard it. He quickly bowed to the ground again, his slightly opened lips trembling. Liu Chengyou just looked at him calmly.

With his eyebrows furrowed and his heart filled with eagerness, Tao Gu bowed and said, "I am in Jinling and have the audacity to make false statements and criticize the situation of the Han Dynasty in order to confuse the false monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty. Please be punished by your majesty!"

"Is there such a thing?" Liu Chengyou was surprised.

Tao Gu immediately recounted the details of the Feng Mansion's night banquet without reservation, including the details that he had subconsciously concealed.

"Haha..." After hearing this, Liu Chengyou smiled without looking sullen at all. He waved his hand to Zhang Dejun and said, "Hurry up and help Tao Qing up!"

After Tao Gu was helped to his position, Liu Chengyou said: "Before I left that day, I told you that as long as the purpose can be achieved, the process and means are not important. Tao Qing was just trying to confuse thieves. To sum up the effect, I am very satisfied, how could I commit such a crime?"

"Thank you for your forgiveness, Your Majesty!" Hearing this, Tao Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

After saying this, he continued: "Your Majesty, before returning to the north, Feng Yan had already given me a heavy gift and I dare not keep it. I have ordered people to be transported to the city gate and I want to hand over the internal funds!"

"That Feng Yansi is very generous! Beauty, gold and silver, silk..." Liu Chengyou waved his hand and said: "Just keep the things for yourself, share some with the accompanying officials and soldiers, and treat it as this trip Give me your reward!"

"My lord, thank you for your kindness!"

After walking out of Chongzheng Hall, the chaos in Tao Gu's mind dissipated a lot. He just calmed down from the shock and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Tao Gu was a smart man. After thinking about the questions in the palace, he discovered that there were some problems. As soon as he returned to Tokyo, he came straight to see him. How come someone had already impeached him and he knew his situation in such detail... ..

He suddenly turned around and looked at the high-hanging "Chongzheng Hall", majestic and solemn, and murmured to himself, could it be the emperor's arrangement?

This chapter has been completed!
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