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Chapter 41 Prison Visit

There have always been only a few "guests" in the imperial prison, but recently, the person with the highest status in the imperial prison is none other than Guo Rong, the governor of the Zhenning Army.

Compared with ordinary prison cells, the cell where Guo Rong was located was much cleaner. It was equipped with couches, bedding, desk papers, pens, and ink, including a bucket.

Guo Rong was dressed in ocher clothes, holding a book in one hand and a pen in the other, burying his head in the case. His expression was calm, and he didn't have much of a sense of desolation in prison. He just shaved off his hair a little less, and his beard was a little more unruly. Compared with before, Guo Rong looked completely different.

The human temperament has undergone tremendous changes. It is a temperament that has been immersed in power for many years, and is majestic and dignified.

"Prisoner!" After a long time, Guo Rong straightened his body, moved his neck and wrists a little, stretched his waist, and called out.

The prison was very quiet, and soon with the sound of footsteps, a thin old officer wearing military armor walked in.

The lantern in his hand was shining into the cell, and the warder asked in a hoarse voice: "What are your orders, Commander Guo?"

"Now I am a person who is being punished, so I should not be called a king!" With a humble mouth, Guo Rong pointed to the candle with only its tail left on the table and said: "This candle is about to be used up, give me a new one.

Also, please add some more paper!"

"Yes!" The jailer agreed and at the same time looked at Guo Rong. He couldn't help but sigh: "Why did you come to jail!"

Hearing this, Guo Rong turned his attention to the old man and asked casually: "In your opinion, what am I here for?"

"From the old man's point of view, it's more like you have moved to another place to work and govern!" The jailer said, "Old man has never seen anyone treated like this in this prison. I, the villain, are like this."

Give food and drinks, and also take care of the lights, candles, pen and ink..."

"Haha..." Guo Rong smiled faintly: "Then why do you wait so diligently to serve me, a sinner?"

The warder followed with a chuckle, his eyes showing shrewdness and a bit of flattery: "I have been here for many years, and officials who have been in and out of prison for crimes have never escaped unscathed. But Ambassador Guo

You are different. Although I have little knowledge, I have a feeling that you will be able to get out intact. It is not impossible for the official to be restored to his original position. Otherwise, why should the superior officer tell us to serve you carefully..."

"Among the gangsters, there are still some who are trying to make ends meet. Do you know that it is precisely because there are too many people like you who are willing to flatter you that the country cannot be peaceful, the government cannot be governed, and the people cannot be peaceful." Guo Rong raised his hand and said something to the jailer.

Very embarrassing.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and red envelopes every day. You can get it by paying attention. This is the last benefit at the end of the year. Please seize the opportunity. Official account [Book Friends Base Camp]

Seeing his reaction, Guo Rong added quietly: "However, I am stuck here and have been taken care of by you. This kindness will be engraved in my heart. If I can see the sun again, I will be rewarded!"

Hearing what Guo Rong said, the jailer breathed a sigh of relief and echoed: "Please wait for a moment while I get you some paper and a candle."

When he turned around, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart, this Guo Shijun is not an easy person to serve. Of course, he is not an ordinary person either. That kind of magnanimity is rarely seen in the world.

Later, Liu Chengyou visited the prison in person. He was dressed in a bright yellow robe, which was very eye-catching in the dimly lit prison. The warden personally accompanied him and led Liu Chengyou to visit Guo Rong. He went to the prison cell and took a look at the layout. He couldn't help but glance at the prison. Chief: "I didn't know that the conditions in the Han Dynasty's prison were so favorable?"

One sentence made the warden shrink his neck suddenly and did not dare to look at Liu Chengyou. He only glanced at Guo Rong. Nono didn't know how to respond.

"Guo Rong, the sinner, bows to Your Majesty!" Through the cell door, Guo Rong stood up, bowed and fell down.

The cell door opened, Liu Chengyou stooped to enter, passed Guo Rong, and sat down on his small desk. Guo Rong turned around again and kept kowtowing.

"Get up!" Liu Chengyou sighed: "Sit down!"

Guo Rong then stood up, knelt down facing each other, and raised his hands to Liu Chengyou: "Why do you need Your Majesty to come in person?"

"Since the last Northern Inspection, we have not seen each other for more than a year. We miss you so much!" Liu Chengyou reached out and picked up some scattered papers on the case: "However, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this prison. Yes! However, I see that you are still very comfortable here!"

"Your Majesty is joking." Seeing Liu Chengyou's actions, Guo Rong hurriedly helped to tidy up. His expression could no longer remain calm. Three or two years ago, Guo Rong had always been able to cope with the young Liu Chengyou calmly, but now, facing him, It is impossible to do this for the emperor who has entered his youth, not just because of the status bonus.

Liu Chengyou sat there, like a still pool, unfathomable.

"My lord, I have put your Majesty in a difficult situation!" Finally, it was Guo Rong who took the initiative to speak.

Liu Chengyou waved his hand: "I'm not here to listen to your explanation today!

There is no need to mention the Puzhou matter, I already understand what I want to know, and there is no need to understand what I don’t want to know."

"You have a bit of an old look on your face. As I noticed, you worked hard in Chanzhou to manage state affairs. No wonder you have a good reputation!" Liu Chengyou's eyes fell on Guo Rong's face, observing his expression.

Guo Rong sighed slightly: "You are not as old as your Majesty!"

When Liu Chengyou came to the prison, he did not let Zhang Dejun accompany him. Instead, he asked Zhang Yongde to wait on him and waved to him. Upon seeing this, Zhang Yongde immediately opened the food box he was carrying, put several dishes on the table, and poured out the wine.

This was probably the first time relatives of the Guo family saw Guo Rong after he arrived in Beijing. Zhang Yongde and Guo Rong just looked at each other, did not say anything, and took the initiative to stand guard at the cell door.

"I have brought some food and wine." Liu Chengyou raised his glass, and Guo Rong, who held the glass with both hands awkwardly, touched it and said in a relaxed tone: "I haven't had a drink with you for a long time. There is something interesting in this prison cell."

"I thank you for your hospitality," Guo Rong said.

Turning his attention to the put away papers, Liu Chengyou picked them up and browsed them, and asked casually: "What did you write?"

Guo Rong took the initiative to pour wine for Liu Chengyou and replied: "These are some of my opinions and summaries on governance in Chanzhou, which may be used as a reference for future generations. There are also some discussions on the way to govern."

"Even the matter of succession has been considered!" Liu Chengyou raised his eyelids and glanced at Guo Rong: "But this way of governing is quite in line with the current situation and national conditions."

"Guo Rong is Guo Rong, and his life in prison has not been wasted!"

"Your Majesty is so complimentary."

"Zhenning Army, I originally planned to abolish its Jiedu, but considering that it is an important town on the Yellow River and the gateway to the capital, it is inconvenient to abolish it lightly." After two more sips of wine, Liu Chengyou's face became a little more relaxed, and he said: "However, I plan to abolish all the towns and counties in the next two or three years, starting with the Zhenning Army. Taking advantage of this turmoil, Puzhou will be separated, and the imperial court will directly dispatch governors, transfer envoys, garrison envoys, and military commanders. State affairs!”

"Does Guo Qing have a candidate who knows Puzhou?" Liu Chengyou looked at Guo Rong and asked.

When asked, Guo Rong was inevitably surprised: "Your Majesty asked me to recommend it?"

"I believe in your vision." Liu Chengyou nodded: "Ma Renyu and Pan Mei, who you recommended to the Forbidden Army before, are rare talents. Ma Renyu and Kongwu have entered my Fengchen camp, and Pan Mei , I see that he is even more talented as a commander!"

Facing Liu Chengyou's gaze, Guo Rong lowered his gaze and cupped his hands: "Rong Chen, think about it."

After saying that, he really fell into deep thought. Of course, Guo Rong was not thinking about the person to recommend, but wondering whether the emperor had other intentions. However, he really couldn't think of a reason, but one thing is certain, the Puzhou matter is certain It's passed.

Without letting Liu Chengyou wait for too long, Guo Rong said: "Lu Yin, named Yuqing, is from Youzhou, the son of Lu Qi, the former minister of the Ministry of War. Although he is young, he is sensible and knowledgeable, and has the talent for political affairs. I am in Chanzhou. Appoint him as the military governor of Jiedu. If your Majesty had not known Puzhou because of his youth, he would have been within his ability."

"Then this is the person!" Liu Chengyou made the decision without thinking, flipping up his sleeves.

Of course, he came to see Guo Rong not just to treat him to a drink. Liu Chengyou stood up and pointed before leaving: "It is not a pity to die for Zhang Jianxiong! However, after all, he is the envoy of Dahanzhou and has been appointed by the imperial court. Zhenning Army, please wait. If it doesn’t work, I won’t keep you in Tokyo, go to Xuzhou!”

After saying the next word, Liu Chengyou left with his hands behind his back.

Guo Rongze thought for a moment and then prostrated himself: "Thank you, Your Majesty! I send you off to Your Majesty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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