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Chapter 43 Meeting

The banquet finally ended in a slightly embarrassing atmosphere. Wang Shouen felt he had received Liu Chengyou's "promise" and left with satisfaction. Gao Fang sighed. As for Li Wanchao, he was in a gloomy mood and seemed a bit ashamed to be with him.

"Your Highness, this Wang Shou'en really doesn't know how to live or die, and he is asking for rewards in front of you!" Several people stayed in the hall, and Zhang Yanwei took the lead in denouncement of Wang Shou'en in a very "politically correct" way.

Xiang Xun also shook his head slightly and said with emotion: "I knew Wang Shouen was greedy and despicable in my humble position, but I didn't know that he was so greedy for profit! Asking His Highness for a reward in front of the civil and military forces of Luzhou is forcing a reward!"

At this time, Liu Chengyou had regained his composure, with a calm expression. He looked at Guo Rong and asked, "What do you think of this person?"

"You are a villain! However, there are by no means a few such people in Daozhou in the world, but Your Highness does not need to worry too much about them!" After thinking about it, Guo Rong replied calmly, and then looked at Liu Chengyou: "As for your request, Your Highness How do you plan to deal with it and take it seriously?"

Liu Chengyou withdrew his eyes, looked down, stared at the plate in front of him, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Even if Wang Shou'en doesn't mention it, I still have money from the treasury to reward the soldiers. Gather people's hearts, gold and silver money Although silk is not the most effective method, it is the most direct method and can also make the soldiers feel that I value them!"

Hearing Liu Chengyou's words, Zhang Yanwei couldn't sit still. He just thought that he wanted to "submit" to Wang Shou'en, and said with wide eyes: "Your Highness, isn't this just what Wang Shou'en wished? In this way, I'm afraid this person will become even more arrogant. .”

"That's not it!" Liu Chengyou raised his hand to stop the agitated Zhang Yanwei: "It's my intention to reward the soldiers, how can Wang Shou'en be able to control it?"

Zhang Yanwei fell silent for a moment, while Guo Rong and Xiang Xun looked at Liu Chengyou, as if waiting for his words.

Sure enough, after a pause, Liu Chengyou added: "Since we want to reward the soldiers, we need to know the number, so we can compile a detailed list of the Shangdang soldiers. I will leave this matter to you."

Facing Liu Chengyou's gaze, Guo Rong was slightly surprised. He quickly understood what he was talking about. A smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand and said, "Yes!"

Seeing that Guo Rong realized what he was thinking, Liu Chengyou nodded with satisfaction, and after pondering for a while, Liu Chengyou asked Xiang Xun: "This Wang Shou'en actually has no foundation in Luzhou..."

Upon hearing this, Xiang Xun nodded: "Yes. He was the inspector appointed before Zhang Congen left the state for Bian. In terms of influence in the Shangdang Party, it is far behind Gao Fang and Li Wanchao!"

After blinking a few times, Liu Chengyou said, "During this period, I have been very close to Gao and Li."

"Your Highness, Gao and Li are both talented people. Gao Fang is prudent and steady, and Li Wanchao is brave and resolute. They are not comparable to Wang Shoun." While agreeing to the promise, Xiang Xun couldn't help but suggest to Liu Chengyou: "You might as well meet these two... ....”

"You seem to admire Gao and Li very much?" Liu Chengyou looked at Xiang Xun.

Xiang Xunyi bowed his head and said softly: "This humble position is nothing more than that of someone who works beside you. Gao, Li is a general of the country. He is older than me, and his talents are all mine. His conduct is higher than mine. It's just to express the respect in my heart. I don't think so." May your Highness just miss the country’s nobles!”

Xiang Xun was usually a very confident person with a lot of arrogance in his heart, but seeing him speaking modestly and praising Shen Fang and Li Wanchao so much, Liu Chengyou thought to himself, excluding the humility factor in Xiang Xun's words, what would be the difference between the two? There should be some talent.

"But in my opinion, Xingmin is resolute and decisive, capable of accomplishing great things. He is a true national scholar!" Liu Chengyou then said to Xiang Xun with admiration in his eyes.

"Your Highness, you are so complimentary!" Liu Chengyou's positive compliment made Xiang Xun even more humble.

"Taking it into detail, you have mentioned these two in front of me more than once. It is indeed worth meeting. If you want to completely control Luzhou, these two are also key!" After waving his hand, Liu Chengyou said: "The dynasty has just been established. When the world is not at peace, it is the time when talents are urgently needed."

"But at the moment, the Khitan people are still in serious trouble. I wonder where Geng Chong's American troops are?" As he spoke, Liu Chengyou's eyebrows showed a bit of solemnity. He raised his eyes and asked, "What's going on over there with Han Tong?"

Upon hearing this, Xiang Xun shook his head: "This morning, Han Tong led his cavalry and went directly south to investigate. So far, no news has been sent back."

"Don't be careless!" Liu Chengyou's voice was low, but he was relieved and said to the three of them: "Let all military camps and key points in the city be more alert to me! When Han Tong returns, notify me immediately!"



At night, Liu Chengyou stayed directly in Jiedu Mansion and sat in the town party. At this time, Liu Chengyou had a lot of talents under his command, especially Chai Rong and Xiang Xun, who were both civil and military. With their help, they could go to the party town in every area. Nature is under your control.

A little later, Gao Fang was invited, and under the guidance of the guards, he went straight into the second hall to pay his respects. There were more than ten candles burning in the hall, and every place was exceptionally bright.

Liu Chengyou was immersed in his case, reading some state chronicles of Luzhou. The books were all old, and a lot of the information was from several years ago, such as population, land situation, tax situation, the administration of previous officials, etc.

Although the information was a bit outdated, Liu Chengyou read it with gusto. He paid special attention to the county officials under Luzhou's rule, but unfortunately he didn't see any "familiar" names.

The only thing that makes Liu Chengyou feel gratified is that the treasury is full. It can really be described as full. Zhao Xingqian and the Khitan money envoys really shaved off a layer of skin in Luzhou. According to their accounts, the money included Silk, worth more than tens of millions of dollars...

When Gao Fang entered, he saw Liu Chengyou holding a book and reading it at his desk. He was slightly surprised by his serious expression.

Liu Chengyou pretended that he didn't notice anyone coming in, until the guard reported it, he came back to his senses, saw Gao Fang, and got up to greet him personally.

"Meet Your Highness!"

"High Judge, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Sitting down, Gao Fang asked directly: "I wonder what your Highness's orders were when he summoned his subordinates at night?"

Seeing this, Liu Chengyou put down the account book in his hand, leaned his elbow on the desk, and looked very relaxed, looking at Gao Fang by the bright candlelight.

Facing Liu Chengyou's gaze, Gao Fang sat upright and did not squint his eyes. From the beginning to the end, this gentleman was very polite and had a calm demeanor. With this performance, he had the air of a wise man.

"I heard that Judge Gao has been serving under Zhang Congen since ten years ago. Zhang Congen stayed in Beijing, and you became a subordinate officer of Taiyuan Prefecture; when he was transferred to Chanzhou Defense Envoy, you followed him as a judge; when you entered the center of the court, you also Then he went to Beijing; he stayed in the Western Capital, and you promoted him to serve as an official; and after serving his mother's funeral, when the term expired, he moved with Zhang Con'en to the three towns of Yunzhou, Jinzhou, Luzhou, and Li as judges..."

As Liu Chengyou slowly narrated, Gao Fang couldn't help but be surprised. This almost gave him a rundown of his official career for more than ten years after he was established. Liu Chengyou had obviously conducted a detailed investigation on him.

Not paying attention to the change in Gao Fang's expression, Liu Chengyou continued: "I have been with him for ten years, traveled to various places, and never left him. Judge Gao and Zhang Con'en have a deep relationship. Why did they choose to abandon him so resolutely this time, despite the fact that they have been serving as ministers for many years?" Friendship?"

This chapter has been completed!
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