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Chapter 73 Talking on Paper

Tokyo, Han Palace, and Chongzheng Hall were all busy.

The ministers and ministers in the palace seriously sorted out and reported the official documents received from the Privy Council and Zhongshu, especially the battle situation in the front camp of Huainan.

The land north of the Yangtze River and Huainan is a unique map, hanging next to the map of the Han Dynasty. Zhao Yanjin, Zhang Yongde and An Shouzhong, these second-generation generals, were among the rest, discussing in a low voice, and based on military reports, on the map The battle situation in Huainan and the war situation are marked on it.

In front of the map, comparing the conditions of the surrounding prefectures and counties in Shouzhou, a sand table two feet long and one foot wide has been set up. Although it is not so detailed, it shows the situation of mountains, rivers, cities, and soldiers and horses within a radius of two hundred miles. , has jumped out from above, extremely clear.

Privy Councilor Guo Wei and Minister of War Wei Renpu were waiting to report the latest situation on the front line to Emperor Liu Chengyou. The Shouzhou front line was not too far from Tokyo, with a straight-line distance of only about 500 miles. Urgent military reports arrived almost every day. Regarding the frontline operations, although Liu Chengyou did not interfere at will in Tokyo, he had to understand the situation on the frontline in a timely manner. This was the bottom line.

Guo Wei held a yellow wooden dragon-patterned command pole and waved it around Shouchun City, introducing the latest situation: "According to the new military report from Huainan, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty deployed the Shenwu commander Liu Yanzhen to the northern capital and led 30,000 forbidden troops. He crossed the river north to support Shouzhou. According to reports, Liu Yanzhen was stationed at Qingliu Pass in Chuzhou at this time, and the land distance from Shouchun was less than 250 miles. The ministers speculated that Liu Jun might go north to Dingyuan, Haozhou, and then turn westward. ,Save Shouchun."

"However, there are rumors that Liu Yanzhen is very arrogant and wildly claims that he can defeat our army in one battle by going north!"

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou became interested and asked, "Who is this Liu Yanzhen?"

Wei Renpu said: "We only found out that Liu Yanzhen's father, Liu Xin, was a thief in the Central Plains. He was very brave and went south to join Wu King Yang Xingmi. He accumulated merit and was promoted to the military governor of the Zhennan Army. The Xu family replaced Wu and established the Puppet Tang Dynasty. , and received many favorable treatment. Under the shadow of his father, Liu Yanzhen became an official in the Puppet Tang Dynasty, and served successively in Haizhou and Chuzhou, and even as the general of the Forbidden Army..."

After hearing this, Liu Chengyou smiled faintly: "It turns out that he is still a famous general! His courage and ambition are commendable! I am really looking forward to seeing how he defeats my southern expedition army!"

Guo Wei and Wei Renpu looked at each other and smiled, and continued to say to Liu Chengyou: "The Southern Army has not seen the strength of our Northern Army for a long time. If we fight two more games, it will hurt! Besides, the strength of the Tang Army in Huainan Prefecture gave Liu Yanzhen confidence. !”

Returning to the topic, Guo Wei introduced: "In addition to Liu Yanzhen's army, Zhang Quanyue, commanded by Tang Baoxin in Luzhou, south of Shouchun, also commanded an army of ten thousand, and marched north along the Feishui River. However, this man was cautious and did not If you dare to advance rashly, you are just showing an aggressive attitude."

"In addition, according to Wang Jun's report, the greatest threat to our army is the navy of the Tang Dynasty. The Shouzhou Navy lost more than half of its troops in the battle across the river. The remaining troops are now active in the Huoqiu territory on the upper reaches of the Huai River, and attack northward from time to time. I, Zhengyang Fuliang, Si Chao, the commander of the Yingzhou regiment, have been defeated twice."

"In Haozhou and Sizhou, the Tang army also stationed more than 20,000 soldiers, most of whom were naval forces. Especially the Haozhou navy. According to reports, the Tang Haozhou regiment training envoy Guo Tingwei and the military commander He Yanxi stationed 5,000 naval forces in the north of the city. , there are more than two hundred warships, and there are 3,000 naval troops stationed east of the Huan River. These are just the Tang naval forces on the Huainan front line. There are also considerable naval forces for the Tang Dynasty in Jinling, Yangzhou, Chizhou and other places!"

"Wang Jun reported, asking the court to speed up the allocation of food and equipment, and replenish the navy and ships. The Jingjiang Army has lost more than forty warships and thousands of soldiers. With its strength, it is still insufficient to completely defend the army's waterways!"

Hearing Guo Wei's description, Liu Chengyou nodded, but sighed: "Hunan's plan has involved no less than three to forty thousand Tang troops. Even so, it still has such strength!"

"Your Majesty!" Wei Renpu also spoke: "I'm watching the king's commander-in-chief use troops to guard Zhengyang and Wokou in the north and south to protect our food routes, and to assist Cai Fuliang. However, I want to come and treat me. The greatest threat to the army is still the Tang army's naval division in Hao and Si. If it advances westward, it can threaten the mouth of the vortex; the Huanshui division can go north to cut off our Linhuan passage; if it diverts to Bian, it can even sneak attack Fuli. That’s where the southern expedition army gathers food, so there’s no room for loss!”

Liu Chengyou crossed his arms and thought seriously for a long time: "Although I don't think the Tang army has the courage to counterattack our Han territory, but we have to guard against it!"

"Where is Guo Rongjun?" Liu Chengyou asked.

Guo Wei replied: "Your Majesty, Guo Rong has joined Cheng Deqin, deputy envoy of Xuzhou Jiedu, and more than 10,000 Yizhou troops to go south. They have arrived at Mopankou and are eyeing Huaiyin!"

"Guo Rong's movements are not slow at all!" Liu Chengyou said, turning his head to look at Guo Wei: "Tell Guo Rong to let his troops move westward, and let me watch Hao, Si Tang Army, and guard the rear of the army! "

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Liu Chengyou looked at Wei Renpu again: "I ordered Wang Pu to open a channel from Bo and Ying to transport the food, equipment and baggage of the Huai army to the front line through Xia Cai!"

Following Liu Chengyou's gaze, Wei Renpu immediately understood Liu Chengyou's intention and nodded.

"Your Majesty, Wang Jun still has something to report!" Guo Wei glanced at Liu Chengyou, showing a little hesitation.

Seeing this, Liu Chengyou frowned and stared at him: "What's the matter?"

"Wang Jun asked for orders. I hope Xu Yi's master can be handed over to him to coordinate the deployment and take the overall situation into consideration!" Guo Wei replied as non-emotionally as possible. After all, it concerned his son Guo Rong.

"Haha..." Liu Chengyou smiled directly, making it difficult to see any emotion, and did not respond for a moment.

After being silent for a few breaths, Liu Chengyou suddenly asked: "Is there any reward for Wang Jun? How to defeat the reinforcements for the Tang Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty, Wang Dushuai has not reported it!" Wei Renpu replied.

Raising his finger, Liu Chengyou said directly: "Send an envoy to tell Wang Jun to focus on uniting the army and defeating the enemy. I don't care how he fights on the front line. I only want results, which is to defeat the Tang army at the minimum cost!" "

Although he did not directly answer Guo Wei's request to report to Wang Jun, Liu Chengyou's attitude was actually very obvious.

Wei Renpu and Guo Wei retreated one after another and returned to their offices to handle military affairs. Liu Chengyou stayed in front of the sand table for a while, greeting Zhao Yanjin, Zhang Yongde, and An Shouzhong, the three second-generation generals, to inform them of the latest situation on the front line. Then he asked: "If you unite the army in Huainan, how will you deal with the Tang army?"

Facing the emperor's examination, Zhao Yanjin, who has always been confident, said directly: "Your Majesty, I must concentrate our efforts to capture Shouchun first, so that our army can firmly establish a foothold in Huainan, and then deal with the Tang army's reinforcements!"

"What if we can't take it in a short time? It will weaken the city and weaken the morale, which is what military strategists do not do!"

"We have thunderbolt cannons, heavy fire oil and other powerful weapons for attacking fortresses, but we still can't take down Shouchun?" Zhao Yanjin asked.

Liu Chengyou said: "Wang Jun reported that the Fengguo army had already carried out a test attack on the city. Thunderbolt cannons and kerosene bombs were used. Although they caused damage and weakened the enemy's morale, they were still far away from breaking the city. Guardsman He Jingzhu, Be prepared for my kerosene bombs and prepare more sand, earth and bamboo rafts on the city!"

Zhao Yanjin smiled sarcastically, and the youngest An Shouzhongze said: "I will leave an army to contain the Shouchun garrison, and lead the infantry and cavalry to fight against Liu Yanzhen. In terms of field battles, the Tang army is definitely no match for our army!"

Liu Chengyou asked: "There are still more than 10,000 defenders in Shouchun City. If they come out, they will be a threat. How many soldiers and horses should be left to monitor them. If you leave too many troops, you will not have enough troops to attack Liu Jun. How can you ensure that you can break it?"

"This..." An Shouzhong began to think.

Zhang Yongde made the final comment: "My suggestions are similar to Shouzhong's. However, we should give full play to the advantages of our cavalry, go south to harass them, tire them out, consume their energy, and disrupt their morale. Then wait for work and look for opportunities to defeat them. I will conquer the south." With the elite of the army and the famous commanders and fierce generals, there are only 30,000 Tang troops, so there is nothing to worry about. Our army has a great chance of winning!"

"It's interesting!" Liu Chengyou said softly: "But what if this move frightens the Tang army and makes them dare not go north, so they turn to the waterway, advance both by water and land, and harass my rear?"

"I don't know what your majesty thinks?" Zhao Yanjin couldn't help but ask.

When asked, Liu Chengyou spread his hands and said: "Battlefield operations should change according to the situation and make decisions when the opportunity arises. The battle situation on the front line is changing rapidly. I am far away in Tokyo, how can I say that?"

Liu Chengyou's words seemed to make sense. The three people who were tested suddenly realized that this was the correct answer...

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but let out two relaxed laughs and said: "However, this paper talk is not without its benefits. Go get the war chess and let's deduce it again!"


On Liu Chengyou's side, he said that he only wanted results, no matter how Wang Jun fought on the front line, but it was impossible for him to let him go without asking.

This chapter has been completed!
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