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Chapter 103 Food delivery is coming

I am afraid of talking about everything. After the Northern Han army officially launched an attack on Shouchun City, there was indeed a response from the Southern Tang Dynasty. Li Jing, the leader of the Tang Dynasty, issued an edict and led the Huainan aid envoy Chen Jue to lead troops in Luzhou and mobilized four troops.

An army of ten thousand marched north to Shouchun to rescue them. They also ordered Huangfuhui, the commander of the reinforcements, to lead troops out of Qingliu Pass, and Yao Feng, the governor of the reinforcements, to lead his troops out of Gaoyou. They advanced in three directions, and mobilized another 20,000 navy troops to march north to fight in Huaihe. The momentum was huge.


A winter of preparations for war allowed the Southern Tang Dynasty monarchs and ministers to temporarily get rid of the impact of the winter defeat. In addition, they went to war and were fully prepared for war. They were also deceived by the "tired veterans of the divisions" of the Han army. When they heard about the Han army's move, they took courage and marched with their will.

Send troops.

Of course, Song Qiqiu, the privy envoy of the Southern Tang Dynasty, was opposed to the imperial edict to send troops. He suggested that Li Jing continue to maintain a prudent military strategy and not send troops rashly. As a result, Li Jing refused, and instead asked Song Qiqiu: Hao

, Chu has been lost, Shou, and Sigu City is trapped. If we don’t move troops, do we have to abandon the loyal people who defend the city and watch the Han army destroy the city? If all four states are lost and there is no Huai River to rely on, how can we defend the river?

The Han army's infantry and cavalry are marching southward. Can Song Gong guarantee his retreat by then?

Li Jing asked, leaving Song Qiqiu silent. At this point in the battle, he was confident that he could stay safe and hold back the Han army, but if he really wanted to retreat, there was no guarantee of victory.

Faced with Li Jing's insistence, Song Qiqiu could only sigh silently: "If you don't listen to me, you will regret it in the future!"

Of course, Song Qiqiu knew very well that Li Jing had forcibly recovered from the pain of losing his son, regained power, and had a very different attitude towards him. This winter, in Jinling City, Song Gong's praise for him, and the news from Jiangbei

The news almost put him on the stove.

But it was precisely because he knew the reason that Song Qiqiu became more and more angry. Li Jing couldn't see such superficial praise and tactics? It's a pity that no matter how outstanding Song Qiqiu's strategy is and his insight into world affairs, he is just

A minister, no matter how slow-tempered Li Jing is, he is still an emperor, and emperors are always complicated.

Of course, Li Jing was not completely brainless. Although he ordered troops to be sent out, the lessons learned from Liu Yanzhen's previous defeat specifically instructed the troops to fight steadily, advance cautiously, focus on rescue and response, and try to avoid a head-on fight with the Han army.

Obviously, Li Jing listened to Song Qiqiu's "stable" defense strategy, but his choice of strategic attack was obviously somewhat contradictory, and overall seemed nondescript.

Luzhou, Hefei.

The last wave of more than 20,000 Tang troops marched from the city. The leading general was Xu Wenzhen, who was appointed as the palace army by the general Chen Jue. Among the 20,000 people, there were only 8,000 fighting soldiers, and the rest were auxiliary soldiers and civilian servants responsible for

At the same time as the rear, food, fodder and weapons were also transported.

In the previous episode, the Tang army in Hunan, led by Bian Hao, paid a great price to get rid of the entanglement of Lang Bing and the Han army and returned to Jiangdong. They were directly transferred to Hefei by the Tang court to rest and recuperate, with the goal of Shouzhou. In this way

, causing Hefei's supporting army to suddenly swell to more than 40,000 people. Including the navy army, the number exceeded 50,000, accounting for almost half of the troops aiding the Tang Dynasty from the north.

Under such circumstances, the qualifications and trust of deputy envoy Xu Wenzhen were somewhat insufficient, so Chen Jue, who was training troops in Dangtu, relied on his relationship with Song Qiqiu and was entrusted with the important task to succeed him.

Bian Hao returned in embarrassment. The Tang court thought that the Chu territory had been gained and lost again. Bian Hao was responsible for the inability of his subordinates to control the territory and wanted to accuse him. However, the loss of Chu territory was due to improper policies and the Tang court misjudged the situation.

When Han invaded from the south, the country encountered a great crisis. It was the right time to hire someone, so he seized his title and used him to replace the Dangtu camp and serve as a garrison envoy to train new soldiers in preparation for the northern defense.

"Xu Gong, why are you unhappy? Is it because of Chen Jue's arrogance? Those scoundrels become arrogant once they have power. I don't know why the court uses him!" In the marching team, a young military academy officer followed.

Xu Wenzhen asked beside him.

The military school's name is Zhu Yuan, and he was formerly a member of the driving department, Wai Lang. This time he was appointed to the support army as a general. But listening to his tone, he was quite dissatisfied with the commander-in-chief Chen Jue.

Hearing this, Xu Wenzhen shook his head and sighed: "My personal honor and disgrace are nothing compared to military affairs. Chen Jue's exclusion is nothing more than spit on my face to me. I can let him do what he wants."

.What I sigh is that this time I go north, there are unpredictable fortunes and misfortunes!"

"Is Xu Gong not optimistic about the prospects of this aid?" Zhu Yuan asked.

Still shaking his head, Xu Wenzhen was silent for a while and said: "The land of Shouzhou must not be lost. If it is lost, the whole of Huainan will be difficult to defend. Of course it must be saved. However, we should not be so impatient! The previous time we upheld the principle of stabilizing the defense of the river.

strategy, but now they are eager to advance the army. The military strategy is so chaotic that it must be improper!"

After listening to his explanation, Zhu Yuan said: "The imperial court should consider something else! Shouchun has been besieging the city for more than two months, and the food roads are cut off. The morale of the army may not be strong. Even if there is a loyal defender, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist for long!"

"It's just that the imperial court appointed Chen Jue as its general, but it was not considered carefully!" Zhu Yuan muttered again.

Seeing that Zhu Yuan was repeatedly disrespectful to Chen Jue in his words, Xu Wenzhen couldn't help but remind him: "I know there is a rift between you and Chen Jue, but no matter what, Chen Jue is the commander-in-chief after all, and he is loyal to the court. As a subordinate,

How can you use your personal anger to blame the general? The army has been sent out, and we should work together to resist the Han army!"

Hearing what Xu Wenzhen said, Zhu Yuan was a little unhappy, but when he saw his righteous face, he couldn't help but lose his momentum and cupped his hands and said: "Xu Gong is a righteous man who takes the overall situation into consideration and endures a small humiliation. It's not as good as this. You should be taught a lesson!"

"It's just that I still feel that I should use Xu Gong to control the army!"

People praised him so much, so Xu Wenzhen didn't want to be too harsh. After thinking about it, he said: "Although the Han army is strong in combat, our army still has the upper hand in terms of military strength. They are also familiar with the geographical location and climate, and after a winter's rest,

The Han army was stationed in a fortified city, and the morale of the army was bound to be dampened. As long as they followed the imperial edict, fought steadily and did not fight in a hurry, even if the Han army could not retreat, they would still have a chance to open up the Shouchun grain road and get in touch with the defenders.


"I hope so!"

In Shouchun, after Liu Chengyou's strategy of attacking the exhausted enemy, his morale was mobilized to the highest level, and he was ready to issue a military order to attack the city. News of the Southern Tang's advance came.

Hearing this, he was overjoyed. Shouchun City could be broken sooner or later. After all, it was a tough city, but the opportunity to annihilate the Tang army was rare. Originally, Liu Chengyou had planned to capture the four Huaizhou prefectures and then go south to meet the Southern Tang Dynasty's defense line along the river.

Faced with the actions of the Tang army, Liu Chengyou was still a little surprised, but based on the news about the Southern Tang court from Jinling, it was not that difficult to understand.

In the imperial tent, after listening to Li Shaoyou's report, Liu Chengyou mouthed the news and said with slight emotion: "Originally it was just a casual game, and I didn't expect much good results. I didn't expect the results, but it was surprising. The so-called flattery, the so-called Words are like swords. Although this 'sword' has not killed anyone, it has cut into the heart!"

Li Shaoyou couldn't help but echoed: "Li Jing, the false leader of the Tang Dynasty, is known for being lenient and cautious, and treats his ministers well. However, he is actually jealous of talents and talents, and has dim eyes and ears. He arouses suspicion just by rumors. It can be seen that Li Jing is not your majesty's enemy, and the big man will seize him." His country!"

"So, Li Jing has regained power and is involved in the military affairs, while Song Qiqiu has no real power?" Liu Chengyou asked again.

"Yes, Qiqiu Jiucheng of the Song Dynasty was an advisor at the Jinling court to stabilize people's hearts!" Li Shaoyao said: "Li Jing, the emperor's younger brother Li Jingsui, and the King of Qi Li Jingda, assisted in military affairs!"

"God help me!" Liu Chengyou said.

The general of the camp, Liu Chengyou, only summoned Wang Jun and Murong Yanzhao to discuss matters. Standing in front of the map, Liu Chengyou pondered the Tang army's march route for a while and said calmly: "The Tang army has learned a lesson! Let's move in three places together and attack in separate ways. , comprehensive aid?”

Murong Yanzhao said: "Your Majesty, as soon as the reinforcements of the Tang Army are moved, our army should make some adjustments. Shouchun will have to be dealt with later!"

"The puppet Tang Dynasty brought this piece of fat to its lips. How can I not accept it?" Nodding in agreement, Liu Chengyou said easily: "First, send someone to keep an eye on Chen Juejun, closely monitor his movements, and confirm After the enemy situation is detected, we will respond in another way!"

"Should we send the cavalry south in advance and harass them along the way?" Wang Jun, who had been silent for the whole time, suggested.

Liu Chengyou thought for a while and waved his hand: "No! With Liu Yanzhen's lesson in front and Li Jing's warning behind him, the Tang army will definitely be more careful this time. If our army makes too much noise and scares Chen Jue away, it will Such a good opportunity has been wasted!”

"Wait a little longer!" Liu Chengyou made up his mind and said confidently: "Wait until they are far away from Hefei and closer to Shouchun, then the initiative will be completely in the hands of our army!"

Seeing that Liu Chengyou's mind was clear, Murong Yanzhao couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"The Tang army in Chuzhou and Taizhou combined, there are 50,000 to 60,000 Tang troops, especially the navy. Guo Rong's army has less than 15,000 troops. It has to trap Sizhou and defend the Tang army. There is not enough troops! "Wang Jun said suddenly.

After hearing Wang Jun's reminder, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but look at him and asked: "Wang Qing, do you have any suggestions?"

"I would like to lead a force of troops to march eastward to help them, so as to prevent the Huaihe River from being recaptured by the Tang army!" Facing Liu Chengyou's gaze, Wang Jun stated his purpose.

Wang Jun's thoughts could be seen almost at a glance. His face remained calm, and after making a serious deliberation, Liu Chengyou said: "The troops at the camp are also insufficient. If we want to destroy Chen Juejun, we must not divide the military strength." ! Besides, Wang Qing is making arrangements for the camp, and I cannot do without you!"

Seeing that Liu Chengyou rejected his suggestion again, although his words were tactful, Wang Jun's expression inevitably changed and became ugly, but he didn't say anything more.

"Draft an edict!" Liu Chengyou pointed at Li Fang and ordered: "Tell Guo Rong that I have entrusted him with the power to conquer Huaidong, and let him block the Tang army in Chu and Tai, so that he must be blocked by me! Draft another edict to mark the Wuning Military Festival. Du made Wu Xingde lead the remaining Xuzhou soldiers and went south to help in the battle!"

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"As a result, our first-tier prefectures and counties in Huaibei will be completely empty!" Murong Yanzhao said.

"It doesn't matter, if it was the early stage of the war, I would still have some concerns. Now, our army has established a firm foothold in Huainan!" Liu Chengyou said confidently: "Furthermore, the Tang army is already exhausted in dealing with our offensive. Is there any remaining strength? Are you planning to invade Huaibei?"

"That's all!"


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