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Chapter 139: Listening to Government in Chongzheng Hall 1

During a family dinner, Liu Chengyou left halfway. In addition to being the head of a family, he was also the king of a country. State affairs were more important in his heart than family affairs.

About evening, Liu Chengyou confessed his crime to the Queen Mother and went straight to Chongzheng Palace. Under the thin moon and stars, the palace was majestic. After more than four months, Liu Chengyou walked among the familiar palaces again. Don't have any feelings.

"Where are the ministers?" Liu Chengyou asked.

As the head of the chamberlain, Zhang Dejun was extremely busy after returning to the palace. At this time, he came to wait for orders. After hearing the question, he hurriedly said: "All the justices are waiting for your Majesty's summons in the East Hall!"

In response, Liu Chengyou quickened his pace and walked towards the Chongzheng Hall. In the hall, in the Tokyo court, the most powerful ministers were waiting quietly. When the emperor quickly entered, they all stood up to pay respects. Liu Chengyou was sitting at the imperial desk. , and only after he had paid his respects did he signal him to sit down without ceremony.

After not seeing each other for more than four months, everyone felt unfamiliar to them. But to the ministers in the palace, the emperor who had conquered the land and returned to the court with a great victory was becoming more and more powerful, making people dare not look at him.

Looking around, his eyes fell on Feng Dao, and Liu Chengyou said: "I am not in Tokyo. I have all the ministers to help me. I am sitting in the rear, in charge of military affairs, taking care of state affairs, and regulating yin and yang. Thank you for your hard work! Feng Qing, these sideburns have been added a few times. The white spots show signs of weariness, I can’t bear it!”

"Thank you for your majesty's concern!" Feng Dao immediately stood up and responded respectfully: "I am deeply trusted by your majesty. With the appointment of state affairs, I feel that there is a long way to go, and I dare not neglect and neglect my responsibilities! Now that your majesty has returned to the court after victory, I and others are still worried. Then you’ll be at peace!”

Listening to his words, Liu Chengyou twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, breathed a sigh of relief, and said loudly: "This southern expedition used 300,000 soldiers and civilians, and cost hundreds of millions. Fortunately, the soldiers used their lives and the ministers planned, and they were able to capture Huainan. Jiangdong surrendered, and the results were brilliant!"

"This is all due to His Majesty's strategic planning, commander's wisdom, and wisdom in employing people!" Guo Wei said compliments with a steady posture.

With a chuckle, Liu Chengyou said: "Planning to control the distance, using troops to win, destroying the country and seizing the city, occupying the land and seizing the people, this victory is achieved. Isn't this the merit of me alone, the strategy of the civil servants, and the courage of the soldiers, all are indispensable!" "

Liu Chengyou has never been a person who is proud of his own merits, and he has no need to compete with his ministers for merit. With a kind face, he said to the ministers: "This time, I personally campaigned in Huainan, and I was able to devote myself to the military without having any rice or food." , ordnance, the worries of the servants, and the worries about the future are all the result of the ministers sitting in charge!"

After hearing what the emperor said, what could the officials in the palace do? They all stood up and prostrated, looking moved, and praised Liu Chengyou for his wisdom.

After briefly communicating the feelings of the emperor and his ministers, Liu Chengyou was slightly reserved, and the atmosphere in the palace suddenly became serious, just like when Liu Chengyou listens to politics on weekdays.

Not long after the war ended, the affairs of the imperial court, although they had adjusted from wartime and gradually returned to normal, still put military affairs first. Guo Wei stood up first and reported: "The Imperial Army has returned to camp and has gathered with all the troops to report , coupled with follow-up inspections, the details of the casualties of the soldiers of the Imperial Army in the Southern Expedition in this battle have been released, and I will report it in detail!"

Guo Wei took out a memorial, held it in both hands, and narrated in his mouth: "In front and back field battles, city attacks, forty-three large and small incidents, the Forbidden Army killed 4,375 people, and 267 people were lost. , 1,360 people were seriously injured and 5,124 people were slightly injured! Among the casualties, 326 were officers above the captain level!"

After hearing the report, Liu Chengyou could not help but lament that "one general can achieve great success with thousands of bones." He said: "I already know how weak the soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty were. Even so, after months of fierce fighting, our elite Han army still suffered more than 10,000 casualties. It is not unreasonable. big!"

Of course, what Guo Wei reported was only the damage to the Imperial Guards and soldiers. The Huaibei and Huainan soldiers recruited for this battle suffered double the casualties. After all, they were doing dirty, hard, and tiring work.

Liu Chengyou gave the order directly.

"Yes!" Guo Wei and Wei Renpu responded at the same time: "Your Majesty's love for the soldiers is admired by all the ministers!"

"The merits of the officers and soldiers of the Southern Expedition have been reviewed by the Ministry of War. All 165 people above the battalion command level have been sorted out and recorded in detail. Your Majesty is requested to review them. Your Majesty still needs to discuss the matter of awarding honors and awards. The courtiers have discussed together! The battalion commander and the following will prepare separate details, and reward according to merit according to the regulations. After approval, the reward can be given!" Wei Renpu also took out a memorial and presented it.

Liu Chengyou weighed it a few times and found that it was very thick. He could see it in person because of the contribution of the senior military academy generals of the Forbidden Army. After looking at it for a while, Liu Chengyou said to Wei Renpu who looked like he was working hard: "Wei Qing, thank you for your hard work. , I will make a reply after I read it!”


Weighing the memorial book in his hand, Liu Chengyou looked at the ministers and said: "This thick merit book is full of the achievements of the soldiers in fighting, breaking the army and occupying the city. As I said in the preface, the ministers sit in the town to raise funds, manage the government and care for the people. Great merit, and there are officials from various regions and states who cooperated with the battle planning, and their efforts cannot be ignored!"

"It should also be registered in a book and reported for verification. The imperial court will reward you as appropriate!" Liu Chengyou told Feng Dao: "Let Feng Qing handle this matter!"

"Yes! On behalf of the internal and external officials, I would like to express my gratitude to Your Majesty for your grace!" Feng Dao said, his words filled with joy.

As the leader, Liu Chengyou would certainly not favor one over the other. He would certainly not favor one over the other. He also wanted to declare one thing to the people of the world. As long as he was useful to the country and the court, he would not forget it.

However, as a result, the imperial court will have to spend an additional amount of money. Looking at the frown on Xue Juzheng, the deputy envoy of the Third Department, you can know what his temperament is. But for this matter, you can't object yet. If you open your mouth, you will inevitably Make people angry.

Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty has been struggling with poor finances. The situation has become even worse since Liu Chengyou came to the throne. Although he increased revenue, cut expenditures, and rested and recuperated, he really could not withstand the tossing of the emperor Liu Chengyou. Every move of this promising leader affects the world and leads the world. What comes is not necessarily eternal peace and eternal achievements...

"Your Majesty, after the Southern Expedition, the cavalry, Longjie, Longqi, Xiaodi, Husheng, and Fengguo horse and infantry troops have been damaged in large numbers. In addition, Your Majesty has been stationed in various ministries in the Huaihe River. The number of the Tokyo Forbidden Army has dropped sharply, and it is no longer enough to defend the two sides. If there is a war in Beijing, Hua, and Zhuguan towns, it will not happen." Guo Wei took out another memorial, presented it, and said:

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"After discussion with the ministers and others, it was recommended that 20,000 troops should be selected from various regions, defenses, and regiments, and be sent to Tokyo! Among them, 5,000 would be selected from the Hedong prefectures, 3,000 from Weibo, 2,000 from Chengde, and the rest from other places. Prefectures and towns will be selected according to their own circumstances. Your Majesty, please review!"

Taking it, Liu Chengyou reviewed it carefully and asked: "Will this affect the border preparations?"

The Privy Council's memorial was certainly in line with Liu Chengyou's wishes. Killing two birds with one stone, strong trunks and weak branches. If you want to cut down Fangzhen, you must first withdraw its troops. However, the Northern Han Dynasty has been in existence for nearly six years and has developed to this day. The authority of the central government has been established, and Increasingly stable, the threat of local Jiedu to the imperial court is no longer as great as imagined, especially now that Liu Chengyou has achieved great success.

Although he intends to continue to strengthen the centralization of power and collect Jiedu's troops, he is not in a hurry to do so. Other places are fine, but he has to be vigilant about Jiedu in the border states. If the local army is too weak, wouldn't it be an opportunity for foreigners to take advantage of it.

Guo Wei said: "After detailed planning by the Privy Council, there should be no serious problems. Your Majesty returns to the court. With the current situation of the Han, Liao and Liu countries, the northern border defense can meet the needs, and can be appropriately reduced and adjusted. There will be more garrison at Guanyou. Warriors, due to Mencius and Shu, can be suppressed and mobilized later. When the Li family is determined to be in trouble, they can be ordered to donate warriors and join the cavalry army.

Although the ten states in the east of the river are the land of dragons, there has been no war since the founding of the country, so there is no need for many soldiers and horses. In addition to selecting people to go to the capital, they should also reduce the number of troops and release them for the people to strengthen the defenses of Xin, Dai, Fu, and Lin. The rest can ensure basic garrison..."

"Since after the discussion in the Privy Council, there is nothing to worry about, let's implement it as it is!" Liu Chengyou listened to his explanation and pondered for a while, then said: "However, please remember that this matter should be done slowly and not urgently. The choice is Soldiers must be excellent, and no one is allowed to cheat with his sword, so issue an edict first!"


While making the decision, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but glance at Guo Wei a few more times.

This chapter has been completed!
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