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Chapter 195 King and Han were demoted

A joyful Mid-Autumn Festival banquet ended awkwardly and awkwardly, just like a plate of delicious food that found a dead fly after eating half of it, which was very unappetizing.

When the banquet was over, Liu Chengyou's face was very ugly, and the gloom on his face was almost solid. Everyone could feel the anger in the emperor's heart.

Wang Jun asked Han Tong to blame him. Han Tong was not a fool. He reported to the palace that Wang Jun was rampant in his words, insulted the general, was dissatisfied with the emperor, and spoke rudely.

The two people started arguing directly in the main hall. What else could Liu Chengyou do about this? Originally he didn't want to have a seizure in court, but he was forced to do this, so he simply invited both of them, agreed, and ordered the guards to kill him on the spot. The two were captured and sent to prison.

In this way, Wang Jun felt that he was harming others and not benefiting himself. Han Tong was captured and he was also involved. When he was taken away, his face looked so ugly and ugly.

"These warriors are too presumptuous, arrogant and domineering, act recklessly, have no regard for the emperor, and ignore the court etiquette. What kind of occasion is tonight? How dare they be so presumptuous? A good Mid-Autumn Festival banquet was ruined like this!" Shi Zhongcheng Zhao Li's face was full of indignation.

He looked at Bian Guichen, the imperial censor, and said, "Mr. Bian, we must impeach Wang and Han!"

"When I get home tonight, I'll write the impeachment chapter and submit it tomorrow morning!" Bian Guichen said directly, speeding up his pace as he spoke.

The distinguished and high-ranking officials who left the table gathered together in twos and threes, regardless of whether they were civil or military, and what they discussed was nothing more than what happened in the palace.

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"Once the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of the Guards Division are captured, the army will inevitably be in turmoil!" Zhao Hongyin and his son walked out hand in hand, and Zhao Hongyin couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Kuangyin glanced at the Censor's side and responded in a low voice: "Wang, Marshal Han, you have gone too far. It is indeed rude and does not give your Majesty face. Looking at the situation on the Censor's side, I'm afraid tomorrow Since then, there will inevitably be disturbances in the court!"

"Wang Shishuai is very good at his work, and Vice Marshal Han is strong-willed. Usually there are conflicts in the Si Yamen, but now they broke out in Chongyuan Hall, but they misjudged the occasion!" Zhao Hongyin said.

Zhao Hongyin's current military position is that of Yuhou, the Infantry Guard Commander, and he and Zhao Kuangyin are known as "one family and two Yuhou". Zhao Kuangyin's face was not relaxed, and he continued to lower his voice and said: "I'm just worried that something happened in the army, and it will affect Come to my father and son!"

"What do you mean, my son?" I don't know whether it was the cold wind blowing or the influence of Zhao Kuangyin's words, but he became more energetic.

Zhao Kuangyin had a really good drinking capacity. He had just been discussing bowls with the generals of the Forbidden Army during the banquet. At this time, his face was full of alcohol, but his eyes were very clear.

After looking around, Zhao Kuangyin simply supported Zhao Hongyin and said: "After tonight, no matter what your majesty does to the king and Han, they will never be able to hold the high position of commander-in-chief again. This will definitely attract the attention of senior officials of the bodyguard department. Changes in military positions.

His father was the Marquis of Yu for the Guards, and his son was the Marquis of Yu for the Palace. They were criticized by people, but they were afraid that when the military positions would be transferred, they would inevitably be targeted. Thinking of Privy Guo and his son, Privy Guo took charge of the military, so Duke Xing asked himself to leave the capital. Whatever you do, avoid suspicion.

My father and son are not as powerful as Privy Guo and others, but there are no jealous people in the army..."

Zhao Kuangyin, I don't know whether to call him smart or sensitive, but his serious expression shows that he is serious.

As for what Zhao Kuangyin said, Zhao Hongyin also became vigilant. After pondering for a while, he said seriously: "My son is very worried! In this way, I will ask myself to leave my post and go to the local government someday!"

"That's not what I meant!" Zhao Kuangyin heard this and said quickly: "My father is getting old and is not feeling well. If he wants to resign and leave Beijing, it should be my son who takes the initiative!"

Zhao Hongyin shook his head: "Because I'm old enough, it's better to live in a local place and take care of my old age. Today's emperor has ambitions in the world, and my son also has great ambitions. There are many opportunities in Beijing, and it's also a place for you to display your talents. If you leave Beijing, You may have been forgotten, and if the emperor can't remember you, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

After listening to Zhao Hongyin's words, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but feel deeply moved, and his hand supporting his father became more stable and strong.

On Liu Chengyou's side, after leaving the table, he walked towards Chongzheng Hall with a solemn expression, his footsteps windy.

"Have you ever asked clearly what the conflict between Wang Jun and Han Tong is about?" Liu Chengyou asked Zhang Dejun.

Zhang Dejun replied: "I have asked the servant at the side. The reason is that the commander in the capital capital made sarcastic remarks and angered Deputy Commander Han!"

"I'm asking about specific details!" Liu Chengyou said coldly.

Zhang Dejun hurriedly reported the conversation between Wang and Han. Although it is difficult to completely restore it, the general meaning is very clear.


Returning to the palace, Liu Chengyou's anger was still lingering, as if there was a fortress built up in his heart. Shortly after he sat down, he suddenly brushed the imperial desk and scattered the memorials on the floor, frightening all the servants in the palace to lower their heads.

"See the Saint!"

He raised his eyes and saw the big talisman coming solemnly. He glanced at the scattered memorials with his beautiful eyes. He stretched out his hand to signal. The servants hurried forward, quickly packed them up, and retreated as if they were running away.

"Why are you here?" Liu Chengyou asked in a deep voice.

Da Fu sat next to Liu Chengyou and asked softly: "Are you still angry?"

"How can I not be angry? How can I not be angry?" Liu Chengyou directed the direction of Chongyuan Palace: "In front of the courtiers in the palace, you dare to be so presumptuous and don't take me, the emperor, into consideration at all. The Mid-Autumn Festival Imperial Banquet, and Heaven and earth rejoice together, monarch and ministers rejoice together, but they have become a laughing stock! Where is my reputation and where is the majesty of the imperial court!"

Seeing the emperor's angry look, Da Fu couldn't help but cover his mouth and smile, which made Liu Chengyou stunned: "Why are you laughing?"

"Erlang is usually calm and solemn in his majesty. It is rare to see you so angry and angry. You are so surprised that you laugh." Da Fu replied.

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but look at Da Fu, met his gaze, and noticed his eyes that could almost speak. Liu Chengyou couldn't help but shook his head, touched his stubble, and said, "It seems that I have lost my composure!"

Da Fu stretched out his hand and stroked Liu Chengyou's chest gently, as if he wanted to calm down the anger in his heart: "When the minister makes a mistake, Erlang can punish him according to the rules. Why get angry and hurt his body, it is not worth it."

"I'm not that fragile yet!" After Dafu's persuasion, Liu Chengyou slowly calmed down, took a deep breath, and said to her: "The people I'm angry with are not just Wang and Han. They want to bring order to the world." The root of the problem is that it is difficult to control arrogant soldiers and strong generals, and this must be one of them. Since the world is not at peace, I have always treated the generals with generous pay, preferential treatment, tolerance and even leniency. However, I never thought that it would actually increase their arrogance!"

"Han Tong, I know me in the army. When I left Taihang in the east, he followed me in the east and west expeditions. In the battle of Luan City, I also narrowly escaped death and fought to the point of exhaustion. In five years, I promoted him from a knight to a commander. I have been promoted to deputy commander of the bodyguards. He is usually respectful to me, but if he is truly in awe, how could he not know the occasion and get angry just because of a little ridicule!"

Liu Chengyou scolded Han Tong, but said nothing to Wang Jun. However, he vented his anger in front of Da Fu, and his mood seemed to improve a lot.

He glanced at the memorial on the imperial case, took the queen's hand and stood up, saying: "Let's go to Kunming Hall!"

"Erlang doesn't care about politics?" Dafu was a little surprised.

Liu Chengyou said: "Be lazy tonight!"

The next day, Liu Chengyou summoned together the Privy Council and the Ministry of War, as well as the senior generals in front of the palace and the Guards Department. Wei Renpu, Ruan Ruan, Guo Rong, Shang Hongqian, Murong Yanzhao and others were sitting in the presence, looking serious.

Liu Chengyou looked around with cold eyes, picked up the pile of memorials on the case in front of everyone, threw them on the case, and said: "This is the impeachment of Wang Jun and Han Tong by the court officials and the censor, a total of More than twenty people have advised me to impose severe punishment on these two people! What do you think?"

"Severe punishment!" The first person to stand up was Guo Rong, with a stern expression.

"In order to maintain the legal system of the dynasty, punishment should be given to warn those who come!" Wei Renpu's tone was gentler, but his attitude was there.

Liu Chengyou looked at the other generals again. Of course, under his majesty, everyone made the right choice with enthusiasm and knowledge.

"The imperial edict is passed and Wang Jun is demoted to the position of governor of Shangzhou. He will leave for his post immediately!" Liu Chengyou waved his hand and made a decision directly: "As for Han Tong, he will be demoted to the military envoy of Xiangzhou!"

"Your Majesty, the king, and Han have all been demoted. I still need to ask for your Majesty's opinion on who should be in charge of the bodyguard department!" Guo Rong asked Liu Chengyou for instructions.

After hearing the question, Liu Chengyou frowned for a moment and seemed to be hesitant. After pondering for a while, he said: "We will take Wei Wang Fu Yanqing as the commander of the Mabu Army and train the guards. Wang Yin, the commander of the Xingjie Army, will be the deputy commander. Envoy, assist King Wei’s Dian army!”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After Liu Chengyou said this, Wang Yin stood up immediately with a happy face.

After spending so many years in the Forbidden Army, I had no role in the Southern Expedition and no credit. I was worried about rising, but I didn't expect that good luck would come to me like this.

Of course, Wei Wang Fu Yanqing was in charge of the bodyguard department, and Yecheng and the Tianxiong Army naturally fell under the control of the imperial court.

This chapter has been completed!
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