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Chapter 204 The situation expands

"His Majesty!"

Stepping into the Kunming Hall, he passed the saluting palace maids and went straight to bed. His footsteps were quick, and the wind was blowing in a hurry. The bead curtains lifted by force swayed and collided in the air. Seeing this movement, several palace servants waiting nearby subconsciously Lowered his head.

Seeing Liu Chengyou's angry look, Empress Fu couldn't help but feel surprised. She followed him inside, only to see Liu Chengyou slumped on the couch with his legs spread wide, lying down in a very shapeless manner.

Seeing this, Da Fu Ping stepped back, stepped forward lightly, stooped down, and helped Liu Chengyou take off her shoes. Then she stood up, sitting on the side of the couch with her round buttocks, and Liu Chengyou also cooperated by placing his feet on her thighs.

While squeezing Liu Chengyou's calf with his little hand, Dafu asked: "Who has the courage to make Erlang so angry?"

"No wonder there are rumors that I value civil servants and despise military generals. I see, some people have heard this rumor and taken it seriously. They come to me and try to gain loyalty by betraying me!" Liu Chengyou put his arm on his forehead and said coldly. coldly.

Hearing what the emperor said, Dafu Feng's eyebrows narrowed slightly and said: "Erlang's words are too harsh! What is it that makes you so angry?"

Liu Chengyou seemed to be minding his own business, complaining: "For three generations, it has been difficult to control arrogant soldiers and strong generals, while the civil servants are weak and the military is strong. I have the intention to improve the status of civil servants so that civil and military officials should pay equal attention to them, but I have no intention of suppressing them with civil servants. I know very well that You can conquer the world immediately, but you cannot rule the world immediately. If you want to unify the world, you need soldiers to attack cities and strongholds, and even more civil servants to plan strategies. But now it seems that I have been too tolerant to the civil servants in the imperial court in these years. ....”

The emperor's tone of voice was extremely sharp. If the civil servants in the court heard it, they would be very worried. Dafu understood the truth well and felt that Liu Chengyou's mood was a bit wrong. He said softly: "What on earth is going on? Let me Are you angry?"

Scratching his eye sockets with his fingers, Liu Chengyou slowly opened his eyes, and the charming jade face of Da Fu came into his eyes. He calmed down a little and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just that the 'faithful advice' is offensive to my ears!"

Da Fu was thoughtful and asked tentatively: "Is this something that all the officials have requested to report recently?"

"Unconsciously, someone above the court began to criticize and banish my government officials!" Liu Chengyou said: "So many officials have come together to report, and I don't believe it if there is no one in the middle. !I have long said that special things should be done! Any excuses to protect the court system and the country's legal system are all excuses.

The world has not yet been unified, and my thoughts have begun to overflow. I don’t know the emperor’s intentions, and I don’t care about the emperor. I have made such a big fuss because you want to force me!”

Somewhat aware of the source of Liu Chengyou's anger, Dafu couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Erlang, don't you always advocate opening up your opinions and soliciting opinions from the masses? It is the responsibility of the ministers to give advice, and the emperor has the right to accept it. That's all, why bother? Angry?

This time the official sentiments are expressed and everyone agrees. Erlang should be more cautious. After all, it is difficult to offend when the public is angry..."

"It depends on where their anger comes from!" After listening to Fu's persuasion, Liu Chengyou murmured: "Am I acting arbitrary? I don't know people well? I employ people inappropriately?"

"Some people see far away, and some people are obsessed with power..." Liu Chengyou sighed leisurely.

Fu Hou was silent, always feeling that Liu Chengyou seemed a little sensitive.

"Da Fu, you have always been smart and insightful in situations. Do you think I should follow the advice of the officials, recall Wang Jingchong and put him in jail for questioning?" Liu Chengyou suddenly raised his head and asked after Fu.

Empress Fu shook her head: "I live in the harem, so I don't dare to comment on the affairs of the front court!"

"I just want to hear your opinion." Liu Chengyou said, his tone a little uncertain.

In Empress Fu's eyes, there was a sign of hesitation. After thinking about it, Empress Fu asked: "You sent Wang Jingchong out to Beijing on an errand. How did the errand go?"

"It's acceptable, it's quite to my liking!" Liu Chengyou said.

"Then Wang Jingchong, can he act in a way that disturbs the people and disrupts the government, abuses power and violates the law, or violates regulations?"

Hearing this question, Liu Chengyou glanced at Fu Hou. This woman was not simple, and she was probably paying attention to the affairs of the front court. A slight hesitation flashed across Liu Chengyou's face, and he said in a deep voice: "I act impetuously, and some of my methods are extreme." , I’m afraid it’s inevitable to break the rules, but I’m very satisfied with the results achieved!”

Regarding Empress Fu, Liu Chengyou finally spoke his mind.

"I know that you, Erlang, have always had your own opinions. I'm afraid you have already made plans in your mind. The requests of the ministers are not unreasonable. They have their own basis and should be given more consideration. The advice I can give is that this time The turmoil needs to be calmed down as soon as possible, so as not to affect the stability and unity of the court!" Fu Hou's words had a sense of stopping at the last minute.

Liu Chengyou straightened up his upper body, took his feet back from the plump jade legs behind the talisman, sat cross-legged, looked at his queen, and said seriously: "It's not that I don't listen to honest advice. From the perspective of ministers, I can understand their opinions." Think about it. But I am the emperor and I have my own considerations. What I am angry about is not that they made suggestions, but that they created chaos for me at this time and affected the stability of the court!"

"With Erlang's wisdom, how could he be so angry?" Da Fu smiled lightly and said, "Have you made a decision? Don't worry about it?"

"Let me get you some food, I'm hungry!" Liu Chengyou grinned.

Empress Fu immediately stood up and wanted to go out to give instructions, but Liu Chengyou grabbed her hand and pulled her over. With a seductive moan, Empress Fu fell into Liu Chengyou's arms, skin to skin touching, Liu Chengyou said against her ear: "Just say something outside, why bother to go in person?"

As he spoke, his hands became restless, and an intoxicating blush gradually appeared on Fu Hou's jade cheeks...

"Officials, the Wude Secretary will submit it to Wang Jingchong!" Zhang Dejun respectfully presented a memorial.

Liu Chengyou took it with a calm face, and while flipping through it, asked: "Where is he now?"

"Arrived in Jinzhou!"

His brows subconsciously frowned. Jinzhou was Wang Yan, the envoy of Jianxiong Jiedu, and Wang Yan was the "Shouyi" Jiedu who was as famous as Zhao Hui. He was extraordinary. He immediately scolded: "Who asked him to go to Jinzhou!"

After reading Wang Jingchong's memorial, he became even more depressed and threw it directly on the case. The memorial written by Wang Jingchong was a report of Wang Yan's "crimes" in Jianxiong's army Jiedu.

It is said that Wang Yanqian was so angry that he framed people to death, including his friends and generals under his command. Anyone who offended him because of offenses was fabricated with accusations, false accusations and death, and even harmed his family. A share of Wang Yanqian's List of persecutions, time, place, reason, and abnormal details.

At the same time, Wang Jingchong reported to Liu Chengyou that Wang Yan had neglected the angels, mobilized troops to resist arrest, and had evil intentions...

"This Wang Jingchong, is he out of his mind?" Liu Chengyou couldn't help but cursed: "It's not unfair at all to say that he has exclusive power and authority! Are you ignoring my warning and turning a deaf ear?"

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"The officials calm down!" Zhang Dejun looked frightened and persuaded in a low voice.

"Pass an edict to let Wang Jingchong return to the capital!" Liu Chengyou said directly.

When he was alone, Liu Chengyou's face gradually became calmer, and he was not as irritable as he appeared. In any case, Wang Jingchong's trip outside the capital showed its effect, and it also allowed Liu Chengyou to see the extent of the influence of central authority on local areas. .

Of course, Liu Chengyou really did not intend to let Wang Jingchong cause trouble in the local area anymore. After all, enough was enough.

The next day, another memorial was presented to the imperial court, which quickly alerted Liu Chengyou. Wang Yan of the Jianxiong Army impeached Wang Jingchong, saying that he was pretending to take advantage of the authority of the imperial court to wreak havoc on the state government and bring trouble to the government and the people. He sent troops without authorization to attack the commander's mansion in Jinzhou. It has been made by his troops, and I ask the emperor to punish him severely.

Through reading the memorial, hundreds of miles away, Liu Chengyou could imagine the conflict that occurred in Jinzhou. The words in Wang Yan's memorial were neither humble nor overbearing, but revealed a toughness.

If it were just Jinzhou, it would not be enough to shock Liu Chengyou. What really made him pay attention was Xunhou, Pizhou Jingnan Army, Hezhong Prefecture, Xingzhou Anguo Army, Beizhou Yongqing Army and other state capitals, who successively sent impeachments. Memorial by Wang Jingchong.

The situation has escalated and seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest!

This chapter has been completed!
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