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Jinyang stands on the bank of Fen River, more than 20 miles east of the city. On a flat field, there is a military camp. Several camps are connected with each other, and the fences are arranged very strictly. Around the camp, there are tall military flags and trees, except for "Liu"

In addition to the Chinese flag, there is also the "Longqi" military flag.

Liu Zhiyuan ruled Hedong and was known as the leader of all towns. In addition to the bonus of "Wangye Dragon City", his greatest confidence came from the large number of "well-trained" troops under his command.

At first, Liu Zhiyuan was ordered to go out to control Hedong. Shi Jingtang died when he was less than a year old. When the young emperor Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne, he and the Khitan were at odds with each other. The two countries suddenly started to fight against the Khitan. Liu Zhiyuan was appointed as the commander of the northern camp. However, because of the emperor and his ministers,

The reason why generals and ministers are suspicious of each other is only in the name of restraint but not in reality.

When the two countries were at odds, in order to protect the Khitans and the Shi Jin court, Liu Zhiyuan recruited soldiers in Taiyuan and established more than ten new armies such as Xingjie and Wujie. He also took in many stragglers from various states.

Last year, they secretly annexed the Tuyuhun people in the territory, seized their property and livestock, and recruited their strong men. This has led to a rapid expansion of their strength.

Up to now, under the Hedong Jiedu, the newly established army, plus the original imperial guards of the Later Jin Dynasty, have more than ten armies, large and small, with more than 50,000 horse and infantry, which can be said to be strong soldiers and strong horses. Of course, these armies also have the same characteristics of this era.

Distinctive characteristics: complex military numbers, chaotic organization, huge disparity in numbers, and varying combat capabilities.

There are various named armies under Hedong, such as Xingjie and Wujie, which are divided into left and right wings. Below them are several armies with nearly ten thousand soldiers. These two armies belong to Liu Zhiyuan's direct line troops. After all, they were established by him personally and are treated well.

The combat power is very strong. But for those with few soldiers, there are some with an army of three or four thousand, and some with even less. There are even some with less than a thousand soldiers, but most of them are appointed as commanderies and garrison guards.

The Longqi Army is also a new army in Jiezhen. It is medium in size and has 3,000 soldiers. It is divided into three armies and six battalions. It is permanently stationed in Taiyuan Prefecture and assumes part of the defense responsibilities on the periphery of Jinyang. The soldiers come from different sources and are mixed with Han and Tibetan people.

There are capable men, and there are also weak ones. In short, the good and the bad are mixed. And the changes in this army happened exactly after Liu Chengyou took charge of the army.

Initially, Liu Zhiyuan gave Liu Chengyou the command of the Longqi Army, but before it was implemented, there were many criticisms from above and below. Some officials suspected that Liu Chengyou was young and had not shown any talent in martial arts before. The arrogant soldiers in the army were worried that it would be difficult to control him.

, but they were all suppressed by Liu Zhiyuan.

Later facts proved that the concerns of his subordinates were not unreasonable. The officers and soldiers of the Longqi Army were not convinced by the "baby army leader" assigned by their superiors, even though he was the son of the King of Peking. The strong have always been respected in the army, especially in

In this troubled world where force is paramount, fists are the last word.

When he first took charge of military affairs, Liu Chengyou encountered great challenges. The officers despised him and the soldiers were suspicious. Although due to his status, his subordinates did not dare to confront him head-on, but the silent confrontation and rejection made Liu Chengyou feel strange.

Really. Military orders are difficult to understand, and the instructions from superiors to subordinates are very sluggish.

In the army of this era, military discipline is generally difficult to describe with words such as "excellent", "good", and "good". In some cases, the worse the military discipline, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

However, in the early days of the Longqi Army, the combat effectiveness was not very strong, and military discipline was particularly poor. The generals were lax and often violated laws and disciplines. They were stationed near villages and towns, seeming to oppress good people, steal people, and dominate people's property.

The sergeant below did a lot of things.

At the beginning, Liu Chengyou behaved in a very Buddhist manner. He was taciturn and rarely spoke. He just let himself go and silently remembered what he saw and heard. It was not until half a month later that Liu Chengyou had a clear understanding of the situation of the Longqi Army. He waved it off decisively.

First of all, dozens of soldiers who violated discipline were arrested as typical examples and severely punished. If the circumstances were serious, their heads were directly displayed to the public. These people all have one characteristic. Basically, they have been on the battlefield. They are strong, fierce, unruly, and are soldiers. The backbone of the army. Only these arrogant soldiers dare to act recklessly. The weak do not dare to break the law and discipline.

An officer asked Liu Chengyou for mercy and forced him to release him. How could Liu Chengyou, who had been prepared for long time, be forced by him again and insist on his own way? Moreover, in the second step, he slashed the knife at the undisciplined officer. With his style, I thought It is not difficult to find faults among officers. They mistreat soldiers, accept bribes, disobey military orders, and flout military law...

In those three or two days, Liu Chengyou captured more than a dozen captains, all of whom were low-level officers. He also killed a battalion commander in the name of "the crime of slowing down the army." He even killed his subordinates. A military commander who could be regarded as a mid-level officer was dismissed by Liu Chengyou.

His attitude was extremely tough and his methods were very ruthless. From then on, all the soldiers in the army truly realized that Liu Chengyou, the "pretty man", was clearly a man-eating tiger. Under Liu Chengyou's tough actions, the entire army stood in awe. No one dared to look down upon him, and combined with Liu Chengyou's indifferent face that he maintained all day long, he felt even more majestic and intimidating.

Liu Chengyou worked aggressively in the army, and complaints and reports against him for his "misbehavior" were constantly sent to the Peking Palace. Liu Zhiyuan's reaction to the dissatisfaction and complaints from his subordinates was very ambiguous, and he only tried to comfort those who had been wronged. The officers and soldiers (provided they are still alive) will be given silk, money and food as comfort.

In addition, Liu Chengyou was summoned back to the mansion to issue instructions, but more was lost. In fact, Liu Zhiyuan had always heard about the situation of the Longqi Army and had long wanted to rectify it. Let Liu Chengyou rule it, no matter what his initial intentions were. Though he was thinking about it, Liu Chengyou's actions during the process still surprised him. In addition to the surprise, he may also have appreciation. This is probably one of the reasons why Liu Zhiyuan began to let Liu Chengyou officially participate in the military affairs of Hedong.

Under Liu Zhiyuan's "rebuke", Liu Chengyou self-examined himself and expressed that he knew his mistake. As a result, he restrained himself to an appropriate extent and did not take any harsh measures. After all, his goal has been achieved and the effect of establishing his authority has been achieved. As for the General Longqi had no choice but to temporarily succumb to Liu Chengyou's "obscene power" when his appeal failed.

However, power is indispensable and cannot be relied on exclusively. Liu Chengyou still understands the principle of using kindness and power at the same time. Blindly using power and cruelty will not last long. Liu Chengyou's mind is still very clear.

With his majesty established, Liu Chengyou began to show mercy. As a second-rate army under Liu Zhiyuan, the Longqi Army's status was not high. This was fully realized in terms of treatment. Compared with Xingjie and Wujie's Second Army, it was far from the same. Ding Bandian. From the importance Liu Zhiyuan attaches to, we can also get a glimpse of it. The generals of the first two armies are either the same clan of the Liu family or close confidants. As for the Longqi Army, although there are many old people of the Liu family, More like a hodgepodge.

Taking this into consideration, Liu Chengyou began to think of ways to seek benefits for his soldiers. There was no shortage of food, wages, supplies, and military supplies. From time to time, there were also rewards of liquor, pork and mutton. Ordnance, weapons, and armor uniforms were also of high quality.

After receiving the benefits, most of the previous complaints were immediately dissipated. Looking at Liu Chengyou, everyone in the Longqi Army gradually felt that his cold face had become cute. However, although the treatment was improved, Liu Chengyou became more severe in governing the army. He especially emphasized military discipline. Under his repeated suppression, those thorns were slowly smoothed away.

As time went by, the sergeants gradually became familiar with and accepted this general. He was from a noble family, but he was not a dandy. Although he was young, he was very experienced in dealing with things. He was fair and strict, without any partiality. Although he did not use tyrannical force, he Its majesty is even more awe-inspiring. In addition, Liu Chengyou went to the grassroots from time to time, communicated with the troops and fire soldiers, and shared the same clothes and food, which greatly deceived some of the military's morale.

Because of his strictness in running the army, Sergeant Long Qi secretly gave Liu Chengyou a nickname - Jun Yan Luo. When Liu Chengyou heard this, he immediately sent someone to find the soldier who first gave out the nickname and rewarded him with ten min. This "elegant title" was achieved well. From then on, the scholar's heart became more attached to him.

After military discipline had been tightened and the morale of the soldiers had returned, Liu Chengyou started to make trouble again. Not long ago, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the Longqi Army, he began to eliminate the old and weak in the army, adjust the positions of officers, and use them according to their talents. This was done in the army. In several great martial arts competitions, the capable ones were promoted, the mediocre ones were demoted, the strong ones were officials, and the weak ones were pawns.

After some actions, hundreds of brave men and low-level officers were promoted. These sergeants' favorability towards Liu Chengyou suddenly exploded.

Of course, where there is a leader, there is a leader below. Those who were dismissed or demoted for "no reason" will certainly not be convinced. But this time, there is no way to make a fuss. With the support of a group of vested interests and the secret endorsement of Liu Zhiyuan, Liu Chengyou can easily They suppressed him with force. Unable to avoid it, they killed three or two low-level officers who were drunk and defied Liu Chengyou's authority.

That is to say, Liu Chengyou dared to do this, and his identity as the prince of Peking gave him great confidence. If someone else had done this, Liu Zhiyuan would have suspected that he had ulterior motives and would not let him go. Liu Chengyou did it smartly. Yes, all actions were reported and explained to Liu Zhiyuan, and the rectification of the Longqi Army was always under Liu Zhiyuan's nose.

Under Liu Chengyou's vigorous management, the Longqi Army took on a new look, its combat effectiveness increased sharply, and its morale grew stronger. To this day, it has the demeanor of a strong army.


Since the beginning of spring, all armies, large and small, under Liu Zhiyuan's control have stepped up their training. Under Liu Chengyou's order, the Longqi Army's training was particularly intensive. Coupled with the reward and punishment mechanism he established, the officers and men worked particularly hard.

The sound of "haha" in the military camp continued for a long time. When it was almost noon, the Longqi sergeants finished their training for the whole morning. Then, under the leadership of the commander, they ate in batches based on the battalion. In In the back camp, the smoke was still rising, and the cooks had already prepared a meal.

The soldiers in the military camp are very excited today. Six big fat pigs were brought in from the camp last night. The pigs were killed this morning. The shrill and sharp whines were so sweet... Every month, always For a day or two, Liu Chengyou ordered people to reward the army.

Bring several large pots half full of water to a boil, then add chopped pork cubes of approximately equal size, add onions, peppers, salt, and oil, increase the heat and cook until cooked until tender. The method is simple. , but for ordinary soldiers, it is a rare "delicious food".

But even if the meat is divided, there are rules. The strong will eat well, the middle will be full, and the weak will eat less and can only drink the broth... However, no matter what, if they win a tooth sacrifice, the soldiers may

They all looked more or less satisfied.

In a tent in the East Village, dozens of soldiers gathered together in twos and threes, enjoying their lunch break. Among them was a low-level officer, sitting on a piece of linen, looking at the military uniform logo, he was a captain.

Dutou's surname is Li. He looks young, but is actually in his twenties. He has a stubble and a fierce look on his face. His skin is rough and his teeth are yellow. His helmet is placed next to his buttocks. His legs are crossed and he is using his little thumb nail.

He picked at the remaining shreds of meat between his teeth in his mouth, with a satisfied expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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