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Chapter 61

 Without any means of transportation, Gao Fang walked slowly on the ancient streets of Shangdang. The moonlight fell quietly and fell on his back. The shadow reflected on the earth and stone ground looked a little solemn.

With his shrewdness, he was certainly able to detect the strangeness of the storm during the day. Although there was no conclusive evidence, he immediately targeted Wang Shou'en with suspicion. He could have thought of it, so with His Highness's wisdom, Coupled with Guo, Xiang and other talented people, it is naturally impossible not to notice...

Thinking about the kind words he said for Wang Shou'en in front of Liu Chengyou that day, Gao Fang's mind was particularly troubled now. He was disgusted with Wang Shou'en's greedy nature from the bottom of his heart.

While thinking deeply, he raised his eyes to the Jiedu Mansion Office and looked at the heavily guarded high gate. Gao Fang straightened his clothes and came to see him.

"Your Highness!"

Liu Chengyou met Gao Fang in the study, with a calm expression on his face, he motioned for him to excuse himself, led him to sit down, and said to him in a gentle tone: "If Judge Gao hadn't calmed down the people during the day, I'm afraid the situation would have escalated and there would have been a bigger disturbance. , then it will be out of control."

From Liu Chengyou's words, it was impossible to tell his attitude. Gao Fang just shook his head gently twice and said with emotion: "I am just doing my duty. Others gathered in crowds to force me to invite you. Your Highness is magnanimous and calm in dealing with it. This is admirable.”

Calmly waving his hand, Liu Chengyou looked at Gao Fang calmly and asked slowly: "Do you think I should agree to their request?"

Hearing this, Gao Fang gave an affirmative answer without thinking: "It must not be allowed! Your Highness led the royal army to restore Luzhou and protect the people under the rule from the endless exploitation and plunder of the barbarians. This is a great grace from heaven." .The head of Guizhou is ignorant, greedy and insatiable, being deceived by others without realizing it, and making unreasonable requests. Your Highness only needs to be kind and appease them, and there is no need to pay attention to their requests..."

After hearing Gao Fang's statement, Liu Chengyou immediately grasped the "key point": "Being bewitched by others? Who do you think is instigating those foolish people?"

Liu Chengyou's words were light and airy. When Gao Fang heard it, he lowered his head subconsciously. After thinking for a moment, he sighed: "Who can give it back to such an arrogant and wanton act of ignorance? With His Highness's wisdom and wisdom, I'm afraid he already knows it in his heart. ..."

Liu Chengyou didn't answer his words for a moment, raised his glass and took a sip of tea, and then said to Gao Fang in a reporting tone: "I summoned Judge Gao here to tell you some unfortunate news. Just now, the palace came to report, Inspector Wang suddenly contracted malaria, and he died of the illness before he could seek medical treatment."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Fang suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Chengyou in astonishment. Under his calm gaze, the shock on his face gradually disappeared, and there was some bitterness in the corner of his mouth. Gao Fang responded in a low voice: "That's such a shame..."

"The sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortunes and blessings." Liu Chengyou continued to sigh: "After all, Wang Xunjian was a hero of righteousness. He died halfway before seeing the Khitans fleeing north, and the day when the Central Plains tripod was settled. It was really shocking. People sigh with regret and regret!"

While talking, Liu Chengyou kept looking at Gao Fang.

When Gao Fang saw Liu Chengyou's expression of emotion and lamentation, his heart became more complicated, and his understanding of the young man in front of him deepened.

"Although Wang Xunjian unfortunately died of illness, we must pay attention to his funeral. After the leaves have fallen to his roots, I would like to send a high judge to escort Wang Xunjing's coffin back to his hometown and hand it over to his family for burial." Liu Chengyou ordered again.

Gao Fang agreed simply: "I am willing to do my little bit."

"Very good!" Liu Chengyou nodded.

At the end of the day, he said leisurely: "By the way, I think that tomorrow there will not be such turmoil and calmness as today in front of the government office..."


On the second day, the news of Wang Shouen's "sudden death" quickly spread throughout the city, and then, it really didn't cause any waves.

Wang Shou'en has only been in office for a short time and has not taken any measures to be kind to the people. Instead, he has spread his reputation of being greedy for money and profit. Apart from his prominent family background, he has nothing worthy of praise.

If Gao Fang died suddenly, it might still arouse the grief and remembrance of others. Wang Shou'en, to be honest, if he had been an official in Luzhou for a longer time, maybe his death would have aroused applause from the people.

When Liu Chengyou first joined the party, he tolerated Wang Shou'en's arrogance and concealed his murderous intentions. Apart from Gao Fang's persuasion that night, he really only took his status as a "hero of righteousness" into account, and in order to avoid some adverse effects and trouble.

Everyone was well aware of the matter of Khitan's money collection, and there was a tacit agreement among officials and people not to mention it when the state and county were restored. However, Wang Shou'en insisted on causing trouble because of his inexplicable resentment. As a result, This completely angered Liu Chengyou, so he chose to eliminate this cancer completely without hesitation!

Of course, Wang Shouen's death did not have no impact at all. At least in Shangdang Prison, there were many people who were worried and anxious all day long.

No one continued to instigate, and indeed no one dared to take the bold risk of going to the government office to ask Liu Chengyou for "money." However, the turmoil of this matter was caused after all, and some measures to appease people's hearts were still needed to eliminate it.

When Liu Chengyou was thinking of a way, the messenger from Jinyang sent him a timely rain, which relieved his worries.

In the Jiedu Mansion, Liu Chengyou led the civil and military officials to listen respectfully to the edict. Liu Zhiyuan's edict was probably written by Su Yugui. His writing was inspired by nature and his diction was excellent. It used allusions and verses. Liu Chengyou felt dizzy after listening to it. , let alone Zhang Yanwei and other illiterate generals. After becoming the emperor, everything changed...

After listening to the edict, he felt it was sour and difficult to understand, but Liu Chengyou could still understand the main idea. It gave a comprehensive summary of the results of Liu Chengyou's southward expedition, and also included some words of encouragement, followed by words of appreciation.

Liu Zhiyuan agreed to all the official appointments and dismissals that Liu Chengyou had submitted before, such as Wang Shouen, Gao Fang, Li Wanchao...

What caught Liu Chengyou's attention at once was another edict: In the Hedong area, except for the previous taxes, all taxes and levies were exempted. This edict was enough to appease the people, although it only exempted those "exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes" besides the regular taxes. "...

The envoy from Jinyang was a young man, a few years older than Liu Chengyou. He was not handsome in appearance, but he had an outstanding temperament and a very graceful appearance.

I am quite familiar with Liu Chengyou. He is his cousin, named Li Shaoyou. He is the son of Liu Chengyou's uncle Li Hongxin. He is a young man with literary talent, but he is not scholarly, knowledgeable but not sophisticated, but his brain is very flexible. He was a prodigal for a while. The son was later captured by Li Hongxin and trained in the army for two years. After all, he did not show the talent to be a military general, so he transferred to the army and became a political official. Before that, he served as the chief clerk of Hedong Jiedu Yanmu, and he has been there until now.

"Erlang, you led the army in the southern expedition this time, you are really a blockbuster!" He was led into the second hall to talk alone. As soon as he sat down, Li Shaoyou smiled and said to Liu Chengyou.

"The battle was fought by his soldiers, so how can it be justified?" Liu Chengyou replied flatly, still holding the edict and studying it.

Obviously, he has long been accustomed to Liu Chengyou's temperament and did not care about his "coldness". Li Shaoyou continued: "You don't know, those arrogant soldiers in Jinyang are quite critical of your leadership, especially Shi Hongzhao." Those people just captured Daizhou and killed Wang Hui, as if they were famous generals in the world. When the news of your victory came to Jinyang, you can't imagine how wonderful their expressions were..."

This chapter has been completed!
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