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Chapter 255 King Yong rewards the army

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, His Highness King Yong has issued an order to reward the troops. The troops are already ten miles away!" Several generals received this report when they returned to the Chinese army's tent.

Xiang Xun immediately paid attention, glanced around, his eyes fell on Murong Chengtai, and called out: "Murong Chengtai!"

"The end is here!"

Xiang Xun ordered: "You lead two hundred soldiers to greet His Highness King Yong. You must ensure His Highness's safety and make sure nothing is lost!"

"Follow the order!" Murong Chengtai responded and left.

"Everyone, His Highness King Yong has come to serve us under the imperial edict. We should also be prepared to welcome him. We should send orders to all villages to be on alert, organize their military appearance, and show off the majesty of our Han army!" Xiang Tong waved his hand and ordered.


There are more than twenty camps of the Han army, including the three in the northeast, which are garrisoned by the Inner Palace Army. In the camp on the ridge, in front of the fence, the autumn sun hangs high in the sky, releasing light. Under the light, Generals Shi Shouxin and Han Chongyun

, the military robe was tied around his waist, his sleeves were rolled up, and he was washing the horse himself with a brush.

The war horse was probably getting comfortable after being served. From time to time, it shook its hooves and neighed happily. Carrying a bucket of water, he poured it on the horse and stroked its mane. Han Chongyun said to Shi Shouxin: "From summer to autumn.

, now it’s almost winter, and tens of thousands of troops are sitting here, not making any progress. They are not solving the problem, but trying to break it. It’s just a waste of the country’s money and food!”

"Soldiers, when the matter involves the country and concerns about life and death, you must be cautious! You must be calm and patient!" Shi Shouxin replied with his eyes focused on his beloved horse.

"Not everyone has the patience of Brother Shi!" Han Chongyun said: "Although the Shu army is outnumbered and in danger, it is not that difficult to deal with! If even a mighty city can stop our army, we will not be able to move forward.

, after Liangquan, there are thousands of mountains and obstacles, and many checkpoints. When can we reach Chengdu? "

"The commander-in-chief has his own considerations. We are his subordinates. All we have to do is obey orders and lead the troops well!" Shi Shouxin said.

Seeing his calm expression all the time, Han Chongyun couldn't help but said: "Brother Shi, why don't you ask the Commander-in-Chief to attack the key point and attack with all your strength. With the strength of our inner palace, we may not be able to defeat him. As long as we break through his stronghold defense, we will be able to defeat him."

It can cause it to waver across the board!"

"We are the most junior among all the generals in the army. How could this task of solving this problem fall on us? Generals Gao and Wang are both staring at us. Although they are both members of the Forbidden Army, how can we compete with them?

"Shi Shouxin said with a smile, telling a practical problem.

"Alas! When we wanted to conquer Huaihe, although it took half a year, we conquered the city, defeated the enemy and conquered the territory. We continued to gain more, until we swept across Huainan and the Southern Tang Dynasty sued for peace. How fun it was!" Han Chongyun began to think back and said

: "It's not like fighting Fengzhou for three months without success. The only victory we won has nothing to do with us..."

"The prince has made great achievements in Qinzhou, but it seems that the battle is about to end. It would have been better if our army had been assigned to the northern route. It would have been more enjoyable than standing guard in the mountains!" Han Chongyun said with emotion.

After hearing what he said, Shi Shouxin's tone was a little harsh and he warned: "Brother Han, in the army, you should complain less. This will hurt the morale of the army and confuse the army!"

Seeing this, Han Chongyun immediately changed his face and said: "Am I not a person who doesn't know the importance of things? I just told Brother Shi to relieve his boredom. It won't be long before winter comes. When the weather turns cold, I want to break through." But the hope is really slim!"

Hearing this, Shi Shouxin's upright face showed a calm and confident smile, and said to Han Chongyun: "Don't worry, Du Shuai will definitely take action before winter begins!"

"Could you have guessed Xiang Dushuai's thoughts?" Han Chongyun was suddenly curious.

"Didn't you notice that during this period, all commanders went to the camp and transported a large number of kerosene bombs? There are also dozens of reinforced Thunderbolt vehicles, which are our army's sharp weapons for breaking through the city!" Shi Shouxin said.

Han Chongyun frowned and said, "Why didn't you use it earlier?"

"Firstly, the battle in Huainan attracted the attention of the whole world. How could the Shu army be unprepared? In the previous battle, Wang Ren helped to defeat Huangniu Village, but the effect was not significant; secondly, it was rainy in summer and autumn, and the water vapor was strong. How could it be like today, when autumn is high and the air is crisp? The vegetation is dry..."

Han Chongyun was not a mediocre person. Hearing his words, he came to some understanding: "Fire attack?"

"The fortress camp of the Shu army is located in a place with lush vegetation. Aren't they just waiting for our army to set fire to it? On the contrary, the oil helps the fire, and the fire takes advantage of the wind, which is enough to wipe out the Shu army!" Shi Shouxin said.

"This statement is just a guess by you and me, and it is not enough to explain to outsiders!" Shi Shouxin warned.


He led the washed war horse to a dry open space aside, put the reins on the horse, and put the saddle and bridle on it. Just as someone from the Chinese army's stronghold came to deliver the order, the whole army was under martial law. When asked why, he replied that King Yong had ordered the army to work.

Murong Chengtai, on the other hand, successfully received Liu Chengxun. The two had not seen each other for nearly two years. Looking at the dark and strong Murong Chengtai wrapped in armor, every move he made showed the style of the military. Liu Chengxun couldn't help but be surprised: "Chengtai, after two years of training in the army, you have changed a lot! I should be impressed!"

From Murong Chengtai, it is indeed difficult to see the frivolous attitude in the past, but when facing Liu Chengxun, he still showed a familiar smile: "Commander Xiang is strict in managing the army, and serving under his command, I dare not not put away my impetuousness. You know, when I first came here, I almost had my head chopped off by Feng Xiang Ya soldiers for violating military law..."

Listening to Murong Chengtai's natural expression, Liu Chengxun couldn't help but say: "If the emperor knew how you are doing now, he would be extremely pleased!"

After saying that, Liu Chengxun asked: "I heard that the war is not going well. Is it so difficult to break through Mighty City?"

Facing Liu Chengxun's questioning gaze, Murong Chengtai raised his head and said quite confidently: "It's just Shuguan, it's not difficult to defeat anywhere. I just want to show sympathy to the soldiers and want to find a way to reduce casualties to defeat the enemy!"

Liu Chengxun nodded and said: "The road to Shu is difficult to travel, and the passes are many dangerous. I have experienced it myself along the way, and I can understand Xiang Dushuai!"

"Why, are there rumors in the imperial court?" Murong Chengtai frowned and said in a somewhat rude tone: "Those civil servants who have settled in the imperial court have made suggestions to His Majesty again?"

"I'm in Chang'an, how do I know what's going on in Tokyo?" Liu Chengxun waved his hands, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic in depth. In other words: "I came here under the imperial edict just to express condolences to the soldiers on behalf of my brother!"

Looking at the fully loaded convoy on the long post road behind, Murong Chengtai was very happy: "What kind of things did you bring with you?"

"We can't provide food and delicacies, just some wine and meat, and clothes to keep out the cold! I brought three hundred carts of supplies on this trip!" Liu Chengxun said.

"When soldiers are fighting, they don't pay much attention to food. Being able to enjoy wine and meat is enough, and the military spirit will definitely be happy!" Murong Chengtai said boldly: "Speed ​​up, Xiang Dushuai and the others are already ready to welcome us!"

All the way through the mountain road, passing through the neat and strict Han camps, the military style and appearance were neat, which made Liu Chengxun quite emotional: "We have been stationed for a long time, and the heroic appearance of the soldiers has not diminished. They are worthy of the great army of the Han Dynasty and the strongest army in the world!"

When the Chinese army arrived at Dazhai, under the leadership of Xiang Xun, all the generals of the army had already lined up to greet him. The pomp and ceremony was important not only because of Liu Chengxun's status as King Yong, but also because he represented the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and after all, he was ordered to work for the army.

"At the end of the day, General Xiang Xun was deployed to the southwestern capital. When I saw His Highness King Yong, I was wearing armor and could not greet him with full courtesy. Please forgive me!" Xiang Xun took the lead and gave a military salute.

A group of generals behind him followed him neatly to pay their respects.

"No courtesy to the commander, no courtesy to you generals!" Liu Chengxun had a natural demeanor, a calm face, and waved his hand.

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He looked around, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "You officers and men, you have spent many months fighting for the country, and you have worked hard. Your Majesty is grateful for this, because you are far away in Tokyo and it is difficult to come in person at the moment. Therefore, I have given this special order.

I'm here to reward all the soldiers and show my kindness!"

"General, wait, thank you for your grace!" Xiang Xun and others, of course, knew who to thank, and bowed towards the east.

"Your Highness has been working hard for coming from afar, so please go to the commander's tent to rest first!" Xiang Xun requested.

"Thank you!"

It was another necessary greeting, but the Han camp became lively. The wine and meat carried by Liu Chengxun were quickly distributed among the camps to reward the three armies. Just as Murong Chengtai said, under the reward of wine and meat, the morale of the army was greatly improved.

Dayue has a deeper understanding of the emperor's grace.

That night, Xiang Xun held a banquet in the commander's tent, and brought the crowd to greet Yong Wang Liu Chengxun. That night, the lights were brightly lit in the Han camp, and the noise lasted for a long time before it stopped.

The movement in the Han camp naturally alarmed the Shu army in the mighty walled city. They were surprised by the Han army's arrogance. Some of the Shu army generals suggested taking advantage of his arrogance to send troops to rob the camp.

Coach Li Tinggui made a slight move, but held it back and instead ordered to strengthen the defense. As a result, the night was uneventful.

Of course, how could the Han army be unprepared? The rewards were given in turns, and Xiang Xun specially prepared an army to prepare for the Shu army.

This chapter has been completed!
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