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Chapter 261 Great Victory

The person who came over full of joy and reported to Liu Chengyou was a mature official in a scarlet robe. He had a short beard, a straight face, and an outstanding temperament. Although he was a scribe, he was obviously not bookish. This person was Zhao Pu.

Among the staff appointed by Liu Ci, Zhao Pu and Chu Zhaofu were the most famous. They were highly recommended by Liu Chengyou, and Liu Chengyou only received these two people. Chu Zhaofu was over forty years old and was famous for his talents, outstanding ability to handle affairs, and good political governance. With rich experience, Liu Chengyou inquired about it and responded quickly. He drafted a seal and worshiped him as the magistrate of Cangzhou.

As for Zhao Pu, even for the great reputation he left in history, Liu Chengyou looked down upon him. Instead of giving him an official position, he took up a post in the Chongzheng Hall, served the imperial court, and was a counselor in military affairs.

People who can achieve such a reputation in the long history are the elites of every era, and Zhao Pu seems to be the outstanding one. Moreover, in the process of communicating with him, Liu Chengyou discovered that although this person is not an erudite scholar, he is not a scholar. I don’t ask for a deep understanding, but I am quick in thinking, have a broad vision, do not stick to rules, and am very adaptable to changes.

In this way, it gives Liu Chengyou a "novel" feeling. You must know that the prime ministers and bureaucrats in the Han Dynasty are very conservative and stubborn, and the longer they are in contact, the stronger the feeling for Liu Chengyou. The most prominent example is the prime minister Fan Zhi, in the past two years, he and Liu Chengyou have repeatedly disagreed and argued with each other in terms of governance, decision-making, and decision-making.

Zhao Pu is not the same. Since he entered the palace, every time he talked with him, he always gained something, and there was a lot of smooth communication. The sparks of ideas between the monarch and his ministers collided fiercely...

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In fact, many of the reform policies since Liu Chengyou succeeded to the throne have imitated Zhao Pu's plan for Zhao Kuangyin in the original history. Therefore, in terms of planning the country and making policies, the two often have the same and similar opinions. Zhao Pu's efforts to govern Liu Chengyou and control the army also reflect He gave him very high praise and recognition. The two of them had worked together for a short time, but they felt like a king and a minister, and they had the same interests.

Less than half a year after he entered the official position, everyone knew that there would be another upstart in the temple.

During this period, Liu Chengyou was worried about the floods in the Yellow River and the war between Qin and Feng. This time, Zhao Pu was ordered by him to go to the Privy Council to inquire about the latest military situation, and the result was good news.

"Has the war ended?" Liu Chengyou frowned and looked at Zhao Pu.

"Your Majesty, a great victory!" Zhao Pu reported excitedly: "He planned for the commander-in-chief to defeat the Shu army, and wiped out more than 50,000 enemies before and after. The elite soldiers of Shu who dared to fight were almost killed in one battle!"

"Finally, I've been waiting for you!" Liu Chengyou raised his hand and clenched his fist, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes: "Xiang Xun finally lived up to my expectations!"

"Go and inform the ministers, the chief officials of the ministries and the two yamen commanders, to discuss the matter in Chongzheng Hall!" Liu Chengyou ordered Zhang Dejun, then looked at Zhao Pu: "Tell me the details."


The joyful mood quickly subsided, and Liu Chengyou's expression turned into one of relief.

Weiji, in the Chongzheng Hall, senior civil and military officials gathered together, each with a relaxed look on his face. They all received the news of a breakthrough in the Southwest War and a great victory. Civil servants including Li Tao, Fan Zhi, etc. could not help but feel relieved, and there was a feeling on their faces. The mood of relieving sorrow.

"...On the 18th, the Shu army took the initiative to attack. They attacked in two directions, with 3,000 soldiers on the way. They entered Baijian, and 5,000 soldiers on the way. Under the command of Shu general Han Jixun, they attacked Huanghua Valley, intending to cut off our food route.

and the way back.

The southwest general noticed this and made a quick decision. He led the army to retreat from the enemy with Shi Shouxin, the general in the inner hall. Shi Shouxin divided his troops into two groups, attacked Tangcang and set up an ambush at the entrance of Huanghua Valley. In the evening of the same day, he severely defeated the invading Shu army.

Han Jixun was defeated and fled to Tangcang. He was rejected by the general Han Chongyun who attacked the town and surrendered. In the battle of Huanghua Valley and Tangcang, our army killed and captured more than 3,000 people.

Later, the two generals Shi and Han combined their forces to regroup and march north to threaten the Shu army in Baijian. They heard the news of the defeat first, and with no way out, the morale of the army was turbulent. They were defeated in a battle and half of them surrendered.

On the 19th, Xiang Xun was deployed to attack Weiwu City with fire. He sent out fifty thunderbolt chariots and fired 2,400 oil bombs. At that time, the vegetation inside and outside Weiwu City was dense and the climate was dry. The fire broke out and swelled in the wind and spread.

For dozens of miles, all birds and beasts disappeared, and the autumn rain stopped at night. Under the fire, the Shu army hurriedly withdrew from the pass and retreated to Liangquan City. More than 4,000 corpses were found on the roads of the walled city.

On the 20th, the army advanced with the Longqi Army as the front army and pursued the Shu Army. The Chinese Army followed behind, approaching Liangquan and encircling the Shu Army.

On the 21st, the Shu army suffered a new defeat and a new siege. The army's morale was turbulent, its fighting spirit was low, and its courage was exhausted. The army attacked the city with all its strength and was defeated in half a day. The commander of the Longqi Army, Gao Huaide, commanded his men to enter the city first.

In the Battle of Liangquan, more than 30,000 Shu troops suffered 5,000 casualties and 12,000 were lost. The Shu general Gao Yanchou was injured and captured. Commander Li Tinggui and the governor Zhao Chongtao led their troops to break through and retreat to Malingzhai.

Fifty thousand stones, various warehouses of armor, weapons, money and silk were all obtained by our army.

On the 22nd, our army took advantage of the situation to pursue. Wang Quanbin led the Xingjie Army to defeat Maling Village in a continuous battle. Wang Renfan led his troops to detour and attack Guzhen, hoping to cut off the return route of the remaining Shu army.

On the 23rd, Li Tinggui retreated to Qingni Ridge, intending to fight stubbornly. Hearing the movement of Wang Ren's army, he abandoned the stronghold and left. On the way, he was intercepted by our army. Finally, Li Tinggui gathered the remaining troops and withdrew to Chengzhou, leaving only three thousand soldiers.

So far, more than 50,000 Shu troops in Fengzhou have been defeated by our army, and the entire territory of Fengzhou has returned to the Han Dynasty."

In the political palace, after listening to the narration of the Privy Council's decree by Li Chuyun, everyone was happy. After all, they had fought a victorious battle and achieved a complete victory. During this period of time, the Fengzhou War has been fought for a long time without success and wasted a lot of money.

There were many complaints, and the courtiers could not help but criticize them. Recently, the floods in the Yellow River have shown signs of recurrence. A group of courtiers, headed by Li Tao and Fan Zhi, repeatedly petitioned for the withdrawal of the army.

Although he was forcefully suppressed by Liu Chengyou, the blind force was not conducive to the relationship between the emperor and his ministers, which caused a certain instability in the harmony of the court. However, now that the good news came, the winner was still the emperor. The soldiers of the southwest used the facts to

The results proved that the emperor's strength was justified.

"Li Chengzhi said so much in one breath, describing the military situation in detail, and he is thirsty. Come, give Li Chengzhi a cup of tea!" Liu Chengyou said in a relaxed tone, urging the waiter.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Chuyun bowed respectfully.

"Our army won a complete victory in the battle of Fengzhou! After this battle, the Shu army's military strength was greatly reduced, and its national strength was greatly reduced. This laid the foundation for our army to march south to Hanzhong and Sichuan and Shu!" Guo Rong came out and said in a loud and exciting voice.

Liu Chengyou nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Li Tao and Fan Zhi, and he asked with a leisurely smile: "Li Qing, Fan Qing, can this good news relieve your worries? Can your sorrow be relieved?"

After hearing the question, Li and Fan looked at each other. Li Tao showed a touch of embarrassment on his face and bowed: "Your Majesty, I am short-sighted and unfounded. I actually want to hinder your Majesty's grand plan and the great victory in the southwest. I am ashamed of myself. Please forgive me!" "

Fan Zhi's expression was serious as usual, but he also surrendered to the emperor: "Your Majesty is far-sighted, has keen eyesight, and understands the situation of the war. I am foolish, stubborn, and violent in my words. I want to punish you for your unreasonable talk of withdrawing the troops!"

"Okay!" Seeing the second minister's gesture, Liu Chengyou also showed his magnanimity and raised his hand gently: "Second minister, you don't have to blame yourself. I know that you are also dedicated to serving the public and thinking about the country. Besides, I will never be held accountable for my words!”

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" The two ministers bowed and bowed.

"Now that the southwest is singing a triumphal song, do you still have any objections to the upcoming war?" Liu Chengyou asked again.

As Prime Minister, Li Tao took the lead and said: "I and others must be united and united to fully support the Southwest Army in its operations!"

Fan Zhi seems to be more reserved, but looking at his expression, it is obvious that he will no longer speak out against the situation, at least regarding the Southwest War, and will no longer express dissent.

"Issue an edict to commend the meritorious officers in this battle, and record all the personnel's merits in a book for preparation after the war. Send an envoy to Fengzhou to express condolences to the general! The lost grain, fodder, ordnance will be quickly replaced by the Secretary. Do not neglect the military situation." Liu Chengyou sat high up and ordered: "Also, the Xuanwei Division will fight on this to publicize the world!"


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