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Chapter 271 Young General

The Shu army pursued them in a hurry and seemed unwilling to give up. However, their horse power was not as powerful as the Han cavalry and they always fell behind. The pursuit was ineffective. Instead, the Han army "kite" them for several miles and shot and killed more than 20 cavalry. Get angry.

The generals from Nanzheng had never fought against the Han army. The advantage was that they still had courage and dared to fight with them. The disadvantage was that they did not know the depth and pursued recklessly, completely forgetting Li Tinggui's instructions.

When he approached the Han camp, he saw the Han cavalry attacking from two sides under the cover of hills, trying to outflank the Han cavalry. He quickly woke up. Looking at the Han cavalry that was twice his own, no matter how ignorant the Shu general was, he could not outnumber the enemy. confidence. Recalling Li Tinggui’s explanation, he shouted: “The Han army is cunning. If there is an ambush, withdraw!”

Then he quickly led his men, reined in the horse, turned around, and returned along the original road. He pursued too far, enjoyed the pleasure of pursuit, and experienced the pain of death again. The more urgent it is to pursue, the more desperate it is to escape.

"Copy them to me separately, don't let Shu Qi go!" Ma Renyu rode his horse forward, taking the lead, shouting at the top of his lungs, with excitement on his face.

The Han cavalry around him were all elite, and they were very skilled in dividing and attacking. Once the military order was given, they were all skilled in changing formations and attacking. Ma Renyu rushed at the front, full of fighting spirit and murderous intent.

After the troops were organized from Guanzhong and the Southwest Camp was established, Ma Renyu was transferred from the Fengchen Camp by Liu Chengyou to support Xiang Xun. As a brave general who came out of the Fengchen Camp, he was a handsome young man. Xiang Xun naturally pays special attention to cultivating people who are interested in him.

However, in this Shu-Han war, Ma Renyu participated in the battle as a cavalry commander. However, since the war began, the two sides fought fiercely in the mountains, and it was basically a city defense battle. Although he led his cavalry in combat order, it was of little use. The most common place for martial arts is to lead people to cover and watch the battle during the attack and defense of Liangquan, Guzhen, Shunzheng and other cities.

As a young warrior with strong blood and high spirits, the feeling of not being able to fight in the face of battle and having to sit back and watch the success or failure was really uncomfortable. Ma Renyu was also frustrated. It was a rare opportunity to kill the enemy with his life. Even if the goal is relatively small, it still makes him excited.

Once the fighting spirit that has been accumulated for a long time breaks out, what emerges is a hungry and thirsty army, riding like wolves and tigers, with iron hooves criss-crossing, chasing after them relentlessly, firing crossbows continuously, throwing javelins, and skilled charging techniques. , almost caused Shuqi to collapse.

They were entangled and strangled all the way, and when they reached the Xicheng Pass, Li Tinggui saw that the situation was not good, so he ordered his troops to go out of the city to set up a formation to respond, and cooperated with the remaining Shu cavalry to resist the counterattack. Ma Renyu was also bold, seeing the city gate open, and the responding Shu There was a gap between the military formation and the suspension bridge, so they bypassed it and looked like they were about to rush into the city.

It directly caused the Shu army's formation to waver, and no matter how confident Li Tinggui was, he would not allow the Han army to be so arrogant and break through with a thousand cavalry. He directly used his supervising team, setting up shields and spears under the city, and arrows on the city. Under the rain of arrows, he blocked the Han cavalry forcefully.

There was not much space available under the city. After losing dozens of horses, Ma Renyu decisively ordered to switch to battle. He cut through the weak points of the Shu army's formation, killing hundreds of people, and then left the battle circle and walked away. .

What was left to the Shu army was a mess, torn to pieces, and wounded soldiers were everywhere. They were more afraid than angry towards the retreating Han army. Although they repulsed the arrogant Han cavalry and captured more than a dozen horses, they were not very good at all.

morale was hit again.

As for Li Tinggui, he could only suppress the cheap feeling of humiliation, grit his teeth, hold his breath, shelter the defeated soldiers, treat the wounded, appease the morale of the troops, and readjust the city defense.

The thick city gate of Xi County slowly closed. After suffering this loss, Li Tinggui had no intention of opening the city gate again.

Compared with the depression and defeat that began to spread among the Shu army in Xixian County, the Han cavalry, under the leadership of Ma Renyu, gradually returned to camp, checking the battle damage and results, and taking in the leftover and lost horses.


"The Shu army is still so vulnerable!" On the way back to the camp, one of the subordinate battalion generals laughed, his face trembling: "If we hadn't been unprepared and just entered the city, we would have destroyed the city by us.

Once we have taken it, there is no need for the army to attack the city step by step."

"It's only a small victory, but you are so arrogant. No wonder Du Shuai has recently cracked down on the arrogant soldiers in the army!" Although Ma Renyu scolded, the young and heroic face was also filled with a smile: "The arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

Don’t you understand the truth?”

"It's not that we are arrogant and underestimate the enemy, it's just that the Shu army's combat power is so great. Since the attack on Shu, our officers and soldiers have been acting as a foil, holding our heads high, but sitting back and watching other armies kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. The officers and soldiers are holding back their anger in their hearts.

, this battle can be considered a relief!" the camp general sighed with emotion.

As he said that, he paid attention to Ma Renyu's expression and muttered: "Besides, we just attacked the city, and it was General you who took the lead in charging up..."

Hearing what he said, Ma Renyu also grinned, but quickly suppressed it and said a little seriously: "But I think the morale of the Shu army has recovered somewhat. Compared with Chengzhou, the resistance in Xingzhou

It's much more intense!"

"In a short period of time, sixty-three of my cavalry were lost!" Ma Renyu looked at the camp commander with a look of pain on his face: "After returning to the camp, remember all the brothers who died in battle. If you have the opportunity, return them.

His body should be contained..."

"Yes!" There's not much to say on such matters.

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After scanning his surroundings, Ma Renyu sighed: "The geographical situation here is really not conducive for my Han cavalry to move freely. We still have to wait until we enter the plains of central Sichuan, which is where we can gallop and use our strength!"

"The general is right! In my opinion, if we continue to fight at the current speed, our army will be able to celebrate the New Year in Chengdu next year!" said the battalion general.

Ma Renyu shook his head. Although he was brave and confident, he was not arrogant to that extent. Not to mention the extremely steep Shu Mountains and dangerous roads, it would not be so easy to survive this winter. In addition, although the imperial court continued to cut down

Shu, but the strength of its support for the front line does not seem like it wants to swallow up Shu.

When he was Pan Mei's younger brother in his early years, Ma Renyu was basically obsessed with honing his martial arts, mastering riding and shooting, and asked Pan Mei more about everything. However, after entering Fengchen Camp, in addition to exercising his body and practicing combat skills, he also

After such education in culture, military art, and combat practices, I achieved complete personal independence after arriving at the Southwest Camp.

Unconsciously, through constant observation, General Xiao Ma had his own independent thinking and opinions on the situation and development of the war.

The sky is gradually getting darker. After a day of marching, setting up camp, and fighting, both men and horses are exhausted. The winter wind blows coldly and whistling. On the road, from time to time, you can see the fallen Shu soldiers who were just chasing and fighting.

The corpses were like road signs, guiding the soldiers back to the camp. When they encountered a small number of corpses of Han soldiers, they were brought back to the camp and cremated.

At the time of return, the Han army's camp on the east bank of Jushui had been completely built. The efficiency of the elite army was often astonishing. The camp walls were well laid out, the defenses were tight, and the voices of humans and animals could be heard.

In the commander's tent, Xiang Xunzheng was studying the enemy's situation with the Han generals, and made an oral description of what he had observed in the evening about the defense of the west city. He also wrote and marked it in the military record room. Regardless of his fatigue, he just dealt with a few casualties during dinner.

The attacking cavalry returned to camp, which caused some cheers. After the announcement, they entered the camp. Xiang Xun raised his eyes and asked: "How did General Ma achieve his victory?"

"The last general chased all the way to the west city, killed nearly three hundred Shu cavalry, and captured one hundred and sixty-eight war horses. The Shu army in the city came out of the city to meet them. The last general saw an opening and led an attack. He wanted to break the city in one fell swoop, but was defeated by Shu.

The army tried their best to block it. But they had no choice but to attack the responding Shu army, break their formation, kill hundreds and then return..." Ma Renyuhui reported.


"The results are quite fruitful!"

"General Pony is so brave!"

The Han generals in the tent expressed their praise and congratulations to Ma Renyu with a smile. Although Ma Renyu was young and was not yet twenty-two years old, he had a good reputation in the army for his generosity and open-mindedness as a hero from Hebei.

, many generals and commanders have good relations with him.

"You are very courageous! With thousands of your cavalry, you dare to attack the city!" Xiang Xun also smiled and asked, "How is the resistance of the Shu army?"

Ma Renyu responded: "Their morale has recovered. If we hold on to the city and defend it, it will not be easy to break it!"

After hearing his answer, Xiang Xun's face became even more satisfied. He commented objectively and did not underestimate the enemy.

"I personally inspected the Shu army's city defense. Xi County was indeed built solidly by Li Tinggui. The pools are wide and the walls are solid. There are sufficient preparations. There are almost no loopholes in the layout. Think of it like Liang Quan. Shunzheng's side fell in a battle. Almost

Impossible!" Xiang Xun stood up, looked around, and said calmly: "No matter how strong the city is, it must be defended by people. I don't believe it, with the defeated soldiers, new troops, and rabble in the city, they can stop my army!"

"I'm willing to listen to Du Shuai's deployment!" Someone immediately took the lead in expressing his position loudly.

"Doesn't Li Tinggui want to live and die with Xi County? I will help him!" Xiang Xun clenched his fist and said coldly: "Pass an order, for ten days, let Feng become a leader, build three or four prefectures, and recruit 10,000 civilians.

Come and help the army!

Tomorrow we will break up the camp and set up the stronghold, move forward to the pass and lower the stronghold, and the generals will assemble their troops and soldiers, build siege equipment, and prepare to break the city!"


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