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Chapter 14 The Warrior Warlord

Regardless of the exhaustion from the journey, as soon as he arrived in Leiyang, he summoned a civil and military meeting. The Leiyang county government office was old and simple, and the small space was filled to the brim with more than a dozen Chu army generals.

The dusk was a little dim, just like the mood of many people, but the two rows of candles were bright, illuminating everyone's faces clearly. Most of these Chu army generals were unknown, but as far as Zhou Xingfeng was concerned,

, but it is the backbone of his command.

Sitting behind the hall table and looking around, Zhou Xingfeng didn't waste any time and asked directly: "How are you preparing for the march? What is the situation in Guiyang? Is Zhang Wenbiao on guard?"

"Commander Qi, the ordnance has been replenished, provisions for ten days have been prepared, and the march route has been determined. Guiyang is only a hundred and twenty miles away, and it can arrive in the morning and evening! The general will guarantee that within ten days, we will

We must conquer Guiyang and take Zhang Wenbiao's head!" The general who stood up to answer was named Zhang Chongfu. He looked very capable. He was an old man who followed Zhou Xingfeng and was named the governor of Hengzhou.

"As for Zhang Wenbiao, according to detailed research, someone from the imperial court contacted him. Guiyang was already on guard, but Zhang Wenbiao still stayed in the mansion, drinking and having fun all day long!" Zhang Chongfu's mouth was filled with contempt.

Hearing this, Zhou Xingfeng was not overly happy, but said seriously: "Have you heard this? The Northern Han Dynasty is very determined to destroy us! Zhang Wenbiao is not enough to worry about, the enemy is in the Central Plains, and now the Northern Han Dynasty has not mobilized troops and horses.

Hidden, the southern invaders are launching troops, right in front of us!

The monarchs and ministers of the Northern Han Dynasty think that we in Hunan are easy to bully and want to occupy our cities, seize our official positions, and plunder our property. From this commander on down, we must be incompatible with each other!

At first, we were able to drive away the Tang army, but now we are able to repel the Northern Han! Let's start with Zhang Wenbiao, capture Guiyang, pacify the south, and then return to deal with the Han army!"

"Yes!" After Zhou Xingfeng's encouragement, the generals finally became more ambitious and responded in unison. Leaving aside other things, they still had some confidence in dealing with Zhang Wenbiao.

During this period, Zhou Xingfeng secretly sent 6,000 troops to Hengzhou, which was already a considerable military force in Hunan.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Xingfeng stared at Zhang Chongfu and said: "I will give you the three thousand tooth soldiers I brought from Changsha this time. Rest for a night. We will send troops to Guiyang tomorrow. Within three days, take them.

Is it possible to go to Guiyang?"

There was ruthlessness in Zhou Xingfeng's eyes. Zhang Chongfu felt it. He hesitated a little, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Within three days, the general will definitely defeat Guiyang!"

"Okay! This is my descendant from Sanxiang!" Zhou Xingfeng finally showed a look of satisfaction and turned to look at a waiting general: "Wang Duan!"

"The end is here!"

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"Early tomorrow morning, you will lead your troops to follow Zhang Chongfu southward and attack Guiyang!"


"You all return to your camps and prepare to march. When the time comes tomorrow morning, you will immediately mobilize your troops. However, those who delay will be punished by military law without mercy!" Finally, Zhou Xingfeng gave a murderous warning.

A cadre of generals is naturally intimidated, and Zhou Xingfeng is famous for his ruthless determination. Since his rise, no one in the civil or military has dared to touch his methods. Grass will grow on the graves of those who do not believe in evil.

After all the Chu army generals had retreated, Zhou Xingfeng was still sitting at the desk and raised his head and took a deep breath. Beside, a scribe was waiting respectfully. Seeing his condition, he asked softly: "Commander Jie, are you planning to attack Guiyang?"

, still have doubts?”

This scribe, named Li Guanxiang, was deeply trusted by Zhou Xingfeng and was worshiped as secretary-general. In the past two years, all military affairs were entrusted to him. Zhou Xingfeng governed Hunan, and many of his policies were made by this person.

Expanded with assistance.

However, although this person had little talent, he was not very generous. He was jealous of his parents' favor and ostracized Hunan scholars. As a result, Wu Ping Jiedu's subordinates did not have many available talents. In addition, Zhou Xingfeng was cruel and easy to kill.

, the reputation was not high, and there were very few scholars willing to serve. As a result, to this day, the states under its jurisdiction are still in the state of military government.

At this time, after hearing Li Guanxiang's question, Zhou Xingfeng suddenly said contemptuously: "It's just a Wenbiao, why worry about it! If it were two years ago, I might be afraid of him, but now, this person is useless!"

After saying that, Zhou Xingfeng frowned and said in a deep voice: "The only ones we can worry about are the strong men in the north!"

As a confidant, Li Guanxiang understood Zhou Xingfeng's mood better than others. Although he had various martial arts habits, he was definitely a smart man with good vision.

Knowing the contrast between the strong and weak situations, Li Guanxiang was unwilling to surrender directly. Now that he was under Zhou Xingfeng and in charge of the military government, he would never have such a right if he surrendered to the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, he chose to support Zhou Xingfeng's choice that day, and it turned out that he was right. Because, he was not sure whether Zhou Xingfeng would kill him too if he also proposed surrender...


However, rational analysis shows that with the current strength of the Wuping Army, even if it were doubled several times, it would still be difficult to fight against the imperial court. The only thing that could be relied on was that the Gao family was in the middle. The Han court would not be able to attack Hunan until Jingnan was solved.

poses too great a threat.

But the problem lies precisely here. Judging from the superficial news, the imperial court intends to bypass the Gao family and directly deal with Hunan. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is basically a false plan to defeat Guo, but the Gao family is too slow.

And the head is a rat at both ends.

"The people in Hunan are poor and the country is poor. The only one they can rely on is Jingzhu in the north. The two sides are close to each other. If they can put aside their prejudices and unite with the Northern Dynasty, it will not be impossible to resist the imperial court's attempt to move southward. But the Gao family is very circuitous and cowardly.

Judging from the news from the north, it is almost impossible for them to directly confront the imperial court with force. As for letting go of the city gates and joining forces to defend the enemy, it will be even more difficult!" Li Guanxiang said.

Hearing this, Zhou Xingfeng couldn't help but sneer and said: "Maybe the mediocre people in Jiangling will still suspect that we want to occupy their prefectures and counties! Maybe he has betrayed our intention to unite with the Northern Empire to the court. The Gao family

, each generation is really inferior to the last!”

"If Meng Shu and the Southern Tang Dynasty can send troops from the east and west, they may be able to contain the imperial court and calm down its intention to use troops!" The two ministers were silent for a while, and Li Guanxiang said.

"It was only last year that Meng Shu was defeated by the Northern Han Dynasty. He lost Qin Feng and Hanzhong. Now he has retreated to Shuzhong. If the Northern Han Dynasty does not attack him, he is already in peace. How dare he go north again. As for the Southern Tang Dynasty, the internal affairs are still under control

I don’t know. After the Huainan War a few years ago, he was even more afraid of the Han Dynasty. What can he do? Li Jing can sell some of our grains, which is already considered a bold thing for him!" Zhou Xingfeng shook his head and said: "The only one who can contain the Northern Han Dynasty is

The Liao Kingdom outside the Great Wall, but now, there has been peace between Han and Liao for several years..."

After all, we have to thank the "Sleeping King" for creating a perfect strategic environment for the Han Dynasty.

"Alas!" After saying that, Zhou Xingfeng sighed: "Since the Han Emperor succeeded to the throne, he has had the ambition to conquer the world. His strategy of rejuvenating the country and strengthening the army is far ahead of the previous generations and has a grand scale. Up to now, it has been

It’s hard to control. It’s a pity that our rise in Jingxiang was not at the right time!”

Hearing what Zhou Xingfeng said, Li Guanxiang wanted to ask, since he saw it so clearly, why did he still forcefully resist? Wouldn't he be bringing disaster on himself? However, he was still frightened by Zhou Xingfeng's cruelty and did not dare to take action.

That heart-wrenching question.

"Commander Jie, judging from the sporadic news from the north, the imperial court has made up its mind to use force. Once the northern troops come south, they must first capture Jiangling, encircle the prefectures and counties, and then cross the Yangtze River and go south!" After thinking about it, Li Guanxiang said

: "It's hard to predict how long the Gao family can resist. We don't have much time left to prepare!"

"Jingnan side, we still need to contact you. If you continue to send people to tell us, I don't believe it. This kid really wants to destroy his grandfather's foundation!" After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Xingfeng said, "Fu Yantong side, I also need to contact you again.

, we must lure him out of Xuzhou. If we can get help from the barbarians, we will have a better chance of winning in the battle in Hunan!"


"In addition, continue to send people to buy grain from the Southern Tang and Southern Han Dynasties! If there is insufficient grain and grass, we can't fight the war!" Zhou Xingfeng ordered, suddenly smashing the lower court table and cursing: "The damn Northern Han Dynasty, you can't fight the war!"

I’ll have more time!”

Zhou Xingfeng was startled by Zhou Xingfeng's sudden irritability, but Li Guanxiang still endured his shock and reminded him: "Commander, there is not much money left in the Changsha treasury."

After hearing this, Zhou Xingfeng's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said: "There are quite a lot of silver pits in Guizhou, and Zhang Wenbiao has accumulated a lot in the past two years, so the seizure can be slowed down. Also, pass on my military order to all states and counties."

The garrison borrowed money and food from those clansmen, merchants, and Kuo!"

Upon hearing this, Li Guanxiang hurriedly advised: "This may cause turmoil!"

"I can't care about that much anymore! Without money and food, how can the soldiers be willing to serve in the war? If 30,000 soldiers and horses are in chaos, it will be a chaos!" Zhou Xingfeng said with a bit of anger: "Moreover, now the national crisis is approaching.

, all the people of Hunan should contribute to the defense of Jingxiang! If we don’t take it, how can we leave it to the Han army?”

Listening to Zhou Xingfeng's words, the corners of Li Guanxiang's mouth couldn't help but twitch. At this time, looking at Zhou Xingfeng's stern face, he clearly realized again that this man was an out-and-out martial artist.

Two years of good governance to benefit the people are just a means of governance.

"You should keep an eye on this matter yourself!" Zhou Xingfeng looked at Li Guanxiang coldly: "You will return to Changsha tomorrow. Before the Han army crosses the Yangtze River and goes south, I want you to raise enough money and food for three months of fighting!"

Meeting his eyes, Li Guanxiang couldn't help but tremble. Although he was a little embarrassed, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will do my best!"

However, I was lamenting in my heart that even if the Jingxiang alliance could last for three months under the attack of the Northern Han army, it was still a question...

Seeing that Zhou Xingfeng was a little frantic, preparing for war regardless of the consequences, and giving it a go, Li Guanxiang became even less optimistic about Hunan's prospects.

This chapter has been completed!
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