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Chapter 18 Take Jiangling lightly 2

"Your Majesty, what Zhou Xingfeng's envoy said is actually very reasonable. Is there any reason to attack on false roads? How could the Northern Han Dynasty seize Hunan across Jingnan? Its intention is not only in Hunan, but also in Nanping!

"Finally, it was the navy commander Wei Lin who said to Gao Baorong.

"Gu Ye is thinking deeply about this! If the army is passing through and the people are afraid, how about asking the court to go to Jianghu instead of Jiangling? We will let him go and provide some food and fodder!" Gao Baorong looked at Wei Lin and expressed his consideration.

Hearing this, Wei Lin almost confessed his naivety, sighed and said: "How can the imperial court be willing to do so? Furthermore, even if the king agrees, how can they leave their retreat and food routes in the hands of our army? Even if the king obeys,

, without any intention of harm, the Han army would also be suspicious.

Just as the Chu envoy said, Nanping and Hunan have been at peace with each other for many years, and they are close friends with each other. If the imperial court wants to attack Hunan, it must take Nanping first; and if Nanping is lost, Hunan will not be preserved! Only the two parties join hands and unite,

There may be a possibility of retaining three points if we fight against the imperial court together.

Once the road is opened and the Han army is allowed to pass through, something will happen, and the king and his ministers will be captured by the imperial court!"

"I heard from General Wei that he suggested an alliance with Zhou Xingfeng to fight against the imperial army?" After Wei Lin finished speaking, Liang Tingsi, the commander of the yamen, spoke, and his tone was a bit directed at Wei Lin.

"I'm just explaining the situation!" Wei Lin also looked back at Liang Tingsi rudely, paused briefly, and then said with some intention of changing his words: "However, the person who objected to the imperial edict was Huxiang Zhou.

The person who met the plan is just to use my power in Jingnan to fight against the imperial court. Now the imperial army is gathering in Jinghan, and it is me, Jingnan, who is directly at the forefront of the army. How can the king take risks for Hunan Zhou's rebellion?

Going against the imperial court?"

"All the talk is useless! Can it be of any use in the current crisis?" Liang Tingsi said disdainfully.

Hearing this, Wei Lin immediately became angry and asked, "I would like to hear what Commander Liang Du has to say!"

In comparison, Liang Tingsi was much more straightforward and said directly to Gao Baorong: "The general has been trusted by the king and entrusted with military affairs. He is deeply grateful and can only do his best to repay the favor. If the king chooses to reject the court, the general will

We will definitely lead the army with strong soldiers and vigorously resist the Han troops between Jiang and Han!"

Liang Tingsi's words were probably the most encouraging words Gao Baorong had heard in recent years. Gao Baorong couldn't help but feel a little interested and looked at him expectantly: "General Liang, the imperial court's 40,000-strong army is coming south. With the strength of our Jingnan army,

, maybe protect the enemy?"

After hearing the question, Liang Tingsi replied to Gao Baorong in an unusually positive tone: "I dare not deceive the king. With the strength of our army, if we fight against the Han army, we will definitely lose!"

He said the most cowardly words in the most determined tone. When Gao Baorong heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. His heart that had been depressed for a long time felt as if it had been pricked by a needle and stung.

Liang Tingsi still had a serious expression on his face and said: "The general dares to promise your Majesty that if we use swords and weapons, we will fight the Han army to the end, and we will consume every soldier!"

"The general's attitude is too tragic!" Gao Baorong waved his hand with some enthusiasm and said: "If this is the case, it will not only offend the Han Dynasty and become the enemy of the imperial court, but also create a barrier for Zhou Xingfeng in Hunan! It is not advisable!


It can be seen from Liang Tingsi's words that this person seems to be proficient in the art of "counter-remonstrance" and constantly attacks Gao Baorong's weak will to resist.

In fact, the embarrassment of Jingnan is clearly seen by knowledgeable people. The Northern Han Dynasty's intentions are clearly exposed. The strong troops coming from the south will be unstoppable like Mount Tai. If there is no resistance, Nanping will be destroyed for decades.

The country will perish. If it resists, offends the court, and fails, it will not only destroy the country, but also destroy the family.

Zhou Xingfeng's sincerity in contacting him was quite sufficient. However, the Gao family had been at ease for so many years and risked their own lives and annihilation to engage in a confrontation with the imperial court with a disparity of power. The Gao family had no strength.

I don't have that kind of ambition.

However, since ancient times, whenever a political power or force is in danger, no matter how big or small, no matter wise or foolish, there will always be one or two loyal and upright people who take the lead, raise their voices in the world, and leave their names in history.

In the lobby of the palace at this time, Li Jingwei, the deputy commander of the army and horses, was such a person. He looked ordinary but had a high spirit. Seeing the dejection in the hall, he couldn't help but stand up and excitedly said to Gao Baorong: "Your Majesty, although Nanping's foundation is small, it is huge.

How could the two generations of ancestors give up the hard work they had earned? Although the northern army is strong, we have 30,000 soldiers in Nanping, so we may not be without the strength to fight. If we sacrifice the land without fighting, how can the king have the face to meet the ancestors?


Li Jingwei's words seemed to make Gao Baorong a little ashamed and a little angry. He asked angrily: "What if I follow the general's opinion and act alone?"

"The Han army relies on its strength to bully the weak, which will lead to arrogance. It is better to pretend to use the road and allow him to go with him. He secretly ambush his elite soldiers in the dangerous and narrow place of Jingmen. When he passes, he will suddenly attack, capture his general and retreat his army!" Li Jingwei said a surprising thing!

Operational recommendations.

After saying this, without waiting for others to object, Gao Baorong was frightened himself and shook his head repeatedly.

"If you listen to Jingwei's words, Gao will definitely suffer from it!" A serious voice made people feel refreshed.

Turning his head to look, the speaker was Sun Guangxian, who had been as silent as a clay sculpture before. Gao Baorong looked at him and asked quickly: "Mr. Sun, you are an old minister. You have been in government for many years. You have extraordinary knowledge and have been trusted by the late king. What's the time?"

A critical situation is a pillar of strength. In your opinion, how should we deal with the tyranny of the imperial court?"

Faced with Gao Baorong's inquiry, Sun Guangxian was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "Your Majesty, General Jingwei is commendable for his loyalty, but he is short-sighted and does not know the victory or defeat of the strong and the weak. Just imagine, the Imperial Guards of the Northern Han Dynasty are the strongest soldiers in the world.

In recent years, he has conquered the east and west, fought in the south and the north, and it can be said that he has been invincible. Murong Yanzhao is also a famous general of the Northern Army, how can he not guard against it?

Now the Han army is going south, intending to seize all Jinghu Lake and seize the heart of the world. Their huge soldiers are pressing down on the territory like a mountain pressing down an egg. How dare they resist lightly. I was sent to Tokyo as an envoy in the early years and saw with my own eyes the strength of the northern army and the wisdom of the Han lord.

It is far beyond what Jingnan can resist!

In my opinion, this time the Han Dynasty marches to the south, the king should devote all his strength to it without any delay or excuse. If the imperial court is merciful and keeps Nanping, then he will donate troops, horses, money and food to express his gratitude; otherwise, he will donate his territory to the imperial court as soon as possible, and wait for

After Jingchu was pacified, the king also retained his princely salary, preserved his ancestors and sacrifices, and lived a life of wealth and honor.

If you have any rebellious intentions, I am afraid that not only Jingnan will be destroyed, but the Gao family will also suffer disaster. I hope that your Majesty will think carefully and act conscientiously, and never act on your own initiative!"

Gao Baorong was obviously moved by Sun Guangxian's impassioned desire to surrender. However, there was always hesitation on his face. He hesitated for a moment and looked at his younger brother Gao Baoxu: "Sheng Gong, what do you think?


Gao Baoxu's body didn't look very good. Due to the changes in the current situation, his complexion became even more ugly. When he heard Gao Baorong's question, he thought for a while and said, "I have nothing to say!"

"You guys step back first! Let Gu Gu think about it!" Gao Baorong frowned and waved his hand somewhat dejectedly.


However, not even an hour later, a notice was received from the Jingmen garrison, saying that thousands of Han cavalry had marched south to Jiangling.

Still in the lobby, he summoned several important ministers. When he learned that the Han cavalry was approaching, Gao Baorong panicked and almost asked the messenger angrily: "I haven't given the order yet, why didn't I stop the Han army?"

The messenger was frightened by this and responded in a low voice: "The Han army is strong, and the commander does not dare to stop it, so he sent a small one to the south in advance to inform the king and ask the king to make preparations in advance!"

Although Gao Baorong was cowardly, he was not without knowledge. He laughed angrily: "As a guard general, I don't guard the pass, don't do my job, and let the soldiers pass by. The Han army is about to attack Jiangling, what should I do to prepare!"


"Your Majesty, the Han army is moving with such lightning speed, and the local defenders have no fighting spirit. Today, it is no time to hesitate, it is time to make a decision!" Sun Guangxian stood up first and spoke to Gao Baorong.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Tingsi also agreed. Gao Baorong entrusted Gao Baoxu, Sun Guangxian, and Liang Tingsi with important military and political affairs. Among the three, Gao Baoxu did not express his position, and the remaining two civil and military officials surrendered. Gao Baorong

There is no room for choice.

But after all, he is an adult and has more thoughts and worries. He said: "I originally wanted to surrender my land, but the Han army invaded like fire and descended upon the city. I am afraid that the imperial court will despise me, the Gao family!"

Gao Baorong's words were not implicit, but he was hinting at the issue of treatment after surrender. If this aspect is not reached, the surrender cannot be made directly.

Hearing the song and knowing the elegant meaning, he was willing to surrender. Sun Guangxian immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to go to Tokyo in person to express my love to the Han Emperor on your behalf!"

"Okay! Mr. Sun is worthy of being a loyal minister. He spared no effort. The safety of Gu and the Gao family is all in your hands!" Gao Baorong couldn't help but be moved.

This chapter has been completed!
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