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Chapter 28 Battle of Liyang

The morning light broke, but there was no rooster crow, and the light was still soft, but the village of Chuanhe was lonely and solemn. Originally, this was a village of more than forty households, which was not small in scale, but with the war

With the arrival of , the original peace and harmony were destroyed to pieces.

Half of the people escaped before the Chu army came north, and the rest were directly slaughtered, and all their money, food, goods, and livestock were looted. Under Zhou Xingfeng's deliberate indulgence, his army

The banditry is getting worse.

The Chu army that was sent to Luanhe Village to defend itself, numbering more than 3,000 men, was weak and even more of a mob. Therefore, when Li Jun led his army southward, he saw that the camps along the village were not firmly established.

When he arrived at the enemy camp, he almost couldn't hold back and ordered an attack directly.

However, he suppressed his desire to attack a little and ordered the whole army to rest on the spot. He did not build a large camp, but just camped in formation and survived the night, eyeing the Chu army in Luanhe Village.

At the same time, in order to prevent him from escaping and retreating, Li Jun also dispersed the 300 cavalry he had obtained from Shi Yanchao for surveillance. Practice has proved that Li Jun was well prepared to fight this battle.


When the Han army approached, General Chunhe decisively sent people south to ask for reinforcements, but they couldn't escape at all. Three exits were blocked, and several waves of messengers were strangled to death, making it impossible to escape.

The Chu general who led the army was also a man who knew the danger. He took advantage of the darkness of the night and directly led the army, hoping to escape to Liyang under the cover of darkness. However, Li Jun had some expectations and prepared 1,500 soldiers in advance.

The soldiers who had been resting and recuperating noticed the strange movement and immediately blocked it with a wave of blows to the head and face.

There was a huge gap between the combat effectiveness of this Chu army and the Han army led by Li Jun. If it were not for the inconvenience of fighting at night, he would have broken into the village that night and destroyed him.

Of course, after procrastinating all night, with more rest and more complete preparations, after dawn, the Chu army in Chuanhe was declared destroyed.

As the sun climbed up, the war drums beat, and the sound of killing shook the village. Under Li Jun's command, Luanhe Village was captured in just one hour, including the elimination of the remaining enemies.

Although this was a very low-intensity offensive and defensive battle, after the Han army broke into the simple earth and stone village defenses with weak resistance, it accepted the formal surrender of the Chu army. Because the villagers were basically slaughtered, these Chu soldiers,

There was no chance to fish in troubled waters, no chance to hide, they were eliminated one by one.

When he was walking on the dilapidated dirt road between villages under the escort of soldiers, the temperature had just begun to heat up. Although the actual results were not brilliant, they were still satisfactory to Li Jun. At least according to the military report, it could be said that

With full confidence, write down, annihilate three thousand enemies. This time he went south, General Li had a share of the credit for ensuring the bottom line.

"General, we saw last night that these bandit troops are completely vulnerable! Preliminary counting shows that our army has killed 32 people and wounded 97 people. We must wipe out all their troops here!" A military academy student walked beside Li Yun and approached him.

Reporting, with a look of displeasure: "If the bandit army is so unbearable, General Yimo will see that we alone can wipe out Hunan!"

"It's just a small victory, and you only defeated such weak soldiers, so you are so arrogant?" Li Jun scolded him with a straight face. It's not that he is humble, but he is not satisfied in his heart.

"General, you taught me a lesson!" After being scolded, the officer didn't care. He admitted his mistake with a smile, and said with a bit of contempt: "It's just that these thieves are too poor, have almost no property, and their armor is in tatters.

, I could only find less than a hundred shi of food..."

For the officers, they wanted to have both military exploits and gains, but obviously, the gains in Luanhe Village were so shabby that it was unbearable to look at them.

"According to this situation! I'm afraid we will have to spend our food to feed these prisoners!" the officer muttered.

When Li Jun heard this, he took it seriously and couldn't help but said: "So, it won't be long before the bandit army here will run out of food!"

"Of course!" the officer nodded affirmatively and said: "With less than a hundred shi of rice and food, even if we save on eating, more than 3,000 people will not be able to hold on for a few days! Before our army arrived, they had sent out several detachments of hundreds of people.

The team has gone to the surrounding villages and mountains and forests to look for food, but they probably don’t dare to come back and will either break up and flee, or become bandits!”

After hearing what he said, Li Jun smiled and said: "This is good news. The bandit army here is short of food, and the enemy army in Liyang is probably not much better. Murong Dushuai is still awesome, he can tell you at a glance

Seeing the key points of the rebel army, it is no wonder that he would come up with such a military strategy. Without food and fodder, what can these rebel soldiers use to fight? They dare to take the initiative to attack northward. They are really desperate and do not know whether to live or die!"

"General, it's better to go south quickly! This battle is too easy, and the brothers haven't even used their hands and feet yet." Seeing this, the officer immediately became excited.

"Send an order for the prisoners to dig a hole outside the village!" Li Jun ordered.

"The general wants to trap and kill these prisoners who are causing trouble?" the officer asked smartly.

"I still want this head!" Seeing how smart he was, Li Jun glared at him and said, "Bury all the corpses in the village and add fertilizer to the land. Summer is here. If you don't take care of these corpses,

It would be bad if there is an epidemic!"

"Also, kill all the rebels who surrendered, more than a hundred generals! Then drive the surrendering troops south!" After thinking about it, Li Jun added: "Forget it, leave two hundred soldiers and a group of prisoners to take care of them here.

, the rest of the troops, take a short rest and head south immediately!"

"I think that with the arrival of Shi Yanchao's troops, the situation of the rebel army in Liyang must be bad. I have to get a piece of the pot!" Li Jun was excited.

"Yes! General Mo will make arrangements right away!"

In the conversation between the two, they never mentioned the massacred villagers in Chuanhe River, nor did they pay attention to the few small Chu troops scattered in search of food. During the war, for these Qiuba people, the lives of the people did not count at all.

Human life, especially "Chu people".

After some busy preparations, the Han army organized its troops under the leadership of Li Jun, drove more than 2,000 surrendered soldiers, and marched south of Liyang City with great fanfare. However, the journey of more than thirty miles was not rushed and wasted.

Three hours later, around noon time, we arrived at Liyang.

With the arrival of Li Jun's army, the total strength of the three Han armies was no longer so different from that of Yang Shifan's army. As for military morale, morale, and combat power, it was even more difficult to compare the two. In view of this, Yang Shifan

As a last resort, the entire army could only be compacted in the camp, strengthened the stronghold, and appeared to be defending.

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As for Li Jun, Shi Yanchao, and Pan Mei, they met outside Liyang City and received traffic information. They knew that Yang Shifan's army was at the end of its rope and that its entire army collapsed within three or two days.

The three conspired together, and Pan Mei suggested that if they were deterred outside, and they were trapped without attacking, and just sit back and watch them collapse, they could deal with this enemy force at the minimum cost. After reaching a consensus, Li and Shi's armies camped together outside to rest and recuperate.

While waiting, Shi Yanchao continued to send cavalry to monitor along the Lishui River to prevent him from escaping south along the Fu River. Pan Mei returned to the city and prepared for an attack in the city.

However, after Pan Mei left, Li Jun had some thoughts and went to Shi Yanchao and said directly: "We are veteran generals on the battlefield, how can we listen to Pan Mei, a junior!"

Noticing the strange look on Li Jun's face, Shi Yanchao frowned slightly and said, "General, what do you mean? Do you want to have your own way? Just now, the three of us have made an appointment!"

Li Jun shook his head and said quite confidently: "That's not what I meant! Pan Mei's analysis is still very reasonable, but if these more than 14,000 enemy troops surrender directly without fighting, this military achievement will not be real!


"I have already made great contributions to defeating the army in Luanhe Village. It seems that General Shi has not made any achievements in fighting since he came south this time..." Li Jun looked like he was thinking about Shi Yanchao.

In fact, when it comes to Li Jun and Shi Yanchao's military rank, the court always considers its functions comprehensively when discussing merit, not just fighting. It's just that Li Shi and Li Shi can't restrain their murderous intentions.

Shi Yanchao thought for a moment and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Once the rebel army cannot hold on anymore, before it collapses and surrenders, we immediately launch an attack, fight for a while, and then take prisoners. If we defeat them quickly, it is better for two of us to get the same credit than three people to share the same credit.

Come on!" Li Jun said with a smile.

The two people quickly reached a consensus.

Pan Mei's expectation was that the Chu army could hold out for three to five days, but the deterioration of the situation far exceeded her imagination, and there was also the worry of civil strife. After the Han army came south, the leader of the Yao people, Qin Zaixiong, became somewhat disobedient.


That night, some soldiers in the Chu camp came out of the camp and wanted to surrender. Yang Shifan ordered them to be killed. However, the killings continued, and more than 300 soldiers fled to the Han camp overnight, making the Han army more aware of their intentions.

Virtual reality.

The next day, the number of deserters doubled.

The next day, Li Jun and Shi Yanchao joined forces to launch a surprise attack on the Chu camp, defeated it in one battle, and won the Battle of Liyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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