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Chapter 146 Some are happy and some are sad

August 15th, Mid-Autumn Festival night, Chongyuan Hall.

The emperor hosted banquets for ministers as usual. The Chongyuan Hall was magnificent, with colorful ribbons and palace lanterns hanging high. The festive atmosphere was relatively strong, but the scale was smaller than in previous years. Only the ministers, heads and deputy ministers of various ministries and other powerful people should attend the banquet. He was summoned to the palace for a banquet, because the expedition against Shu was going smoothly, and the two contrasting scenes made it even more festive.

"Your Majesty!" Liu Chengyou walked up to His Majesty as usual, holding a cup, walked to the palace, looked around, made an opening speech, and said: "It is now the tenth year of Qianyou, and many of the gentlemen here are accompanying you. I have gone through these ten years of spring and autumn, ten years of ups and downs, weathered the wind and rain, overcame thorns and thorns, and now I am today!"

Liu Chengyou's words praised everyone. Hearing this, the ministers were overjoyed and beamed with joy. Fan Zhize spoke up and said that it was only under his majesty's wise leadership that the Han Dynasty achieved its current prosperity. Your Majesty, I don't dare to take credit. In formal occasions, Fan Zhi is still very considerate to the emperor, and he can lick it freely.

Liu Chengyou looked very relaxed. He held his wine glass flat in front of his chest, pointed lightly with one hand, and continued: "There is a war ahead, and it is not appropriate for the court to make a big deal, but it is the festive season after all. I have prepared a few dishes with wine and some small cakes. Let’s spend time together with all the ministers!”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"My lords, please raise a glass and drink with me!" Liu Chengyou was always calm and controlled the rhythm: "This first glass, I pay tribute to the soldiers on the front line of Shu, who sacrificed their lives and fought bravely to kill the enemy. Under the bright moon in the sky, I send my thoughts to you. Mian!"

"This second cup, I would like to pay tribute to all the ministers here. Over the years, you have worked diligently on the king's affairs and governed the country and the people. I will reward them for their hard work!"

"With this third cup, I wish the man a prosperous national destiny, prosperity, success in the world, great achievements, and peace!"

For three cups in a row, the emperor and his ministers drank together, and the atmosphere was pushed to a climax from the beginning. Next, everyone played their part. The ministers and ministers exchanged cups, and Liu Chengyou personally challenged Fan Zhi, Wei Renpu, and Li Gu, Chai Rong, Murong Yanzhao and other important civil and military officials toasted in person to show their courtesy and trust.

The night banquet in Chongyuan Hall only lasted less than half an hour. After the mood was in place, Liu Chengyou ordered the banquet to end and everyone went back to their homes to spend time with their families admiring the moon. Before leaving, Liu Chengyou prepared a serving for each of the officials who were attending the banquet. "Mooncake Gift Box".

After leaving Chongyuan Hall, the two brothers Liu Chengyou and Liu Chengxun went to Ciming Hall together. There was a Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet waiting for them at the Queen Mother's side.

King Yong Liu Chengxun is now in the court, responsible for the errand of the Minister of Industry. Originally, after Li Gu was promoted to Prime Minister, Liu Chengyou had the idea of ​​letting him serve as the governor of Kaifeng, but in the end he gave up the idea. After all, he His sons are also getting older. The eldest prince Liu Xu is already ten years old. The sons of ordinary people can help with the housework. As an emperor's nobleman, he must be more precocious.

In the Ciming Hall, Liu Chengyou’s harem concubines, more than 20 children, Liu Chengxun’s family, relatives of the Queen Mother who came to Beijing, and other harem relatives were a bit more lively than Chongyuan Hall. The children screamed and the adults laughed. . Even though Liu Chengyou always likes to be quiet, he can't help but be affected by it and show a cheerful smile. Of course, the happiest person is the Queen Mother Li.

"Duke Zhou!" Liu Chengyou drank a lot of wine, walked to Zhou Zong's table, and called out with a smile.

Zhou Zong's family sat together, together with Concubine Zhou Shu. As the eldest eldest in the palace, he was already over eighty years old. His hair was gray, but he had a childish face and seemed to be in good health. As the emperor's father-in-law, Duke Guangling of the Han Dynasty, Although he was born in Nanjing, Zhou Zong lived a good life in Kaifeng due to his high moral character and low profile.

Holding the seventh son of the emperor Liu Hui, who was over one year old, in his arms, the old man smiled happily, and the wrinkles on his face showed kindness. Seeing Liu Chengyou coming in person, Zhou Zong hurriedly returned the prince to the queen of Zhou, restraining his expression and wanting to salute.

Seeing the opportunity, Liu Chengyou stretched out his hand to caress his back and said with a gentle smile: "This is a family banquet. You are the elder and I am the son-in-law. No need to be polite!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhou Zong looked grateful.

Looking at him, his hair covered with silver hair, Liu Chengyou said: "Former, it is my 80th birthday. Our country is busy with affairs, so I am unable to come and congratulate you in person. I hope you will forgive me!"

"Your Majesty's words are serious! Your Majesty works hard and always takes care of the country and the people in his words and deeds. How can he be delayed just because I am old and decrepit? If so, I will feel uneasy!" Zhou Zong shook his head and responded, looking very enlightened.

Hearing this, Liu Chengyou smiled, held the cup and said, "Here, I would like to take this cup to wish you longevity!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhou Zong replied without holding it.

Liu Chengyou said: "When you wait for your ninetieth birthday, I will personally come to your house and ask for a wedding drink!"

Zhou Zong said: "If one day comes, I will clean my house, bathe and purify myself, and wait for you to come!"

"Haha!" Liu Chengyou smiled heartily: "Then our son-in-law has made an agreement!"

Zhou Zong agreed with a smile. Although he didn't think he could live another ten years, it was inconvenient to say something disappointing on this occasion. In addition, the emperor's attitude was so gentle and natural.

Glancing around, he noticed the pretty little girl sitting next to Concubine Zhou Shu. With a soft smile on his face, Liu Chengyou said, "This is Xiao Zhou. I haven't seen her for a long time, and she has grown up again!"

The young lady's eyes were bright and lively, and she was not timid in front of Liu Chengyou. Instead, she boldly looked directly at him, looked at him with curious eyes, and said in a light voice: "Your Majesty's beard has also grown!"

"Don't be rude!" Zhou Zong scolded lightly and said to Liu Chengyou: "Your Majesty, my little girl is innocent, please forgive me!"

"Children's words are unbridled! Besides, Xiao Zhou is right, but my beard has grown! I like to hear the truth!" Liu Chengyou raised his hand, smiled heartily, and touched his chin by the way. It was indeed thick. few.

In his early years, Liu Chengyou only had some short stubble, showing a sexy look. In recent years, it has become longer and longer, which seems to imply a change in mentality.

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Lifting his body, Liu Chengyou waved to Xiao Zhou. The young lady came closer and still looked at him boldly. Liu Chengyou asked her: "What did you call me just now?"

"Your Majesty!" the little girl replied, tilting her head slightly.

A little drunkenness appeared on Liu Chengyou's face, he closed his eyes slightly and shook his head slightly: "That's not right!"

Seeing this, the little girl's delicate face showed a hint of confusion, and she asked tentatively: "Guan family?"

Liu Chengyou still shook his head.

The little mouth was slightly pouted, but Da Zhou whispered in her ear. Mrs. Zhou once again showed a smile as bright as a spring flower, and called sweetly: "Brother-in-law!"

Liu Chengyou laughed and felt very good. He touched her head, exchanged words with Zhou Zong, and changed tables to communicate. As an emperor, he is not only the master of the world, but also the head of a family. He should always show some expression to his relatives. .

Later, Liu Chengyou was carried back to the palace in a drunken chariot. He had not been so drunk for a long time. He was usually very restrained. This time, he took advantage of the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival to release his inner thoughts about Pingshu's progress. Joy. The place to stay is naturally the Queen's Kunming Hall.


It is also the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the people of Chengdu are enjoying this festival in a boring way. As reports of defeat in the north spread frequently, landslides and mountains are destroyed, and the wind and rain are swaying, the entire Jinguan City is shrouded in a thick haze. , I don’t know when the clouds will clear and the sun will shine. Rumors are spreading and the turmoil is the most true portrayal of this famous city in Yizhou.

The Han army was in a difficult position, and the rivers in Shu were sinking. From top to bottom, everyone was in panic. Of course, the most nervous ones were the people at the bottom. They were always the ones who suffered when there was a military disaster; the second one was the Shu Palace. For the emperor Meng Chang in the story, the signs of his demise are almost imprinted on his forehead. He has also read the history and policy thoroughly. Since ancient times, kings who have lost their country have had a hard time, and their safety is unpredictable. Even Liu Chan knows that he will have a happy and happy death, but he can predict his death. Don’t you have any fear in your heart?

In comparison, the aristocrats and bureaucrats of the Shu court were a little more stable. Some of them had long been in contact with the Han Dynasty and had a solid foundation in their hearts. Some people believed that the banner of Shu had fallen and they could just change the court of the Han Dynasty. , if the Han Dynasty wanted to rule Shu, they had to rely on these "local snakes". This has been the case since ancient times.

In addition, there is also news about the results of the Han court's handling of Jinghu. Although it is inevitable to depose the people, it should be considered as a stable inclusion. Sichuan and Shu are vast and rich, and they are far away from Jinghu. How can the Han court not pay attention to it?

In the Shu Palace, there was the same Mid-Autumn Festival imperial banquet, but it ended quickly in a sad and desolate atmosphere. Meng Chang left the banquet halfway, returned to the back hall with a heavy heart, and summoned Qin King Meng Xuanzhe and several important ministers.

"Where are the Han troops?" Meng Chang looked at Privy Envoy Ouyang Jiong in despair.

"Back to Your Majesty, it is reported that the Han army has moved south from Jianzhou and entered Mianzhou. Yishu has gathered troops in Brazil to stop it!" Ouyang Jiong reported carefully.

That's right, after the victory at Lizhou, the Han army rested for three days, and then attacked Jianzhou, with the frontline pointing directly at the Tianxian sword pavilion in Xichuan. Just as the Han officials had guessed, after the defeat at Lizhou, Meng Chang had no other choice. Instead of sending people north to command the troops, Yi Shenzheng was directly in charge of the defense of Jianzhou.

Moreover, the results were quickly produced, and it was still the same old method, dividing the divisions to the south of Jianmen, and at the same time using the main force to attack frontally. This kind of tactics is not new. Although Yi Shenzheng was mediocre, he was also prepared, and he also divided his troops to resist. .

As a result, they failed to take both sides into account. The sword pavilion was destroyed and Jianzhou fell. In one battle, nearly 30,000 Shu troops were annihilated and most of them were captured. Of course, there was still a gap between the quality of these Shu troops and Lizhou's troops.

Yi Shenzheng, however, escaped very quickly and led the remnant army to retreat into Mianzhou. With the Jianmen gate lost, sporadic Shu troops from other passes and cities in the north returned one after another. The most important thing was that the passage into Chengdu was completely opened. There was no more danger to defend. If it had not been delayed by an autumn rain that lasted for several days, the Han division would have already reached Chengdu.

"There are more than 30,000 people. The sword pavilion is so dangerous that even Yi Shenzheng cannot hold it. What about Mianzhou? Can Brazil be defended? Are the soldiers still willing to fight?" At this time, Meng Chang saw the situation clearly and spoke with a gloomy tone. Angry: "Lizhou has only 20,000 soldiers and horses, but it can still struggle with the Han army for nearly 20 days. He has recruited more troops in Yichen and the pass is more dangerous, but he can't hold off for seven days!"

"Yi Shen Zhengguo couldn't defend his family and country from strong enemies. I regret not listening to my mother's words!" Meng Chang lamented.

This chapter has been completed!
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