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Chapter 154 Never tolerate

In the winter, the city of Tokyo has become much colder, and the city has become a bit more solemn. The joy of Pingshu has gradually passed, and the Han Dynasty has opened a new chapter. A large amount of gold, silver, jade, armor, and valuables , a steady stream of money was imported into the city of Tokyo, enriching the Liu family and the imperial court, and also letting everyone know how rich Sichuan and Shu were.

No matter what, for the emperor and the court, Pingshu had huge profits and a lot of money to eat. Although, Liu Chengyou cared more about the more than two hundred counties in Sichuan and Shu, millions of people, and the fertile land of the Kingdom of Abundance.

However, the urgent military situation cast a shadow over this great victory.

In the Chongzheng Palace, several important ministers were convened for a highly confidential imperial meeting to listen to the Privy Council's report on the "Sichuan Rebellion." Chai Rong spoke in a serious tone and calmly narrated:

"According to the report from Shuzhong, the rebellion first broke out in Long'an County, Mianzhou. Six local tycoons gathered in the village to be brave, incited the people to rebel, and attacked the city of Brazil. They were defeated by Huaiwei General He Xianjian, and the rebels retreated to Long'an County. An, Shiquan area.

There were more than a thousand Shu soldiers in Jianzhou, who took the lead in plotting a rebellion and conquering Jianmen. Han Jixun, who guarded Jiange, led his army to recover it. The same was true in Zizhou, Langzhou and other places. The local tyrants and powerful men mainly tried to revive Meng. Shu, under the banner of expelling the king's division, rebelled.

By mid-October, in Sichuan and Shu, the number of people raising flags and taking advantage of the opportunity to cause rebellion had reached twelve states, with the six states of Mian, Han, Zi, Jian, Mei, and Lang being the most serious. The number of rebels reached 100,000 number......"

Glancing at Liu Chengyou, Chai Rong continued: "This rebellion is mainly based on the prefectures and counties in the plains. The eastern Sichuan area is still stable, but the southern Sichuan area is unstable. If the situation is not settled quickly, it is inevitable that there will be treacherous people who take advantage of the situation. Chaos goes against the crowd!"

After listening to his statement, Liu Chengyou glanced around the ministers and asked calmly: "Every minister has an understanding of the situation. You can express your opinions on how to deal with the chaos in Shu!"

In fact, just by looking at the outbreak and the scope of the rebellion, we can know the cause of the rebellion, and the ministers who participated in the previous Guangzheng Palace meeting also knew it well.

Li Gu thought for a while and asked Chai Rong: "What strategies do the Sichuan and Shu garrison have to counter the rebellion?"

Chai Rong said: "This rebellion is dominated by the nobles and powerful men in Shu, who coerce the ignorant Sichuan people, and are supplemented by some dedicated soldiers who take advantage of the chaos. Report to Xun, and he will stabilize eastern Sichuan. Cooperate with northern Sichuan and pacify southern Sichuan to ensure transportation in and out. At the same time, screen and control the surrendered soldiers, reward them with money, grain, and land to appease their hearts and take them for their own use. Otherwise, if this chaos occurs, the troops stationed in Shu will be sent to Shu. It is difficult to take care of the whole situation.

Fortunately, the chaos suddenly became rampant, but the rebels fought independently and did not become one. It was difficult to cooperate with each other and coordinate the chaos. Xiang Xun planned to temporarily secure the cities and use them as strongholds. He first understood the chaos around Chengdu, Then mobilize heavy troops to gradually eliminate the remaining rebels..."

After Chai Rong finished speaking, Wei Renpu spoke: "As long as the rebellion in Shu can be stabilized by surrendering soldiers and not being deceived into rebellion, the situation will be under control. Xiang Xun made the right choice. As for the rebels from various states, they are a rabble. , lacking soldiers and armor, and short of training, they are by no means a match for a large army. It will not be a big problem to trap them in the middle of Shu, with Chengdu as the center, and gradually eliminate them!"

Liu Chengyou nodded. After the chaos came out, he had always seemed calm, neither angry nor impatient. His eyes turned to Fan Zhi, and he said to Fan Xianggong, who had already opened his mouth to speak: "What do you think, Fan Qing?"

Fan Zhi's expression was a little complicated, and he felt tired. He had long advised Liu Chengyou not to make too much progress, otherwise chaos would inevitably occur, but he didn't listen. Now that chaos has arisen, Fan Zhi's heart is filled with confusion. There is not even a trace of joy.

Facing the emperor's gaze, Fan Zhi said solemnly: "Your Majesty, once chaos breaks out, the first priority is to quell the chaos. The imperial court is far away in Tokyo, and it is difficult to transmit news. I believe that Xiang Xun should be entrusted with the full authority to quell the chaos. , in order to quickly quell the rebel army and restore stability in Sichuan and Shu!"

From Fan Zhi's words, we can know that this husband is still very enlightened...

After a brief pause, Fan Zhi continued: "However, thinking about the source of this chaos, I believe that the existing policy towards Shu should be changed. We should strictly enforce military discipline, restrain soldiers, ease conflicts, and use both suppression and appeasement... "

"I know Fan Qing's concerns!" As soon as Fan Zhi started to speak, Liu Chengyou understood what he meant. He interrupted him rudely and said, "I have only one attitude. I will never tolerate compromise towards the rebellious people. Extermination. Now that the matter has come to this, if there is any weakness in the imperial court, will it not make the rebels more arrogant? How will the imperial court govern Shu in the future?

Hundreds of thousands of troops, who were stationed at dangerous passes and repaired their armor, were all defeated and captured by our army in one fell swoop. The chaos in every area can hardly be called an army. What does the imperial court need to worry about?"

After saying this, Liu Chengyou issued an instruction with a stern attitude: "The imperial court will surrender to Chengdu and entrust Xiang Xun with full power to quell the rebellion. In addition, the officials and people of Sichuan and Sichuan will be informed that those who have acted in rebellion will be severely punished and their property will be confiscated." , the land was confiscated and divided among the Shu people.

In addition, this time only the bandit leaders will be executed, and the rest will be ignored. If the rebels who have been coerced can repent and bring the bandit leaders' heads to the government, they will be exempted from their crimes. During the time of fighting the rebellion, all officials in Shu, old and new, should fulfill their duties to ensure peace and order. When the bandits are calmed down, the imperial court will reward you for your merits!"

This is equivalent to Liu Chengyou officially launching a policy of attacking the powerful and landlords in Sichuan. He put it directly on the table and carried out it openly and openly.

Hearing Liu Chengyou's words, Fan Zhi couldn't help but feel anxious. At this time, the emperor still refused to give in at all, and his methods were still so severe. He opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the chaos in Shu will continue to expand!" "

Raising his hand to stop Fan Zhi, Liu Chengyou's expression was a little cold: "I will never condone the issue of fostering traitors. The matters of peace of the people must be considered by the officials of Shu. The central government must strictly urge the policy of dividing land and property. , convey it in place to bring peace to the people of Shu. This matter will be handled by Prime Minister Zhao Pu. Anyone who neglects or misinterprets the court's intentions will be severely punished! I believe that the people of Shu will support the court if they support their land and increase their production!"

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"And!" Liu Chengyou turned his head to look at Chai Rong and ordered: "The generals of the Shu army are responsible for strict military discipline and don't forget the military law of the Han Dynasty! You may want to use harsher words and ignore the past, but if there are those who test the law by themselves, It will never be punished!"


After exiting the Chongzheng Hall, Fan Zhi looked solemn and sighed heavily: "Now that we have reached this point, why is Your Majesty still insisting on going his own way? With such tough and drastic measures, those who are in trouble in Shu will definitely resist to the end and persecute.

It will take a long time!"

After hearing what he said, the prime minister Xue Juzheng, who had never expressed an opinion on this matter before, said in a deep voice: "I cannot agree with what Mr. Fan said!"

Fan Zhi looked at him slightly and asked: "What is Ziping's opinion?"

Xue Juzheng said: "I think that since the rebellion in Shu has started, it should be severely suppressed. If the court changes its attitude due to the chaos, it will only increase the arrogance of rebellion. That is making mistakes again and again. Even if the chaos is temporarily eliminated,

Stability is temporarily restored, but how will the court govern it in the future? If there are new policies that are contrary to its wishes, will they rebel against each other again?

Furthermore, does the chaos among the people in Shu require the court to make compromises? With your majesty’s strength, how can you allow it?”

With that said, Xue Juzheng looked around, lowered his voice and said: "To put it bluntly, if His Majesty chooses to compromise because of this, does that prove that His Majesty's previous resolution was wrong?"

Listening to Xue Juzheng's words, Fan Zhi felt a sudden awakening. His face changed for a while, and he frowned and said: "I'm just worried that after this chaos, the sacred land will be destroyed and the vitality of Shu will be seriously damaged."


"However, once the chaos is calmed down, the foundation for long-term peace and stability can be laid!" Xue Juzheng's eyes were burning.

In fact, what Fan Zhi has always been worried about is causing chaos. During the Han army's pacification of Shu, although there were several battles, the time was short and did not cause much harm to Shu, especially the production

destruction on.

The suffering of the people of Shu is only due to the policies of Meng and Shu. According to Fan Zhi's idea, he could have easily accepted the regime in Shu, and then based on its shortcomings, improved the bad government and eased the contradictions, Sichuan and Shu could be stabilized in a short time. By then

, in less than half a year, Sichuan and Sichuan will become another major financial and taxation center for the imperial court.

However, after Liu Chengyou's efforts, the civil war broke out, which caused great harm to the people. It is difficult to estimate how many people will die, and how much property will be lost, even more difficult to calculate. Fan Zhi is confident in putting down the rebellion.

But if the Kingdom of Abundance is destroyed, the price paid will be too heavy.

Afterwards, the imperial court will invest huge energy in the restoration of Shu.

To put it simply, there was originally an easy and smooth road to take, but Liu Chengyou insisted on choosing a road full of risks and accidents, which made Fan Zhi feel a little uncomfortable.

However, so far, Fan Zhi is not unable to understand the emperor's intentions and can see the benefits. But because of this, his mood is particularly complicated...

"Our Xianggong Fan, it is still difficult to change his thinking!" Liu Chengyou couldn't help but sigh in Chongzheng Hall.

During this period of time, Liu Chengyou has been avoiding Fan Zhi because of his policy towards Shu. The old minister wants stability, which is not wrong. Fan Zhi also upholds a public spirit and does not involve personal affairs, so Liu Chengyou should not be too harsh.

to him.

However, sometimes, I still can't help but feel a little depressed, feeling that my "good intentions" are not understood.

"Fan Xianggong has been loyal to his country since he was an old man!" said his uncle Guo Tong, who was standing in front of the emperor.

After Zhao Pu went to Chengdu, Guo Tong, who returned to the court, took over as the bachelor of Chongzheng Palace and was responsible for the official affairs of the palace. Last year, he arranged a relocation of Shu prisoners in Guanzhong, which was completed well. After returning to the court, his status on Liu Chengyou's side It's obviously much higher.

After hearing what he said, Liu Chengyou glanced at Guo Tong in slight surprise. Chongzheng Hall and Zhengshi Hall were already showing some signs of antagonism. Guo Tong could speak for Fan Zhi. Liu Chengyou couldn't help but feel a little admiration for Fan Zhi's surprise.

"Send someone to summon Li Chongju into the palace!" After calming down, Liu Chengyou's expression became serious and he ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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