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Chapter 163 The queen is sick, the choice of the heir apparent


Outside the Kunming Palace, Liu Chengyou came in covered with frost and dew. He ignored the saluting palace servants and strode inside. He walked into the inner bedroom in a familiar manner. He untied his outer robe and threw it away, revealing a bright yellow dragon robe. .

In the room, the air is still clear, but the atmosphere is a little bit bad. Fu Hou is lying on the couch. He looks very weak, his face is yellowed, his forehead is hot and sweaty, and he is not as strong and generous as usual.

Seeing her condition through the bead curtain, Liu Chengyou ignored Junyi and pulled the old doctor to one side. With great force, his face was cold and stern, and he suppressed his voice and asked: "How is the queen's condition?"

Although his arm was sore from being scratched, facing Liu Chengyou who had a dangerous aura on his face, the old doctor did not dare to neglect and hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, your Majesty is just experiencing wind and cold. She is suffering from exertional jaundice. She has fever and aversion to cold." , I have prescribed medicine to treat it."

After hearing what he said, Liu Chengyou immediately said: "You put it lightly, is this typhoid fever a minor illness? Look at the queen's appearance, why is the illness so severe?"

Seeing the anxious expression on the emperor's face, the old doctor could not explain to him the pharmacology of the disease that he did not understand, so he confidently said: "The empress' disease is caused by bathing with sweat in the water, and the water comes in from the sweat pores, and then the empress is upset. The stagnation aggravates the symptoms. The Huanghan prescription prescribed by me is specially designed to treat this disease. It can be cured in six or seven days..."

It was probably the old lady doctor's confidence that infected Liu Chengyou. Liu Chengyou still chose to believe the expert and let go of him. Seeing that the old lady doctor didn't dare to rub his hand even though it hurt, he said in a deep voice: "I lost my composure, don't be offended!"

How could the imperial doctor dare to take this seriously? He responded respectfully: "Your Majesty's words are serious!"

"You must treat the queen well, and I will reward you heavily!"

"Yes! I will definitely try my best!" He buried his head, and the imperial doctor probably thought that he didn't need a reward, he just wanted to be safe.

Entering again, Liu Yang knelt in front of the couch, his eyes were red and swollen, and he was obviously worried about his mother's condition. After so many years, Da Fu fell ill for the first time, and it seemed a bit serious, which frightened Liu Chengyou.


"Erlang is here, someone is here..." Dafu's voice was as weak as she appeared.

After touching Liu Yang's head, Liu Chengyou sat sideways on the couch and reached out to touch Da Fu's forehead. Hot sweat soaked his hands directly. Liu Chengyou said with concern: "Why are you so careless and so sick?"

Next to him, the maid who had been favored by Liu Chengyou was holding a handkerchief and wanted to wipe the big talisman. Liu Chengyou snatched it and wiped the queen's sweat in person, very carefully. There were only a handful of people with such gentleness and consideration. Several people have enjoyed it.

Feeling Liu Chengyou's movements, Dafu tried his best to smile and said: "It doesn't matter, the imperial doctor also said, just use medicine to treat it."

"Someone, take Liu Yang down."

"You said it's okay!" Seeing this, Liu Chengyou said solemnly: "Look, you are struggling to speak!"

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"You don't have to worry. Birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable. If you are sick, just recuperate!" The queen seemed to be very open-minded.

This look made Liu Chengyou feel even more compassionate. When Da Fu spoke, he always turned his head to one side, leaving Liu Chengyou with a sideburn. He was not still angry with him, but just afraid that he might infect him with the disease. ....

"Send the second prince to the Wenhua Palace!" Liu Chengyou gave instructions to the palace attendant, and then said to Liu Yang: "I will take care of your mother. You don't have to worry. Go and read the "Book of Filial Piety" nine times, and she will be fine. Get up!"

Although he was a little reluctant to leave, Liu Yang followed the eunuch obediently and left, going to the Wenhua Hall to continue his classes.

On Liu Chengyou's side, looking at his queen, he felt a little emotional in his heart. The strange woman who was usually strong and strong could have such a weak posture. At the same time, some unfavorable memories emerged in his mind. He vaguely remembered that in the original history, the big talisman was He died young. After so many years of peace and quiet, he ignored the matter, but this sudden illness made Liu Chengyou feel nervous.

The concern in his heart was clearly revealed in his concerned eyes. He noticed that Da Fu's face finally showed a little ruddy color, and instead he spoke to comfort him: "You don't have to worry!"

"Guan family, the medicinal soup is here!" At this time, the waiter carefully brought a bowl of steaming medicinal soup to the table.

Liu Chengyou took it personally and signaled the maid to take the pillow and lift the big talisman up. This was a bowl of yellow peony and cinnamon wine soup. Liu Chengyou scooped up a spoonful and tasted it first to feel the temperature.

"Erlang, you!" Seeing this, Da Fu immediately spoke out, intending to dissuade him.

"Don't talk too much! Open your mouth! Take the medicine!" Liu Chengyou ordered sternly. He scooped up the medicine soup with steady movements in his hands, blew on it, and handed it to his mouth.

A flash of light flashed across his slightly gloomy eyes. No matter how many grievances and dissatisfactions he had before, at least for now, they were all slowly eliminated by Liu Chengyou's personal action of serving the soup.

A bowl of medicinal soup was quickly consumed, and after some excretion, she returned to the couch. Under Liu Chengyou's order, the queen fell asleep peacefully. After that, Liu Chengyou did not leave, but stayed in Kunming Hall to As a companion. When they learned that the queen was ill, the concubines in the harem came to visit one after another, and Queen Mother Li also came personally.

The winter night was dark, and the penetrating winter wind caused the candlelight to tremble slightly. On the bed, the queen's clothes were thin, and her jade body was lying around. Liu Chengyou was beside her, holding a silk handkerchief in his hand, soaking it in water, squeezing it out, and personally giving the big talisman Wiping the body.

The body's functions are taking effect, as if it is detoxifying, and a not-so-pleasant smell covers Dafu's original fragrance. There is a saying that even the goddess's poop stinks.

Husband and wife have long been used to being honest with each other, but at this moment, feeling Liu Chengyou's care and gentle movements, Da Fu was filled with shame. His swollen chest trembled slightly under the influence of his breath, and his cheeks were filled with blush. He seems to be looking much better.

When a new quilt was placed on his body, his shyness gradually faded away, and Da Fu felt a warmth and tranquility. He felt much better. Looking at Liu Chengyou, Da Fu asked, "Am I ugly now?"

Meeting her eyes, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that there is no woman who does not love beauty, including the queen of the Han Dynasty, who cares so much about her appearance!"

Da Fu said: "If I can't even keep my appearance, I'm afraid that the officials and not even the Kunming Palace will be willing to come!"

Listening to her plaintive tone, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but look at her playfully: "When did you start feeling sorry for yourself? Being jealous is not your style!"

"Although I am a queen, I am also a woman, your first wife!" Da Fu replied.

Caressing her face, Liu Chengyou said seriously: "You are the only one in the world who allows me to serve you like this!"

Hearing this, Dafu couldn't help but smile: "That's really my honor!"

With that said, Dafu said: "You have been staying here for a day. I heard that ministers asked for an audience, but you rejected them. Don't neglect state affairs! I'm much better!"

"Why, are you going to drive me away?" Liu Chengyou replied jokingly, and then said: "State affairs happen every day, and they can't be dealt with no matter what. If something happens to you, I will be uneasy!"

"I heard that you have been in a bad mood recently, and you are still angry with me?" Liu Chengyou asked casually.

Da Fu shook his head: "How dare I be really angry with you? You are the emperor after all..."

"Such words show that you are still angry in your heart!" Liu Chengyou said calmly: "You are usually too lenient with the palace people, so that they lose their duty and lack reverence. Such people cannot be tolerated! "

The previous episode dealt with several chamberlains in the Kunming Palace, which really made Dafu angry. Liu Chengyou's words were also meant to point out. Divided into emperors and empresses, it is still difficult for the tenderness between husband and wife to last. When you calm down, you will inevitably have other considerations.

"Alas..." Dafu couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at the big talisman, Liu Chengyou pondered for a while, hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have made up his mind. He said to her: "Over the years, ministers have often advised me to establish a heir apparent. I have already considered it very clearly. There is no other choice for the crown prince. Ergen, when Erlang is older, he will formally issue an edict to the world!"

Hearing what he said, Da Fu's heart couldn't help but beat a little, and he looked at Liu Chengyou in shock: "Why did you suddenly think of talking about this?"

Since his previous northern tour, Liu Chengyou had already revealed something in front of Da Fu, but now, hearing him say it directly, Da Fu was still surprised.

Pressing the hand of Dafu, Liu Chengyou said: "Although I am young, I have a promising future. However, no matter how you consider it, Erlang is the most suitable candidate for the crown prince."

As he spoke, Liu Chengyou smiled at Dafu again and said, "Erlang is still young, so, as a mother, you must take care of yourself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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