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Chapter 166 The Crown Prince and the General

Runzhou, one hundred and forty miles away from Jinling, has always been an important town in the Southern Tang Dynasty and the east gate of Jinling. The Southern Tang Dynasty court always attached great importance to it and set up Zhenhai Jiedushi here to station heavy troops to ward off Wu and Yue. There were several political powers in Jinling and Hangzhou.

During the ten years of fighting, Runzhou was also the battlefield between the two sides. The most recent time was in the southern expedition of the Han army in the fifth year of Emperor Qianyou's reign. Wu and Yue were ordered to send troops to cooperate. In the territory of Runchang, Li Hongji, king of Yan of the Tang Dynasty, led the army to defeat it.

Due to the troubles of Wu and Yue, Jinling was the capital of the Southern Tang Dynasty, which actually had the meaning of "the emperor guarding the country". After losing all the land in Jiangbei, this meaning became even deeper.

Only separated by a river, you can still see the flags of the Han Dynasty fluttering, and boats are passing by. Both sides share the river. It can be said that Jinling is facing the front of the Northern Han Dynasty, although its edge has been temporarily restrained.

After losing all the counties and fortresses in Jiangbei, even if a barely visible defense line was built to defend the river, Jiangnan was like a beauty with her outer skirt removed in the eyes of the Northern Han monarchs. The gauze underneath could not protect her beauty.

The body has the effect of covering up, making it more attractive, and Jinling is the most alluring point of a girl's body.

Over the years, Li Jing, the leader of the Tang Dynasty, had thought of moving the capital more than once, and had brought it to court several times, and Tang ministers pushed for it. Even with Li Jing's narrow military vision, he could sense the weakness of Jiang's defense and the danger of Jinling.

, he was afraid, so he wanted to move the capital to avoid disaster.

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However, the proposal to move the capital has repeatedly caused controversy. Although Li Jing received the support of most people, a group of civil and military officials, including Prince Li Hongji, Prime Minister Han Xizai and knowledgeable people in the army, expressed strong and fierce opposition.

Li Jing was really scared, especially after the Han army captured Jinghu two years ago. He even made a move to let Li Hongji supervise the country in Jinling while he hunted Hongzhou in the south. In the end, the trip did not take place. First, the courtiers objected, and secondly,

The reason is that Li Hongji is worried. The third reason is that the relationship between the Han and Tang Dynasties has been relatively peaceful for several years. The fourth reason is that the prosperity and wealth of Jinling cannot be compared to the "poor and remote area" of Hongzhou.

Even so, Li Jing still promoted Hongzhou to Nanchang Prefecture and was ready to "hunt south" at any time.

The military governor who guarded Runzhou was Lin Renzhao. This surrendered minister of the Fujian Kingdom has now become the Jiangfang General of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Because of his outstanding performance in the Huainan War and the recommendation of Li Hongji, Han Xizai and others, he became the general of Jiangfang in the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Two years ago, after inspecting Ezhou, Lin Renzhao was promoted to the governor of Zhenhai Navy. In the past two years, Lin Renzhao of Runzhou and Liu Renfan of Ezhou, one in the east and one in the west, were divided into the Zhuguo of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

In December in the south of the Yangtze River, the rain and frost were cold, the river wind was biting, and the north wind rolled up the waves, constantly eroding the river banks. In Runzhou, the Tang court stationed 30 battalions with a total of 15,000 soldiers, including 5,000 naval troops.

In the water village near the river, he climbed up to a high building. Accompanied by Lin Renzhao, Tang Prince Li Hongji personally inspected the army. On the river, war drums were beating, flags were waving, and more than thirty warships were engaged in a water battle.

During the drill, bursts of killing sounds erupted from time to time.

The news that the Han army had conquered Sichuan came very quickly, and the Jinling court was shocked at first. However, in just three months, the news came that the Han army had conquered Sichuan and Shu, and now it was frightened. It is said that

, when the news of the surrender of Meng Chang, Lord of Shu, traveled eastward along the Yangtze River and reached Jinling, Lord Li Jing of Tang Dynasty trembled and broke a good calligraphy.

Afterwards, the emperors and ministers of the Tang court were all immersed in panic, and everyone felt a sense of urgency. Sichuan and Shu were established, but was Jiangnan still far away? This question arose in everyone's mind. Immediately afterwards,

It was the Southern Tang Dynasty that strengthened its military construction. Prince Li Hongji came here with an attitude. Lin Renzhao's ability to train and control troops has been tested. The navy he led is probably the best equipped and best-trained army in the Southern Tang Dynasty today.

Excellent, the most powerful army.

"General Lin is worthy of being the first general of the Tang Dynasty. He is well trained and his officers are indeed elite. He watches the ships and rivers marching, gives orders, and cooperates in operations. They are all very organized and organized." From a high position, he observed the Runzhou water on the river.

Li Hongji couldn't help but praise the teacher's drill.

Li Hongji had character flaws, but he did have certain military talents. Because of his bravery and perseverance, and his record of defeating the Wuyue army, he was quite prestigious in the army. People like Lin Renzhao also had a good impression of Li Hongji.

At this time, Lin Renzhao didn't look happy when he heard his praise. His resolute face was blown red by the winter wind. Other than that, he had no other expression. He looked far away to the north of the Yangtze River and said in a deep voice: "No matter how good the training is, it still needs the skills of the battlefield."


Noticing Lin Renzhao's gaze, Li Hongji also raised his head slightly and looked north, smiling: "It seems that General Lin can't wait to fight the Han army! There will be a chance!"

Lin Renzhao nodded and said: "In the past six years, the Northern Han Dynasty has conquered Qinfeng, Jinghu, and Sichuan. Its next move is either southern Guangdong or the Tang Dynasty! The war is about to begin, and the time left to us

Not much more!”

Hearing this, the smile on Li Hongji's face also faded, and he nodded: "Yes!"

The atmosphere became colder than the howling winter wind. Lin Renzhao said sadly: "Back then, the Han army marched south in a large scale and was inferior to the navy. Our army was sitting on the navy, but it was unable to exert its power. We were defeated on land in a row. We were defeated.

The division lost ground. In recent years, the Han army has also vigorously developed its navy. Now facing them, I am afraid it will be difficult to suppress them..."

"It seems that General Lin is still brooding over the defeat back then!" Li Hongji said.

Lin Renzhao asked back: "Isn't it the same for Your Highness?"

Li Hongji clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that my father entrusted me with the wrong people back then. If I had been so lonely as a commander, if I could have used a good general like the general early, how could I have allowed the Han army to run rampant and miss the opportunity?"

Lin Renzhao sighed: "Two years ago, the Han army captured Jinghu and fought in Yuezhou. The last general came to watch the battle in person. The Han army is still as elite as it was then!"

"Is the general afraid?" Li Hongji raised his thick eyebrows.

"Hmph!" Lin Renzhao immediately snorted: "Knowing yourself and your enemy, the general just dare not underestimate the Han army! However, if the Han army comes south, it will only serve the country by fighting to the death!"

"The general's arrogance!" Hearing this, Li Hongji couldn't help stroking his palms hard and praised: "Far better than the mediocre literati in Jinling who feared the Han like a tiger!"

Looking at Li Hongji who was a little excited, Lin Renzhao sighed silently in his heart. Although he was leading the army outside, he had also heard about some of the customs in the Jinling court.

Although the man next to him was appointed as the prince by Li Jing, his life seemed to be not easy. He had bad relations with many civil servants. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Jing, was also dissatisfied with this son with a jealous temperament. During this year, there were also people in the court.

He missed the gentle and humble former emperor's brother Li Jingsui, and sang his praises loudly, which seemed to be building momentum and was obviously aimed at the prince Li Hongji.

Thinking about it, Lin Renzhao felt quite sad. The country was in a declining situation and was surrounded by crises. However, the people in charge could not work together as one, and they were still working together and being suspicious of each other.

"General Lin, the Han army in the north of the Yangtze River has not many troops. It can be said that it is empty. If you use all the troops in Runzhou, you may attack Yangzhou!" Suddenly, Li Hongji pointed to the northwest, which is the direction of Yangzhou, and asked Lin Renzhao.

Lin Renzhao was slightly shocked, but when he saw Li Hongji with glaring eyes, he thought for a moment and responded seriously: "The Han army has only five thousand troops stationed on land and water in Yangzhou. If the imperial court has an edict, I am 80% sure that I can seize them in one fell swoop."


"It's a pity that the imperial court reined in the reins and prevented the horse from galloping. What can be done about it!" Lin Renzhao sighed again.

In fact, after the news of the Han army's attack on Shu came, Lin Renzhao went to Jinling and was willing to take advantage of the Han army's westward march to lead the army north to recover Huainan. He did not leave any room for himself, and bluntly said that if he failed to win, he would ask the court to take him.

The leader appealed to the Han court. After a lot of loyalty, Li Jing directly suppressed and ruthlessly refused. For the Northern Han Dynasty, it was too late to hide, so how could he dare to stroke the tiger's beard. Because of Lin Renzhao's memorial, Li Jing issued an edict to reprimand him.

After a while, additional supervisory troops were sent to the capital.

Hearing his sigh, Li Hongji said seriously: "At the beginning, you suggested taking the initiative, and I agreed! With the current situation in the world, passive defense will only lead to death in the end. Only taking the initiative can have a chance of survival.

To be fair to the general, I have already planned to send people across the sea to the north, contact Daliao, and make an appointment to attack the Han Dynasty! As long as the success is successful, the general can lead his troops to cross the north to attack the Han Dynasty and rejuvenate the country!"

This chapter has been completed!
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