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Chapter 173 Tokyo after many years of absence

After leaving the Han Palace and standing in front of the city gate again, looking back, the Han Imperial City was still so majestic and majestic. Except for the demolition and leveling of a huge square in front of the city, there were almost no more changes. It was just the momentum of suppressing the world.

It seems to be stronger.

Zhong Mo couldn't help but recall that six years ago, the miserable situation of that year flashed back in his memory. At that time, he accepted the emperor's summons. When he left the palace, he stopped and looked back. He was just wearing an old linen robe and carrying a very real weight in his arms.

reward money.

Looking back on the past, I have endless emotions in my heart, which are all reflected on my face.

On the southeast side of the Imperial City, there is a "parking area", which is divided according to grades. After all, only a few people can enter the Imperial City by car, and most of them are dead. There is also a stable next to it, not all of them

People in the Han Dynasty like to ride cars. The martial culture of the Han Dynasty is very strong. Many civil and military officials like to ride horses to "go to work". Although there are not many war horses in the Han Dynasty, there are already many Taoist horses and Dao horses. The Khitan in the north is very interested in other miscellaneous horses other than military horses.

, transaction controls are not that strict.

In the forest of cars, I found my driver. The driver was taking a nap, but his sense of smell seemed to be very sensitive. As soon as Zhong Mo approached, he woke up immediately without waiting for a sound, and quickly took out a low stool for Zhong Mo to board the car.

After that, he quickly cleaned up, especially cleaning up the traces of horse manure on the ground, and then drove away. The big man was very strict about the management of urban livestock, and hygiene was one of them. According to regulations, horses, camels and other livestock in the city were not allowed to leave.

The owner must clean up the feces and urine produced. Anyone who violates the rules will be fined by the people, and an additional fault will be recorded by the officials.

It is said that once the emperor visited Kaifeng City and saw livestock excrement everywhere in the streets, dense filth and stench. He immediately pointed out the problem, and later issued a Tokyo Sanitary Management Regulations, from which the health management of livestock in the city was born.


In addition, if some livestock lose control and wander through the streets, they will be caught and killed, and the owner will be fined. If any damage is caused to the property of the government or the people, the owner will compensate the owner. If someone is injured or even killed, the owner will also be punished.

"Where are Zhong Shangshu going?" The carriage curtain was lowered, and the coachman's voice came from outside.

After hearing the question, Zhong Mo thought for a while and said: "Go back to the hotel first, wait for me to change my clothes, and then go to the market!"


This coachman is not Zhong Mo’s entourage, but a local hired by the Concierge House after arriving in Tokyo. He has good driving skills, knows the rules of Tokyo, and is familiar with the roads. Tokyo is changing with each passing day, but there are also more rules and more control.

Yan, not just any foreigner can get through.

Nowadays, when overseas Chinese come to Beijing and have a little wealth, they must hire a guide. If they are ordinary people who don't know the words or the way, it is a trivial matter to be deceived, but it will be a disaster if they accidentally violate the prohibition.

Although there are many ordinary people in Tokyo, it is really not something ordinary Guizhou leaders can survive, especially outsiders.

In the car, Zhong Mo closed his eyes slightly, and there was a slight look of solemnity on his elegant face, which would only be revealed when he was alone. What kept echoing in his mind was the resignation of the former Han emperor about the Sichuan-Sichuan war.

I have been thinking about it since I left Chongzheng Palace.

The word "warning" was spoken directly, so Zhong Mo couldn't help but be cautious. He calmed down and thought about it over and over in his mind. Zhong Mo is a very smart person. He has experienced ups and downs, which also makes his mood more and more serious.


The Han Emperor's words and some of the rumors and situations he knew about the Sichuan-Shu Rebellion were constantly intertwined in his mind. The specific situation behind it was never known, but when the superficial news was put aside, from

Looking at the results, we will find that no matter who caused the Sichuan-Shu Rebellion, those who suffered heavy losses and were severely punished were the nobles, bureaucrats and powerful men of Meng and Shu.

Thinking of this, Zhong Mo's expression became more serious, and he couldn't help but feel worried, and he probably guessed what the Han Emperor meant. He, Zhong Mo, belonged to the same class in the Southern Tang Dynasty. Although his family was not considered rich, he

Good clothing and food are also basic. The family owns a lot of land and property, and many relatives and friends also have property.

If it's just his family, that's it. Even a large-scale purge like that of Sichuan and Sichuan mainly targets the middle and upper class nobles, bureaucrats, and rebellious officials, powerful. There are more than 200 local old officials of Sichuan and Shu in more than 200 states and counties.

, although some were liquidated, as long as they obeyed the court honestly and accepted the rule of the Han Dynasty, they are all living well now. Although the atmosphere of being an official is not as relaxed as that of Meng Shu, the family property has been preserved. Compared with

Those dignitaries from the old dynasty who had their property confiscated, their fields divided, and their whole families moved out of Shu were much luckier.

Zhong Mo felt that with his connection with the emperor and his contribution to the court, the result would definitely not be like that. The emperor should be targeting those nobles and officials he had won over in Jinling.

Thinking about this, Zhong Mo was suddenly horrified. If he guessed correctly, what happened in Sichuan and Shu would happen again in the south of the Yangtze River in the future. Moreover, according to the attitude of the Han Emperor, the group of "Shun Han faction" he united with would

It may become a hidden danger in the future, and it may even implicate yourself.

Think more about whether your actions will make the Han Emperor feel that he is forming a party for personal gain. You must know that the party struggle in the Southern Tang Dynasty is also well-known. Throughout history, it has always been the main theme in his court...


By the time Zhong Mo returned to the Concierge Hotel, he had already thought about it. He decided not to contact him again after returning to Jinling. With the current situation in the world and the strength of the Han Dynasty, if he went south, he really didn't need to work hard. He only needed to

Just make the right cooperation decision at the right time.

Furthermore, after all, he is still a minister of the Tang Dynasty, so he should pay attention to his appearance. Moreover, if he goes too far, he will bring trouble to his own life in the future. He should be low-key, but he should be low-key.

The Ceremony Hotel is not far from the Imperial City. It is surrounded by numerous official residences and is very grandly decorated. It was rebuilt during the overhaul of Kaifeng and was intended to serve state guests from all over the world.

The envoys from various forces who came to Kaifeng this time have not left yet. They are of all shapes and sizes, and they all stay here, hoping to enjoy more of Tokyo's scenery.

Walking in the neat and elegant hotel, listening to the ups and downs of Hu dialects, Zhong Mo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although the Han Dynasty today is far from being able to bring all the barbarians and tribes from all over the world to come to court, the rise of the empire has exerted an influence on the four realms.

But it is improving significantly.

A burst of pleasant conversation came from the corridor, and it was heard that it was a young man dressed in silk clothes, speaking with a Fujian accent, Liu Shaoji, the adopted son of the Qingyuan Army who had stayed in Congxiao, this time under the orders of his father

, Qianran went north to pay tribute, in order to lose his sincerity.

Obviously, even though the Qingyuan Army in Quan and Zhang was isolated from the Central Plains, they could still feel the changes in the world situation. Speaking of which, although Liu Congxiao had been separatist in Quan and Zhang for more than ten years, he was still nominally a minister of the Southern Tang Dynasty.


However, this subject of the Southern Tang Dynasty now had no scruples and directly expressed his sincerity to the Central Plains court. As a subject of the Tang Dynasty, Zhong Mo pretended not to see it and did not go up to say hello to avoid embarrassment.

Returning to the room where the Tang Dynasty was staying, Zhong Mo changed into his regular clothes, took a short rest, and then took his two entourages to the Tokyo market under the guidance of the coachman. It took a long time to go north to Tokyo, but most of the time

I spent most of my time in hotels, and spent most of my energy on communicating with Han court officials. I had never visited Kaifeng, which I had not seen for many years.

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"Today's Kaifeng is increasingly prosperous and majestic, far ahead of its time!" Zhong Mo couldn't help but sigh while walking on the streets of Nanshi.

The destruction of the old market structure does not mean that the original market has declined. On the contrary, it has become more prosperous and the daily flow of people is not small at all. Based on the original North, East and South Markets, Murong Yanchao carried out the

Large-scale regular expansion, there are more than 1,500 new shops and buildings built by the government. In addition to being reserved for official use, in return for donations from "good merchants" and to compensate the people who occupy the land, the rest are sold and returned to Kaifeng.

The government has generated revenue.

The planning and distribution of the market has also become more reasonable. The meat, fish, rice and noodle shops are all divided into areas and managed centrally, changing the chaos of the early years. The various shops are also very organized. As far as you can see,

All are signs of order.

Strolling on the main road that runs through Nanshi, what you see is a huge flow of people, a huge noise, and a wide street that can accommodate six cars parallel. After experiencing the narrow and congested roads in Kaifeng back then, I saw the scene in front of me and that sense of contrast.

Especially strong.

Just like the shock Zhong Mo felt when he first came to Tokyo and walked onto the Sky Street that leads directly to the Imperial City. The 30-foot-wide Sky Street (about 100 meters) can be seen to the end at a glance. It is so magnificent that it is so magnificent.

In Zhong Mo's opinion, the momentum displayed was probably only seen in Chang'an and Luoyang during the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Although Jinling is also a city that can accommodate millions of people, compared with Kaifeng, it is obviously much inferior in terms of spiritual level.

This chapter has been completed!
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