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Chapter 188 Follow-up

"Your Majesty!" After a long time, Fan Zhi just finished reading the information given by Liu Chengyou, raised his eyes to observe the emperor's expression, and sighed slightly: "Officers and soldiers in the army are mostly uneducated and subject to strict military discipline. He behaves roughly and can maintain public order, but he lacks the ability to govern affairs and coordinate with the people. This situation is not surprising! I wonder what your Majesty's instructions are?"

When asked, Liu Chengyou seemed very calm and said: "Since the disadvantages have occurred and are known, the imperial court should take effective measures to correct them and restore peace to the hometown! What suggestions do you have?"

The emperor expressed his attitude, and Fan Zhi also thought about it seriously and responded in a deep voice: "I have three suggestions for the military officials in the countryside!"

"Fan Qing, please speak!" Liu Chengyou sat upright and looked at him.

Fan Zhiping said: "First, for existing local military officials who have neglected their duties, violated the law, and committed evil acts, we should order the local department to investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law, so as to eliminate law and discipline and restore peace to the villagers!"

"This is natural! Although they are meritorious people, I gave them official positions, money, food, and land, and allowed them to return to their hometowns with honor. This is not only to reward their merits, but also to allow them to benefit the hometown and express their kindness, not to let them dominate. You are a blessing to the common people. Now that you have violated the criminal law and committed adultery, you should be punished severely to serve as a warning to others!" Liu Chengyou expressed.

Talking about the emperor's clear eyes and expression of being receptive to advice, Fan Zhi felt slightly relieved. He was really worried that Liu Chengyou might have other ideas and use imperial power to suppress the law.

After raising his hand, Fan Zhi said again: "Secondly, for the many military officials who serve in prefectures, counties, towns and villages, the local prefecture and county officials and supervisory officials should be ordered to strengthen supervision, conduct regular assessments, and promote or demote them. "

Follow the public account

"In this case, I'm afraid it will also increase the burden of local governance, which will make it difficult for those lazy and mediocre officials!" Liu Chengyou said, seeming to be teasing.

"Tell me about the third one!" Liu Chengyou asked again, obviously agreeing with the second one.

In response to this, Fan Zhi hesitated for a moment, and then solemnly asked: "Thirdly, I would like to ask Your Majesty to grant land, money and food to the meritorious officers and soldiers, and to provide them with security, and for thieves, rural soldiers, and prison wardens. However, we should be cautious when it comes to administering official affairs and governing the people.

After all, the root cause of the shortcomings in this matter lies in the large number of military officials who have no ability to manage affairs and no love for the people, but they are responsible for governing the people. How can there be no mistakes in this way?

Although the posts of rural officials are humble and not worthy of honor, they are the most direct personnel for the imperial court to manage civil affairs and control thousands of households. Their role is even more important than that of state and county officials. Your Majesty should understand this.

Therefore, when appointing officials in the imperial court, they should also be based on their character and ability, and should not be appointed solely on the basis of military merit. Otherwise, if things go on like this, the evils in the countryside will become more and more serious, and people will be resentful.

Furthermore, in the past ten years, a large number of military officials have been added to local villages, which has also led to an increase in redundant officials and increased the burden on local finances..."

After listening to the third point of Fan Zhi's words, Liu Chengyou's face obviously showed something strange, as if he didn't take it seriously. After thinking about it for a while, Liu Chengyou said: "This has its own disadvantages, but we can't just look at the disadvantages and ignore the advantages. Imperial officials Are tens of thousands of people all committing crimes? How can an entire class be blamed for a few people?

Take the newly conquered Sichuan and Shu, there are more than 40 prefectures, more than 200 counties, and thousands of villages. Without these trustworthy officers and soldiers, and the favor and power of the court, how can we go to the countryside? The lessons of the previous tyrannical rebellion are not enough. Deep?

As you said, if local officials are all based on their character and talents, how can the imperial court come up with so many talents to serve as rural officials? There may be some unworthy officers and soldiers, but it is enough to provide more supervision and education to deter them. How can we Deny it in one word?"

After listening to the emperor's words, Fan Zhi frowned tightly. His old face was not angry, but thinking seriously. Seeing his state, Liu Chengyou smiled and said, "However, Fan Qing's concerns are not without reason." The truth is, officers and soldiers lack culture, and it is absolutely undesirable to govern the people with military laws. In this way, from now on, military honors and appointments, as well as the responsibility of governing the people, must be strictly inspected by the government before being appointed. Those who fail to meet the standards will be made another arrangement!

Also, supervision and governance should be strengthened!”

"Your Majesty is wise!" After understanding what Liu Chengyou meant, Fan Zhi bowed seriously and respectfully.

In fact, Liu Chengyou was determined to support the military landlord class of the Han Dynasty. The low-level military officials were only the foundation, and the core was still the upper-level military aristocrats. Although the country had entered bureaucratic politics, the bureaucratic landlord class was also growing. , but Liu Chengyou still hoped that the country and the court would have a force that was different from the scholar-bureaucrats and bureaucrats.

"Let's handle the matter like this for the time being!" Looking at Fan Zhi, Liu Chengyou ordered: "You should work with all the officials in the political affairs hall and have relevant departments, and based on this idea, draw up a specific clause and implement it. Investigate what should be investigated. Do what needs to be done!”

"Yes!" Fan Zhi responded.

After pondering for a while, Liu Chengyou said again: "This time, I have learned a lesson from the Zhao Li case. Since ancient times, it has been difficult to cure the problem of officialdom. It can only be controlled by supervision and the law. I promoted Zhao Li from a junior position and granted the power of supervision, but he knew that he violated the law. Dereliction of duty and favoritism. Every time I think about it, I feel depressed and embarrassed!"

Hearing his emotion, Fan Zhi rarely spoke out to persuade: "Your Majesty, don't be too worried. Zhao Li has failed the emperor's kindness because he lost his original intention and it is not the fault of the court system. We only need to strictly enforce the national laws so that those who come after him will be in awe. Just don’t dare to act rashly!”

"Speaking of latecomers, now that Zhao Li has gone, who does Fan Qing think will take over the Imperial Procuratorate?" Liu Chengyou asked.

Facing the emperor's inquiry, Fan Zhi remained silent, as if he did not dare to make any rash suggestions. After all, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was a relatively independent yamen among the ministries and departments, and its powers and status were no less important than those of the Third Department of Finance.

At the same time, Fan Zhi had served Liu Chengyou for ten years, and Fan Zhi was not incapable of trying to figure out the Holy Will. Fan Zhi had already felt that although the Zhao Li case made the emperor particularly angry, it did not make him lose confidence in the imperial court's supervision system. On the contrary, it will continue to strengthen and improve its system so that it can continue to assume its function of supervising the military, government and people's livelihood at home and abroad.

As the chief official of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the position of Zuodu Yushi became even more sensitive and important. Now as the chief minister, Fan Zhi has been in charge of state affairs and has great power since the emperor delegated power. Such a situation Next, be more cautious.

After thinking for a while, Fan Zhi replied: "Li Weizhen (Li Gu) is famous for knowing people. Your Majesty, why don't you ask him?"

In response to his answer, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but smile and look at this prime minister who was known for his uprightness and uprightness. It was rare for him to see Fan Zhi being so cautious.

Without any delay, Liu Chengyou said directly: "What do you think of Cui Zhoudu, the minister of Dali Temple?"

Judging from the emperor's attitude, it was obvious that he already had his heart in mind, and this consultation was probably just a temporary thought. After thinking about it, Fan Zhi replied: "Cui Zhoudu is an upright man. He was born as a censor and admonisher. He is familiar with the law and behaves cautiously. According to the regulations, his ability is sufficient. However, his personality is strong..."

Listening to Fan Zhi's doubts about Cui Zhoudu's character, Liu Chengyou thought to himself, in terms of temperament, how can Fan Zhi be better than Cui Zhoudu? There are many anecdotes in the court, and some rumors are not just rumors, such as Fan Zhi When in government, when he disagrees with his colleagues or has opinions, he always fights with them, speaks fiercely, and spits, until others agree with his views or remain silent...

Many times, people can often see the shortcomings of others, but not their own. This is true even if you have the qualifications of a famous minister.

Of course, Liu Chengyou couldn't express this kind of complaint directly. Instead, he chuckled and replied to Fan Zhi: "Fan Qing thinks that Cui Zhoudu has the ability of the General Xiandu Procuratorate, that's enough. As for the character issue, There are many differences among people, but as long as official duties are not delayed, they can be tolerated!"

The emperor has said this, and Fan Zhi can no longer express his dissent.

"The Zhongshu is responsible for drafting the appointment. The Metropolitan Procuratorate is the place where the imperial court has important responsibilities and needs to be sorted out as soon as possible!" Liu Chengyou instructed.


"In addition, what I think about Zhao Li is that he is in sole control of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He has great power and no one to check and balance him. As a result, his awe has been greatly reduced and he cannot maintain his original intention and stick to his duties. If there is a left, it is convenient to keep the right. I intend to use the Zuo Du Yuan Under the history, a separate censor of Youdu was set up to cooperate with the supervision. What do you think?" Liu Chengyou asked again.

As soon as Liu Chengyou finished speaking, Fan Zhi immediately understood what the emperor meant. This was about decentralization and checks and balances. After thinking about it, he found that Zhao Li had been acting alone before, but there was something wrong with it. There was no reason to object, so he immediately He responded: "Your Majesty is very worried! I have no objection!"

"Okay! That's it!" Liu Chengyou showed a satisfied expression again.

This chapter has been completed!
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